//Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/25 words - 2 min 公平[公平] gong1 ping2 fair; impartial 拥有[擁有] yong1 you3 to have; to possess 相同[相同] xiang1 tong2 identical; same 俊杰[俊傑] jun4 jie2 elite; outstanding talent; genius 娇[嬌] jiao1 lovable; pampered; tender; delicate; frail 大四[大四] da4 si4 fourth-year university student 应届[應屆] ying1 jie4 this year's; the current year's 毕业生[畢業生] bi4 ye4 sheng1 graduate 力气[力氣] li4 qi5 strength; CL:把[ba3] 弟[弟] di4 younger brother; junior male; I (modest word in letter) 高考[高考] gao1 kao3 college entrance exam (especially as abbr. for 普通高等學校招生全國統一考試|普通高等学校招生全国统一考试[Pu3 tong1 Gao1 deng3 Xue2 xiao4 Zhao1 sheng1 Quan2 guo2 Tong3 yi1 Kao3 shi4]); (Tw) entrance exam for senior government service posts (abbr. for 公務人員高等考試|公务人员高等考试) 不务正业[不務正業] bu4 wu4 zheng4 ye4 not to engage in honest work; to ignore one's proper occupation; not to attend to one's proper duties 研究[研究] yan2 jiu1 research; a study; CL:項|项[xiang4]; to research; to look into 铜[銅] tong2 copper (chemistry); see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2]; CL:塊|块[kuai4] 烂[爛] lan4 soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly; crappy; bad 铁[鐵] tie3 iron (metal); arms; weapons; hard; strong; violent; unshakeable; determined; close; tight (slang) 复读[復讀] fu4 du2 to return to the same school and repeat a course from which one has already graduated, as a result of failing to get good enough results to progress to one's desired higher-level school 单词[單詞] dan1 ci2 word; CL:個|个[ge4] 爸[爸] ba4 father; dad; pa; papa 姐[姐] jie3 older sister 学习[學習] xue2 xi2 to learn; to study 欠揍[欠揍] qian4 zou4 to need a spanking 英雄[英雄] ying1 xiong2 hero; CL:個|个[ge4] 环卫工人[環衛工人] huan2 wei4 gong1 ren2 sanitation worker 马路[馬路] ma3 lu4 street; road; CL:條|条[tiao2] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/50 words - 3 min 打扫[打掃] da3 sao3 to clean; to sweep 净[淨] jing4 clean; completely; only; net (income, exports etc); (Chinese opera) painted face male role 厨房[廚房] chu2 fang2 kitchen; CL:間|间[jian1] 闪开[閃開] shan3 kai1 to get out of the way 乌烟瘴气[烏煙瘴氣] wu1 yan1 zhang4 qi4 billowing smoke (idiom); foul atmosphere; (fig.) murky atmosphere; in a turmoil 水果[水果] shui3 guo3 fruit; CL:個|个[ge4] 看书[看書] kan4 shu1 to read; to study 挑衅[挑釁] tiao3 xin4 to provoke; provocation 播报[播報] bo1 bao4 to announce; to read (the news) 室外[室外] shi4 wai4 outdoor 温度[溫度] wen1 du4 temperature; CL:個|个[ge4] 摄氏度[攝氏度] She4 shi4 du4 °C (degrees Celsius) 室内[室內] shi4 nei4 indoor 湿度[濕度] shi1 du4 humidity level 风力[風力] feng1 li4 wind force; wind power 三级[三級] san1 ji2 grade 3; third class; category C 空气[空氣] kong1 qi4 air; atmosphere 污染物[污染物] wu1 ran3 wu4 pollutant 指数[指數] zhi3 shu4 (numerical, statistical) index; (math.) exponent; index; exponential (function, growth) 质量[質量] zhi4 liang4 quality; (physics) mass; CL:個|个[ge4] 细[細] xi4 thin or slender; finely particulate; thin and soft; fine; delicate; trifling; (of a sound) quiet; frugal 颗粒物[顆粒物] ke1 li4 wu4 particulate matter (PM) 浓度[濃度] nong2 du4 concentration (percentage of dissolved material in a solution); consistency; thickness; density; viscosity 微克[微克] wei1 ke4 microgram (μg) 立方米[立方米] li4 fang1 mi3 cubic meter (unit of volume) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/75 words - 4 min 优[優] you1 excellent; superior 提示[提示] ti2 shi4 to point out; to remind (sb of sth); to suggest; suggestion; tip; reminder; notice 窗[窗] chuang1 shutter; window; CL:扇[shan4] 通风[通風] tong1 feng1 airy; ventilation; to ventilate; to disclose information 最高[最高] zui4 gao1 tallest; highest; supreme (court etc) 系列[系列] xi4 lie4 series; set 音乐[音樂] yin1 yue4 music; CL:張|张[zhang1],曲[qu3],段[duan4] 主人[主人] zhu3 ren2 master; host; owner; CL:個|个[ge4] 顾[顧] gu4 to look after; to take into consideration; to attend to 齐[齊] qi2 neat; even; level with; identical; simultaneous; all together; to even sth out 眼中[眼中] yan3 zhong1 in one's eyes 严格[嚴格] yan2 ge2 strict; stringent; tight; rigorous 通常[通常] tong1 chang2 regular; usual; normal; usually; normally 意义[意義] yi4 yi4 sense; meaning; significance; importance; CL:個|个[ge4] 洁癖[潔癖] jie2 pi3 mysophobia; obsession with cleanliness; extreme fastidiousness 整洁[整潔] zheng3 jie2 neatly; tidy 环境[環境] huan2 jing4 environment; circumstances; surroundings; CL:個|个[ge4]; ambient 提高[提高] ti2 gao1 to raise; to increase; to improve 远远[遠遠] yuan3 yuan3 distant; by far 创办[創辦] chuang4 ban4 to establish; to found; to launch 科林[科林] Ke1 lin2 Colin (name) 至[至] zhi4 to arrive; most; to; until 尚[尚] shang4 still; yet; to value; to esteem 自动化[自動化] zi4 dong4 hua4 automation 清洁[清潔] qing1 jie2 clean; to clean //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/100 words - 5 min 公司[公司] gong1 si1 (business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated; CL:家[jia1] 先进[先進] xian1 jin4 advanced (technology); to advance 科学技术[科學技術] ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 science and technology 存在[存在] cun2 zai4 to exist; to be; existence 丝[絲] si1 silk; thread; trace; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips; CL:條|条[tiao2]; classifier: a thread (of cloud, smoke etc), a bit, an iota, a hint (of sth) etc 灰尘[灰塵] hui1 chen2 dust 年前[年前] nian2 qian2 before the end of the year; before the new year 车祸[車禍] che1 huo4 traffic accident; car crash; CL:場|场[chang2] 去世[去世] qu4 shi4 to pass away; to die 余[餘] yu2 extra; surplus; remaining; remainder after division; (following numerical value) or more; in excess of (some number); residue (math.); after; I; me 承担[承擔] cheng2 dan1 to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc) 职能[職能] zhi2 neng2 function; role 弟弟[弟弟] di4 di5 younger brother; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 每周[每週] mei3 zhou1 every week 各种[各種] ge4 zhong3 every kind of; all kinds of; various kinds 面试[面試] mian4 shi4 to be interviewed (as a candidate); interview 工[工] gong1 work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor 独立[獨立] du2 li4 independent; independence; to stand alone 负担[負擔] fu4 dan1 burden; to bear a burden 养家[養家] yang3 jia1 to support a family; to raise a family 总裁[總裁] zong3 cai2 chairman; director-general (of a company etc) 扫描[掃描] sao3 miao2 to scan 无菌[無菌] wu2 jun1 sterile; aseptic 一尘不染[一塵不染] yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3 untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible; spotless 早饭[早飯] zao3 fan4 breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/125 words - 6 min 创新[創新] chuang4 xin1 innovation; to bring forth new ideas; to blaze new trails 鸡蛋[雞蛋] ji1 dan4 (chicken) egg; hen's egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2] 壳[殼] qiao4 shell; carapace; crust (earth's crust etc); also pr. [ke2] 补[補] bu3 to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement 钙[鈣] gai4 calcium (chemistry) 留给[留給] liu2 gei3 to set aside for 补充[補充] bu3 chong1 to replenish; to supplement; to complement; additional; supplementary; CL:個|个[ge4] 营养[營養] ying2 yang3 nutrition; nourishment; CL:種|种[zhong3] 早上好[早上好] zao3 shang5 hao3 Good morning! 阿姨[阿姨] a1 yi2 maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child); CL:個|个[ge4] 棋[棋] qi2 chess; chess-like game; a game of chess; CL:盤|盘[pan2]; chess piece; CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1] 篓子[簍子] lou3 zi5 basket 帽子[帽子] mao4 zi5 hat; cap; (fig.) label; bad name; CL:頂|顶[ding3] 叔叔[叔叔] shu1 shu5 father's younger brother; uncle; Taiwan pr. [shu2 shu5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 慢走[慢走] man4 zou3 Stay a bit!; Wait a minute!; (to a departing guest) Take care! 大多数[大多數] da4 duo1 shu4 (great) majority 维持[維持] wei2 chi2 to keep; to maintain; to preserve 表面[表面] biao3 mian4 surface; face; outside; appearance 形象[形象] xing2 xiang4 image; form; figure; CL:個|个[ge4]; visualization; vivid 金钱[金錢] jin1 qian2 money; currency 目标[目標] mu4 biao1 target; goal; objective; CL:個|个[ge4] 努力[努力] nu3 li4 great effort; to strive; to try hard 赚钱[賺錢] zhuan4 qian2 to earn money; moneymaking 贤[賢] xian2 worthy or virtuous person; honorific used for a person of the same or a younger generation 汽车[汽車] qi4 che1 car; automobile; bus; CL:輛|辆[liang4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/150 words - 8 min 保洁[保潔] bao3 jie2 sanitation 到位[到位] dao4 wei4 to get to the intended location; to be in place; to be in position; precise; well (done) 一家[一家] yi1 jia1 the whole family; the same family; the family ... (when preceded by a family name); group 总有[總有] zong3 you3 inevitably there will be 赛跑[賽跑] sai4 pao3 race (running); to race (running) 最终[最終] zui4 zhong1 final; ultimate 败[敗] bai4 to defeat; to damage; to lose (to an opponent); to fail; to wither 熊孩子[熊孩子] xiong2 hai2 zi5 (dialect) little devil; brat 开启[開啟] kai1 qi3 to open; to start; (computing) to enable 美好[美好] mei3 hao3 beautiful; fine 遇[遇] yu4 to meet; to encounter; to treat; to receive; opportunity; chance 顽固[頑固] wan2 gu4 stubborn; obstinate 细菌[細菌] xi4 jun1 bacterium; germ 全面[全面] quan2 mian4 all-around; comprehensive; total; overall 消毒[消毒] xiao1 du2 to disinfect; to sterilize 绝大多数[絕大多數] jue2 da4 duo1 shu4 absolute majority; overwhelming majority 女生[女生] nu:3 sheng1 schoolgirl; female student; girl 忌妒[忌妒] ji4 du5 to be jealous of; to envy; jealousy; envy 对象[對象] dui4 xiang4 target; object; partner; boyfriend; girlfriend; CL:個|个[ge4] 男生[男生] nan2 sheng1 schoolboy; male student; boy; guy (young adult male) 羡慕[羨慕] xian4 mu4 to envy; to admire 项[項] xiang4 back of neck; item; thing; term (in a mathematical formula); sum (of money); classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc 科研[科研] ke1 yan2 (scientific) research 发明[發明] fa1 ming2 to invent; an invention; CL:個|个[ge4] 创[創] chuang4 to begin; to initiate; to inaugurate; to start; to create //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/175 words - 9 min 市场[市場] shi4 chang3 marketplace; market (also in abstract) 估值[估值] gu1 zhi2 valuation; estimation 亿[億] yi4 100 million 立志[立志] li4 zhi4 to be determined; to be resolved 清扫[清掃] qing1 sao3 to tidy up; to mop up; a sweep (against crime) 定义[定義] ding4 yi4 definition; to define 主人公[主人公] zhu3 ren2 gong1 hero (of a novel or film); main protagonist 资料[資料] zi1 liao4 material; resources; data; information; profile (Internet); CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4] 显示[顯示] xian3 shi4 to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate 机器人[機器人] ji1 qi4 ren2 mechanical person; robot; android 具体[具體] ju4 ti3 concrete; definite; specific 数量[數量] shu4 liang4 amount; quantity; CL:個|个[ge4]; quantitative 本身[本身] ben3 shen1 itself; in itself; per se 模式[模式] mo2 shi4 mode; method; pattern 针对[針對] zhen1 dui4 to target; to focus on; to be aimed at or against; in response to 材质[材質] cai2 zhi4 texture of timber; quality of material; material (that sth is made of) 地板[地板] di4 ban3 floor 对应[對應] dui4 ying4 to correspond; a correspondence; corresponding; homologous; matching with sth; counterpart 方案[方案] fang1 an4 plan; program (for action etc); proposal; proposed bill; CL:個|个[ge4],套[tao4] 漫[漫] man4 free; unrestrained; to inundate 咖啡[咖啡] ka1 fei1 coffee (loanword); CL:杯[bei1] 致力[致力] zhi4 li4 to work for; to devote one's efforts to 设计[設計] she4 ji4 plan; design; to design; to plan; CL:個|个[ge4] 研发[研發] yan2 fa1 research and development; to develop 科技[科技] ke1 ji4 science and technology //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/200 words - 9 min 服务[服務] fu2 wu4 to serve; service; CL:項|项[xiang4] 人们[人們] ren2 men5 people 光临[光臨] guang1 lin2 (formal) to honor with one's presence; to attend 长久[長久] chang2 jiu3 (for a) long time 以来[以來] yi3 lai2 since (a previous event) 社会[社會] she4 hui4 society; CL:個|个[ge4] 依赖[依賴] yi1 lai4 to depend on; to be dependent on 人工[人工] ren2 gong1 artificial; manpower; manual work 局限性[局限性] ju2 xian4 xing4 limitations; (medicine) localized 懒惰[懶惰] lan3 duo4 idle; lazy 不足[不足] bu4 zu2 insufficient; lacking; deficiency; not enough; inadequate; not worth; cannot; should not 从而[從而] cong2 er2 thus; thereby 导致[導致] dao3 zhi4 to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about 度[度] du4 to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit; extent; degree of intensity; degree (angles, temperature etc); kilowatt-hour; classifier for events and occurrences 低[低] di1 low; beneath; to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; to incline 机器[機器] ji1 qi4 machine; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4],個|个[ge4] 给予[給予] ji3 yu3 to accord; to give; to show (respect) 命令[命令] ming4 ling4 order; command; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4] 保[保] bao3 to defend; to protect; to keep; to guarantee; to ensure; civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old) 质[質] zhi4 character; nature; quality; plain; to pawn; pledge; hostage; to question; Taiwan pr. [zhi2] 量[量] liang2 to measure 量[量] liang4 capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate; abbr. for 量詞|量词[liang4 ci2], classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word 任务[任務] ren4 wu5 mission; assignment; task; duty; role; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 实行[實行] shi2 xing2 to implement; to carry out; to put into practice 智能[智能] zhi4 neng2 intelligent; able; smart (phone, system, bomb etc) 化[化] hua4 to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform; abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/225 words - 10 min 毕业[畢業] bi4 ye4 graduation; to graduate; to finish school 季[季] ji4 season; the last month of a season; fourth or youngest amongst brothers; classifier for seasonal crop yields 当下[當下] dang1 xia4 immediately; at once; at that moment; at the moment 求职[求職] qiu2 zhi2 to seek employment 期[期] qi1 a period of time; phase; stage; classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study; time; term; period; to hope; Taiwan pr. [qi2] 优胜劣汰[優勝劣汰] you1 sheng4 lie4 tai4 survival of the fittest (idiom) 必然[必然] bi4 ran2 inevitable; certain; necessity 趋势[趨勢] qu1 shi4 trend; tendency 理解[理解] li3 jie3 to comprehend; to understand; comprehension; understanding 寻找[尋找] xun2 zhao3 to seek; to look for 面临[面臨] mian4 lin2 to face sth; to be confronted with 困难[困難] kun4 nan5 difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation 愤慨[憤慨] fen4 kai3 to resent; resentment 企业[企業] qi3 ye4 company; firm; enterprise; corporation; CL:家[jia1] 生存[生存] sheng1 cun2 to exist; to survive 发展[發展] fa1 zhan3 development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand 核心[核心] he2 xin1 core; nucleus 竞争力[競爭力] jing4 zheng1 li4 competitive strength; competitiveness 合理化[合理化] he2 li3 hua4 to rationalize; to make compatible; to streamline; rationalization 效率[效率] xiao4 lu:4 efficiency 成长[成長] cheng2 zhang3 to mature; to grow; growth 速度[速度] su4 du4 speed; rate; velocity; (music) tempo; CL:個|个[ge4] 前景[前景] qian2 jing3 foreground; vista; (future) prospects; perspective 上周[上周] shang4 zhou1 last week 通过[通過] tong1 guo4 by means of; through; via; to pass through; to get through; to adopt; to pass (a bill or inspection etc); to switch over //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/250 words - 12 min 演讲[演講] yan3 jiang3 lecture; to make a speech 精彩[精彩] jing1 cai3 wonderful; marvelous; brilliant 上镜[上鏡] shang4 jing4 photogenic; to appear on film or in the media 一系列[一系列] yi1 xi4 lie4 a series of; a string of 专题[專題] zhuan1 ti2 specific topic (addressed by a book, lecture, TV program etc); article, report or program etc on a specific topic 采访[採訪] cai3 fang3 to interview; to gather news; to hunt for and collect; to cover 配合[配合] pei4 he2 matching; fitting in with; compatible with; to correspond; to fit; to conform to; rapport; to coordinate with; to act in concert with; to cooperate; to become man and wife; to combine parts of machine 要紧[要緊] yao4 jin3 important; urgent 整理[整理] zheng3 li3 to arrange; to tidy up; to sort out; to straighten out; to list systematically; to collate (data, files); to pack (luggage) 微信[微信] Wei1 xin4 Weixin or WeChat (mobile text and voice messaging service developed by Tencent 騰訊|腾讯[Teng2 xun4]) 沟通[溝通] gou1 tong1 to join; to connect; to link up; to communicate 从不[從不] cong2 bu4 never 联络[聯絡] lian2 luo4 to get in touch with; to contact; to stay in contact (with); liaison; (math.) connection 电视[電視] dian4 shi4 television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4] 节目[節目] jie2 mu4 program; item (on a program); CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4] 推荐[推薦] tui1 jian4 to recommend; recommendation 来着[來著] lai2 zhe5 auxiliary showing sth happened in the past 本人[本人] ben3 ren2 the person himself; I (humble form used in speeches); oneself; myself; in person; personal 今年[今年] jin1 nian2 this year 大学[大學] da4 xue2 university; college; CL:所[suo3] 交换[交換] jiao1 huan4 to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom); commutative (math); to commute 准则[準則] zhun3 ze2 norm; standard; criterion 吃苦耐劳[吃苦耐勞] chi1 ku3 nai4 lao2 hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom) 座右铭[座右銘] zuo4 you4 ming2 motto; maxim 加入[加入] jia1 ru4 to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/275 words - 13 min 价值[價值] jia4 zhi2 value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 观念[觀念] guan1 nian4 notion; thought; concept; sense; views; ideology; general impressions 契合[契合] qi4 he2 agreement; to agree; to get on with; congenial; agreeing with; to ally oneself with sb 员工[員工] yuan2 gong1 staff; personnel; employee 牌[牌] pai2 mahjong tile; playing card; game pieces; signboard; plate; tablet; medal; CL:片[pian4],個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4] 佩戴[佩戴] pei4 dai4 to wear (as accessories) 整齐[整齊] zheng3 qi2 orderly; neat; even; tidy 围裙[圍裙] wei2 qun2 apron 污渍[污漬] wu1 zi4 stain 耳[耳] er3 ear; handle (archaeology); and that is all (Classical Chinese) 碎[碎] sui4 to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary 发[髮] fa4 hair; Taiwan pr. [fa3] 上班时间[上班時間] shang4 ban1 shi2 jian1 time of going to work; the morning rush hour 陌生人[陌生人] mo4 sheng1 ren2 stranger 搭讪[搭訕] da1 shan4 to hit on someone; to strike up a conversation; to start talking to end an awkward silence or embarrassing situation 这儿[這兒] zhe4 r5 here 熟练[熟練] shu2 lian4 practiced; proficient; skilled; skillful 见异思迁[見異思遷] jian4 yi4 si1 qian1 to change at once on seeing sth different (idiom); loving fads and novelty; never satisfied with what one has 定[定] ding4 to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order 力[力] li4 power; force; strength; ability; strenuously 浮[浮] fu2 to float; superficial; floating; unstable; movable; provisional; temporary; transient; impetuous; hollow; inflated; to exceed; superfluous; excessive; surplus 躁[躁] zao4 hot-tempered; impatient 录用[錄用] lu4 yong4 to hire (an employee); to accept (a manuscript) for publication 毛[毛] mao2 hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1]) 冲出[衝出] chong1 chu1 to rush out //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/300 words - 14 min 服务生[服務生] fu2 wu4 sheng1 server (at a restaurant) 打喷嚏[打噴嚏] da3 pen1 ti4 to sneeze 喷嚏[噴嚏] pen1 ti4 sneeze 梅花[梅花] mei2 hua1 plum blossom; clubs ♣ (a suit in card games); wintersweet (dialect) 密码[密碼] mi4 ma3 secret code; ciphertext; password; PIN 改成[改成] gai3 cheng2 to convert; to turn into (sth else); to adapt (a story to another medium) 钥匙[鑰匙] yao4 shi5 key; CL:把[ba3] 相亲[相親] xiang1 qin1 blind date; arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage partner (Taiwan pr. [xiang4 qin1]); to be deeply attached to each other 告[告] gao4 to say; to tell; to announce; to report; to denounce; to file a lawsuit; to sue 下不了台[下不了臺] xia4 bu5 liao3 tai2 to be unable to extricate oneself gracefully; to be put on the spot; to be embarrassed 倩[倩] qian4 pretty; winsome; to ask for sb's help; son-in-law (old) 公众[公眾] gong1 zhong4 public 人物[人物] ren2 wu4 person; character (in a play, novel etc); protagonist; CL:個|个[ge4] 哦[哦] o5 sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy; may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of 动物[動物] dong4 wu4 animal; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4] 充满[充滿] chong1 man3 full of; brimming with; very full; permeated 爱心[愛心] ai4 xin1 compassion; kindness; care for others; love; CL:片[pian4]; charity (bazaar, golf day etc); heart (the symbol ♥) 跟头[跟頭] gen1 tou5 tumble; somersault 区别[區別] qu1 bie2 difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction; CL:個|个[ge4] 要不[要不] yao4 bu4 otherwise; or else; how about...?; either... (or...) 剃[剃] ti4 to shave 光头[光頭] guang1 tou2 shaven head; bald head; to go bareheaded; hatless 电话[電話] dian4 hua4 telephone; CL:部[bu4]; phone call; CL:通[tong1]; phone number 赔礼[賠禮] pei2 li3 to offer an apology; to make amends 一面[一面] yi1 mian4 one side; one aspect; simultaneously... (and...); one's whole face //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/325 words - 17 min 抽[抽] chou1 to draw out; to pull out from in between; to remove part of the whole; (of certain plants) to sprout or bud; to whip or thrash 终身大事[終身大事] zhong1 shen1 da4 shi4 major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage) 飘[飄] piao1 to float 一味[一味] yi1 wei4 blindly; invariably 惯[慣] guan4 accustomed to; used to; indulge; to spoil (a child) 手段[手段] shou3 duan4 method; means (of doing sth); strategy; trick; CL:個|个[ge4] 强硬[強硬] qiang2 ying4 tough; unyielding; hard-line 扫地[掃地] sao3 di4 to sweep the floor; to reach rock bottom; to be at an all-time low 载[載] zai4 to carry; to convey; to load; to hold; to fill up; and; also; as well as; simultaneously 大哥[大哥] da4 ge1 eldest brother; big brother (polite address for a man of about the same age as oneself); gang leader; boss 投诉[投訴] tou2 su4 complaint; to complain; to register a complaint (esp. as a customer) 临时工[臨時工] lin2 shi2 gong1 day laborer; temporary work 赚[賺] zhuan4 to earn; to make a profit 大半[大半] da4 ban4 more than half; greater part; most; probably; most likely 工钱[工錢] gong1 qian2 salary; wages 沉[沉] chen2 to submerge; to immerse; to sink; to keep down; to lower; to drop; deep; profound; heavy 高级[高級] gao1 ji2 high level; high grade; advanced; high-ranking 扔[扔] reng1 to throw; to throw away 楼[樓] lou2 house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor; CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4] 打电话[打電話] da3 dian4 hua4 to make a telephone call 实习生[實習生] shi2 xi2 sheng5 intern (student) 外卖[外賣] wai4 mai4 to go; take out (relates to food bought at a restaurant) 完了[完了] wan2 le5 to be finished; to be done for; ruined; gone to the dogs; oh no 扶[扶] fu2 to support with the hand; to help sb up; to support oneself by holding onto something; to help 稍等[稍等] shao1 deng3 to wait a moment //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/350 words - 19 min 医药[醫藥] yi1 yao4 medical care and medicines; medicine (drug); medical; pharmaceutical 医院[醫院] yi1 yuan4 hospital; CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4] 医生[醫生] yi1 sheng1 doctor; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 消[消] xiao1 to disappear; to vanish; to eliminate; to spend (time); have to; need 毒[毒] du2 poison; to poison; poisonous; malicious; cruel; fierce; narcotics 毛病[毛病] mao2 bing4 fault; defect; shortcomings; ailment; CL:個|个[ge4] 倒霉[倒霉] dao3 mei2 to have bad luck; to be out of luck 奇[奇] qi2 strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually 配送[配送] pei4 song4 distribution; delivery 员[員] yuan2 person; employee; member 过程[過程] guo4 cheng2 course of events; process; CL:個|个[ge4] 打翻[打翻] da3 fan1 to overturn; to overthrow; to strike down (an enemy) 店家[店家] dian4 jia1 proprietor of a shop or restaurant; landlord; shop 制作[製作] zhi4 zuo4 to make; to manufacture 并且[並且] bing4 qie3 and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition 耽误[耽誤] dan1 wu5 to delay; to hold up; to waste time; to interfere with 用餐[用餐] yong4 can1 to eat a meal 美女[美女] mei3 nu:3 beautiful woman 上车[上車] shang4 che1 to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc) 便宜[便宜] pian2 yi5 cheap; inexpensive; small advantages; to let sb off lightly 顺路[順路] shun4 lu4 by the way; while out doing sth else; conveniently 打车[打車] da3 che1 to take a taxi (in town); to hitch a lift 单子[單子] dan1 zi5 list of items; bill; form; bedsheet 价[價] jia4 price; value; (chemistry) valence 值[值] zhi2 value; (to be) worth; to happen to; to be on duty //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/375 words - 23 min 越[越] yue4 to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more... the more 行情[行情] hang2 qing2 market price; quotation of market price; the current market situation 硬件[硬件] ying4 jian4 hardware 人民[人民] ren2 min2 the people; CL:個|个[ge4] 摩[摩] mo2 to rub 加价[加價] jia1 jia4 to increase price 空间[空間] kong1 jian1 space; room; (fig.) scope; leeway; (astronomy) outer space; (physics, math.) space 亏[虧] kui1 deficiency; deficit; luckily; it's lucky that...; (often ironically) fancy that... 报警[報警] bao4 jing3 to sound an alarm; to report sth to the police 变态[變態] bian4 tai4 to metamorphose (biology); abnormal; perverted; hentai; (slang) pervert 态[態] tai4 (bound form); appearance; shape; form; state; attitude; (grammar) voice 站住[站住] zhan4 zhu4 to stand 叔[叔] shu1 uncle; father's younger brother; husband's younger brother; Taiwan pr. [shu2] 陆[陸] lu4 shore; land; continent 海归[海歸] hai3 gui1 sb who has come back to China after gaining overseas experience (a pun on 海龜|海龟[hai3 gui1]); to return to China after a period of study or work overseas 精英[精英] jing1 ying1 cream; elite; essence; quintessence 青年[青年] qing1 nian2 youth; youthful years; young person; the young 俊[俊] jun4 smart; eminent; handsome; talented 今儿[今兒] jin1 r5 (coll.) today 邻居[鄰居] lin2 ju1 neighbor; next door; CL:個|个[ge4] 这不[這不] zhe4 bu5 (coll.) As a matter of fact, ... (used to introduce evidence for what one has just asserted) 搬家[搬家] ban1 jia1 to move house; removal 招呼[招呼] zhao1 hu5 to call out to; to greet; to say hello to; to inform; to take care of; to take care that one does not 投缘[投緣] tou2 yuan2 to be kindred spirits; to hit it off 打成一片[打成一片] da3 cheng2 yi1 pian4 to merge; to integrate; to become as one; to unify together //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/400 words - 24 min 遇见[遇見] yu4 jian4 to meet 缘分[緣分] yuan2 fen4 fate or chance that brings people together; predestined affinity or relationship; (Budd.) destiny 车费[車費] che1 fei4 passenger fare 额头[額頭] e2 tou2 forehead 献殷勤[獻殷勤] xian4 yin1 qin2 to be particularly attentive to (an attractive young lady or man etc); to fawn upon (an influential politician etc); to court sb's favor; to ingratiate oneself 学人[學人] xue2 ren2 scholar; learned person 细心[細心] xi4 xin1 careful; attentive 揉[揉] rou2 to knead; to massage; to rub 上午[上午] shang4 wu3 morning; CL:個|个[ge4] 保健[保健] bao3 jian4 health protection; health care; to maintain in good health 品[品] pin3 article; commodity; product; goods; kind; grade; rank; character; disposition; nature; temperament; variety; to taste sth; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up; fret (on a guitar or lute) 玉石[玉石] yu4 shi2 precious stones; jade and stone 床垫[床墊] chuang2 dian4 mattress; CL:張|张[zhang1] 骗子[騙子] pian4 zi5 swindler; a cheat 干吗[幹嗎] gan4 ma2 see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2] 专门[專門] zhuan1 men2 specialist; specialized; customized 排忧解难[排憂解難] pai2 you1 jie3 nan4 to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom) 懂事[懂事] dong3 shi4 sensible; thoughtful; intelligent 寻[尋] xun2 to search; to look for; to seek 物[物] wu4 thing; object; matter; abbr. for physics 物理 启事[啟事] qi3 shi4 announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website); to post information; a notice 张贴[張貼] zhang1 tie1 to post (a notice); to advertise 重金[重金] zhong4 jin1 huge money; extremely rich; very expensive 悬赏[懸賞] xuan2 shang3 to offer a reward; bounty 酬金[酬金] chou2 jin1 monetary reward; remuneration //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/425 words - 27 min 测试[測試] ce4 shi4 to test (machinery etc); to test (students); test; quiz; exam; beta (software) 产品[產品] chan3 pin3 goods; merchandise; product; CL:個|个[ge4] 发布会[發布會] fa1 bu4 hui4 news conference; briefing 发布[發布] fa1 bu4 to release; to issue; to announce; to distribute 技术[技術] ji4 shu4 technology; technique; skill; CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4] 外流[外流] wai4 liu2 outflow; to flow out; to drain 满分[滿分] man3 fen1 full marks 不争气[不爭氣] bu4 zheng1 qi4 to be disappointing; to fail to live up to expectations 脏[髒] zang1 dirty; filthy 机[機] ji1 machine; engine; opportunity; intention; aircraft; pivot; crucial point; flexible (quick-witted); organic; CL:臺|台[tai2] 手里[手裡] shou3 li3 in hand; (a situation is) in sb's hands 中央[中央] zhong1 yang1 central; middle; center; central authorities (of a state) 广场[廣場] guang3 chang3 public square; plaza 酒吧[酒吧] jiu3 ba1 bar; pub; saloon; CL:家[jia1] 刘[劉] Liu2 surname Liu 文件[文件] wen2 jian4 document; file; CL:份[fen4] 差点[差點] cha4 dian3 almost; nearly 全勤[全勤] quan2 qin2 full-time attendance at work 奖[獎] jiang3 prize; award; encouragement; CL:個|个[ge4] 难得[難得] nan2 de2 seldom; rare; hard to come by 收拾[收拾] shou1 shi5 to put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb 酒精[酒精] jiu3 jing1 alcohol; ethanol CH3CH2OH; ethyl alcohol; also written 乙醇; grain alcohol 删[刪] shan1 to delete 桌子[桌子] zhuo1 zi5 table; desk; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4] 下面[下面] xia4 mian4 below; under; next; the following; also pr. [xia4 mian5] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/450 words - 30 min 擦[擦] ca1 to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish 转告[轉告] zhuan3 gao4 to pass on; to communicate; to transmit 裁撤[裁撤] cai2 che4 to dissolve an organisation 人员[人員] ren2 yuan2 staff; crew; personnel; CL:個|个[ge4] 周[週] zhou1 week; weekly; variant of 周[zhou1] 统一[統一] tong3 yi1 to unify; to unite; to integrate 办好[辦好] ban4 hao3 to manage well 离职[離職] li2 zhi2 to retire; to leave office; to quit a job 尖[尖] jian1 point (of needle); sharp; shrewd; pointed 咱[咱] zan2 I or me; we (including both the speaker and the person spoken to) 毯子[毯子] tan3 zi5 blanket; CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zhang1],床[chuang2],面[mian4] 轮到[輪到] lun2 dao4 to be (sb's or sth's) turn 班[班] ban1 team; class; squad; work shift; ranking; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for groups 废话[廢話] fei4 hua4 nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words; You don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastic) 规矩[規矩] gui1 ju5 lit. compass and set square; fig. established standard; rule; customs; practices; fig. upright and honest; well-behaved 石头[石頭] shi2 tou5 stone; CL:塊|块[kuai4] 剪刀[剪刀] jian3 dao1 scissors; CL:把[ba3] 布[布] bu4 cloth; to declare; to announce; to spread; to make known 兔崽子[兔崽子] tu4 zai3 zi5 brat; bastard 复习[複習] fu4 xi2 variant of 復習|复习[fu4 xi2] 一手[一手] yi1 shou3 a skill; mastery of a trade; by oneself; without outside help 交钱[交錢] jiao1 qian2 to pay up; to shell out; to hand over the money to cover sth 交货[交貨] jiao1 huo4 to deliver goods 车牌[車牌] che1 pai2 license plate 江[江] jiang1 river; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/475 words - 32 min 没错[沒錯] mei2 cuo4 that's right; sure!; rest assured!; that's good; can't go wrong 接着[接著] jie1 zhe5 to catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn 垃圾桶[垃圾桶] la1 ji1 tong3 rubbish bin; trash can; garbage can; Taiwan pr. [le4 se4 tong3] 唰[唰] shua1 (onom.) swishing; rustling 投[投] tou2 to cast; to send; to throw oneself (into the river etc); to seek refuge; to place oneself into the hands of 赌[賭] du3 to bet; to gamble 糟[糟] zao1 dregs; draff; pickled in wine; rotten; messy; ruined 篮球场[籃球場] lan2 qiu2 chang3 basketball court 篮球[籃球] lan2 qiu2 basketball; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 框[框] kuang4 frame (e.g. door frame); casing; fig. framework; template; to circle (i.e. draw a circle around sth); to frame; to restrict; Taiwan pr. [kuang1] 老师[老師] lao3 shi1 teacher; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 瓶子[瓶子] ping2 zi5 bottle; CL:個|个[ge4] 砸[砸] za2 to smash; to pound; to fail; to muck up; to bungle 马克[馬克] Ma3 ke4 Mark (name) 学长[學長] xue2 zhang3 senior or older male schoolmate 狼狈[狼狽] lang2 bei4 in a difficult situation; to cut a sorry figure; scoundrel! (derog.) 歉[歉] qian4 to apologize; to regret; deficient 哪儿[哪兒] na3 r5 where?; wherever; anywhere 劲[勁] jin4 strength; energy; enthusiasm; spirit; mood; expression; interest; CL:把[ba3]; Taiwan pr. [jing4] 朋[朋] peng2 friend 垃圾车[垃圾車] la1 ji1 che1 garbage truck (or other vehicle) 惨[慘] can3 miserable; wretched; cruel; inhuman; disastrous; tragic; dim; gloomy 老鼠[老鼠] lao3 shu3 rat; mouse; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 碰瓷[碰瓷] peng4 ci2 (coll.) to scam sb by setting up an "accident" in which one appears to have sustained damage or injury caused by the scam victim, then demanding compensation (variations include putting "expensive" porcelain in a place where it is likely to be knocked over by passers-by, and stepping into the path of a slow-moving car) 不大[不大] bu4 da4 not very; not too; not often //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/500 words - 36 min 顶[頂] ding3 apex; crown of the head; top; roof; most; to carry on the head; to push to the top; to go against; to replace; to substitute; to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc); (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc 丢人[丟人] diu1 ren2 to lose face 拍[拍] pai1 to pat; to clap; to slap; to swat; to take (a photo); to shoot (a film); racket (sports); beat (music) 躲躲闪闪[躲躲閃閃] duo3 duo3 shan3 shan3 to evade; to dodge (out of the way) 交警[交警] jiao1 jing3 traffic police; abbr. for 交通警察 小姑[小姑] xiao3 gu1 husband's younger sister; sister-in-law 娘[娘] niang2 mother; young lady; (coll.) effeminate 挡[擋] dang3 to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep off; to block (a blow); to get in the way of; cover; gear (e.g. in a car's transmission) 看不见[看不見] kan4 bu5 jian4 unseen; to be invisible 怪不得[怪不得] guai4 bu5 de5 no wonder!; so that's why! 头套[頭套] tou2 tao4 actor's headgear; wig; head covering 咋[咋] za3 dialectal equivalent of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5] 摔[摔] shuai1 to throw down; to fall; to drop and break 不至于[不至於] bu4 zhi4 yu2 unlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as 这下[這下] zhe4 xia4 this time 满意[滿意] man3 yi4 satisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction 车子[車子] che1 zi5 car or other vehicle (bicycle, truck etc) 赔偿[賠償] pei2 chang2 to compensate 衣食无忧[衣食無憂] yi1 shi2 wu2 you1 not having to worry about clothes and food (idiom); to be provided with the basic necessities 穿着[穿著] chuan1 zhuo2 attire; clothes; dress 女孩[女孩] nu:3 hai2 girl; lass 不堪[不堪] bu4 kan1 cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly; extremely 糟糕[糟糕] zao1 gao1 too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad 欺人太甚[欺人太甚] qi1 ren2 tai4 shen4 to bully intolerably (idiom) 煮[煮] zhu3 to cook; to boil //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/525 words - 39 min 泡面[泡麵] pao4 mian4 instant noodles 取消[取消] qu3 xiao1 to cancel; cancellation 到达[到達] dao4 da2 to reach; to arrive 约定[約定] yue1 ding4 to agree on sth (after discussion); to conclude a bargain; to arrange; to promise; to stipulate; to make an appointment; stipulated (time, amount, quality etc); an arrangement; a deal; appointment; undertaking; commitment; understanding; engagement; stipulation 地点[地點] di4 dian3 place; site; location; venue; CL:個|个[ge4] 赏[賞] shang3 to bestow (a reward); to give (to an inferior); to hand down; a reward (bestowed by a superior); to appreciate (beauty) 有钱[有錢] you3 qian2 well-off; wealthy 了不起[了不起] liao3 bu5 qi3 amazing; terrific; extraordinary 物业[物業] wu4 ye4 property; real estate; abbr. for 物業管理|物业管理[wu4 ye4 guan3 li3], property management 提供[提供] ti2 gong1 to offer; to supply; to provide; to furnish 丢失[丟失] diu1 shi1 to lose; lost 小区[小區] xiao3 qu1 neighborhood; district 监控[監控] jian1 kong4 to monitor 截图[截圖] jie2 tu2 screenshot (computing) 多次[多次] duo1 ci4 many times; repeatedly 接近[接近] jie1 jin4 to approach; to get close to 姐姐[姐姐] jie3 jie5 older sister; CL:個|个[ge4] 计[計] ji4 to calculate; to compute; to count; to regard as important; to plan; ruse; meter; gauge 小人[小人] xiao3 ren2 person of low social status (old); I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself); nasty person; vile character 偏偏[偏偏] pian1 pian1 (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortunately; as it happened; (indicates that sth is the opposite of what would be normal or reasonable) stubbornly; contrarily; against reason; (indicates that sb or a group is singled out) precisely; only; of all people 自大狂[自大狂] zi4 da4 kuang2 megalomania; egomania; delusions of grandeur 到头[到頭] dao4 tou2 to the end (of); at the end of; in the end; to come to an end 咱们[咱們] zan2 men5 we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to); (dialect) I or me; (dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you; also pr. [za2 men5] 文明[文明] wen2 ming2 civilized; civilization; culture; CL:個|个[ge4] 动手[動手] dong4 shou3 to set about (a task); to hit; to punch; to touch //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep01/536 words - 40 min 厂商[廠商] chang3 shang1 manufacturer; producer 正规[正規] zheng4 gui1 regular; according to standards 玻璃[玻璃] bo1 li5 glass; CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[kuai4]; (slang) male homosexual 清洁剂[清潔劑] qing1 jie2 ji4 detergent; cleaning solution 更换[更換] geng1 huan4 to replace (a worn-out tire etc); to change (one's address etc) 雨刷[雨刷] yu3 shua1 windshield wiper 器[器] qi4 device; tool; utensil; CL:臺|台[tai2] 明细[明細] ming2 xi4 clear and detailed; definite; details (are as follows:) 专业人士[專業人士] zhuan1 ye4 ren2 shi4 a professional 测[測] ce4 to survey; to measure; to conjecture 啥[啥] sha2 dialectal equivalent of 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]; also pr. [sha4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/25 words - 2 min 别着急[別著急] bie2 zhao2 ji2 Don't worry! 修理[修理] xiu1 li3 to repair; to fix; to prune; to trim; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb 不和[不和] bu4 he2 not to get along well; to be on bad terms; to be at odds; discord 计较[計較] ji4 jiao4 to bother about; to haggle; to bicker; to argue; plan; stratagem 真假[真假] zhen1 jia3 genuine or fake; true or false 号码[號碼] hao4 ma3 number; CL:堆[dui1],個|个[ge4] 指使[指使] zhi3 shi3 to incite; to prompt (sb to do sth) 同伙[同伙] tong2 huo3 colleague; co-conspirator; accomplice 变声[變聲] bian4 sheng1 voice change (at puberty); to alter one's voice (deliberately); to sound different (when angry etc) 轻轻[輕輕] qing1 qing1 lightly; softly 敲诈勒索[敲詐勒索] qiao1 zha4 le4 suo3 extortion and blackmail (idiom) 瞧[瞧] qiao2 to look at; to see; to see (a doctor); to visit 邋里邋遢[邋裡邋遢] la1 li5 la1 ta5 messy; slovenly; unkempt 模样[模樣] mu2 yang4 look; style; appearance; approximation; about; CL:個|个[ge4]; also pr. [mo2 yang4] 专[專] zhuan1 for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; particular (to sth); concentrated; specialized 注定[註定] zhu4 ding4 to foreordain; to be bound to; to be destined to; to be doomed to; inevitably 蛀虫[蛀蟲] zhu4 chong2 insect that eats into wood, books, clothes etc; fig. vermin 有意思[有意思] you3 yi4 si5 interesting; meaningful; enjoyable; fun 文字[文字] wen2 zi4 character; script; writing; written language; writing style; phraseology; CL:個|个[ge4] 游戏[遊戲] you2 xi4 game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play 颠倒[顛倒] dian1 dao3 to turn upside down; to reverse; back to front; confused; deranged; crazy 黑白[黑白] hei1 bai2 black and white; right and wrong; monochrome 好事[好事] hao3 shi4 good action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, "a fine thing indeed"); charity; happy occasion; Daoist or Buddhist ceremony for the souls of the dead 骗人[騙人] pian4 ren2 to cheat sb; a scam 价值观[價值觀] jia4 zhi2 guan1 system of values //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/50 words - 3 min 扭曲[扭曲] niu3 qu1 to twist; to warp; to distort 混蛋[混蛋] hun2 dan4 scoundrel; bastard; hoodlum; wretch 两清[兩清] liang3 qing1 loan settled (business term); business complete to the satisfaction of both parties 领导[領導] ling3 dao3 lead; leading; to lead; leadership; leader; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 身份[身份] shen1 fen4 identity; status; capacity; dignity; position; rank 悬殊[懸殊] xuan2 shu1 widely different; large disparity 人品[人品] ren2 pin3 moral standing; moral quality; character; personality; appearance; looks (colloquial); bearing 信赖[信賴] xin4 lai4 to trust; to have confidence in; to have faith in; to rely on 完璧归赵[完璧歸趙] wan2 bi4 gui1 Zhao4 lit. to return the jade annulus to Zhao (idiom); fig. to return something intact to its rightful owner 整整[整整] zheng3 zheng3 whole; full 原封不动[原封不動] yuan2 feng1 bu4 dong4 sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed; untouched 耍花样[耍花樣] shua3 hua1 yang4 to play tricks on sb 要死[要死] yao4 si3 extremely; awfully 松开[鬆開] song1 kai1 to release; to let go; to loosen; to untie; to come loose 洗澡[洗澡] xi3 zao3 to bathe; to take a shower 突袭[突襲] tu1 xi2 surprise attack 穿上[穿上] chuan1 shang5 to put on (clothes etc) 翅膀[翅膀] chi4 bang3 wing; CL:個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4] 硬[硬] ying4 hard; stiff; strong; firm; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person) 非[非] fei1 to not be; not; wrong; incorrect; non-; un-; in-; to reproach or blame; (colloquial) to insist on; simply must 捞[撈] lao1 to fish up; to dredge up 笔[筆] bi3 pen; pencil; writing brush; to write or compose; the strokes of Chinese characters; classifier for sums of money, deals; CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1] 俗话说[俗話說] su2 hua4 shuo1 as the proverb says; as they say... 穷[窮] qiong2 poor; destitute; to use up; to exhaust; thoroughly; extremely; (coll.) persistently and pointlessly 志[志] zhi4 aspiration; ambition; the will //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/75 words - 5 min 奖金[獎金] jiang3 jin1 premium; award money; bonus 单[單] dan1 bill; list; form; single; only; sole; odd number; CL:個|个[ge4] 应得[應得] ying1 de2 to deserve 平时[平時] ping2 shi2 ordinarily; in normal times; in peacetime 气死[氣死] qi4 si3 to infuriate; to be furious; to die from an excess of anger 救命[救命] jiu4 ming4 to save sb's life; (interj.) Help!; Save me! 发脾气[發脾氣] fa1 pi2 qi4 to get angry 皮肤[皮膚] pi2 fu1 skin; CL:層|层[ceng2],塊|块[kuai4] 不太好[不太好] bu4 tai4 hao3 not so good; not too well 庆祝[慶祝] qing4 zhu4 to celebrate 饱[飽] bao3 to eat till full; satisfied 学妹[學妹] xue2 mei4 junior or younger female schoolmate 周末[週末] zhou1 mo4 weekend 应征[應徵] ying4 zheng1 to apply (for a job); to reply to a job advertisement 业务[業務] ye4 wu4 business; professional work; service; CL:項|项[xiang4] 订单[訂單] ding4 dan1 (purchase) order 快要[快要] kuai4 yao4 almost; nearly; almost all 部门[部門] bu4 men2 department; branch; section; division; CL:個|个[ge4] 精力[精力] jing1 li4 energy 优秀[優秀] you1 xiu4 outstanding; excellent 邋遢[邋遢] la1 ta5 sloppy 过人[過人] guo4 ren2 to surpass others; outstanding; (basketball, soccer etc) to get past an opponent 股[股] gu3 thigh; part of a whole; portion of a sum; (stock) share; strand of a thread; low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1]; classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc; classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff; classifier for bands of people, gangs etc; classifier for sudden forceful actions 蛮[蠻] man2 barbarian; bullying; very; quite; rough; reckless 成立[成立] cheng2 li4 to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/100 words - 6 min 初心[初心] chu1 xin1 (one's) original intention, aspiration etc; (Buddhism) "beginner's mind" (i.e. having an attitude of openness when studying a subject just as a beginner in that subject would) 力度[力度] li4 du4 strength; vigor; efforts; (music) dynamics 收回[收回] shou1 hui2 to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke 期限[期限] qi1 xian4 time limit; deadline; allotted time 分晓[分曉] fen1 xiao3 the result (becomes apparent); now one understands 干涉[干涉] gan1 she4 to interfere; to meddle; interference 创收[創收] chuang4 shou1 to generate revenue; extra income 解散[解散] jie3 san4 to dissolve; to disband 替代[替代] ti4 dai4 to substitute for; to replace; to supersede 外公[外公] wai4 gong1 (coll.) mother's father; maternal grandfather 创业[創業] chuang4 ye4 to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship 共事[共事] gong4 shi4 to work together 判断[判斷] pan4 duan4 to judge; to determine; judgment 讨论[討論] tao3 lun4 to discuss; to talk over; CL:個|个[ge4] 事实[事實] shi4 shi2 fact; CL:個|个[ge4] 情感[情感] qing2 gan3 feeling; emotion; to move (emotionally) 联系[聯繫] lian2 xi4 connection; contact; relation; to get in touch with; to integrate; to link; to touch 选择性[選擇性] xuan3 ze2 xing4 selective; selectiveness; selectivity 遗忘[遺忘] yi2 wang4 to become forgotten; to forget 错误[錯誤] cuo4 wu4 error; mistake; CL:個|个[ge4]; mistaken; false; wrong 直到[直到] zhi2 dao4 until 犯错[犯錯] fan4 cuo4 to err; to make a mistake; to do the wrong thing 修改[修改] xiu1 gai3 to amend; to alter; to modify 序号[序號] xu4 hao4 ordinal number; serial number; sequence number 正确[正確] zheng4 que4 correct; proper //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/125 words - 9 min 允许[允許] yun3 xu3 to permit; to allow 出错[出錯] chu1 cuo4 to make a mistake; error 成材[成材] cheng2 cai2 to make sth of oneself; to become a person who is worthy of respect; (of a tree) to grow to full size; to become useful for timber 了解[了解] liao3 jie3 to understand; to realize; to find out 成绩[成績] cheng2 ji4 achievement; performance records; grades; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 看在眼里[看在眼裡] kan4 zai4 yan3 li5 to observe; to take it all in 考[考] kao3 to check; to verify; to test; to examine; to take an exam; to take an entrance exam for; deceased father 出国[出國] chu1 guo2 to go abroad; to leave the country; emigration 读书[讀書] du2 shu1 to read a book; to study; to attend school 临走[臨走] lin2 zou3 before leaving; on departure 想来[想來] xiang3 lai2 it may be assumed that 本科[本科] ben3 ke1 undergraduate course; undergraduate (attributive) 学业[學業] xue2 ye4 studies; schoolwork 同时[同時] tong2 shi2 at the same time; simultaneously 选修[選修] xuan3 xiu1 optional course (in school); to take an optional course 有关[有關] you3 guan1 to have sth to do with; to relate to; related to; to concern; concerning 管理[管理] guan3 li3 to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration; CL:個|个[ge4] 课程[課程] ke4 cheng2 course; academic program; CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2],門|门[men2] 日后[日後] ri4 hou4 sometime; someday (in the future) 人工智能[人工智能] ren2 gong1 zhi4 neng2 artificial intelligence (AI) 吃饱[吃飽] chi1 bao3 to eat one's fill 镜头[鏡頭] jing4 tou2 camera lens; camera shot (in a movie etc); scene 加油[加油] jia1 you2 to add oil; to top up with gas; to refuel; to accelerate; to step on the gas; (fig.) to make an extra effort; to cheer sb on 直播[直播] zhi2 bo1 live broadcast (not recorded); direct Internet broadcasting; (agriculture) direct seeding 播[播] bo1 to sow; to scatter; to spread; to broadcast; Taiwan pr. [bo4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/150 words - 9 min 素人[素人] su4 ren2 untrained, inexperienced person; layman; amateur 货[貨] huo4 goods; money; commodity; CL:個|个[ge4] 女神[女神] nu:3 shen2 goddess; nymph 传说[傳說] chuan2 shuo1 legend; folklore; to repeat from mouth to mouth; they say that... 肥[肥] fei2 fat; fertile; loose-fitting or large; to fertilize; to become rich by illegal means; fertilizer; manure 腻[膩] ni4 greasy; soft; unctuous; intimate; tired of 馋[饞] chan2 gluttonous; greedy; to have a craving 麻辣[麻辣] ma2 la4 hot and numbing 卤[滷] lu3 to stew in soy sauce and spices 肥肠[肥腸] fei2 chang2 pig-gut (large intestine used as foodstuff) 众所周知[眾所周知] zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1 as everyone knows (idiom) 火爆[火爆] huo3 bao4 fiery (temper); popular; flourishing; prosperous; lively 优惠[優惠] you1 hui4 privilege; favorable (terms); preferential (treatment); discount (price) 凡是[凡是] fan2 shi4 each and every; every; all; any 购买[購買] gou4 mai3 to purchase; to buy 幸运[幸運] xing4 yun4 fortunate; lucky; fortune; luck 观众[觀眾] guan1 zhong4 spectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc) 获得[獲得] huo4 de2 to obtain; to receive; to get 评论[評論] ping2 lun4 to comment on; to discuss; comment; commentary; CL:篇[pian1] 辣[辣] la4 hot (spicy); pungent 口味[口味] kou3 wei4 a person's preferences; tastes (in food); flavor 酸[酸] suan1 sour; tart; sick at heart; grieved; sore; aching; pedantic; impractical; to make sarcastic remarks about sb; an acid 爽[爽] shuang3 bright; clear; crisp; open; frank; straightforward; to feel well; fine; pleasurable; invigorating; to deviate 满足[滿足] man3 zu2 to satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content 味蕾[味蕾] wei4 lei3 taste bud(s) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/175 words - 10 min 分别[分別] fen1 bie2 to part or leave each other; to distinguish; difference; in different ways; differently; separately or individually 川[川] chuan1 river; creek; plain; an area of level country 微辣[微辣] wei1 la4 mildly spicy 链接[鏈接] lian4 jie1 link (on a website) 倒计时[倒計時] dao4 ji4 shi2 to count down; countdown 秒钟[秒鐘] miao3 zhong1 (time) second 赶紧[趕緊] gan3 jin3 hurriedly; without delay 下单[下單] xia4 dan1 to place an order; to order; an order (of goods) 错过[錯過] cuo4 guo4 to miss (train, opportunity etc) 波[波] bo1 wave; ripple; storm; surge 销量[銷量] xiao1 liang4 sales volume 拍板[拍板] pai1 ban3 clapper-board; auctioneer's hammer; to beat time with clappers 销售[銷售] xiao1 shou4 to sell; to market; sales (representative, agreement etc) 分成[分成] fen1 cheng2 to divide (into); to split a bonus; to break into; tenths; percentage allotment 账户[賬戶] zhang4 hu4 bank account; online account 转正[轉正] zhuan3 zheng4 to transfer to full membership; to obtain tenure 势在必得[勢在必得] shi4 zai4 bi4 de2 to be determined to win (idiom) 多亏[多虧] duo1 kui1 thanks to; luckily 栽培[栽培] zai1 pei2 to grow; to cultivate; to train; to educate; to patronize 猛[猛] meng3 ferocious; fierce; violent; brave; suddenly; abrupt; (slang) awesome 要钱[要錢] yao4 qian2 to charge; to demand payment 报酬[報酬] bao4 chou5 reward; remuneration 费用[費用] fei4 yong4 cost; expenditure; expense; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] 扣[扣] kou4 to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; to smash, spike or dunk (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); (fig.) to tag a label on sb; (Tw) (loanword) code 垃圾[垃圾] la1 ji1 trash; refuse; garbage; (coll.) of poor quality; Taiwan pr. [le4 se4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/200 words - 14 min 演出[演出] yan3 chu1 to act (in a play); to perform; to put on (a performance); performance; concert; show; CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4] 价格[價格] jia4 ge2 price; CL:個|个[ge4] 出镜[出鏡] chu1 jing4 to appear on camera; to play a role in a film 加薪[加薪] jia1 xin1 to raise salary 零工[零工] ling2 gong1 temporary job; odd job 宽限[寬限] kuan1 xian4 to extend (a deadline etc) 抵抗力[抵抗力] di3 kang4 li4 resistance; immunity 弱[弱] ruo4 weak; feeble; young; inferior; (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than 贫血[貧血] pin2 xue4 anemia 昏倒[昏倒] hun1 dao3 to faint 抵抗[抵抗] di3 kang4 to resist; resistance 阴魂不散[陰魂不散] yin1 hun2 bu4 san4 lit. the soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed (idiom); fig. the influence still lingers on; the spirit (of some doctrine) is still alive 患者[患者] huan4 zhe3 patient; sufferer 长期[長期] chang2 qi1 long term; long time; long range (of a forecast) 饮食[飲食] yin3 shi2 food and drink; diet 规律[規律] gui1 lu:4 rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior; regular pattern; rhythm; discipline 加之[加之] jia1 zhi1 moreover; in addition to that 胃[胃] wei4 stomach; CL:個|个[ge4] 刺激[刺激] ci4 ji1 to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite; irritant 急性[急性] ji2 xing4 acute 痉挛[痙攣] jing4 luan2 to jerk; to contort; spasm; convulsion 碍[礙] ai4 to hinder; to obstruct; to block 家属[家屬] jia1 shu3 family member; (family) dependent 小两口[小兩口] xiao3 liang3 kou3 (coll.) young married couple 闹情绪[鬧情緒] nao4 qing2 xu4 to be in a bad mood //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/225 words - 16 min 男朋友[男朋友] nan2 peng2 you5 boyfriend 大度[大度] da4 du4 magnanimous; generous (in spirit) 女朋友[女朋友] nu:3 peng2 you5 girlfriend 嘴硬[嘴硬] zui3 ying4 reluctant to admit a mistake 调养[調養] tiao2 yang3 to take care of (sb's health); to nurse 粥[粥] zhou1 congee; gruel; porridge; CL:碗[wan3] 吸收[吸收] xi1 shou1 to absorb; to assimilate; to ingest; to recruit 消化[消化] xiao1 hua4 to digest; digestion; digestive 楼下[樓下] lou2 xia4 downstairs 不快[不快] bu4 kuai4 unhappy; in low spirits; (of a knife) not sharp 结[結] jie2 knot; sturdy; bond; to tie; to bind; to check out (of a hotel) 科[科] ke1 branch of study; administrative section; division; field; branch; stage directions; family (taxonomy); rules; laws; to mete out (punishment); to levy (taxes etc); to fine sb; CL:個|个[ge4] 内科[內科] nei4 ke1 internal medicine; general medicine 身份证[身份證] shen1 fen4 zheng4 identity card; ID 病历[病歷] bing4 li4 medical record; case history 缴费[繳費] jiao3 fei4 to pay a fee 排[排] pai2 a row; a line; to set in order; to arrange; to line up; to eliminate; to drain; to push open; platoon; raft; classifier for lines, rows etc 眼科[眼科] yan3 ke1 ophthalmology 排队[排隊] pai2 dui4 to line up 病毒性[病毒性] bing4 du2 xing4 viral 感冒[感冒] gan3 mao4 to catch cold; (common) cold; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]; (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative); (Tw) to detest; can't stand 肺结核[肺結核] fei4 jie2 he2 tuberculosis; TB 传染[傳染] chuan2 ran3 to infect; contagious 厘米[釐米] li2 mi3 centimeter 建议[建議] jian4 yi4 to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation; CL:個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/250 words - 21 min 米[米] mi3 rice; CL:粒[li4]; meter (classifier) 传染病[傳染病] chuan2 ran3 bing4 infectious disease; contagious disease; pestilence 住院[住院] zhu4 yuan4 to be in hospital; to be hospitalized 病人[病人] bing4 ren2 sick person; patient; invalid; CL:個|个[ge4] 大夫[大夫] dai4 fu5 doctor; physician 小心翼翼[小心翼翼] xiao3 xin1 yi4 yi4 cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously 盼[盼] pan4 to hope for; to long for; to expect 该死[該死] gai1 si3 Damn it!; damned; wretched 手续[手續] shou3 xu4 procedure; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]; formalities 撑[撐] cheng1 to support; to prop up; to push or move with a pole; to maintain; to open or unfurl; to fill to bursting point; brace; stay; support 晕[暈] yun1 confused; dizzy; giddy; to faint; to swoon; to lose consciousness; to pass out 晕[暈] yun4 dizzy; halo; ring around moon or sun 揍[揍] zou4 to beat up; to break to pieces 一下子[一下子] yi1 xia4 zi5 in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden 刺激性[刺激性] ci4 ji1 xing4 thrilling; exciting; stimulating; irritating; provocative; pungent; spicy 食物[食物] shi2 wu4 food; CL:種|种[zhong3] 加上[加上] jia1 shang4 plus; to put in; to add; to add on; to add into; in addition; on top of that 得了[得了] de2 le5 all right!; that's enough! 年轻人[年輕人] nian2 qing1 ren2 young people; youngster 懂得[懂得] dong3 de5 to understand; to know; to comprehend 爱惜[愛惜] ai4 xi1 to cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly 烫[燙] tang4 to scald; to burn (by scalding); to blanch (cooking); to heat (sth) up in hot water; to perm; to iron; scalding hot 忍心[忍心] ren3 xin1 to have the heart to do sth; to steel oneself to a task 叫醒[叫醒] jiao4 xing3 to awaken; to wake sb up; to rouse 上学[上學] shang4 xue2 to go to school; to attend school 上班[上班] shang4 ban1 to go to work; to be on duty; to start work; to go to the office //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/275 words - 22 min 请假[請假] qing3 jia4 to request leave of absence 心地善良[心地善良] xin1 di4 shan4 liang2 kindhearted; good-natured 心事[心事] xin1 shi4 a load on one's mind; worry; CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1] 电梯[電梯] dian4 ti1 elevator; escalator; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4] 限[限] xian4 limit; bound; to set a limit (on) 超重[超重] chao1 zhong4 overweight (baggage, freight) 运转[運轉] yun4 zhuan3 to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around 反转[反轉] fan3 zhuan3 reversal; inversion; to reverse; to invert (upside down, inside out, back to front, white to black etc) 浅显[淺顯] qian3 xian3 plain; clear; obvious 意识[意識] yi4 shi2 consciousness; awareness; to be aware; to realize 压力[壓力] ya1 li4 pressure 坦然[坦然] tan3 ran2 calm; undisturbed 付出[付出] fu4 chu1 to pay; to invest (energy or time in a friendship etc) 爱护[愛護] ai4 hu4 to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to love and protect 多种[多種] duo1 zhong3 many kinds of; multiple; diverse; multi- 其中[其中] qi2 zhong1 among; in; included among these 正经[正經] zheng4 jing1 decent; honorable; proper; serious; according to standards 优点[優點] you1 dian3 merit; benefit; strong point; advantage; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 发掘[發掘] fa1 jue2 to excavate; to explore; (fig.) to unearth; to tap into 这就[這就] zhe4 jiu4 immediately; at once 出院[出院] chu1 yuan4 to leave hospital; to be discharged from hospital 委屈[委屈] wei3 qu5 to feel wronged; to cause sb to feel wronged; grievance 心爱[心愛] xin1 ai4 beloved 摩托[摩托] mo2 tuo1 motor (loanword); motorbike 库[庫] ku4 warehouse; storehouse; (file) library //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/300 words - 26 min 早餐[早餐] zao3 can1 breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 晚点[晚點] wan3 dian3 (of trains etc) late; delayed; behind schedule; light dinner 无色[無色] wu2 se4 colorless 无味[無味] wu2 wei4 tasteless; odorless 清洗[清洗] qing1 xi3 to wash; to clean; to purge 怪味[怪味] guai4 wei4 strange odor 得罪[得罪] de2 zui5 to offend sb; to make a faux pas; a faux pas; see also 得罪[de2 zui4] 大楼[大樓] da4 lou2 building (a relatively large, multi-storey one); CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4] 规定[規定] gui1 ding4 provision; to fix; to set; to formulate; to stipulate; to provide; regulation; rule; CL:個|个[ge4] 保管[保管] bao3 guan3 to hold in safekeeping; to have in one's care; to guarantee; certainly; surely; custodian; curator 中午[中午] zhong1 wu3 noon; midday; CL:個|个[ge4] 磕[磕] ke1 to tap; to knock (against sth hard); to knock (mud from boots, ashes from a pipe etc) 瓜子[瓜子] gua1 zi3 melon seeds 儿[兒] er2 child; son 一会儿[一會兒] yi1 hui4 r5 a moment; a while; in a moment; now...now...; also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5] 草[草] cao3 grass; straw; manuscript; draft (of a document); careless; rough; CL:棵[ke1],撮[zuo3],株[zhu1],根[gen1] 闲[閒] xian2 variant of 閑|闲, idle; unoccupied; leisure; free time 大片[大片] da4 pian4 wide expanse; large area; vast stretch; extending widely; blockbuster movie 闻到[聞到] wen2 dao4 to smell; to sniff sth out; to perceive by smelling 传来[傳來] chuan2 lai2 (of a sound) to come through; to be heard; (of news) to arrive 混日子[混日子] hun4 ri4 zi5 to idle; to waste time 办不到[辦不到] ban4 bu5 dao4 impossible; can't be done; no can do; unable to accomplish 鼻子[鼻子] bi2 zi5 nose; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 鼻塞[鼻塞] bi2 se4 a blocked nose 闻[聞] wen2 to hear; news; well-known; famous; reputation; fame; to smell; to sniff at //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/325 words - 31 min 味[味] wei4 taste; smell; classifier for drugs (in TCM) 作为[作為] zuo4 wei2 one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be 开车[開車] kai1 che1 to drive a car 坨[坨] tuo2 see 坨子[tuo2 zi5] 经常[經常] jing1 chang2 frequently; constantly; regularly; often; day-to-day; everyday; daily 膀子[膀子] bang3 zi5 upper arm; arm; wing 道谢[道謝] dao4 xie4 to express thanks 晕倒[暈倒] yun1 dao3 to faint; to swoon; to black out; to become unconscious 鞋[鞋] xie2 shoe; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] 不必[不必] bu4 bi4 need not; does not have to; not necessarily 扣子[釦子] kou4 zi5 button 扣[釦] kou4 button 把门[把門] ba3 men2 to stand as a goalkeeper; to keep guard on a gate 关上[關上] guan1 shang4 to close (a door); to turn off (light, electrical equipment etc) 无论[無論] wu2 lun4 no matter what or how; regardless of whether... 长相[長相] zhang3 xiang4 appearance; looks; profile; countenance 家世[家世] jia1 shi4 family background 事业[事業] shi4 ye4 undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation; CL:個|个[ge4] 无可挑剔[無可挑剔] wu2 ke3 tiao1 ti5 excellent in every respect; flawless 妥[妥] tuo3 suitable; adequate; ready; settled 钻石[鑽石] zuan4 shi2 diamond; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 王老五[王老五] wang2 lao3 wu3 lit. fifth child of the Wangs; bachelor 忍辱负重[忍辱負重] ren3 ru3 fu4 zhong4 to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in silence 精明[精明] jing1 ming2 astute; shrewd 踩[踩] cai3 to step on; to tread; to stamp; to press a pedal; to pedal (a bike); (online) to downvote //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/350 words - 33 min 制造[製造] zhi4 zao4 to manufacture; to make 亲密[親密] qin1 mi4 intimate; close 互动[互動] hu4 dong4 to interact; interactive 拿下[拿下] na2 xia4 to arrest; to capture; to seize; to win (a set, a game etc) 果然[果然] guo3 ran2 really; sure enough; as expected; if indeed 看错[看錯] kan4 cuo4 to misinterpret what one sees or reads; to misjudge (sb); to mistake (sb for sb else); to misread (a document) 天底下[天底下] tian1 di3 xia5 in this world; under the sun 巧合[巧合] qiao3 he2 coincidence; coincidental; to coincide 出尔反尔[出爾反爾] chu1 er3 fan3 er3 old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word; to blow hot and cold; to contradict oneself; inconsistent 违反[違反] wei2 fan3 to violate (a law) 登记[登記] deng1 ji4 to register (one's name) 汪[汪] wang1 expanse of water; ooze; (onom.) bark; classifier for liquids: pool, puddle 粉丝[粉絲] fen3 si1 bean vermicelli; mung bean starch noodles; Chinese vermicelli; cellophane noodles; CL:把[ba3]; fan (loanword); enthusiast for sb or sth 签[簽] qian1 to sign one's name; visa; variant of 籤|签[qian1] 经纪人[經紀人] jing1 ji4 ren2 broker; middleman; agent; manager 签名[簽名] qian1 ming2 to sign (one's name with a pen etc); to autograph; signature 访谈[訪談] fang3 tan2 to visit and discuss; to interview 收视[收視] shou1 shi4 to watch TV 热销[熱銷] re4 xiao1 to sell well; hot-selling 特意[特意] te4 yi4 specially; intentionally 项目[項目] xiang4 mu4 item; project; (sports) event; CL:個|个[ge4] 邀请[邀請] yao1 qing3 to invite; invitation; CL:個|个[ge4] 参与[參與] can1 yu4 to participate (in sth) 国[國] guo2 country; nation; state; national; CL:個|个[ge4] 韵[韻] yun4 beautiful sound; appeal; charm; vowel; rhyme; in Chinese phonetics, the medial and final sound of a syllable (i.e. excluding the initial consonant) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/375 words - 35 min 录制[錄製] lu4 zhi4 to record (video or audio) 办公室[辦公室] ban4 gong1 shi4 office; business premises; bureau; CL:間|间[jian1] 过目[過目] guo4 mu4 to look over 难忘[難忘] nan2 wang4 unforgettable 档[檔] dang4 official records; grade (of goods); file; records; shelves; slot; gap; crosspiece; classifier for crosspieces; classifier for events, affairs etc; Taiwan pr. [dang3] 主题[主題] zhu3 ti2 theme; subject 当代[當代] dang1 dai4 the present age; the contemporary era 观[觀] guan1 to look at; to watch; to observe; to behold; to advise; concept; point of view; outlook 身为[身為] shen1 wei2 in the capacity of; as 当今[當今] dang1 jin1 current; present; now; nowadays 单身[單身] dan1 shen1 unmarried; single 新贵[新貴] xin1 gui4 nouveau riche; upstart; new appointee 想必[想必] xiang3 bi4 presumably; probably; in all likelihood; surely 好奇[好奇] hao4 qi2 inquisitive; curious; inquisitiveness; curiosity 清理[清理] qing1 li3 to clear up; to tidy up; to dispose of 渍[漬] zi4 to soak; to be stained; stain; floodwater 白手起家[白手起家] bai2 shou3 qi3 jia1 to build up from nothing; to start from scratch 欣赏[欣賞] xin1 shang3 to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 各自[各自] ge4 zi4 each; respective; apiece 伴侣[伴侶] ban4 lu:3 companion; mate; partner 虚假[虛假] xu1 jia3 false; phony; pretense 骗取[騙取] pian4 qu3 to gain by cheating 不劳而获[不勞而獲] bu4 lao2 er2 huo4 to reap without sowing (idiom) 厌恶[厭惡] yan4 wu4 to loathe; to hate; disgusted with sth 更加[更加] geng4 jia1 more (than sth else); even more //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/400 words - 37 min 品味[品味] pin3 wei4 to sample; to taste; to appreciate; one's taste (i.e. in music, literature, fashion, food and drink etc); good taste 独立自主[獨立自主] du2 li4 zi4 zhu3 independent and autonomous (idiom); self-determination; to act independently; to maintain control over one's own affairs 女性[女性] nu:3 xing4 woman; the female sex 从来不[從來不] cong2 lai2 bu4 never 嗟[嗟] jie1 sigh; also pr. [jue1] 食[食] shi2 to eat; food; animal feed; eclipse 拼命三郎[拼命三郎] pin1 ming4 san1 lang2 brave man, willing to risk his life 经历[經歷] jing1 li4 experience; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; to experience; to go through 足以[足以] zu2 yi3 sufficient to...; so much so that; so that 收获[收穫] shou1 huo4 to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward 始终[始終] shi3 zhong1 from beginning to end; all along 一无所获[一無所獲] yi1 wu2 suo3 huo4 to gain nothing; to end up empty-handed 碌[碌] lu4 laborious; small stone; to record; to tape; to write down; to hire; to employ 终[終] zhong1 end; finish 段位[段位] duan4 wei4 rank; class; (Japanese martial arts and board games) dan 会要[會要] hui4 yao4 dynastic records of imperial China 忽冷忽热[忽冷忽熱] hu1 leng3 hu1 re4 now hot, now cold; (of one's mood, affection etc) to alternate 配制[配製] pei4 zhi4 to compound (medicines etc); to prepare (by mixing ingredients); to concoct 数据[數據] shu4 ju4 data; numbers; digital 使用[使用] shi3 yong4 to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of 运用[運用] yun4 yong4 to use; to put to use 除[除] chu2 to get rid of; to remove; to exclude; to eliminate; to wipe out; to divide; except; not including 菌[菌] jun1 germ; bacteria; fungus; mold; Taiwan pr. [jun4] 完美[完美] wan2 mei3 perfect; perfection; perfectly 花样[花樣] hua1 yang4 pattern; way of doing sth; trick; (sports) fancy-style (as figure skating etc) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep02/404 words - 37 min 装出[裝出] zhuang1 chu1 to assume (an air of) 吸引[吸引] xi1 yin3 to attract (interest, investment etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 胡[胡] hu2 non-Han people, esp. from central Asia; reckless; outrageous; what?; why?; to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written 和[hu2]) 宥[宥] you4 to forgive; to help; profound //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/25 words - 3 min 突发[突發] tu1 fa1 to burst out suddenly; sudden outburst 状况[狀況] zhuang4 kuang4 condition; state; situation; CL:個|个[ge4] 时时[時時] shi2 shi2 often; constantly 合格[合格] he2 ge2 to meet the standard required; qualified; eligible (voter etc) 是的[是的] shi4 de5 yes, that's right; variant of 似的[shi4 de5] 时刻[時刻] shi2 ke4 time; juncture; moment; period of time; CL:個|个[ge4],段[duan4]; constantly; always 克[剋] kei1 to scold; to beat 自我介绍[自我介紹] zi4 wo3 jie4 shao4 self-introduction; to introduce oneself 吴[吳] Wu2 surname Wu; area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai; name of states in Southern China at different historical periods 禹[禹] Yu3 Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC), mythical leader who tamed the floods; surname Yu 同事[同事] tong2 shi4 colleague; co-worker; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 无语[無語] wu2 yu3 to remain silent; to have nothing to say; (coll.) speechless; dumbfounded 其[其] qi2 his; her; its; their; that; such; it (refers to sth preceding it) 一向[一向] yi1 xiang4 always (previously); a period of time in the recent past 今晚[今晚] jin1 wan3 tonight 卫生[衛生] wei4 sheng1 health; hygiene; sanitation 室友[室友] shi4 you3 roommate 简直[簡直] jian3 zhi2 simply; at all; practically 显[顯] xian3 to make visible; to reveal; prominent; conspicuous; (prefix) phanero- 彻底[徹底] che4 di3 thorough; thoroughly; complete 了断[了斷] liao3 duan4 to bring to a conclusion; to settle (a dispute); to do away with (oneself); to break off (a relationship); resolution (of a problem) 下班[下班] xia4 ban1 to finish work; to get off work 渣[渣] zha1 slag (in mining or smelting); dregs 个别[個別] ge4 bie2 individual; specific; respective; just one or two 惹恼[惹惱] re3 nao3 to offend //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/50 words - 5 min 找麻烦[找麻煩] zhao3 ma2 fan5 to look for trouble 新欢[新歡] xin1 huan1 new flame; new lover 旧[舊] jiu4 old; opposite: new 新; former; worn (with age) 理论[理論] li3 lun4 theory; CL:個|个[ge4]; to argue; to take notice of 待会儿[待會兒] dai1 hui4 r5 in a moment; later; also pr. [dai1 hui3 r5] or [dai1 hui5 r5] 继承[繼承] ji4 cheng2 to inherit; to succeed to (the throne etc); to carry on (a tradition etc) 衣钵[衣缽] yi1 bo1 the cassock and alms bowl of a Buddhist master passed on to the favorite disciple (Buddhism); legacy; mantle 清洁工[清潔工] qing1 jie2 gong1 cleaner; janitor; garbage collector 警告[警告] jing3 gao4 to warn; to admonish 身败名裂[身敗名裂] shen1 bai4 ming2 lie4 to lose one's standing; to have one's reputation swept away; a complete defeat and fall from grace 洗手[洗手] xi3 shou3 to wash one's hands; to go to the toilet 吃人[吃人] chi1 ren2 exploitative; oppressive 孤[孤] gu1 lone; lonely 苦[苦] ku3 bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly 依[依] yi1 to depend on; to comply with or listen to sb; according to; in the light of 搭伙[搭伙] da1 huo3 to join up with sb; to become partner; to take meals regularly in cafeteria 重样[重樣] chong2 yang4 same; similar; same type 好意思[好意思] hao3 yi4 si5 to have the nerve; what a cheek!; to feel no shame; to overcome the shame; (is it) proper? (rhetorical question) 刷[刷] shua1 to brush; to paint; to daub; to paste up; to skip class (of students); to fire from a job 碗[碗] wan3 bowl; cup; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4] 承包[承包] cheng2 bao1 to contract; to undertake (a job) 管用[管用] guan3 yong4 efficacious; useful 考试[考試] kao3 shi4 to take an exam; exam; CL:次[ci4] 旁门左道[旁門左道] pang2 men2 zuo3 dao4 dissenting religious sect (idiom); heretical school of opinion; dissident group 绿豆[綠豆] lu:4 dou4 mung bean //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/75 words - 7 min 小龙虾[小龍蝦] xiao3 long2 xia1 crayfish; langoustine; chicken lobster 黑暗[黑暗] hei1 an4 dark; darkly; darkness 料理[料理] liao4 li3 to arrange; to handle; to cook; cuisine; art of cooking 不仅[不僅] bu4 jin3 not only (this one); not just (...) but also 解[解] jie3 to divide; to break up; to split; to separate; to dissolve; to solve; to melt; to remove; to untie; to loosen; to open; to emancipate; to explain; to understand; to know; a solution; a dissection 暑[暑] shu3 heat; hot weather; summer heat 降温[降溫] jiang4 wen1 to become cooler; to lower the temperature; cooling; (of interest, activity etc) to decline 丰富[豐富] feng1 fu4 to enrich; rich; plentiful; abundant 一家人[一家人] yi1 jia1 ren2 household; the whole family 洗脑[洗腦] xi3 nao3 to brainwash 尝[嘗] chang2 to taste; to try; to experience; already; ever; once 尝[嚐] chang2 variant of 嘗|尝[chang2]; to taste; to experience 轻松[輕鬆] qing1 song1 light; gentle; relaxed; effortless; uncomplicated; to relax; to take things less seriously 体力[體力] ti3 li4 physical strength; physical power 教材[教材] jiao4 cai2 teaching material; CL:本[ben3] 想得美[想得美] xiang3 de2 mei3 in your dreams!; as if!; You wish!; I wish that were so 模[模] mo2 to imitate; model; norm; pattern 吓唬[嚇唬] xia4 hu5 to scare; to frighten 猪[豬] zhu1 hog; pig; swine; CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2] 据我所知[據我所知] ju4 wo3 suo3 zhi1 as far as I know; to the best of my knowledge 天天[天天] tian1 tian1 every day 客户[客戶] ke4 hu4 client; customer 咸[鹹] xian2 salted; salty; stingy; miserly 好端端[好端端] hao3 duan1 duan1 perfectly all right; without rhyme or reason 想起[想起] xiang3 qi3 to recall; to think of; to call to mind //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/100 words - 10 min 团[團] tuan2 round; lump; ball; to roll into a ball; to gather; regiment; group; society; classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke) 清除[清除] qing1 chu2 to clear away; to eliminate; to get rid of 味儿[味兒] wei4 r5 taste 受不了[受不了] shou4 bu4 liao3 unbearable; unable to endure; can't stand 死定[死定] si3 ding4 to be screwed; to be toast 盒[盒] he2 small box; case 蚝[蠔] hao2 oyster 落[落] luo4 to fall or drop; (of the sun) to set; (of a tide) to go out; to lower; to decline or sink; to lag or fall behind; to fall onto; to rest with; to get or receive; to write down; whereabouts; settlement 实践[實踐] shi2 jian4 practice; to put into practice; to live up to (a promise); to carry out (a project) 眼光[眼光] yan3 guang1 gaze; insight; foresight; vision; way of looking at things 干活[幹活] gan4 huo2 to work; to be employed 既[既] ji4 already; since; both... (and...) 麻利[麻利] ma2 li5 swift; agile; efficient; quick-witted (colloquial) 堆积[堆積] dui1 ji1 to pile up; to heap; accumulation 五星[五星] wu3 xing1 the five visible planets, namely: Mercury 水星, Venus 金星, Mars 火星, Jupiter 木星, Saturn 土星 嗅觉[嗅覺] xiu4 jue2 sense of smell 气味[氣味] qi4 wei4 odor; scent 敏感[敏感] min3 gan3 sensitive; susceptible 基本[基本] ji1 ben3 basic; fundamental; main; elementary 条件[條件] tiao2 jian4 condition; circumstances; term; factor; requirement; prerequisite; qualification; CL:個|个[ge4] 同样[同樣] tong2 yang4 same; equal; equivalent 例子[例子] li4 zi5 case; (for) instance; example; CL:個|个[ge4] 视觉[視覺] shi4 jue2 sight; vision; visual 是否[是否] shi4 fou3 whether (or not); if; is or isn't 外观[外觀] wai4 guan1 exterior appearance; to view sth from the outside; exterior condition //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/125 words - 12 min 分辨[分辨] fen1 bian4 to distinguish; to differentiate; to resolve 坏掉[壞掉] huai4 diao4 spoilt; ruined 确实[確實] que4 shi2 indeed; really; reliable; real; true 固然[固然] gu4 ran2 admittedly (it's true that...) 心理[心理] xin1 li3 mental; psychological 障碍[障礙] zhang4 ai4 barrier; obstruction; hindrance; impediment; obstacle 大众[大眾] da4 zhong4 the masses; the great bulk of the population; popular (of music, science etc) 理念[理念] li3 nian4 idea; concept; philosophy; theory 讲求[講求] jiang3 qiu2 to stress; to emphasize; particular about sth; to strive for 诚信[誠信] cheng2 xin4 genuine; honest; in good faith; honesty; integrity 业绩[業績] ye4 ji4 achievement; accomplishment; (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc); results 欺骗[欺騙] qi1 pian4 to deceive; to cheat 隐瞒[隱瞞] yin3 man2 to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to cover up the truth 纵容[縱容] zong4 rong2 to indulge; to connive at 经[經] jing1 classics; sacred book; scripture; to pass through; to undergo; to bear; to endure; warp (textile); longitude; menstruation; channel (TCM); abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4] 开除[開除] kai1 chu2 to expel (a member of an organization); to fire (an employee) 揭穿[揭穿] jie1 chuan1 to expose; to uncover 谎言[謊言] huang3 yan2 lie 回合[回合] hui2 he2 one of a sequence of contests (or subdivisions of a contest) between the same two opponents; round (boxing etc); rally (tennis etc); frame (billiards etc); inning; (tennis, soccer etc) rubber or leg; round (of negotiations) 加餐[加餐] jia1 can1 to have an extra meal; snack 福利[福利] fu2 li4 material benefit; benefit in kind; (social) welfare 对决[對決] dui4 jue2 confrontation; contest; showdown 流浪汉[流浪漢] liu2 lang4 han4 tramp; wanderer 脱[脫] tuo1 to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from 袜子[襪子] wa4 zi5 socks; stockings; CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4],雙|双[shuang1] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/150 words - 17 min 丢掉[丟掉] diu1 diao4 to lose; to throw away; to discard; to cast away 胃口[胃口] wei4 kou3 appetite; liking 鸡腿[雞腿] ji1 tui3 chicken leg; drumstick; CL:根[gen1] 一身[一身] yi1 shen1 whole body; from head to toe; single person; a suit of clothes 马桶[馬桶] ma3 tong3 chamber pot; wooden pan used as toilet; toilet bowl 收费[收費] shou1 fei4 to charge a fee 个头[個頭] ge4 tou2 size; height 盔[盔] kui1 helmet 香水[香水] xiang1 shui3 perfume; cologne 什么的[什麼的] shen2 me5 de5 and so on; and what not 沾[沾] zhan1 to moisten; to be infected by; to receive benefit or advantage through a contact; to touch 保密[保密] bao3 mi4 to keep sth confidential; to maintain secrecy 逞强[逞強] cheng3 qiang2 to show off; to try to be brave 女友[女友] nu:3 you3 girlfriend 执[執] zhi2 to execute (a plan); to grasp 念[念] nian4 to read; to study (a subject); to attend (a school); to read aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20) 网上[網上] wang3 shang4 online 甘蔗[甘蔗] gan1 zhe5 sugar cane; CL:節|节[jie2] 甜[甜] tian2 sweet 吐[吐] tu4 to vomit; to throw up 夸[誇] kua1 to boast; to exaggerate; to praise 刺耳[刺耳] ci4 er3 ear-piercing 顽强[頑強] wan2 qiang2 tenacious; hard to defeat 中招[中招] zhong4 zhao1 to get infected; to fall into sb's trap 葫芦[葫蘆] hu2 lu5 calabash or bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria); hoist; generic term for block and tackle (or parts thereof); muddled; (poker) full house //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/175 words - 20 min 补习班[補習班] bu3 xi2 ban1 cram class; cram school; evening classes 马虎[馬虎] ma3 hu5 careless; sloppy; negligent; skimpy 妙[妙] miao4 clever; wonderful 复杂[複雜] fu4 za2 complicated; complex 没法[沒法] mei2 fa3 at a loss; unable to do anything about it; to have no choice 适应[適應] shi4 ying4 to adapt; to fit; to suit 当心[當心] dang1 xin1 to take care; to look out 让开[讓開] rang4 kai1 to get out of the way; to step aside 书包[書包] shu1 bao1 schoolbag; satchel; bookbag; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 师傅[師傅] shi1 fu5 master; qualified worker; respectful form of address for older men; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 贴膜[貼膜] tie1 mo2 protective or tinted film (for LCD screens, car windows etc); facial mask (cosmetics) 码[碼] ma3 weight; number; code; to pile; to stack; classifier for length or distance (yard), happenings etc 打工[打工] da3 gong1 to work a temporary or casual job; (of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation 文科[文科] wen2 ke1 liberal arts; humanities 线[線] xian4 thread; string; wire; line; CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]; (after a number) tier (unofficial ranking of a Chinese city) 与其[與其] yu3 qi2 rather than...; 與其|与其[yu3 qi2] A 不如[bu4 ru2] B (rather than A, better to B) 学校[學校] xue2 xiao4 school; CL:所[suo3] 文凭[文憑] wen2 ping2 diploma 报[報] bao4 to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; recompense; revenge; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] 专科[專科] zhuan1 ke1 specialized subject; branch (of medicine); specialized training school 提前[提前] ti2 qian2 to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance 分担[分擔] fen1 dan1 to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility) 朱[朱] zhu1 vermilion 妍[妍] yan2 beautiful 补习[補習] bu3 xi2 to take extra lessons in a cram school or with a private tutor //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/200 words - 25 min 鬼混[鬼混] gui3 hun4 to hang around; to fool around; to live aimlessly 那儿[那兒] na4 r5 there 凶[兇] xiong1 terrible; fearful 冲动[衝動] chong1 dong4 to have an urge; to be impetuous; impulse; urge 魔鬼[魔鬼] mo2 gui3 devil 消气[消氣] xiao1 qi4 to cool one's temper 约会[約會] yue1 hui4 appointment; engagement; date; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]; to arrange to meet 亲自[親自] qin1 zi4 personally; in person; oneself 瘫[癱] tan1 paralyzed 乱动[亂動] luan4 dong4 to fiddle with; to tamper with; to meddle with; to move randomly; to flail about 姐夫[姐夫] jie3 fu5 (coll.) older sister's husband 魅力[魅力] mei4 li4 charm; fascination; glamor; charisma 自恋[自戀] zi4 lian4 narcissism 超级[超級] chao1 ji2 super-; ultra-; hyper- 培养皿[培養皿] pei2 yang3 min3 Petri dish 回车[回車] hui2 che1 enter (computer key) 袋子[袋子] dai4 zi5 bag 姑娘[姑娘] gu1 niang5 girl; young woman; young lady; daughter; paternal aunt (old); CL:個|个[ge4] 挂断[掛斷] gua4 duan4 to hang up (a phone) 加班[加班] jia1 ban1 to work overtime 压榨[壓榨] ya1 zha4 to press; to squeeze; to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing 搞错[搞錯] gao3 cuo4 mistake; to make a mistake; to blunder; mistaken 介意[介意] jie4 yi4 to care about; to take offense; to mind 过奖[過獎] guo4 jiang3 to overpraise; to flatter 脸色[臉色] lian3 se4 complexion; look //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/225 words - 27 min 恐怕[恐怕] kong3 pa4 fear; to dread; I'm afraid that...; perhaps; maybe 热心[熱心] re4 xin1 enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastic; ardent; warmhearted 远亲不如近邻[遠親不如近鄰] yuan3 qin1 bu4 ru2 jin4 lin2 A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor (idiom). Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers. 经营[經營] jing1 ying2 to engage in (business etc); to run; to operate 拼命[拼命] pin1 ming4 to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it 精神[精神] jing1 shen2 spirit; mind; consciousness; thought; mental; psychological; essence; gist; CL:個|个[ge4] 不敢当[不敢當] bu4 gan3 dang1 lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise; you flatter me 累坏[累壞] lei4 huai4 to become exhausted 得不偿失[得不償失] de2 bu4 chang2 shi1 the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom) 三倍[三倍] san1 bei4 triple 工资[工資] gong1 zi1 wages; pay; CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4],月[yue4] 瞎[瞎] xia1 blind; groundlessly; foolishly; to no purpose 吼[吼] hou3 to roar; to howl; to shriek; roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage 过度[過度] guo4 du4 excessive; over-; excess; going too far; extravagant; intemperate; overdue 关注[關注] guan1 zhu4 to pay attention to; to follow sth closely; to follow (on social media); concern; interest; attention 另[另] ling4 other; another; separate; separately 出于[出於] chu1 yu2 due to; to stem from 两者[兩者] liang3 zhe3 both sides 言行[言行] yan2 xing2 words and actions; what one says and what one does 举止[舉止] ju3 zhi3 bearing; manner; mien 反常[反常] fan3 chang2 unusual; abnormal 尤其是[尤其是] you2 qi2 shi4 especially; most of all; above all; in particular 症[症] zheng4 disease; illness 加重[加重] jia1 zhong4 to make heavier; to emphasize; (of an illness etc) to become more serious; to aggravate (a bad situation); to increase (a burden, punishment etc) 咨询[咨詢] zi1 xun2 to consult; to seek advice; consultation; (sales) inquiry (formal) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/250 words - 29 min 师[師] shi1 teacher; master; expert; model; army division; (old) troops; to dispatch troops 掌握[掌握] zhang3 wo4 to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency 痊愈[痊癒] quan2 yu4 to recover completely (from illness or injury) 神经病[神經病] shen2 jing1 bing4 mental disorder; neuropathy; (derog.) mental case 夸张[誇張] kua1 zhang1 to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; ridiculous; outrageous 进展[進展] jin4 zhan3 to make headway; to make progress 揣[揣] chuai1 to put into (one's pockets, clothes); Taiwan pr. [chuai3] 揣[揣] chuai3 to estimate; to guess; to figure; to surmise 八字[八字] ba1 zi4 the character 8 or 八; birthdate characters used in fortune-telling 撇[撇] pie1 to cast away; to fling aside 遍[遍] bian4 everywhere; all over; classifier for actions: one time 皮[皮] pi2 leather; skin; fur; CL:張|张[zhang1]; pico- (one trillionth); naughty 搓[搓] cuo1 to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist 老是[老是] lao3 shi5 always 手套[手套] shou3 tao4 glove; mitten; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] 当成[當成] dang4 cheng2 to consider as; to take to be 专车[專車] zhuan1 che1 special (or reserved) train (or bus etc); limousine; private car used as a taxi and booked via a smartphone app 司机[司機] si1 ji1 chauffeur; driver; CL:個|个[ge4] 随口[隨口] sui2 kou3 (speak) without thinking the matter through 一说[一說] yi1 shuo1 an expression of opinion; according to some 咬[咬] yao3 to bite; to nip 乱七八糟[亂七八糟] luan4 qi1 ba1 zao1 everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess; at sixes and sevens 莫名其妙[莫名其妙] mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 (idiom) baffling; inexplicable 帅[帥] shuai4 handsome; graceful; smart; commander in chief; (coll.) cool!; sweet! 进入[進入] jin4 ru4 to enter; to join; to go into 题[題] ti2 topic; problem for discussion; exam question; subject; to inscribe; to mention; CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/275 words - 30 min 票[票] piao4 ticket; ballot; banknote; CL:張|张[zhang1]; person held for ransom; amateur performance of Chinese opera; classifier for groups, batches, business transactions 仔细[仔細] zi3 xi4 careful; attentive; cautious 普通[普通] pu3 tong1 common; ordinary; general; average 划分[劃分] hua4 fen1 to divide up; to partition; to differentiate 暖男[暖男] nuan3 nan2 a man who is family-oriented, considerate and protective 范畴[範疇] fan4 chou2 category 少来[少來] shao3 lai2 refrain (from doing sth); (coll.) Come on!; Give me a break!; Save it! 套[套] tao4 to cover; to encase; cover; sheath; to overlap; to interleave; to model after; to copy; formula; harness; loop of rope; (fig.) to fish for; to obtain slyly; classifier for sets, collections; bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names); tau (Greek letter Ττ) 和暖[和暖] he2 nuan3 pleasantly warm (weather) 一线[一線] yi1 xian4 front line 隔[隔] ge2 to separate; to partition; to stand or lie between; at a distance from; after or at an interval of 独来独往[獨來獨往] du2 lai2 du2 wang3 coming and going alone (idiom); a lone operator; keeping to oneself; unsociable; maverick 在乎[在乎] zai4 hu5 to care about; equivalent of 在於|在于[zai4 yu2] 看法[看法] kan4 fa3 way of looking at a thing; view; opinion; CL:個|个[ge4] 周围[周圍] zhou1 wei2 surroundings; environment; to encompass 忍受[忍受] ren3 shou4 to bear; to endure 精致[精緻] jing1 zhi4 delicate; fine; exquisite; refined 常常[常常] chang2 chang2 frequently; often 梦到[夢到] meng4 dao4 to dream of; to dream about 噩梦[噩夢] e4 meng4 nightmare 根据[根據] gen1 ju4 according to; based on; basis; foundation; CL:個|个[ge4] 描述[描述] miao2 shu4 to describe; description 有意识[有意識] you3 yi4 shi2 conscious 克制[克制] ke4 zhi4 to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control 接触[接觸] jie1 chu4 to touch; to contact; access; in touch with //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/300 words - 31 min 生理[生理] sheng1 li3 physiology 层面[層面] ceng2 mian4 aspect; facet; level (political, psychological, spiritual etc); (geology) bedding plane 脆弱[脆弱] cui4 ruo4 weak; frail 忽然[忽然] hu1 ran2 suddenly; all of a sudden 短时间[短時間] duan3 shi2 jian1 short term; short time 过于[過於] guo4 yu2 too much; excessively 或[或] huo4 maybe; perhaps; might; possibly; or 病症[病症] bing4 zheng4 disease; illness 极[極] ji2 extremely; pole (geography, physics); utmost; top 反弹[反彈] fan3 tan2 to bounce; to bounce back; to boomerang; to ricochet; rebound (of stock market etc); bounce; backlash; negative repercussions 效果[效果] xiao4 guo3 result; effect; quality; CL:個|个[ge4] 进行[進行] jin4 xing2 to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to execute 干预[干預] gan1 yu4 to meddle; to intervene; intervention 治疗[治療] zhi4 liao2 to treat (an illness); medical treatment; therapy 否则[否則] fou3 ze2 if not; otherwise; else; or else 今后[今後] jin1 hou4 hereafter; henceforth; in the future; from now on 休息室[休息室] xiu1 xi1 shi4 lobby; lounge 坐下[坐下] zuo4 xia5 to sit down 接地气[接地氣] jie1 di4 qi4 in touch with the common people; down-to-earth 经验[經驗] jing1 yan4 experience; to experience 展示[展示] zhan3 shi4 to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit sth 主播[主播] zhu3 bo1 anchor (TV) 临时[臨時] lin2 shi2 as the time draws near; at the last moment; temporary; interim; ad hoc 对接[對接] dui4 jie1 to join up; to dock; a joint (between components) 模特[模特] mo2 te4 (fashion) model (loanword) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/325 words - 34 min 递[遞] di4 to hand over; to pass on sth; to gradually increase or decrease; progressively 抹布[抹布] ma1 bu4 cleaning rag; also pr. [mo3 bu4] 优盘[優盤] you1 pan2 USB flash drive; see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2] 摆[擺] bai3 to arrange; to exhibit; to move to and fro; a pendulum 止痛[止痛] zhi3 tong4 to relieve pain; to stop pain; analgesic 贴[貼] tie1 to stick; to paste; to post (e.g. on a blog); to keep close to; to fit snugly; to subsidize; allowance (e.g. money for food or housing); sticker; classifier for sticking plaster: strip 体恤[體恤] ti3 xu4 to empathize with; to show solicitude for; T-shirt (loanword) 总公司[總公司] zong3 gong1 si1 parent company; head office 专业[專業] zhuan1 ye4 specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]; professional 能否[能否] neng2 fou3 whether or not; can it or can't it; is it possible? 赏脸[賞臉] shang3 lian3 (polite) do me the honor 当面[當面] dang1 mian4 to sb's face; in sb's presence 答谢[答謝] da2 xie4 to express one's thanks 娱乐[娛樂] yu2 le4 to entertain; to amuse; entertainment; recreation; amusement; hobby; fun; joy 负荷[負荷] fu4 he4 load; burden; charge 培训[培訓] pei2 xun4 to cultivate; to train; to groom; training 助理[助理] zhu4 li3 assistant 靠谱[靠譜] kao4 pu3 reliable; reasonable; probable 拜托[拜託] bai4 tuo1 to request sb to do sth; please! 听话[聽話] ting1 hua4 to do what one is told; obedient 吃苦[吃苦] chi1 ku3 to bear hardships 缘[緣] yuan2 cause; reason; karma; fate; predestined affinity; margin; hem; edge; along 歹[歹] dai3 bad; wicked; evil; Kangxi radical 78 自甘堕落[自甘墮落] zi4 gan1 duo4 luo4 to abandon oneself (idiom); to let oneself go 人气[人氣] ren2 qi4 popularity; personality; character //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/350 words - 39 min 露[露] lou4 to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose 露[露] lu4 dew; syrup; nectar; outdoors (not under cover); to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose 忘恩负义[忘恩負義] wang4 en1 fu4 yi4 to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend; to kick a benefactor in the teeth 不少[不少] bu4 shao3 many; a lot; not few 感激[感激] gan3 ji1 to be grateful; to appreciate; thankful 私下[私下] si1 xia4 in private 疯子[瘋子] feng1 zi5 madman; lunatic 似的[似的] shi4 de5 seems as if; rather like; Taiwan pr. [si4 de5] 喂[餵] wei4 to feed 甜心[甜心] tian2 xin1 delighted to oblige; sweetheart 美的[美的] Mei3 di2 Midea (brand) 好久不见[好久不見] hao3 jiu3 bu5 jian4 long time no see 负责人[負責人] fu4 ze2 ren2 person in charge 验收[驗收] yan4 shou1 to inspect and accept; acceptance 签收[簽收] qian1 shou1 to sign for the acceptance of sth (e.g. a delivery etc) 大姐[大姐] da4 jie3 big sister; elder sister; older sister (also polite term of address for a girl or woman slightly older than the speaker) 加强[加強] jia1 qiang2 to reinforce; to strengthen; to increase 的确[的確] di2 que4 really; indeed 着急[著急] zhao2 ji2 to worry; to feel anxious; Taiwan pr. [zhao1 ji2] 广告[廣告] guang3 gao4 to advertise; a commercial; advertisement; CL:項|项[xiang4] 说服[說服] shuo1 fu2 to persuade; to convince; to talk sb over; Taiwan pr. [shui4 fu2] 哑巴[啞巴] ya3 ba5 mute; muted; a dumb person; to be dumb 阻止[阻止] zu3 zhi3 to prevent; to block 私[私] si1 personal; private; selfish 忠心耿耿[忠心耿耿] zhong1 xin1 geng3 geng3 loyal and devoted (idiom); faithful and true 以外[以外] yi3 wai4 apart from; other than; except for; external; outside of; on the other side of; beyond //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep03/351 words - 39 min 激动[激動] ji1 dong4 to move emotionally; to stir up (emotions); to excite //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/25 words - 6 min 爆[爆] bao4 to explode or burst; to quick fry or quick boil 手腕[手腕] shou3 wan4 wrist; trickery; finesse; ability; skill 扭伤[扭傷] niu3 shang1 a sprain; a crick; to sprain 目前[目前] mu4 qian2 at the present time; currently 韧带[韌帶] ren4 dai4 ligament 部分[部分] bu4 fen5 part; share; section; piece; CL:個|个[ge4] 撕裂[撕裂] si1 lie4 to rip apart; to tear; laceration; rent 部位[部位] bu4 wei4 position; place 肿胀[腫脹] zhong3 zhang4 swelling; oedema; internal bruising 节制[節制] jie2 zhi4 to control; to restrict; to moderate; to temper; moderation; sobriety; to administer 运动[運動] yun4 dong4 to move; to exercise; sports; exercise; motion; movement; campaign; CL:場|场[chang3] 冰[冰] bing1 ice; CL:塊|块[kuai4]; to chill sth; (of an object or substance) to feel cold; (of a person) cold; unfriendly; (slang) methamphetamine 敷[敷] fu1 to spread; to lay out; to apply (powder, ointment etc); sufficient (to cover); enough 静养[靜養] jing4 yang3 to convalesce; to recuperate; to fully relax 但凡[但凡] dan4 fan2 every single; as long as 自责[自責] zi4 ze2 to blame oneself 非分[非分] fei1 fen4 improper; presumptuous; assuming; overstepping one's bounds; also written 非份[fei1 fen4] 上下[上下] shang4 xia4 up and down; top and bottom; old and new; length; about 难受[難受] nan2 shou4 to feel unwell; to suffer pain; to be difficult to bear 越界[越界] yue4 jie4 to cross a border; to overstep a bound 生病[生病] sheng1 bing4 to fall ill 医疗费[醫療費] yi1 liao2 fei4 medical expenses 损失[損失] sun3 shi1 loss; damage; CL:個|个[ge4]; to lose; to suffer damage 李[李] li3 plum 一层[一層] yi1 ceng2 layer //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/50 words - 11 min 西装[西裝] xi1 zhuang1 suit; Western-style clothes; CL:套[tao4] 走光[走光] zou3 guang1 to expose oneself; to be completely gone 想不到[想不到] xiang3 bu5 dao4 unexpected; hard to imagine; it had not occurred to me; who could have thought that 四肢[四肢] si4 zhi1 the four limbs of the body 发达[發達] fa1 da2 developed (country etc); flourishing; to develop 笨蛋[笨蛋] ben4 dan4 fool; idiot 骨头[骨頭] gu3 tou5 bone; CL:根[gen1],塊|块[kuai4]; moral character; bitterness 汤[湯] tang1 soup; hot or boiling water; decoction of medicinal herbs; water in which sth has been boiled 伤筋动骨[傷筋動骨] shang1 jin1 dong4 gu3 to suffer serious injury (idiom) 摩托车[摩托車] mo2 tuo1 che1 motorbike; motorcycle (loanword); CL:輛|辆[liang4],部[bu4] 骑车[騎車] qi2 che1 to cycle 记者[記者] ji4 zhe3 reporter; journalist; CL:個|个[ge4] 戴上[戴上] dai4 shang5 to put on (hat etc) 头盔[頭盔] tou2 kui1 helmet 发型[髮型] fa4 xing2 hairstyle; coiffure; hairdo 体验[體驗] ti3 yan4 to experience for oneself 勉为其难[勉為其難] mian3 wei2 qi2 nan2 to tackle a difficult job (idiom); to do sth reluctantly 搭把手[搭把手] da1 ba3 shou3 to help out 良心[良心] liang2 xin1 conscience 作业[作業] zuo4 ye4 school assignment; homework; work; task; operation; CL:個|个[ge4]; to operate 遵命[遵命] zun1 ming4 to follow your orders; to do as you bid 巫婆[巫婆] wu1 po2 witch; sorceress; female shaman 好喝[好喝] hao3 he1 tasty (drinks) 唇齿[唇齒] chun2 chi3 lit. lips and teeth (idiom); fig. close partners; interdependent 回味无穷[回味無窮] hui2 wei4 wu2 qiong2 leaving a rich aftertaste; (fig.) memorable; lingering in memory //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/75 words - 13 min 安慰[安慰] an1 wei4 to comfort; to console; CL:個|个[ge4] 用心[用心] yong4 xin1 motive; intention; to be diligent or attentive; careful 不许[不許] bu4 xu3 not to allow; must not; can't 熬[熬] ao2 to cook on a slow fire; to extract by heating; to decoct; to endure 付[付] fu4 to pay; to hand over to; classifier for pairs or sets of things 全都[全都] quan2 dou1 all; without exception 负[負] fu4 to bear; to carry (on one's back); to turn one's back on; to be defeated; negative (math. etc) 领导者[領導者] ling3 dao3 zhe3 leader 识[識] shi2 to know; knowledge; Taiwan pr. [shi4] 用人[用人] yong4 ren2 servant; to employ sb for a job; to manage people; to be in need of staff 莽撞[莽撞] mang3 zhuang4 rude and impetuous 冒失[冒失] mao4 shi5 rash; impudent 拖后腿[拖後腿] tuo1 hou4 tui3 to impede; to obstruct; to hold back 惹[惹] re3 to provoke; to irritate; to vex; to stir up; to anger; to attract (troubles); to cause (problems) 也罢[也罷] ye3 ba4 (reduplicated) whether... or...; never mind; fine (indicating acceptance or resignation) 小小[小小] xiao3 xiao3 very small; very few; very minor 特地[特地] te4 di4 specially; for a special purpose 不愿[不願] bu4 yuan4 unwilling; unwillingness 眼睁睁[眼睜睜] yan3 zheng1 zheng1 to stare blankly; to look on helplessly; to look on unfeelingly 失败[失敗] shi1 bai4 to be defeated; to lose; to fail (e.g. experiments); failure; defeat; CL:次[ci4] 一事无成[一事無成] yi1 shi4 wu2 cheng2 to have achieved nothing; to be a total failure; to get nowhere 计划[計劃] ji4 hua4 plan; project; program; to plan; to map out; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 养病[養病] yang3 bing4 to recuperate; to convalesce; to take care of one's health after illness 轨迹[軌跡] gui3 ji4 locus; orbit; trajectory; track 孙子[孫子] sun1 zi5 grandson; son's son //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/100 words - 17 min 说到底[說到底] shuo1 dao4 di3 in the final analysis; in the end 老爷[老爺] lao3 ye5 (respectful) lord; master; (coll.) maternal grandfather 难为[難為] nan2 wei5 to bother; to press sb, usu. to do sth; it's a tough job; sorry to bother you (polite, used to thank sb for a favor) 花圃[花圃] hua1 pu3 flowerbed; parterre 娇气[嬌氣] jiao1 qi4 delicate; squeamish; finicky 能干[能幹] neng2 gan4 capable; competent 顾家[顧家] gu4 jia1 to take care of one's family 废人[廢人] fei4 ren2 handicapped person; useless person 好处[好處] hao3 chu5 benefit; advantage; gain; profit; also pr. [hao3 chu4]; CL:個|个[ge4] 康复[康復] kang1 fu4 to recuperate; to recover (health); to convalesce 为止[為止] wei2 zhi3 until; (used in combination with words like 到[dao4] or 至[zhi4] in constructs of the form 到...為止|到...为止) 需[需] xu1 to require; to need; to want; necessity; need 雇用[僱用] gu4 yong4 to employ; to hire 做饭[做飯] zuo4 fan4 to prepare a meal; to cook 辞退[辭退] ci2 tui4 to dismiss; to discharge; to fire 吹[吹] chui1 to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through 审时度势[審時度勢] shen3 shi2 duo2 shi4 to judge the hour and size up the situation; to take stock 忌讳[忌諱] ji4 hui4 taboo; to avoid as taboo; to abstain from 不久[不久] bu4 jiu3 not long (after); before too long; soon; soon after 威士忌[威士忌] wei1 shi4 ji4 whiskey (loanword) 护[護] hu4 to protect 使者[使者] shi3 zhe3 emissary; envoy 姜文[姜文] Jiang1 Wen2 Jiang Wen (1963-), sixth generation Chinese movie director 驰[馳] chi2 to run fast; to speed; to gallop; to disseminate; to spread 撩妹[撩妹] liao2 mei4 (coll.) to flirt; to hit on girls //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/125 words - 21 min 套路[套路] tao4 lu4 sequence of movements in martial arts; routine; pattern; standard method 土[土] tu3 earth; dust; clay; local; indigenous; crude opium; unsophisticated; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 逗[逗] dou4 to stay; to stop; to tease (play with); amusing; short pause in reading aloud, equivalent to comma (also written 讀|读[dou4]) 幽默[幽默] you1 mo4 (loanword) humor; humorous 细胞[細胞] xi4 bao1 cell (biology) 赔[賠] pei2 to compensate for loss; to indemnify; to suffer a financial loss 礼[禮] li3 gift; rite; ceremony; CL:份[fen4]; propriety; etiquette; courtesy 哄[哄] hong1 roar of laughter (onom.); hubbub; to roar (as a crowd) 两样[兩樣] liang3 yang4 two kinds; difference 树[樹] shu4 tree; CL:棵[ke1]; to cultivate; to set up 洞[洞] dong4 cave; hole; zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers); CL:個|个[ge4] 善良[善良] shan4 liang2 good and honest; kindhearted 难以[難以] nan2 yi3 hard to (predict, imagine etc) 抗拒[抗拒] kang4 ju4 to resist; to defy; to oppose 打动[打動] da3 dong4 to move (to pity); arousing (sympathy); touching 免疫[免疫] mian3 yi4 immunity (to disease) 特定[特定] te4 ding4 special; specific; designated; particular 临床[臨床] lin2 chuang2 clinical 常见[常見] chang2 jian4 commonly seen; common; to see sth frequently 恶心[噁心] e3 xin1 variant of 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1] 指[指] zhi3 finger; to point at or to; to indicate or refer to; to depend on; to count on; (of hair) to stand on end 嘴巴[嘴巴] zui3 ba5 mouth; CL:張|张[zhang1]; slap in the face; CL:個|个[ge4] 不适[不適] bu4 shi4 unwell; indisposed; out of sorts 确认[確認] que4 ren4 to confirm; to verify; confirmation 产生[產生] chan3 sheng1 to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/150 words - 23 min 距离[距離] ju4 li2 distance; CL:個|个[ge4]; to be apart from 发病[發病] fa1 bing4 onset; outbreak (of a disease) 外部[外部] wai4 bu4 external part; external 自身[自身] zi4 shen1 itself; oneself; one's own 状态[狀態] zhuang4 tai4 state of affairs; state; mode; situation; CL:個|个[ge4] 紧密[緊密] jin3 mi4 inseparably close 相关[相關] xiang1 guan1 related; relevant; pertinent; to be interrelated; (statistics) correlation 相互作用[相互作用] xiang1 hu4 zuo4 yong4 to interact; interaction; interplay 偶然[偶然] ou3 ran2 incidentally; occasional; occasionally; by chance; randomly 例外[例外] li4 wai4 exception; to be an exception 陪同[陪同] pei2 tong2 to accompany 密切[密切] mi4 qie4 close; familiar; intimate; closely (related); to foster close ties; to pay close attention 以防[以防] yi3 fang2 (so as) to avoid; to prevent; (just) in case 应激反应[應激反應] ying4 ji1 fan3 ying4 (physiological etc) stress 可不是[可不是] ke3 bu5 shi4 that's just the way it is; exactly! 无视[無視] wu2 shi4 to ignore; to disregard 考验[考驗] kao3 yan4 to test; to put to the test; trial; ordeal 切[切] qie1 to cut; to slice; tangent (math) 切[切] qie4 definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to; see also 反切[fan3 qie4] 屋[屋] wu1 house; room; CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4] 敲门[敲門] qiao1 men2 to knock on a door 抹[抹] mo3 to smear; to wipe; to erase; classifier for wisps of cloud, light-beams etc 上床[上床] shang4 chuang2 to go to bed; (coll.) to have sex 天生[天生] tian1 sheng1 nature; disposition; innate; natural 丽[麗] li4 beautiful 御[御] yu4 to resist; imperial; (classical) to drive (a chariot); to manage; to govern //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/175 words - 24 min 泥[泥] ni2 mud; clay; paste; pulp 坊[坊] fang2 workshop; mill; Taiwan pr. [fang1] 谈恋爱[談戀愛] tan2 lian4 ai4 to court; to go steady; to be dating 闺蜜[閨蜜] gui1 mi4 (coll.) (a woman's) close female friend; bestie; (originally written 閨密|闺密, an abbr. for 閨中密友|闺中密友) 不得[不得] bu4 de2 must not; may not; not to be allowed; cannot 血本[血本] xue4 ben3 hard-earned capital 御用[御用] yu4 yong4 for use by the emperor; imperial; (derog.) in the pay of the ruler 面膜[面膜] mian4 mo2 facial mask; cleanser; face pack; facial (treatment) 胡说[胡說] hu2 shuo1 to talk nonsense; drivel 桃花[桃花] tao2 hua1 peach blossom; (fig.) love affair 参谋[參謀] can1 mou2 staff officer; to give advice 保住[保住] bao3 zhu4 to preserve; to save 传感器[傳感器] chuan2 gan3 qi4 sensor; transducer 方面[方面] fang1 mian4 respect; aspect; field; side; CL:個|个[ge4] 担保[擔保] dan1 bao3 to guarantee; to vouch for 市面上[市面上] shi4 mian4 shang4 on the market 同类[同類] tong2 lei4 similar; same type; alike 商品[商品] shang1 pin3 commodity; goods; merchandise; CL:個|个[ge4] 款[款] kuan3 section; paragraph; funds; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]; classifier for versions or models (of a product) 精确度[精確度] jing1 que4 du4 accuracy; precision 此类[此類] ci3 lei4 this kind; these kinds; such 亮点[亮點] liang4 dian3 highlight; bright spot 充分[充分] chong1 fen4 ample; sufficient; adequate; full; fully; to the full 布局[佈局] bu4 ju2 arrangement; composition; layout; opening (chess jargon) 延后[延後] yan2 hou4 to postpone; to defer; to delay //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/200 words - 27 min 好话[好話] hao3 hua4 friendly advice; words spoken on sb's behalf; a good word; kind words; words that sound fine but are not followed up with actions 案子[案子] an4 zi5 long table; counter; case; law case; legal case; judicial case 提案[提案] ti2 an4 proposal; draft resolution; motion (to be debated); to propose a bill; to make a proposal 心血[心血] xin1 xue4 heart's blood; expenditure (for some project); meticulous care 忙活[忙活] mang2 huo5 to be really busy; pressing business 谁知[誰知] shei2 zhi1 lit. who knows; who would have thought; unexpectedly; unpredictably 节骨眼[節骨眼] jie1 gu5 yan3 (dialect) critical juncture; crucial moment; Taiwan pr. [jie2 gu5 yan3] 推迟[推遲] tui1 chi2 to postpone; to put off; to defer 不止[不止] bu4 zhi3 incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to 竞争[競爭] jing4 zheng1 to compete; competition 抢走[搶走] qiang3 zou3 to snatch (esp related to a robbery) 出手[出手] chu1 shou3 to dispose of; to spend (money); to undertake a task 相助[相助] xiang1 zhu4 to help one another; to come to sb's help 皮匠[皮匠] pi2 jiang5 cobbler 抵[抵] di3 to press against; to support; to prop up; to resist; to equal; to balance; to make up for; to mortgage; to arrive at; to clap (one's hands) lightly (expressing delight) (Taiwan pr. [zhi3] for this sense) 诸葛亮[諸葛亮] Zhu1 ge3 Liang4 Zhuge Liang (181-234), military leader and prime minister of Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉 during the Three Kingdoms period; the main hero of the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义, where he is portrayed as a sage and military genius; mastermind 何况[何況] he2 kuang4 let alone; to say nothing of; besides; what's more 姜[姜] jiang1 variant of 薑|姜[jiang1] 预约[預約] yu4 yue1 booking; reservation; to book; to make an appointment 团队[團隊] tuan2 dui4 team 黄[黃] huang2 yellow; pornographic; to fall through 区[區] qu1 area; region; district; small; distinguish; CL:個|个[ge4] 稍[稍] shao1 somewhat; a little 候[候] hou4 to wait; to inquire after; to watch; season; climate; (old) period of five days 集团[集團] ji2 tuan2 group; bloc; corporation; conglomerate //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/225 words - 29 min 敏锐[敏銳] min3 rui4 keen; sharp; acute 感应[感應] gan3 ying4 response; reaction; interaction; irritability (biol.); induction (elec.); inductance 茶点[茶點] cha2 dian3 tea and cake; refreshments; tea and dimsun 點心|点心, traditional Hong Kong lunch 讲究[講究] jiang3 jiu5 to pay particular attention to; carefully selected for quality; tastefully chosen 名不虚传[名不虛傳] ming2 bu4 xu1 chuan2 lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation; enjoys a well-deserved reputation 取决[取決] qu3 jue2 to depend upon; to hinge upon 卫生间[衛生間] wei4 sheng1 jian1 bathroom; toilet; WC; CL:間|间[jian1] 厕所[廁所] ce4 suo3 toilet; lavatory; CL:間|间[jian1],處|处[chu4] 维修[維修] wei2 xiu1 maintenance (of equipment); to protect and maintain 出示[出示] chu1 shi4 to show; to take out and show to others; to display 由于[由於] you2 yu2 due to; as a result of; thanks to; owing to; since; because 某些[某些] mou3 xie1 some; certain (things) 级别[級別] ji2 bie2 (military) rank; level; grade 安保[安保] an1 bao3 to maintain security (abbr.) 联网[聯網] lian2 wang3 network; cyber- 办公[辦公] ban4 gong1 to handle official business; to work (esp. in an office) 访客[訪客] fang3 ke4 visitor; caller 核实[核實] he2 shi2 to verify; to check 证件[證件] zheng4 jian4 certificate; papers; credentials; document; ID 保安[保安] bao3 an1 to ensure public security; to ensure safety (for workers engaged in production); public security; security guard 闹事[鬧事] nao4 shi4 to cause trouble; to create a disturbance 话说[話說] hua4 shuo1 It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative); to discuss; to recount 前科[前科] qian2 ke1 criminal record; previous convictions 牢[牢] lao2 firm; sturdy; fold (for animals); sacrifice; prison 有名[有名] you3 ming2 famous; well-known //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/250 words - 32 min 聘用[聘用] pin4 yong4 to employ; to hire 可怕[可怕] ke3 pa4 awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly 放进[放進] fang4 jin4 to put into 峰会[峰會] feng1 hui4 summit meeting 办事[辦事] ban4 shi4 to handle (affairs); to work 年度[年度] nian2 du4 year (e.g. school year, fiscal year); annual 准[準] zhun3 accurate; standard; definitely; certainly; about to become (bride, son-in-law etc); quasi-; para- 之所以[之所以] zhi1 suo3 yi3 the reason why 传统[傳統] chuan2 tong3 tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:個|个[ge4] 主要[主要] zhu3 yao4 main; principal; major; primary 在于[在於] zai4 yu2 to be in; to lie in; to consist in; to depend on; to rest with 人力[人力] ren2 li4 manpower; labor power 代替[代替] dai4 ti4 to replace; to take the place of 打断[打斷] da3 duan4 to interrupt; to break off; to break (a bone) 提倡[提倡] ti2 chang4 to promote; to advocate 式[式] shi4 type; form; pattern; style 有别[有別] you3 bie2 different; distinct; unequal; variable 机械[機械] ji1 xie4 machine; machinery; mechanical; (old) cunning; scheming 人工智慧[人工智慧] ren2 gong1 zhi4 hui4 artificial intelligence 机身[機身] ji1 shen1 body of a vehicle or machine; fuselage of a plane 装有[裝有] zhuang1 you3 fitted with 极度[極度] ji2 du4 extremely 检测[檢測] jian3 ce4 to detect; to test; detection; sensing 意味着[意味著] yi4 wei4 zhe5 to signify; to mean; to imply 逃[逃] tao2 to escape; to run away; to flee //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/275 words - 33 min 法眼[法眼] fa3 yan3 discerning eye 准时[準時] zhun3 shi2 on time; punctual; on schedule 半个[半個] ban4 ge5 half of sth 竞[競] jing4 to compete; to contend; to struggle 标[標] biao1 mark; sign; label; to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc; to bear (a brand name, registration number etc); prize; award; bid; target; quota; (old) the topmost branches of a tree; visible symptom; classifier for military units 不怎么[不怎麼] bu4 zen3 me5 not very; not particularly 重视[重視] zhong4 shi4 to attach importance to sth; to value 凑数[湊數] cou4 shu4 to serve as a stopgap; to make up a shortfall in the number of people 进一步[進一步] jin4 yi1 bu4 one step further; to move forward a step; further onwards 预期[預期] yu4 qi1 to expect; to anticipate 频频[頻頻] pin2 pin2 repeatedly; again and again; continuously; constantly 词[詞] ci2 word; statement; speech; lyrics; CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]; a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2]; CL:首[shou3] 百分之百[百分之百] bai3 fen1 zhi1 bai3 a hundred percent; out and out; absolutely 施行[施行] shi1 xing2 to put in place; to put into practice; to take effect 有待[有待] you3 dai4 not yet (done); pending 观察[觀察] guan1 cha2 to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation; view; perspective; CL:個|个[ge4] 因素[因素] yin1 su4 element; factor; CL:個|个[ge4] 最新[最新] zui4 xin1 latest; newest 组件[組件] zu3 jian4 module; unit; component; assembly 专利[專利] zhuan1 li4 patent; sth uniquely enjoyed (or possessed etc) by a certain group of people; monopoly 相比[相比] xiang1 bi3 to compare 大大[大大] da4 da4 greatly; enormously; (dialect) dad; uncle 提升[提昇] ti2 sheng1 to promote; to upgrade 节省[節省] jie2 sheng3 saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on 成本[成本] cheng2 ben3 (manufacturing, production etc) costs //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/300 words - 36 min 发挥[發揮] fa1 hui1 to display; to exhibit; to bring out implicit or innate qualities; to express (a thought or moral); to develop (an idea); to elaborate (on a theme) 收拾残局[收拾殘局] shou1 shi5 can2 ju2 to clear up the mess; to pick up the pieces 尝试[嘗試] chang2 shi4 to try; to attempt; CL:次[ci4] 林[林] lin2 woods; forest; CL:片[pian4]; circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people); a collection (of similar things) 年少[年少] nian2 shao4 young; junior 有为[有為] you3 wei2 promising; to show promise 不巧[不巧] bu4 qiao3 too bad; unfortunately; as luck would have it 在场[在場] zai4 chang3 to be present; to be on the scene 定位[定位] ding4 wei4 to orientate; to position; to categorize (as); to characterize (as); positioning; position; niche 棋逢对手[棋逢對手] qi2 feng2 dui4 shou3 to be evenly matched; to meet one's match 有趣[有趣] you3 qu4 interesting; fascinating; amusing 对手[對手] dui4 shou3 opponent; rival; competitor; (well-matched) adversary; match 含[含] han2 to keep; to contain; to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing) 出生[出生] chu1 sheng1 to be born 亲力亲为[親力親為] qin1 li4 qin1 wei2 to do sth oneself 后台[後台] hou4 tai2 backstage area; behind-the-scenes supporter; (computing) back-end; background 撑腰[撐腰] cheng1 yao1 to support; to brace 穷苦[窮苦] qiong2 ku3 impoverished; destitute 共[共] gong4 common; general; to share; together; total; altogether; abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party 创立[創立] chuang4 li4 to establish; to set up; to found 资源[資源] zi1 yuan2 natural resource (such as water or minerals); resource (such as manpower or tourism) 本事[本事] ben3 shi5 ability; skill 正道[正道] zheng4 dao4 the correct path; the right way (Buddhism) 灯[燈] deng1 lamp; light; lantern; CL:盞|盏[zhan3] 铺[鋪] pu1 to spread; to display; to set up; (old) holder for door-knocker 铺[鋪] pu4 plank bed; place to sleep; shop; store; (old) relay station //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep04/316 words - 39 min 粘[粘] nian2 variant of 黏[nian2] 头发[頭髮] tou2 fa5 hair (on the head) 湿[濕] shi1 moist; wet 泼[潑] po1 to splash; to spill; rough and coarse; brutish 脏水[髒水] zang1 shui3 dirty water; sewage 着凉[著涼] zhao2 liang2 to catch cold; Taiwan pr. [zhao1 liang2] 只不过[只不過] zhi3 bu5 guo4 only; merely; nothing but; no more than; it's just that ... 上个[上個] shang4 ge5 first (of two parts); last (week etc); previous; the above 用不着[用不著] yong4 bu5 zhao2 not need; have no use for 罪[罪] zui4 guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin 内部[內部] nei4 bu4 interior; inside (part, section); internal 讨[討] tao3 to invite; to provoke; to demand or ask for; to send armed forces to suppress; to denounce or condemn; to marry (a woman); to discuss or study 公道[公道] gong1 dao4 justice; fairness; public highway 劳[勞] lao2 to toil; labor; laborer; to put sb to trouble (of doing sth); meritorious deed; to console (Taiwan pr. [lao4] for this sense) 费心[費心] fei4 xin1 to take a lot of trouble (over sb or sth); may I trouble you (to do sth) 好容易[好容易] hao3 rong2 yi4 with great difficulty; to have a hard time (convincing sb, relinquishing sth etc) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/25 words - 7 min 纠缠[糾纏] jiu1 chan2 to be in a tangle; to nag 闹肚子[鬧肚子] nao4 du4 zi5 (coll.) to have diarrhea 拦[攔] lan2 to block sb's path; to obstruct; to flag down (a taxi) 蓄意[蓄意] xu4 yi4 deliberate; premeditated; malice 尽快[盡快] jin4 kuai4 see 儘快|尽快[jin3 kuai4] 查清[查清] cha2 qing1 to find out; to ascertain; to get to the bottom of; to clarify 裙子[裙子] qun2 zi5 skirt; CL:條|条[tiao2] 合适[合適] he2 shi4 suitable; fitting; appropriate 款式[款式] kuan3 shi4 pattern; style; design; CL:種|种[zhong3] 尺码[尺碼] chi3 ma3 size; fitting (of apparel) 送人[送人] song4 ren2 to give away; to accompany; to see sb off 姜[薑] jiang1 ginger 擦干[擦乾] ca1 gan1 to wipe dry 天经地义[天經地義] tian1 jing1 di4 yi4 lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); fig. right and proper; right and unalterable; a matter of course 心疼[心疼] xin1 teng2 to love dearly; to feel sorry for sb; to regret; to grudge; to be distressed 公[公] gong1 public; collectively owned; common; international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar); make public; fair; just; Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]; honorable (gentlemen); father-in-law; male (animal) 几次[幾次] ji3 ci4 several times 似乎[似乎] si4 hu1 apparently; to seem; to appear; as if; seemingly 工伤[工傷] gong1 shang1 industrial injury 补偿[補償] bu3 chang2 to compensate; to make up 细致[細緻] xi4 zhi4 delicate; fine; careful; meticulous; painstaking 微[微] wei1 tiny; miniature; slightly; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2] 白色[白色] bai2 se4 white; fig. reactionary; anti-communist 弄脏[弄髒] nong4 zang1 to make dirty; to defile; to smear 商场[商場] shang1 chang3 shopping mall; shopping center; department store; emporium; CL:家[jia1]; the business world //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/50 words - 13 min 活动[活動] huo2 dong4 to exercise; to move about; to operate; to use connections (personal influence); loose; shaky; active; movable; activity; campaign; maneuver; behavior; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 赠品[贈品] zeng4 pin3 gift; complimentary item; freebie; giveaway 拜拜[拜拜] bai2 bai2 (loanword) bye-bye; also pr. [bai1 bai1] etc; (coll.) to part ways (with sb); (fig.) to have nothing further to do (with sb or sth) 尽快[儘快] jin3 kuai4 as quickly as possible; as soon as possible; with all speed 长得[長得] zhang3 de5 to look (pretty, the same etc) 不赖[不賴] bu4 lai4 (coll.) not bad; good; fine 审美[審美] shen3 mei3 esthetics; appreciating the arts; taste 杂志[雜誌] za2 zhi4 magazine; CL:本[ben3],份[fen4],期[qi1] 八卦[八卦] ba1 gua4 the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]; gossip; gossipy 借给[借給] jie4 gei3 to lend to sb 熨[熨] yun4 an iron; to iron 显得[顯得] xian3 de5 to seem; to look; to appear 招摇[招搖] zhao1 yao2 to act ostentatiously; to brag; to show off 工作服[工作服] gong1 zuo4 fu2 work clothes 玄[玄] xuan2 black; mysterious 催[催] cui1 to urge; to press; to prompt; to rush sb; to hasten sth; to expedite 律师[律師] lu:4 shi1 lawyer 地址[地址] di4 zhi3 address; CL:個|个[ge4] 闪亮[閃亮] shan3 liang4 brilliant; shiny; a flare; to glisten; to twinkle 勘查[勘查] kan1 cha2 variant of 勘察[kan1 cha2] 杯子[杯子] bei1 zi5 cup; glass; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 接单[接單] jie1 dan1 to take a customer's order; (of a taxi driver) to accept a booking; (of a delivery rider) to accept a delivery job 进门[進門] jin4 men2 to enter a door; to go in; to learn the basics of a subject; to join one's husband's household upon marriage 职业[職業] zhi2 ye4 occupation; profession; vocation; professional 网球[網球] wang3 qiu2 tennis; tennis ball; CL:個|个[ge4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/75 words - 17 min 运动员[運動員] yun4 dong4 yuan2 athlete; CL:名[ming2],個|个[ge4] 腿[腿] tui3 leg; CL:條|条[tiao2] 轮椅[輪椅] lun2 yi3 wheelchair 家庭[家庭] jia1 ting2 family; household; CL:戶|户[hu4],個|个[ge4] 实验室[實驗室] shi2 yan4 shi4 laboratory; CL:間|间[jian1] 标准[標準] biao1 zhun3 (an official) standard; norm; criterion; CL:個|个[ge4] 感到[感到] gan3 dao4 to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect 达[達] da2 to attain; to reach; to amount to; to communicate; eminent 有限[有限] you3 xian4 limited; finite 实现[實現] shi2 xian4 to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about 感[感] gan3 to feel; to move; to touch; to affect; feeling; emotion; (suffix) sense of ~ 不幸[不幸] bu4 xing4 misfortune; adversity; unfortunate; sad; unfortunately; CL:個|个[ge4] 福[福] fu2 good fortune; happiness; luck 明显[明顯] ming2 xian3 clear; distinct; obvious 家门[家門] jia1 men2 house door; family clan 纠结[糾結] jiu1 jie2 to intertwine; to band together (with); to link up (with); twisted; tangled; confused; to be at a loss 愧疚[愧疚] kui4 jiu4 to feel guilty; to feel ashamed of oneself; to be remorseful 正要[正要] zheng4 yao4 to be just about to; to be on the point of 视察[視察] shi4 cha2 to inspect; an investigation 主动[主動] zhu3 dong4 to take the initiative; to do sth of one's own accord; spontaneous; active; opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]; drive (of gears and shafts etc) 挫折[挫折] cuo4 zhe2 setback; reverse; check; defeat; frustration; disappointment; to frustrate; to discourage; to set sb back; to blunt; to subdue 不断[不斷] bu4 duan4 unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant 生来[生來] sheng1 lai2 from birth; by one's nature 私事[私事] si1 shi4 personal matters 说说[說說] shuo1 shuo5 to say sth //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/100 words - 24 min 实际[實際] shi2 ji4 reality; practice; practical; realistic; real; actual 行动[行動] xing2 dong4 operation; action; CL:個|个[ge4]; to move about; mobile 自作多情[自作多情] zi4 zuo4 duo1 qing2 to imagine that one's love is reciprocated; to shower affection on an uninterested party 生日[生日] sheng1 ri4 birthday; CL:個|个[ge4] 栗子[栗子] li4 zi5 chestnut 蛋糕[蛋糕] dan4 gao1 cake; CL:塊|块[kuai4],個|个[ge4] 生日快乐[生日快樂] sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4 Happy birthday 保佑[保佑] bao3 you4 to bless and protect; blessing 草莓[草莓] cao3 mei2 strawberry; CL:顆|颗[ke1]; (Tw) hickey; love bite 冰淇淋[冰淇淋] bing1 qi2 lin2 ice cream 迅速[迅速] xun4 su4 rapid; speedy; fast 英雄所见略同[英雄所見略同] ying1 xiong2 suo3 jian4 lu:e4 tong2 lit. heroes usually agree (idiom); Great minds think alike. 修炼[修煉] xiu1 lian4 (of Taoists) to practice austerities; to practice asceticism 空调[空調] kong1 tiao2 air conditioning; air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode); CL:臺|台[tai2] 外边[外邊] wai4 bian5 outside; outer surface; abroad; place other than one's home 凉[涼] liang2 cool; cold 锅[鍋] guo1 pot; pan; boiler; CL:口[kou3],隻|只[zhi1] 舍不得[捨不得] she3 bu5 de5 to hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to begrudge 矮[矮] ai3 low; short (in length) 女主人[女主人] nu:3 zhu3 ren2 hostess; mistress 干脆[乾脆] gan1 cui4 straightforward; clear-cut; blunt (e.g. statement); you might as well; simply 定做[定做] ding4 zuo4 to have something made to order 橱柜[櫥櫃] chu2 gui4 cupboard; cupboard that can also be used as a table; sideboard 矮人[矮人] ai3 ren2 dwarf 摆放[擺放] bai3 fang4 to set up; to arrange; to lay out //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/125 words - 29 min 周到[周到] zhou1 dao4 thoughtful; considerate; attentive; thorough; also pr. [zhou1 dao5] 赞[讚] zan4 variant of 贊|赞[zan4]; to praise 晚饭[晚飯] wan3 fan4 evening meal; dinner; supper; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 总要[總要] zong3 yao4 nevertheless 不得了[不得了] bu4 de2 liao3 desperately serious; disastrous; extremely; exceedingly 反对[反對] fan3 dui4 to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition 难处[難處] nan2 chu5 trouble; difficulty; problem 打击[打擊] da3 ji1 to hit; to strike; to attack; to crack down on sth; blow; (psychological) shock; percussion (music) 失恋[失戀] shi1 lian4 to lose one's love; to break up (in a romantic relationship); to feel jilted 分心[分心] fen1 xin1 to distract 惹麻烦[惹麻煩] re3 ma2 fan5 to create difficulties; to invite trouble; to be troublesome 典型[典型] dian3 xing2 model; typical case; archetype; typical; representative 综合症[綜合症] zong1 he2 zheng4 syndrome 驾照[駕照] jia4 zhao4 driver's license 高分[高分] gao1 fen1 high marks; high score 喜气[喜氣] xi3 qi4 hilarity; cheerful atmosphere 顺[順] shun4 to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable 利[利] li4 sharp; favorable; advantage; benefit; profit; interest; to do good to; to benefit 多谢[多謝] duo1 xie4 many thanks; thanks a lot 灯泡[燈泡] deng1 pao4 light bulb; see also 電燈泡|电灯泡[dian4 deng1 pao4]; third-wheel or unwanted third party spoiling a couple's date (slang); CL:個|个[ge4] 添乱[添亂] tian1 luan4 (coll.) to cause trouble for sb; to inconvenience 开关[開關] kai1 guan1 power switch; gas valve; to open the city (or frontier) gate; to open and close; to switch on and off 心得[心得] xin1 de2 what one has learned (through experience, reading etc); knowledge; insight; understanding; tips; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 有用[有用] you3 yong4 useful 成熟[成熟] cheng2 shu2 mature; ripe; to mature; to ripen; Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/150 words - 30 min 小事[小事] xiao3 shi4 trifle; trivial matter; CL:點|点[dian3] 累积[累積] lei3 ji1 to accumulate 修[修] xiu1 to decorate; to embellish; to repair; to build; to write; to cultivate; to study; to take (a class) 顶梁柱[頂梁柱] ding3 liang2 zhu4 pillar; backbone 独特[獨特] du2 te4 unique; distinct; having special characteristics 丑[醜] chou3 shameful; ugly; disgraceful 门铃[門鈴] men2 ling2 doorbell 渴[渴] ke3 thirsty 专家[專家] zhuan1 jia1 expert; specialist; CL:個|个[ge4] 恐[恐] kong3 afraid; frightened; to fear 照片[照片] zhao4 pian4 photograph; picture; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4],幅[fu2] 感兴趣[感興趣] gan3 xing4 qu4 to be interested 视频[視頻] shi4 pin2 video 爱屋及乌[愛屋及烏] ai4 wu1 ji2 wu1 lit. love the house and its crow (idiom); involvement with sb and everyone connected; Love me, love my dog. 滤[濾] lu:4 to strain; to filter 镜[鏡] jing4 mirror; lens 科学[科學] ke1 xue2 science; scientific knowledge; scientific; rational; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] 依据[依據] yi1 ju4 according to; basis; foundation 爱情[愛情] ai4 qing2 romance; love (romantic); CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4] 来临[來臨] lai2 lin2 to approach; to come closer 额叶[額葉] e2 ye4 frontal lobe 扁桃体[扁桃體] bian3 tao2 ti3 tonsil 功能[功能] gong1 neng2 function; capability 下降[下降] xia4 jiang4 to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease 判断力[判斷力] pan4 duan4 li4 ability to judge; judgment //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/175 words - 31 min 偏差[偏差] pian1 cha1 bias; deviation 情人眼里出西施[情人眼裡出西施] qing2 ren2 yan3 li3 chu1 Xi1 shi1 lit. in the eyes of a lover appears 西施[Xi1 shi1] (idiom); fig. beauty is in the eye of the beholder 哪怕[哪怕] na3 pa4 even; even if; even though; no matter how 不起眼[不起眼] bu4 qi3 yan3 unremarkable; nothing out of the ordinary 物件[物件] wu4 jian4 object 有心人[有心人] you3 xin1 ren2 resolute person; person with aspirations; people who feel; people who use their heads 格外[格外] ge2 wai4 especially; particularly 珍贵[珍貴] zhen1 gui4 precious 盲目[盲目] mang2 mu4 blind; blindly; ignorant; lacking understanding 柏拉图[柏拉圖] Bo2 la1 tu2 Plato (c. 427-c. 347 BC), Greek philosopher 曾[曾] ceng2 once; already; ever (in the past); former; previously; (past tense marker used before verb or clause) 理性[理性] li3 xing4 reason; rationality; rational 区域[區域] qu1 yu4 area; region; district 恋爱[戀愛] lian4 ai4 (romantic) love; CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3]; in love; to have an affair 言行不一[言行不一] yan2 xing2 bu4 yi1 (idiom) to say one thing and do another 行为[行為] xing2 wei2 action; conduct; behavior; activity 比如[比如] bi3 ru2 for example; for instance; such as 嫌弃[嫌棄] xian2 qi4 to avoid sb (out of dislike); to turn one's back on sb; to ignore 言语[言語] yan2 yu3 words; speech; (spoken) language 攻击[攻擊] gong1 ji1 to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack (terrorist or military) 独自[獨自] du2 zi4 alone 忍不住[忍不住] ren3 bu5 zhu4 cannot help; unable to bear 以上[以上] yi3 shang4 that level or higher; that amount or more; the above-mentioned; (used to indicate that one has completed one's remarks) That is all. 心动[心動] xin1 dong4 heartbeat; heart rate; (fig.) emotionally affected; aroused (of desire, emotion, interest etc) 视线[視線] shi4 xian4 line of sight //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/200 words - 34 min 胡说八道[胡說八道] hu2 shuo1 ba1 dao4 to talk rubbish 良好[良好] liang2 hao3 good; favorable; well; fine 心态[心態] xin1 tai4 attitude (of the heart); state of one's psyche; way of thinking; mentality 贴士[貼士] tie1 shi4 (loanword) tip; hint; suggestion; piece of advice 答[答] da2 reply; answer; return; respond; echo 自信[自信] zi4 xin4 to have confidence in oneself; self-confidence 饱满[飽滿] bao3 man3 full; plump 佳绩[佳績] jia1 ji4 good result; success 缓解[緩解] huan3 jie3 to bring relief; to alleviate (a crisis); to dull (a pain) 妙招[妙招] miao4 zhao1 smart move; clever way of doing sth 香蕉[香蕉] xiang1 jiao1 banana; CL:枝[zhi1],根[gen1],個|个[ge4],把[ba3] 核桃[核桃] he2 tao5 walnut; CL:個|个[ge4],棵[ke1] 事无巨细[事無巨細] shi4 wu2 ju4 xi4 lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom); fig. to deal with any matter, regardless of its importance 考场[考場] kao3 chang3 exam room 烦恼[煩惱] fan2 nao3 to be worried; to be distressed; worries 放松[放鬆] fang4 song1 to loosen; to relax 莫[莫] mo4 do not; there is none who 大名[大名] da4 ming2 famous name; your distinguished name; one's formal personal name 金榜[金榜] jin1 bang3 lit. tablet with inscription in gold; pass list for the top imperial examinations; roll of honor 出发[出發] chu1 fa1 to set off; to start (on a journey) 考生[考生] kao3 sheng1 exam candidate; student whose name has been put forward for an exam 进场[進場] jin4 chang3 to go into; to enter an arena (e.g. sporting) 放平[放平] fang4 ping2 to set level; to lay flat 赶上[趕上] gan3 shang4 to keep up with; to catch up with; to overtake; to chance upon; in time for 技[技] ji4 skill //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/225 words - 37 min 护身符[護身符] hu4 shen1 fu2 amulet; protective talisman; charm 没底[沒底] mei2 di3 unsure; uncertain; unending 伞[傘] san3 umbrella; parasol; CL:把[ba3] 下雨[下雨] xia4 yu3 to rain 自个儿[自個兒] zi4 ge3 r5 (dialect) oneself; by oneself 全新[全新] quan2 xin1 all new; completely new 细节[細節] xi4 jie2 details; particulars 义务[義務] yi4 wu4 duty; obligation; CL:項|项[xiang4]; volunteer (work etc) 出行[出行] chu1 xing2 to go out somewhere (relatively short trip); to set off on a journey (longer trip) 来得[來得] lai2 de5 to emerge (from a comparison); to come out as; to be competent or equal to 特殊[特殊] te4 shu1 special; particular; unusual; extraordinary 详尽[詳盡] xiang2 jin4 thorough and detailed; exhaustive; the tedious details in full 自作聪明[自作聰明] zi4 zuo4 cong1 ming2 to think oneself clever (idiom) 工具[工具] gong1 ju4 tool; instrument; utensil; means (to achieve a goal etc) 同情[同情] tong2 qing2 to sympathize with; sympathy 哲学家[哲學家] zhe2 xue2 jia1 philosopher 没用[沒用] mei2 yong4 useless 搞砸[搞砸] gao3 za2 to mess (sth) up; to foul up; to spoil 提心吊胆[提心吊膽] ti2 xin1 diao4 dan3 (saying) to be very scared and on edge 多事[多事] duo1 shi4 meddlesome; eventful 上边[上邊] shang4 bian5 the top; above; overhead; upwards; the top margin; above-mentioned; those higher up 裁[裁] cai2 to cut out (as a dress); to cut; to trim; to reduce; to diminish; to cut back (e.g. on staff); decision; judgment 服务质量[服務質量] fu2 wu4 zhi4 liang4 Quality of Service; QOS 自暴自弃[自暴自棄] zi4 bao4 zi4 qi4 to abandon oneself to despair; to give up and stop bothering 降低[降低] jiang4 di1 to reduce; to lower; to bring down //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep05/234 words - 40 min 淘汰[淘汰] tao2 tai4 to wash out; elimination (by selection); natural selection; to knock out (in a competition); to die out; to phase out 鲁莽[魯莽] lu3 mang3 hot-headed; impulsive; reckless 提到[提到] ti2 dao4 to mention; to raise (a subject); to refer to 定律[定律] ding4 lu:4 scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy); (in human affairs) a generalization based on observation (e.g. "power corrupts") 急着[急著] ji2 zhe5 urgently 否认[否認] fou3 ren4 to declare to be untrue; to deny 深陷[深陷] shen1 xian4 to be deeply in (trouble, debt etc); deep set (eyes) 从头到脚[從頭到腳] cong2 tou2 dao4 jiao3 from head to foot 纯[純] chun2 pure; simple; unmixed; genuine //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep06/25 words - 8 min 想像[想像] xiang3 xiang4 to imagine; to conceive of; to visualize; imagination 体面[體面] ti3 mian4 dignity; face (as in "losing face"); honorable; creditable; (of sb's appearance) presentable; respectable 礼花[禮花] li3 hua1 fireworks 使[使] shi3 to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; to send; to instruct sb to do sth; envoy; messenger 纸[紙] zhi3 paper; CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2]; classifier for documents, letter etc 屑[屑] xie4 bits; fragments; crumbs; filings; trifling; trivial; to condescend to 筷[筷] kuai4 chopstick 一眨眼[一眨眼] yi1 zha3 yan3 in a wink 工夫[工夫] gong1 fu5 period of time (may be months, or mere seconds); spare time; skill; labor; effort 帅气[帥氣] shuai4 qi5 handsome; smart; dashing; elegant 干杯[乾杯] gan1 bei1 to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast); Here's to you!; Bottoms up!; lit. dry cup 成年人[成年人] cheng2 nian2 ren2 adult person 展开[展開] zhan3 kai1 to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch 把握[把握] ba3 wo4 to grasp (also fig.); to seize; to hold; assurance; certainty; sure (of the outcome) 夹[夾] jia1 to press from either side; to place in between; to sandwich; to carry sth under armpit; wedged between; between; to intersperse; to mix; to mingle; clip; folder; Taiwan pr. [jia2] 补课[補課] bu3 ke4 to make up missed lesson; to reschedule a class 双手[雙手] shuang1 shou3 both hands 喝醉[喝醉] he1 zui4 to get drunk 开会[開會] kai1 hui4 to hold a meeting; to attend a meeting 信息[信息] xin4 xi1 information; news; message 搞定[搞定] gao3 ding4 to fix; to settle; to wangle 客人[客人] ke4 ren2 visitor; guest; customer; client; CL:位[wei4] 吃完[吃完] chi1 wan2 to finish eating 赶不上[趕不上] gan3 bu4 shang4 can't keep up with; can't catch up with; cannot overtake 末班车[末班車] mo4 ban1 che1 last bus or train; last chance //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep06/50 words - 14 min 胆子[膽子] dan3 zi5 courage; nerve; guts 小子[小子] xiao3 zi5 (coll.) boy; (derog.) joker; guy; (despicable) fellow 脖子[脖子] bo2 zi5 neck; CL:個|个[ge4] 页[頁] ye4 page; leaf 不该[不該] bu4 gai1 should not; to owe nothing 淘气[淘氣] tao2 qi4 naughty; mischievous 安静[安靜] an1 jing4 quiet; peaceful; calm 分钟[分鐘] fen1 zhong1 minute 鸡[雞] ji1 fowl; chicken; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) prostitute 随处[隨處] sui2 chu4 everywhere; anywhere 想象[想象] xiang3 xiang4 to imagine; to fancy; CL:個|个[ge4] 画面[畫面] hua4 mian4 scene; tableau; picture; image; screen (displayed by a computer); (motion picture) frame; field of view 超人[超人] chao1 ren2 superhuman; exceptional 混世魔王[混世魔王] hun4 shi4 mo2 wang2 devil incarnate (idiom); fiend in human form 拉扯[拉扯] la1 che5 to drag; to pull; to raise a child (through difficulties); to help; to support; to drag in; to chat 四处[四處] si4 chu4 all over the place; everywhere and all directions 碰壁[碰壁] peng4 bi4 to hit a wall; (fig.) to hit a brick wall; to hit a snag; to have the door slammed in one's face 遭[遭] zao1 to meet by chance (usually with misfortune); classifier for events: time, turn, incident 难免[難免] nan2 mian3 hard to avoid; difficult to escape from; will inevitably 妄自菲薄[妄自菲薄] wang4 zi4 fei3 bo2 to be unduly humble (idiom); to undervalue oneself 养活[養活] yang3 huo5 to provide for; to keep (animals, a family etc); to raise animals; to feed and clothe; support; the necessities of life; to give birth 过得[過得] guo4 de2 How are you getting by?; How's life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well; not too bad 窝囊[窩囊] wo1 nang5 to feel vexed; annoyed; good-for-nothing; stupid and cowardly 虎父无犬子[虎父無犬子] hu3 fu4 wu2 quan3 zi3 lit. father a lion, son cannot be a dog (honorific); With a distinguished father such as you, the son is sure to do well.; like father, like son 任人宰割[任人宰割] ren4 ren2 zai3 ge1 to get trampled on (idiom); to be taken advantage of //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep06/75 words - 18 min 角色[角色] jue2 se4 role; character in a novel; persona; also pr. [jiao3 se4] 侮辱[侮辱] wu3 ru3 to insult; to humiliate; dishonor 人格[人格] ren2 ge2 personality; integrity; dignity 晚安[晚安] wan3 an1 Good night!; Good evening! 世[世] shi4 life; age; generation; era; world; lifetime; epoch; descendant; noble 仁[仁] ren2 humane; kernel 斗争[鬥爭] dou4 zheng1 a struggle; fight; battle 一大早[一大早] yi1 da4 zao3 at dawn; at first light; first thing in the morning 上楼[上樓] shang4 lou2 to go upstairs 好歹[好歹] hao3 dai3 good and bad; most unfortunate occurrence; in any case; whatever 已久[已久] yi3 jiu3 already a long time 秘密[秘密] mi4 mi4 secret; CL:個|个[ge4] 武器[武器] wu3 qi4 weapon; arms; CL:種|种[zhong3] 忍[忍] ren3 to bear; to endure; to tolerate; to restrain oneself 叫做[叫做] jiao4 zuo4 to be called; to be known as 治[治] zhi4 to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); to treat (a disease); to wipe out (a pest); to punish; to research 期待[期待] qi1 dai4 to look forward to; to await; expectation 久仰[久仰] jiu3 yang3 honorific: I've long looked forward to meeting you.; It's an honor to meet you at last. 今日[今日] jin1 ri4 today 登门[登門] deng1 men2 to visit sb at home 非同凡响[非同凡響] fei1 tong2 fan2 xiang3 out of the ordinary 名片[名片] ming2 pian4 (business) card 健身[健身] jian4 shen1 to exercise; to keep fit; to work out; physical exercise 卡[卡] ka3 to stop; to block; (computing) (coll.) slow; (loanword) card; CL:張|张[zhang1],片[pian4]; truck (from "car"); calorie (abbr. for 卡路里[ka3 lu4 li3]); cassette 久等[久等] jiu3 deng3 to wait for a long time //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep06/100 words - 19 min 等待[等待] deng3 dai4 to wait; to wait for 荣幸[榮幸] rong2 xing4 honored (to have the privilege of ...) 诚挚[誠摯] cheng2 zhi4 sincere; cordial 主持人[主持人] zhu3 chi2 ren2 TV or radio presenter; host; anchor 言重[言重] yan2 zhong4 to speak seriously; to exaggerate 谦虚[謙虛] qian1 xu1 modest; self-effacing; to make modest remarks 冠[冠] guan1 hat; crown; crest; cap 奔[奔] ben1 to hurry; to rush; to run quickly; to elope 精益求精[精益求精] jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1 to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving 当仁不让[當仁不讓] dang1 ren2 bu4 rang4 to be unwilling to pass on one's responsibilities to others 人选[人選] ren2 xuan3 choice of person; candidate 外行[外行] wai4 hang2 layman; amateur 多多[多多] duo1 duo1 many; much; a lot; lots and lots; more; even more 人事部[人事部] ren2 shi4 bu4 personnel office; human resources (HR) 家伙[傢伙] jia1 huo5 variant of 家伙[jia1 huo5] 勾搭[勾搭] gou1 da5 to gang up; to fool around with; to make up to 职场[職場] zhi2 chang3 workplace; workforce (of a nation or industry etc); job market 首先[首先] shou3 xian1 first (of all); in the first place 责任感[責任感] ze2 ren4 gan3 sense of responsibility 随[隨] sui2 to follow; to comply with; varying according to...; to allow; subsequently 便[便] bian4 plain; informal; suitable; convenient; opportune; to urinate or defecate; equivalent to 就[jiu4]: then; in that case; even if; soon afterwards 录[錄] lu4 diary; record; to hit; to copy 天窗[天窗] tian1 chuang1 hatchway; skylight; sun roof 后续[後續] hou4 xu4 follow-up; (dialect) to remarry 人仰马翻[人仰馬翻] ren2 yang3 ma3 fan1 to suffer a crushing defeat (idiom); in a pitiful state; in a complete mess; to roll (with laughter) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep06/125 words - 23 min 私人[私人] si1 ren2 private; personal; interpersonal; sb with whom one has a close personal relationship; a member of one's clique 下个月[下個月] xia4 ge4 yue4 next month 介[介] jie4 to introduce; to lie between; between; shell; armor 服务员[服務員] fu2 wu4 yuan2 waiter; waitress; attendant; customer service personnel; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 火锅[火鍋] huo3 guo1 hotpot 稍微[稍微] shao1 wei1 a little bit 师妹[師妹] shi1 mei4 junior female student or apprentice; daughter (younger than oneself) of one's teacher 善于[善於] shan4 yu2 to be good at; to be adept at 单纯[單純] dan1 chun2 simple; pure; unsophisticated; merely; purely 看不起[看不起] kan4 bu5 qi3 to look down upon; to despise 高高在上[高高在上] gao1 gao1 zai4 shang4 set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality; aloof and remote 小人物[小人物] xiao3 ren2 wu4 nonentity; a nobody 平易近人[平易近人] ping2 yi4 jin4 ren2 amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going; modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple; easy to understand 欺[欺] qi1 to take unfair advantage of; to deceive; to cheat 少年[少年] shao4 nian2 early youth; youngster; (literary) youth; young man 面孔[面孔] mian4 kong3 face 达到[達到] da2 dao4 to reach; to achieve; to attain 不择手段[不擇手段] bu4 ze2 shou3 duan4 by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously 喝酒[喝酒] he1 jiu3 to drink (alcohol) 友谊[友誼] you3 yi4 companionship; fellowship; friendship 斗地主[鬥地主] Dou4 Di4 zhu3 "Fight the Landlord" (card game) 文[文] wen2 language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) classifier for coins; Kangxi radical 67 斗[鬥] dou4 to fight; to struggle; to condemn; to censure; to contend; to put together; coming together 坏话[壞話] huai4 hua4 unpleasant talk; malicious words 意见[意見] yi4 jian4 idea; opinion; suggestion; objection; complaint; CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tiao2] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep06/150 words - 27 min 诉说[訴說] su4 shuo1 to recount; to tell of; to relate; (fig.) (of a thing) to stand as testament to (some past history) 傻子[傻子] sha3 zi5 idiot; fool 化学[化學] hua4 xue2 chemistry; chemical 原理[原理] yuan2 li3 principle; theory 板[板] ban3 board; plank; plate; shutter; table tennis bat; clappers (music); CL:塊|块[kuai4]; accented beat in Chinese music; hard; stiff; to stop smiling or look serious 觉[覺] jiao4 a nap; a sleep; CL:場|场[chang2] 觉[覺] jue2 to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware 餐[餐] can1 meal; to eat; classifier for meals 魔王[魔王] mo2 wang2 devil king; evil person 一半[一半] yi1 ban4 half 这会儿[這會兒] zhe4 hui4 r5 (coll.) now; this moment; also pr. [zhe4 hui3 r5] 窃听器[竊聽器] qie4 ting1 qi4 tapping device; bug 点菜[點菜] dian3 cai4 to order dishes (in a restaurant) 掖[掖] ye1 to tuck (into a pocket); to hide; to conceal 带上[帶上] dai4 shang4 to take along with one 缺点[缺點] que1 dian3 weak point; fault; shortcoming; disadvantage; CL:個|个[ge4] 发光[發光] fa1 guang1 to shine 差别[差別] cha1 bie2 difference; distinction; disparity 待遇[待遇] dai4 yu4 treatment; pay; salary; status; rank 拳头[拳頭] quan2 tou5 fist; clenched fist; CL:個|个[ge4]; competitive (product) 力量[力量] li4 liang5 power; force; strength 大师[大師] da4 shi1 great master; master 坚持不懈[堅持不懈] jian1 chi2 bu4 xie4 to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end 拼[拼] pin1 to piece together; to join together; to stake all; adventurous; at the risk of one's life; to spell 全力[全力] quan2 li4 with all one's strength; full strength; all-out (effort); fully (support) 不分昼夜[不分晝夜] bu4 fen1 zhou4 ye4 day and night; round-the-clock //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep06/175 words - 34 min 堕落[墮落] duo4 luo4 to degrade; to degenerate; to become depraved; corrupt; a fall from grace 敬[敬] jing4 to respect; to venerate; to salute; to offer 一口[一口] yi1 kou3 readily; flatly (deny, admit and so on); a mouthful; a bite 上市[上市] shang4 shi4 to hit the market (of a new product); to float (a company on the stock market) 股票[股票] gu3 piao4 share certificate; stock (finance) 不忙[不忙] bu4 mang2 there's no hurry; take one's time 会议[會議] hui4 yi4 meeting; conference; CL:場|场[chang3],屆|届[jie4] 打发[打發] da3 fa5 to dispatch sb to do sth; to make sb leave; to pass (the time); (old) to make arrangements; (old) to bestow (alms etc) 创造[創造] chuang4 zao4 to create; to bring about; to produce; to set (a record) 外勤[外勤] wai4 qin2 field work; field personnel; any occupation that involves a great deal of field work 蛮干[蠻幹] man2 gan4 to act rashly; to act precipitously regardless of the consequences; reckless; foolhardy; daredevil 午饭[午飯] wu3 fan4 lunch; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 直白[直白] zhi2 bai2 frank; open; blunt 快餐[快餐] kuai4 can1 fast food; snack; quick meal 食品[食品] shi2 pin3 foodstuff; food; provisions; CL:種|种[zhong3] 胖[胖] pang4 fat; plump 炸[炸] zha2 to deep fry; Taiwan pr. [zha4] 炸[炸] zha4 to explode 肿[腫] zhong3 to swell; swelling; swollen 水肿[水腫] shui3 zhong3 (med.) edema; dropsy 勉强[勉強] mian3 qiang3 to do with difficulty; to force sb to do sth; reluctant; barely enough 看开[看開] kan4 kai1 to come to accept an unpleasant fact; to get over sth; to cheer up 炸鸡[炸雞] zha2 ji1 fried chicken 消耗[消耗] xiao1 hao4 to use up; to consume 奶昔[奶昔] nai3 xi1 milkshake (loanword) 抢手[搶手] qiang3 shou3 (of goods) popular; in great demand //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep06/184 words - 37 min 上架[上架] shang4 jia4 to put goods on shelves; (of a product) to be available for sale 牛奶[牛奶] niu2 nai3 cow's milk; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 元[元] yuan2 currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan); first; original; primary; fundamental; constituent; part; era (of a reign); meta- (prefix); (math.) argument; variable; (Tw) (geology) eon 手机[手機] shou3 ji1 cell phone; mobile phone; CL:部[bu4],支[zhi1] 没电[沒電] mei2 dian4 discharged; flat; dead (of batteries) 充[充] chong1 to fill; to satisfy; to fulfill; to act in place of; substitute; sufficient; full 电[電] dian4 electric; electricity; electrical 您好[您好] nin2 hao3 hello (polite) 小气[小氣] xiao3 qi4 stingy; miserly; narrow-minded; petty //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/25 words - 5 min 耗费[耗費] hao4 fei4 to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander 餐具[餐具] can1 ju4 tableware; dinner service 抱怨[抱怨] bao4 yuan4 to complain; to grumble; to harbor a complaint; to feel dissatisfied 热情[熱情] re4 qing2 cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately 活力[活力] huo2 li4 energy; vitality; vigor; vital force 走心[走心] zou3 xin1 to take care; to be mindful; (Internet slang) to be moved by sth; poignant; to have deep feelings for sb; to lose one's heart to sb 饺子[餃子] jiao3 zi5 dumpling; pot-sticker; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 夸奖[誇獎] kua1 jiang3 to praise; to applaud; to compliment 规避[規避] gui1 bi4 to evade; to dodge 死角[死角] si3 jiao3 gap in coverage; gap in protection or defenses; neglected or overlooked area; dead end 储物[儲物] chu3 wu4 to hoard 架[架] jia4 to support; frame; rack; framework; classifier for planes, large vehicles, radios etc 高度[高度] gao1 du4 height; altitude; elevation; high degree; highly; CL:個|个[ge4] 看似[看似] kan4 si4 to look as if; to seem 便利[便利] bian4 li4 convenient; easy; to facilitate 事实上[事實上] shi4 shi2 shang4 in fact; in reality; actually; as a matter of fact; de facto; ipso facto 残疾人[殘疾人] can2 ji2 ren2 disabled person 脑门[腦門] nao3 men2 forehead 伤人[傷人] shang1 ren2 to injure sb 自尊[自尊] zi4 zun1 self-respect; self-esteem; ego; pride 歧视[歧視] qi2 shi4 to discriminate against; discrimination 终止[終止] zhong1 zhi3 to stop; to terminate (law) 生涯[生涯] sheng1 ya2 career; life (way in which sb lives); period of one's life 怀念[懷念] huai2 nian4 to cherish the memory of; to think of; reminisce 刻意[刻意] ke4 yi4 meticulous; painstaking; deliberate //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/50 words - 12 min 回避[迴避] hui2 bi4 to shun; to avoid (sb); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge etc) 对待[對待] dui4 dai4 to treat; treatment 放大[放大] fang4 da4 to enlarge; to magnify 能量[能量] neng2 liang4 energy; capabilities 响[響] xiang3 echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; classifier for noises 融资[融資] rong2 zi1 financing 差评[差評] cha4 ping2 poor evaluation; adverse criticism 赖[賴] lai4 to depend on; to hang on in a place; bad; to renege (on promise); to disclaim; to rat (on debts); rascally; to blame; to put the blame on 半途而废[半途而廢] ban4 tu2 er2 fei4 to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished 拧[擰] ning2 to pinch; wring 花钱[花錢] hua1 qian2 to spend money 顾客[顧客] gu4 ke4 client; customer; CL:位[wei4] 试一试[試一試] shi4 yi1 shi4 to have a try 残疾[殘疾] can2 ji2 disabled; handicapped; deformity on a person or animal 永不[永不] yong3 bu4 never; will never 服输[服輸] fu2 shu1 to concede; to admit defeat; to admit sth is wrong after insisting it is right 圆满[圓滿] yuan2 man3 satisfactory; consummate; perfect 货架[貨架] huo4 jia4 shelf for goods; shop shelf 换成[換成] huan4 cheng2 to exchange (sth) for (sth else); to replace with; to convert into 性别歧视[性別歧視] xing4 bie2 qi2 shi4 sex discrimination; sexism 结账[結賬] jie2 zhang4 to pay the bill; to settle accounts; also written 結帳|结帐 免费[免費] mian3 fei4 free (of charge) 收工[收工] shou1 gong1 to stop work for the day (generally of laborers); to knock off 酷[酷] ku4 ruthless; strong (e.g. of wine); (loanword) cool; hip 汗[汗] han4 perspiration; sweat; CL:滴[di1],頭|头[tou2],身[shen1]; to be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/75 words - 15 min 出汗[出汗] chu1 han4 to perspire; to sweat 同学[同學] tong2 xue2 to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 逛街[逛街] guang4 jie1 to take a walk; to window-shop; to stroll down the street 路过[路過] lu4 guo4 to pass by or through 个子[個子] ge4 zi5 height; stature; build; size 大力[大力] da4 li4 energetically; vigorously 水手[水手] shui3 shou3 mariner; sailor; seaman 玩笑[玩笑] wan2 xiao4 to joke; joke; jest 发小[髮小] fa4 xiao3 (dialect) close childhood friend whom one grew up with; a couple who grew up as childhood friends 停电[停電] ting2 dian4 to have a power failure; power cut 抢修[搶修] qiang3 xiu1 to repair in a rush; rush repairs 照明[照明] zhao4 ming2 lighting; illumination 电脑[電腦] dian4 nao3 computer; CL:臺|台[tai2] 楼梯[樓梯] lou2 ti1 stair; staircase; CL:個|个[ge4] 暗[暗] an4 dark; gloomy; hidden; secret; muddled; obscure; in the dark 手电筒[手電筒] shou3 dian4 tong3 flashlight; electric hand torch 公交[公交] gong1 jiao1 public transportation; mass transit; abbr. for 公共交通[gong1 gong4 jiao1 tong1] 车站[車站] che1 zhan4 rail station; bus stop; CL:處|处[chu4],個|个[ge4] 骑[騎] qi2 to sit astride; to ride (a horse, bike etc); classifier for saddle horses 共享[共享] gong4 xiang3 to share; to enjoy together 单车[單車] dan1 che1 (coll.) bike; bicycle (esp. bike-share bicycle) 公交车[公交車] gong1 jiao1 che1 public transport vehicle; town bus; CL:輛|辆[liang4] 生活费[生活費] sheng1 huo2 fei4 cost of living; living expenses; alimony 交通费[交通費] jiao1 tong1 fei4 transport costs 省[省] sheng3 to save; to economize; to do without; to omit; to leave out; province; (archaic) central government department 省[省] xing3 to inspect; to examine; to be aware; to pay a visit (to one's parents or elders) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/100 words - 20 min 民情[民情] min2 qing2 circumstances of the people; popular sentiment; the mood of the people; popular customs 涨[漲] zhang4 to swell; to distend 保养[保養] bao3 yang3 to take good care of (or conserve) one's health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; maintenance 会长[會長] hui4 zhang3 president of a club, committee etc 皱纹[皺紋] zhou4 wen2 wrinkle; CL:道[dao4] 瞎说[瞎說] xia1 shuo1 to talk drivel; to assert sth without a proper understanding or basis in fact; not to know what one is talking about 瓶[瓶] ping2 bottle; vase; pitcher; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for wine and liquids 橙汁[橙汁] cheng2 zhi1 orange juice; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2] 啤酒[啤酒] pi2 jiu3 beer (loanword); CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2],罐[guan4],桶[tong3],缸[gang1] 没大没小[沒大沒小] mei2 da4 mei2 xiao3 impolite; cheeky; impudent 牵手[牽手] qian1 shou3 to hold hands 醒酒[醒酒] xing3 jiu3 to dissipate the effects of alcohol; to sober up 清醒[清醒] qing1 xing3 clear-headed; sober; awake 学说[學說] xue2 shuo1 theory; doctrine 小孩子[小孩子] xiao3 hai2 zi5 child 风景[風景] feng1 jing3 scenery; landscape; CL:個|个[ge4] 绕[繞] rao4 to wind; to coil (thread); to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour; to confuse; to perplex 圈[圈] quan1 circle; ring; loop; classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc; CL:個|个[ge4]; to surround; to circle 路口[路口] lu4 kou3 crossing; intersection (of roads) 扫[掃] sao3 to sweep 扫[掃] sao4 broom 打卡[打卡] da3 ka3 (of an employee) to clock on (or off); to punch in (or out) 辆[輛] liang4 classifier for vehicles 剩[剩] sheng4 to remain; to be left; to have as remainder 扫码[掃碼] sao3 ma3 to scan a QR code or barcode 软件[軟件] ruan3 jian4 (computer) software //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/125 words - 26 min 看出[看出] kan4 chu1 to make out; to see 自行车[自行車] zi4 xing2 che1 bicycle; bike; CL:輛|辆[liang4] 抬高[抬高] tai2 gao1 to raise (price etc) 下坡[下坡] xia4 po1 downhill 抓紧[抓緊] zhua1 jin3 to grasp firmly; to pay special attention to; to rush in; to make the most of 修好[修好] xiu1 hao3 to repair (sth broken); to restore (sth damaged); to establish friendly relations with; (literary) to do meritorious deeds 付钱[付錢] fu4 qian2 to pay money 对了[對了] dui4 le5 Correct!; Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers sth one wanted to mention); Oh, by the way, ... 节[節] jie2 festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:個|个[ge4] 前天[前天] qian2 tian1 the day before yesterday 酬宾[酬賓] chou2 bin1 bargain sale; discount 大前天[大前天] da4 qian2 tian1 three days ago 心领神会[心領神會] xin1 ling3 shen2 hui4 to understand tacitly (idiom); to know intuitively; to understand thoroughly 情侣[情侶] qing2 lu:3 sweethearts; lovers 浪漫[浪漫] lang4 man4 romantic 存放[存放] cun2 fang4 to deposit; to store; to leave in sb's care 惊喜[驚喜] jing1 xi3 nice surprise; to be pleasantly surprised 恋情[戀情] lian4 qing2 romantic love 到手[到手] dao4 shou3 to take possession of; to get hold of 沮丧[沮喪] ju3 sang4 dispirited; dejected; dismayed 行程[行程] xing2 cheng2 journey; course of a journey; distance traveled; trajectory; itinerary; route; course (of history); stroke (of a piston); (Tw) (computing) process 后天[後天] hou4 tian1 the day after tomorrow; acquired (not innate); a posteriori 坐以待毙[坐以待斃] zuo4 yi3 dai4 bi4 to sit and wait for death (idiom); resigned to one's fate 输给[輸給] shu1 gei3 to lose to (sb); to be outdone by 中间[中間] zhong1 jian1 between; intermediate; mid; middle //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/150 words - 28 min 猫腻[貓膩] mao1 ni4 (coll.) something fishy; shenanigans 合理[合理] he2 li3 rational; reasonable; fair 人人有责[人人有責] ren2 ren2 you3 ze2 it is everyone's duty 拟定[擬定] ni3 ding4 to draw up; to draft; to formulate 作战[作戰] zuo4 zhan4 combat; to fight 卫星[衛星] wei4 xing1 satellite; moon; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 锁定[鎖定] suo3 ding4 to lock (a door); to close with a latch; to lock into place; a lock; a latch; to lock a computer file (to prevent it being overwritten); to lock (denying access to a computer system or device or files, e.g. by password-protection); to focus attention on; to target 依靠[依靠] yi1 kao4 to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on 强大[強大] qiang2 da4 large; formidable; powerful; strong 伪装[偽裝] wei3 zhuang1 to pretend to be (asleep etc); to disguise oneself as; pretense; disguise; (military) to camouflage; camouflage 聊天[聊天] liao2 tian1 to chat; to gossip 网[網] wang3 net; network 引[引] yin3 to draw (e.g. a bow); to pull; to stretch sth; to extend; to lengthen; to involve or implicate in; to attract; to lead; to guide; to leave; to provide evidence or justification for; old unit of distance equal to 10 丈[zhang4], one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters 隐蔽[隱蔽] yin3 bi4 to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover 咖啡厅[咖啡廳] ka1 fei1 ting1 coffee shop 扮[扮] ban4 to disguise oneself as; to dress up; to play (a role); to put on (an expression) 做事[做事] zuo4 shi4 to work; to handle matters; to have a job 包围[包圍] bao1 wei2 to surround; to encircle; to hem in 一举[一舉] yi1 ju3 a move; an action; in one move; at a stroke; in one go 绑架[綁架] bang3 jia4 to kidnap; to abduct; to hijack; a kidnapping; abduction; staking 可取[可取] ke3 qu3 acceptable; desirable; worth having 名称[名稱] ming2 cheng1 name (of a thing); name (of an organization) 之外[之外] zhi1 wai4 outside; excluding 几乎[幾乎] ji1 hu1 almost; nearly; practically 一模一样[一模一樣] yi1 mu2 yi1 yang4 exactly the same (idiom); carbon copy; also pr. [yi1 mo2 yi1 yang4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/175 words - 33 min 务必[務必] wu4 bi4 must; to need to; to be sure to 缪[繆] miao4 mu (Greek letter Μμ) 包厢[包廂] bao1 xiang1 box (in a theater or concert hall); private room (in a restaurant or karaoke) 分头[分頭] fen1 tou2 separately; severally; parted hair 好说[好說] hao3 shuo1 easy to deal with; not a problem; (polite answer) you flatter me 失礼[失禮] shi1 li3 lacking in manners 聚会[聚會] ju4 hui4 party; gathering; to meet; to get together 遗憾[遺憾] yi2 han4 regret; to regret; to be sorry that 难堪[難堪] nan2 kan1 hard to take; embarrassed 是非[是非] shi4 fei1 right and wrong; quarrel 亲眼[親眼] qin1 yan3 with one's own eyes; personally 贿赂[賄賂] hui4 lu4 to bribe; a bribe 揪住[揪住] jiu1 zhu4 to grab 背后[背後] bei4 hou4 behind; at the back; in the rear; behind sb's back 口气[口氣] kou3 qi4 tone of voice; the way one speaks; manner of expression; tone 现实[現實] xian4 shi2 reality; actuality; real; actual; realistic; pragmatic; materialistic; self-interested 恶意[惡意] e4 yi4 malice; evil intention 争取[爭取] zheng1 qu3 to fight for; to strive for; to win over 受害者[受害者] shou4 hai4 zhe3 casualty; victim; those injured and wounded 占便宜[佔便宜] zhan4 pian2 yi5 advantageous; favorable; to benefit at others' expense; to take unfair advantage 那时候[那時候] na4 shi2 hou5 at that time 初创[初創] chu1 chuang4 startup (company, phase etc); newly established; in the early stages 扛[扛] kang2 to carry on one's shoulder; (fig.) to take on (a burden, duty etc) 许多[許多] xu3 duo1 many; a lot of; much 难关[難關] nan2 guan1 difficulty; crisis //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/200 words - 36 min 不合[不合] bu4 he2 to not conform to; to be unsuited to; to be out of keeping with; should not; ought out 年轻气盛[年輕氣盛] nian2 qing1 qi4 sheng4 full of youthful vigor (idiom); in the prime of youth 亏欠[虧欠] kui1 qian4 to fall short of; to have a deficit; deficit; deficiency 人才[人才] ren2 cai2 talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks 灵活[靈活] ling2 huo2 flexible; nimble; agile 苹果[蘋果] ping2 guo3 apple; CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1] 特长[特長] te4 chang2 personal strength; one's special ability or strong points 肉[肉] rou4 meat; flesh; pulp (of a fruit); (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy; (of a person) flabby; irresolute; Kangxi radical 130 盛[盛] sheng4 flourishing; vigorous; magnificent; extensively 筷子[筷子] kuai4 zi5 chopsticks; CL:對|对[dui4],根[gen1],把[ba3],雙|双[shuang1] 良[良] liang2 good; very; very much 上门[上門] shang4 men2 to drop in; to visit; to lock a door; (of a shop) to close; to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family 蹭[蹭] ceng4 to rub against; to walk slowly; (coll.) to freeload 手艺[手藝] shou3 yi4 craftmanship; workmanship; handicraft; trade 聚餐[聚餐] ju4 can1 communal meal; formal dinner of club or group 家常便饭[家常便飯] jia1 chang2 bian4 fan4 simple home-style meal; common occurrence; nothing out of the ordinary 盛情[盛情] sheng4 qing2 great kindness; magnificent hospitality 礼貌[禮貌] li3 mao4 courtesy; manners 比拼[比拼] bi3 pin1 to compete fiercely; contest 围观[圍觀] wei2 guan1 to stand in a circle and watch 对面[對面] dui4 mian4 (sitting) opposite; across (the street); directly in front; to be face to face 输掉[輸掉] shu1 diao4 to lose 脑筋[腦筋] nao3 jin1 brains; mind; head; way of thinking 急转弯[急轉彎] ji2 zhuan3 wan1 to make a sudden turn 隔壁[隔壁] ge2 bi4 next door; neighbor //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/225 words - 39 min 胖子[胖子] pang4 zi5 fat person; fatty 擅长[擅長] shan4 chang2 to be good at; to be expert in 视力[視力] shi4 li4 vision; eyesight 鹿[鹿] lu4 deer 英文[英文] Ying1 wen2 English (language) 落后[落後] luo4 hou4 to fall behind; to lag (in technology etc); backward; to retrogress 冷笑话[冷笑話] leng3 xiao4 hua4 joke intended to be so corny it makes one groan 主意[主意] zhu3 yi5 plan; idea; decision; CL:個|个[ge4]; Beijing pr. [zhu2 yi5] 投票[投票] tou2 piao4 to vote; vote 宝宝[寶寶] bao3 bao3 darling; baby 屏幕[屏幕] ping2 mu4 screen (TV, computer or movie) 两句[兩句] liang3 ju4 (say) a few words 说起[說起] shuo1 qi3 to mention; to bring up (a subject); with regard to; as for 公筷[公筷] gong1 kuai4 serving chopsticks 光顾[光顧] guang1 gu4 to visit (as a customer) 贴心[貼心] tie1 xin1 intimate; close; considerate 嫁人[嫁人] jia4 ren2 to get married (of woman) 失落[失落] shi1 luo4 to lose (sth); to drop (sth); to feel a sense of loss; frustrated; disappointment; loss 万事[萬事] wan4 shi4 all things 伺候[伺候] ci4 hou4 to serve; to wait upon 稳定[穩定] wen3 ding4 steady; stable; stability; to stabilize; to pacify 收入[收入] shou1 ru4 to take in; income; revenue; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] 成天[成天] cheng2 tian1 (coll.) all day long; all the time 劳烦[勞煩] lao2 fan2 to inconvenience; to trouble (sb with a request) 操心[操心] cao1 xin1 to worry about //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep07/232 words - 40 min 愁[愁] chou2 to worry about 罚[罰] fa2 to punish; to penalize 搁[擱] ge1 to place; to put aside; to shelve 公事[公事] gong1 shi4 work-related matters; documents 折磨[折磨] zhe2 mo2 to torment; to torture 黑心[黑心] hei1 xin1 ruthless and lacking in conscience; vicious mind full of hatred and jealousy; black core (flaw in pottery) 单独[單獨] dan1 du2 alone; by oneself; on one's own //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/25 words - 4 min 症状[症狀] zheng4 zhuang4 symptom (of an illness) 正式[正式] zheng4 shi4 formal; official 丹尼尔[丹尼爾] Dan1 ni2 er3 Daniel (name) 信任[信任] xin4 ren4 to trust; to have confidence in 病情[病情] bing4 qing2 state of an illness; patient's condition 失控[失控] shi1 kong4 to go out of control 性格[性格] xing4 ge2 nature; disposition; temperament; character; CL:個|个[ge4] 来到[來到] lai2 dao4 to come; to arrive 克服[克服] ke4 fu2 (try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up with; to endure 感情用事[感情用事] gan3 qing2 yong4 shi4 to act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse 程度[程度] cheng2 du4 degree (level or extent); level; CL:個|个[ge4] 道德[道德] dao4 de2 virtue; morality; ethics; CL:種|种[zhong3] 来自[來自] lai2 zi4 to come from (a place); From: (in email header) 疏忽[疏忽] shu1 hu5 to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness 营运[營運] ying2 yun4 running; operation (of airport, bus service, business etc) 过失[過失] guo4 shi1 error; fault; (law) negligence; delinquency 检讨[檢討] jian3 tao3 to examine or inspect; self-criticism; review 财务[財務] cai2 wu4 financial affairs 减少[減少] jian3 shao3 to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower 支出[支出] zhi1 chu1 to spend; to pay out; expense 理应[理應] li3 ying1 should; ought to 全权[全權] quan2 quan2 full powers; total authority; plenipotentiary powers 举行[舉行] ju3 xing2 to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc) 股东大会[股東大會] gu3 dong1 da4 hui4 general shareholders' meeting 去留[去留] qu4 liu2 going or staying //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/50 words - 7 min 承诺[承諾] cheng2 nuo4 to promise; to undertake to do something; commitment 撤掉[撤掉] che4 diao4 to cut; to throw out; to depose (from office); to tear off 星期[星期] xing1 qi1 week; CL:個|个[ge4]; day of the week; Sunday 精[精] jing1 essence; extract; vitality; energy; semen; sperm; mythical goblin spirit; highly perfected; elite; the pick of sth; proficient (refined ability); extremely (fine); selected rice (archaic) 热度[熱度] re4 du4 temperature; heat; short-lived enthusiasm 有钱人[有錢人] you3 qian2 ren2 rich person; the rich 赤裸裸[赤裸裸] chi4 luo3 luo3 bare; naked; (fig.) plain; undisguised; unadorned 资本[資本] zi1 ben3 capital (economics) 霸凌[霸凌] ba4 ling2 bullying (loanword) 事件[事件] shi4 jian4 event; happening; incident; CL:個|个[ge4] 网友[網友] wang3 you3 online friend; Internet user 敌意[敵意] di2 yi4 enmity; hostility 搜[搜] sou1 to search 有意[有意] you3 yi4 to intend; intentionally; interested in 抹黑[抹黑] mo3 hei1 to discredit; to defame; to smear sb's name; to bring shame upon (oneself or one's family etc); to blacken (e.g. commando's face for camouflage); to black out or obliterate (e.g. censored words) 澄清[澄清] cheng2 qing1 clear (of liquid); limpid; to clarify; to make sth clear; to be clear (about the facts) 接洽[接洽] jie1 qia4 to discuss a matter with sb; to get in touch with; to arrange 直[直] zhi2 straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters 图[圖] tu2 diagram; picture; drawing; chart; map; CL:張|张[zhang1]; to plan; to scheme; to attempt; to pursue; to seek 静音[靜音] jing4 yin1 quiet; silent; mute 再次[再次] zai4 ci4 one more time; again; one more; once again 歌厅[歌廳] ge1 ting1 karaoke hall; singing hall (venue for concerts of popular songs) 无意间[無意間] wu2 yi4 jian1 inadvertently; unintentionally 在意[在意] zai4 yi4 to care about; to mind 珍惜[珍惜] zhen1 xi1 to treasure; to value; to cherish //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/75 words - 9 min 办妥[辦妥] ban4 tuo3 to arrange; to settle; to complete; to carry through 发酵[發酵] fa1 jiao4 to ferment; fermentation 好心[好心] hao3 xin1 kindness; good intentions 为难[為難] wei2 nan2 to feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage) 传言[傳言] chuan2 yan2 rumor; hearsay 不休[不休] bu4 xiu1 endlessly; ceaselessly 眠[眠] mian2 to sleep; to hibernate 原则[原則] yuan2 ze2 principle; doctrine; CL:個|个[ge4] 假话[假話] jia3 hua4 a lie; untrue statement; misstatement 荒谬[荒謬] huang1 miu4 absurd; ridiculous 跟风[跟風] gen1 feng1 to go with the tide; to blindly follow the crowd; to follow the trend 轻信[輕信] qing1 xin4 to easily trust; gullible; naïve 实[實] shi2 real; true; honest; really; solid; fruit; seed; definitely 温柔[溫柔] wen1 rou2 gentle and soft; tender 作[作] zuo4 to do; to grow; to write or compose; to pretend; to regard as; to feel; writings or works 冤枉[冤枉] yuan1 wang5 to accuse wrongly; to treat unjustly; injustice; wronged; not worthwhile 公子[公子] gong1 zi3 son of an official; son of nobility; your son (honorific) 商业[商業] shang1 ye4 business; trade; commerce 互[互] hu4 mutual 捧[捧] peng3 to clasp; to cup the hands; to hold up with both hands; to offer (esp. in cupped hands); to praise; to flatter 没意思[沒意思] mei2 yi4 si5 boring; of no interest 粉[粉] fen3 powder; cosmetic face powder; food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour; whitewash; white; pink 言[言] yan2 words; speech; to say; to talk 圣母[聖母] sheng4 mu3 goddess 道貌岸然[道貌岸然] dao4 mao4 an4 ran2 sanctimonious; dignified //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/100 words - 13 min 怀抱[懷抱] huai2 bao4 to hug; to cherish; within the bosom (of the family); to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc) 揣测[揣測] chuai3 ce4 to guess; to conjecture 阴暗[陰暗] yin1 an4 dim; dark; overcast; darkness; shadow; (fig.) dismal; gloomy; somber; murky; shadowy (side) 诽谤[誹謗] fei3 bang4 to slander; to libel 奉劝[奉勸] feng4 quan4 may I offer a bit of advice 键盘侠[鍵盤俠] jian4 pan2 xia2 keyboard warrior 骂人[罵人] ma4 ren2 to swear or curse (at people); to scold or yell at someone 跟踪[跟蹤] gen1 zong1 to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow; tracking 跑步[跑步] pao3 bu4 to run; to jog; (military) to march at the double 跟上[跟上] gen1 shang4 to catch up with; to keep pace with 诋毁[詆毀] di3 hui3 to vilify; to slander; vilification 当事人[當事人] dang1 shi4 ren2 persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair) 生硬[生硬] sheng1 ying4 stiff; harsh 不愉快[不愉快] bu4 yu2 kuai4 disagreeable; unpleasant 前嫌[前嫌] qian2 xian2 former hatred; bygone enmity 录影[錄影] lu4 ying3 to videotape; to videorecord 座[座] zuo4 seat; base; stand; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects 冰山[冰山] bing1 shan1 iceberg; CL:座[zuo4] 拒[拒] ju4 to resist; to repel; to refuse 里[里] li3 li, ancient measure of length, approx. 500 m; neighborhood; ancient administrative unit of 25 families; (Tw) borough, administrative unit between the township 鎮|镇[zhen4] and neighborhood 鄰|邻[lin2] levels 实际上[實際上] shi2 ji4 shang4 in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice 体贴[體貼] ti3 tie1 considerate (of other people's needs) 他人[他人] ta1 ren2 another; sb else; other people 算计[算計] suan4 ji5 to reckon; to calculate; to plan; to expect; to scheme 随意[隨意] sui2 yi4 as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/125 words - 19 min 剪辑[剪輯] jian3 ji2 to edit (video images, film) 小老鼠[小老鼠] xiao3 lao3 shu3 @; at symbol 警察[警察] jing3 cha2 police; police officer; CL:個|个[ge4] 绷[繃] beng1 to draw tight; to stretch taut; to tack (with thread or pin); embroidery hoop; woven bed mat 手法[手法] shou3 fa3 technique; trick; skill 读[讀] du2 to read; to study; reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1] 野外[野外] ye3 wai4 countryside; areas outside the city 求生[求生] qiu2 sheng1 to seek survival; to possess the will to live 社[社] she4 society; group; club; agency; (old) god of the land 队长[隊長] dui4 zhang3 captain; team leader; CL:個|个[ge4] 小事一桩[小事一樁] xiao3 shi4 yi1 zhuang1 trivial matter; a piece of cake 回复[回復] hui2 fu4 to reply; to recover; to return (to a previous condition); Re: in reply to (email) 耍[耍] shua3 to play with; to wield; to act (cool etc); to display (a skill, one's temper etc) 流氓[流氓] liu2 mang2 rogue; hoodlum; gangster; immoral behavior 挽回[挽回] wan3 hui2 to retrieve; to redeem 余地[餘地] yu2 di4 margin; leeway 老手[老手] lao3 shou3 experienced person; an old hand at sth 咖啡馆[咖啡館] ka1 fei1 guan3 café; coffee shop; CL:家[jia1] 地理位置[地理位置] di4 li3 wei4 zhi5 geographical location 写字楼[寫字樓] xie3 zi4 lou2 office building 曝光[曝光] bao4 guang1 to expose (photography); (fig.) to expose (a scandal); (advertising) exposure; Taiwan pr. [pu4 guang1] 效应[效應] xiao4 ying4 effect (scientific phenomenon) 现象[現象] xian4 xiang4 phenomenon; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]; appearance 偏好[偏好] pian1 hao4 to prefer; to be partial to sth; preference 熟悉[熟悉] shu2 xi1 to be familiar with; to know well //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/150 words - 20 min 事物[事物] shi4 wu4 thing; object; CL:個|个[ge4] 人际关系[人際關系] ren2 ji4 guan1 xi4 interpersonal relationship 吸引力[吸引力] xi1 yin3 li4 attractive force (such as gravitation); sex appeal; attractiveness 某[某] mou3 some; a certain; sb or sth indefinite; such-and-such 次数[次數] ci4 shu4 number of times; frequency; order number (in a series); power (math.); degree of a polynomial (math.) 此[此] ci3 this; these 喜爱[喜愛] xi3 ai4 to like; to love; to be fond of; favorite 令人[令人] ling4 ren2 to cause one (to do sth); to make one (angry, delighted etc) 愉快[愉快] yu2 kuai4 cheerful; cheerily; delightful; pleasant; pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted 曲线救国[曲線救國] qu1 xian4 jiu4 guo2 (of sb who ostensibly collaborated with the Japanese during the Sino-Japanese war of 1937-1945) to secretly work for the Nationalists or against the Communists 学费[學費] xue2 fei4 tuition fee; tuition; CL:個|个[ge4] 买单[買單] mai3 dan1 to pay the restaurant bill 青[青] qing1 green; blue; black; youth; young (of people) 惠[惠] hui4 favor; benefit; to bestow; (literary) benevolence; (honorific) 北[北] bei3 north; to be defeated (classical) 公馆[公館] gong1 guan3 residence (of sb rich or important); mansion 投资[投資] tou2 zi1 investment; to invest 事宜[事宜] shi4 yi2 matters; arrangements 共用[共用] gong4 yong4 commons; public use 午餐[午餐] wu3 can1 lunch; luncheon; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 蓝[藍] lan2 blue; indigo plant 城[城] cheng2 city walls; city; town; CL:座[zuo4],道[dao4],個|个[ge4] 实地[實地] shi2 di4 on-site 考察[考察] kao3 cha2 to inspect; to observe and study; on-the-spot investigation 下一步[下一步] xia4 yi1 bu4 the next step //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/175 words - 25 min 用品[用品] yong4 pin3 articles for use; products; goods 喷雾[噴霧] pen1 wu4 mist spray; atomizing 手帕[手帕] shou3 pa4 handkerchief; CL:方[fang1] 胶质[膠質] jiao1 zhi4 colloid; gelatinous matter 鞋套[鞋套] xie2 tao4 overshoe; shoe cover 发烧[發燒] fa1 shao1 to have a high temperature (from illness); to have a fever 量杯[量杯] liang2 bei1 measuring cup; graduated measuring cylinder 半路[半路] ban4 lu4 halfway; midway; on the way 劫[劫] jie2 to rob; to plunder; to seize by force; to coerce; calamity; abbr. for kalpa 劫波[jie2 bo1] 苦力[苦力] ku3 li4 bitter work; hard toil; (loanword) coolie, unskilled Chinese laborer in colonial times 批[批] pi1 to ascertain; to act on; to criticize; to pass on; classifier for batches, lots, military flights; tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges) 试剂[試劑] shi4 ji4 reagent 种类[種類] zhong3 lei4 kind; genus; type; category; variety; species; sort; class 吻[吻] wen3 kiss; to kiss; mouth 自觉[自覺] zi4 jue2 conscious; aware; on one's own initiative; conscientious 脸红[臉紅] lian3 hong2 to blush; to redden (with shame, indignation etc) 心跳[心跳] xin1 tiao4 heartbeat; pulse 邪[邪] xie2 demonic; iniquitous; nefarious; evil; unhealthy influences that cause disease (Chinese medicine); (coll.) strange; abnormal 门框[門框] men2 kuang4 door frame 风水[風水] feng1 shui3 feng shui; geomancy 中邪[中邪] zhong4 xie2 to be possessed; to be bewitched 封建[封建] feng1 jian4 system of enfeoffment; feudalism; feudal; feudalistic 迷信[迷信] mi2 xin4 superstition; to have a superstitious belief (in sth) 三明治[三明治] san1 ming2 zhi4 sandwich (loanword); CL:個|个[ge4] 看好[看好] kan4 hao3 optimistic (about the outcome); bullish; to think highly of; to support //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/200 words - 28 min 魂不守舍[魂不守舍] hun2 bu4 shou3 she4 to be preoccupied (idiom); to be inattentive; to be frightened out of one's mind 亲吻[親吻] qin1 wen3 to kiss; kiss 荷尔蒙[荷爾蒙] he2 er3 meng2 hormone (loanword); see 激素[ji1 su4] 激起[激起] ji1 qi3 to arouse; to evoke; to cause; to stir up 一时[一時] yi1 shi2 a period of time; a while; for a short while; temporary; momentary; at the same time 兴起[興起] xing1 qi3 to rise; to spring up; to burgeon; to be aroused; to come into vogue 尴尬[尷尬] gan1 ga4 awkward; embarrassed 脑[腦] nao3 brain; mind; head; essence 回路[回路] hui2 lu4 to return; circuit (e.g. electric); loop 地球[地球] di4 qiu2 the earth; CL:個|个[ge4] 七十[七十] qi1 shi2 seventy; 70 林子[林子] lin2 zi5 woods; grove; forest 鸟[鳥] niao3 bird; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2]; (dialect) to pay attention to; (intensifier) damned; goddam 误[誤] wu4 mistake; error; to miss; to harm; to delay; to neglect; mistakenly 卡子[卡子] qia3 zi5 clip; hair fastener; checkpoint 脑子[腦子] nao3 zi5 brains; mind; CL:個|个[ge4] 心思[心思] xin1 si5 mind; thoughts; inclination; mood 打扮[打扮] da3 ban5 to decorate; to dress; to make up; to adorn; manner of dressing; style of dress 风格[風格] feng1 ge2 style 化妆[化妝] hua4 zhuang1 to put on makeup 上回[上回] shang4 hui2 last time; the previous time 进水[進水] jin4 shui3 to have water get in (one's ear, shoes etc); to get flooded; inflow of water 矜持[矜持] jin1 chi2 reserved; aloof 心急[心急] xin1 ji2 anxious; impatient 引导[引導] yin3 dao3 to guide; to lead (around); to conduct; to boot; introduction; primer //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/225 words - 32 min 表白[表白] biao3 bai2 to explain oneself; to express; to reveal one's thoughts or feelings; declaration; confession 拿捏[拿捏] na2 nie1 to grasp; (dialect) affecting shyness; coy; to create difficulties 不问[不問] bu4 wen4 to pay no attention to; to disregard; to ignore; to let go unpunished; to let off 假装[假裝] jia3 zhuang1 to feign; to pretend 总得[總得] zong3 dei3 must; have to; be bound to 扎[紮] za1 to tie; to bind; classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle; Taiwan pr. [zha2] 辫[辮] bian4 a braid or queue; to plait 难度[難度] nan2 du4 trouble; problem 练[練] lian4 to practice; to train; to drill; to perfect (one's skill); exercise 装置[裝置] zhuang1 zhi4 to install; installation; equipment; system; unit; device 电路[電路] dian4 lu4 electric circuit 省得[省得] sheng3 de5 to avoid; so as to save (money or time) 一边[一邊] yi1 bian1 one side; either side; on the one hand; on the other hand; doing while 指手画脚[指手畫腳] zhi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3 to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily 几点[幾點] ji3 dian3 what time?; when? 一早[一早] yi1 zao3 early in the morning; at dawn 设备[設備] she4 bei4 equipment; facilities; installations; CL:個|个[ge4] 故障[故障] gu4 zhang4 malfunction; breakdown; defect; shortcoming; fault; failure; impediment; error; bug (in software) 及时[及時] ji2 shi2 in time; promptly; without delay; timely 饰[飾] shi4 decoration; ornament; to decorate; to adorn; to hide; to conceal (a fault); excuse (to hide a fault); to play a role (in opera); to impersonate 瞒[瞞] man2 to conceal from; to keep (sb) in the dark 大胆[大膽] da4 dan3 brazen; audacious; outrageous; bold; daring; fearless 把关[把關] ba3 guan1 to guard a pass; to check on sth 艰巨[艱巨] jian1 ju4 arduous; terrible (task); very difficult; formidable 工部[工部] Gong1 Bu4 Ministry of Works (in imperial China) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep08/236 words - 37 min 钦[欽] qin1 to respect; to admire; to venerate; by the emperor himself 辜负[辜負] gu1 fu4 to fail to live up (to expectations); unworthy (of trust); to let down; to betray (hopes); to disappoint 饮料[飲料] yin3 liao4 drink; beverage 出师[出師] chu1 shi1 to finish apprenticeship; to graduate; to send out troops (under a commander) 不利[不利] bu4 li4 unfavorable; disadvantageous; harmful; detrimental 调[調] diao4 to transfer; to move (troops or cadres); to investigate; to enquire into; accent; view; argument; key (in music); mode (music); tune; tone; melody 调[調] tiao2 to harmonize; to reconcile; to blend; to suit well; to adjust; to regulate; to season (food); to provoke; to incite 站稳[站穩] zhan4 wen3 to stand firm 鬼鬼祟祟[鬼鬼祟祟] gui3 gui3 sui4 sui4 sneaky; secretive; furtive 蓝色[藍色] lan2 se4 blue (color) 客厅[客廳] ke4 ting1 drawing room (room for arriving guests); living room; CL:間|间[jian1] 洗洁精[洗潔精] xi3 jie2 jing1 dishwashing liquid //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep09/25 words - 7 min 洗碗[洗碗] xi3 wan3 to wash the dishes 水龙头[水龍頭] shui3 long2 tou2 faucet; tap 完毕[完畢] wan2 bi4 to finish; to end; to complete 矿泉水[礦泉水] kuang4 quan2 shui3 mineral spring water; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 背包[背包] bei1 bao1 knapsack; rucksack; infantry pack; field pack; blanket roll; CL:個|个[ge4] 低血糖[低血糖] di1 xue4 tang2 hypoglycemia (medicine) 吐槽[吐槽] tu4 cao2 (slang) to roast; to ridicule; also pr. [tu3 cao2] 战战兢兢[戰戰兢兢] zhan4 zhan4 jing1 jing1 trembling with fear; with fear and trepidation 养家糊口[養家糊口] yang3 jia1 hu2 kou3 to support one's family (idiom); to have difficulty feeding a family 薪资[薪資] xin1 zi1 salary 辞职[辭職] ci2 zhi2 to resign 拯救[拯救] zheng3 jiu4 to save; to rescue 无业游民[無業遊民] wu2 ye4 you2 min2 unemployed person; vagrant; rogue 自问[自問] zi4 wen4 to ask oneself; to search one's soul; to reach a conclusion after weighing a matter 竿子[竿子] gan1 zi5 bamboo pole; CL:根[gen1],個|个[ge4] 打死[打死] da3 si3 to kill; to beat to death 船[船] chuan2 boat; vessel; ship; CL:條|条[tiao2],艘[sou1],隻|只[zhi1] 动不动[動不動] dong4 bu5 dong4 (typically followed by 就[jiu4]) apt to (lose one's temper, catch a cold etc); at the drop of a hat 德行[德行] de2 xing2 morality and conduct; Taiwan pr. [de2 xing4] 当真[當真] dang4 zhen1 to take seriously; serious; No joking, really! 亲爱[親愛] qin1 ai4 dear; beloved; darling 便利店[便利店] bian4 li4 dian4 convenience store 晚餐[晚餐] wan3 can1 evening meal; dinner; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 放纵[放縱] fang4 zong4 to indulge; to pamper; to connive at; permissive; indulgent; self-indulgent; unrestrained; undisciplined; uncultured; boorish 惩罚[懲罰] cheng2 fa2 penalty; punishment; to punish //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep09/50 words - 11 min 成年[成年] cheng2 nian2 to grow to adulthood; fully grown; the whole year 看顾[看顧] kan4 gu4 to watch over 送去[送去] song4 qu4 to send to; to deliver to; to give sb a lift (e.g. in a car) 干洗[乾洗] gan1 xi3 to dry clean; dry cleaning 一套[一套] yi1 tao4 suit; a set; a collection; of the same kind; the same old stuff; set pattern of behavior 衣帽间[衣帽間] yi1 mao4 jian1 cloakroom 休闲[休閒] xiu1 xian2 leisure; relaxation; not working; idle; to enjoy leisure; to lie fallow 黑色[黑色] hei1 se4 black 评估[評估] ping2 gu1 to evaluate; to assess; assessment; evaluation 试用期[試用期] shi4 yong4 qi1 trial period; probationary period 中饭[中飯] zhong1 fan4 lunch 里头[裡頭] li3 tou5 inside; interior 当回事[當回事] dang4 hui2 shi4 to take seriously (often with negative expression: "don't take it too seriously"); to treat conscientiously 午休[午休] wu3 xiu1 noon break; lunch break; lunchtime nap 预订[預訂] yu4 ding4 to place an order; to book ahead 餐厅[餐廳] can1 ting1 dining hall; dining room; restaurant; CL:間|间[jian1],家[jia1] 放在心上[放在心上] fang4 zai4 xin1 shang4 to care about; to take seriously; to take to heart 精心[精心] jing1 xin1 with utmost care; fine; meticulous; detailed 搭配[搭配] da1 pei4 to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to add sth into a group 颜色[顏色] yan2 se4 color; countenance; appearance; facial expression; pigment; dyestuff 赴约[赴約] fu4 yue1 to keep an appointment 有话要说[有話要說] you3 hua4 yao4 shuo1 to speak one's mind 支支吾吾[支支吾吾] zhi1 zhi1 wu2 wu2 to hem and haw; to stall; to stammer; to mumble; to falter 惦记[惦記] dian4 ji4 to think of; to keep thinking about; to be concerned about 负面[負面] fu4 mian4 negative; the negative side //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep09/75 words - 16 min 新闻[新聞] xin1 wen2 news; CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4] 承受[承受] cheng2 shou4 to bear; to support; to inherit 舆论[輿論] yu2 lun4 public opinion 坏人[壞人] huai4 ren2 bad person; villain 袭击[襲擊] xi2 ji1 attack (esp. surprise attack); raid; to attack 撮合[撮合] cuo1 he5 to play matchmaker; to act as a middleman 压根[壓根] ya4 gen1 from the start; absolutely; entirely; simply 要好[要好] yao4 hao3 to be on good terms; to be close friends; striving for self-improvement 缺[缺] que1 deficiency; lack; scarce; vacant post; to run short of 网络[網絡] wang3 luo4 network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc) 或是[或是] huo4 shi4 or; either one or the other 扯平[扯平] che3 ping2 to make even; to balance; (fig.) to be even; to call it quits 直愣愣[直愣愣] zhi2 leng4 leng4 staring blankly 售[售] shou4 to sell; to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc) 包装[包裝] bao1 zhuang1 to pack; to package; to wrap; packaging 开锁[開鎖] kai1 suo3 to unlock 一块儿[一塊兒] yi1 kuai4 r5 erhua variant of 一塊|一块[yi1 kuai4] 后座[後座] hou4 zuo4 back seat; pillion 穿帮[穿幫] chuan1 bang1 (TV or movie) blooper; continuity error; (theater) to flub one's lines; unintended exposure of a body part; to be exposed (of a scheme or trick); to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue; to blow one's cover 关键[關鍵] guan1 jian4 crucial point; crux; CL:個|个[ge4]; key; crucial; pivotal 链子[鏈子] lian4 zi5 chain 不光[不光] bu4 guang1 not the only one; not only 带路[帶路] dai4 lu4 to lead the way; to guide; to show the way; fig. to instruct 缓慢[緩慢] huan3 man4 slow; slow-moving 浑水摸鱼[渾水摸魚] hun2 shui3 mo1 yu2 to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep09/100 words - 21 min 立马[立馬] li4 ma3 at once; immediately; promptly; swiftly 服[服] fu2 clothes; dress; garment; to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc); to obey; to be convinced (by an argument); to convince; to admire; to acclimatize; to take (medicine); mourning clothes; to wear mourning clothes 祝福[祝福] zhu4 fu2 blessings; to wish sb well 花心[花心] hua1 xin1 fickle (in love affairs); dissipated; unfaithful; heart of a flower (pistil and stamen) 身心[身心] shen1 xin1 body and mind; mental and physical 健康[健康] jian4 kang1 health; healthy 不良[不良] bu4 liang2 bad; harmful; unhealthy 嗜好[嗜好] shi4 hao4 hobby; indulgence; habit; addiction 之类[之類] zhi1 lei4 and so on; and such 男孩[男孩] nan2 hai2 boy; CL:個|个[ge4] 鼻孔[鼻孔] bi2 kong3 nostril; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 朝天[朝天] chao2 tian1 to have an audience with the Emperor; to be presented at court; to look skyward; to look up 富二代[富二代] fu4 er4 dai4 children of entrepreneurs who became wealthy under Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in the 1980s; see also 窮二代|穷二代[qiong2 er4 dai4] 倍[倍] bei4 (two, three etc) -fold; times (multiplier); double; to increase or multiply 下手[下手] xia4 shou3 to start; to put one's hand to; to set about; the seat to the right of the main guest 低下[低下] di1 xia4 low status; lowly; to lower (one's head) 正事[正事] zheng4 shi4 one's proper business 洗手间[洗手間] xi3 shou3 jian1 toilet; lavatory; washroom 点儿[點兒] dian3 r5 erhua variant of 點|点[dian3] 头像[頭像] tou2 xiang4 portrait; bust 招蜂引蝶[招蜂引蝶] zhao1 feng1 yin3 die2 (of a flower) to attract bees and butterflies; (fig.) to attract the opposite sex; to flirt 口口声声[口口聲聲] kou3 kou5 sheng1 sheng1 to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again 前门[前門] qian2 men2 front door; main entrance; honest and upright approach (as opposed to 後門|后门, back-door or under the counter) 走后门[走後門] zou3 hou4 men2 lit. to enter by the back door; fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial channels; back door or under the counter connections 半天[半天] ban4 tian1 half of the day; a long time; quite a while; midair; CL:個|个[ge4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep09/125 words - 27 min 卡顿[卡頓] ka3 dun4 (computing) slow; unresponsive 发烫[發燙] fa1 tang4 burning hot 青春期[青春期] qing1 chun1 qi1 puberty; adolescence 得不到[得不到] de2 bu4 dao4 cannot get; cannot obtain 呵护[呵護] he1 hu4 to bless; to cherish; to take good care of; to conserve 发热[發熱] fa1 re4 to have a high temperature; feverish; unable to think calmly; to emit heat 店长[店長] dian4 zhang3 store manager 招惹[招惹] zhao1 re3 to provoke; to tease 捉弄[捉弄] zhuo1 nong4 to tease 脚踏两只船[腳踏兩隻船] jiao3 ta4 liang3 zhi1 chuan2 to have a foot in both camps; to have a bet each way; to be having an affair 家长[家長] jia1 zhang3 head of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child 倒打一耙[倒打一耙] dao4 da3 yi1 pa2 lit. to strike with a muckrake (idiom), cf Pigsy 豬八戒|猪八戒 in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记; fig. to counterattack; to make bogus accusations (against one's victim) 大萝卜[大蘿蔔] da4 luo2 bo5 see 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5] 脚踏两条船[腳踏兩條船] jiao3 ta4 liang3 tiao2 chuan2 lit. to stand with each foot in a different boat (idiom); fig. to have it both ways; to run after two hares; (especially) to have two lovers at the same time 吃醋[吃醋] chi1 cu4 to feel jealous 嫉妒[嫉妒] ji2 du4 to be jealous; to envy; to hate 逻辑[邏輯] luo2 ji5 logic (loanword) 逢场作戏[逢場作戲] feng2 chang3 zuo4 xi4 lit. find a stage, put on a comedy (idiom); to join in the fun; to play along according to local conditions 戏[戲] xi4 trick; drama; play; show; CL:齣|出[chu1],場|场[chang3],臺|台[tai2] 男女[男女] nan2 nu:3 male-female; male and female 禁欲[禁慾] jin4 yu4 to suppress desire; self-restraint; asceticism 疼死[疼死] teng2 si3 to really hurt 控[控] kong4 to control; to accuse; to charge; to sue; to invert a container to empty it; (suffix) (slang) buff; enthusiast; devotee; -phile or -philia 键[鍵] jian4 key (on a piano or computer keyboard); button (on a mouse or other device); chemical bond; linchpin 启动[啟動] qi3 dong4 to start (a machine); (fig.) to set in motion; to launch (an operation); to activate (a plan) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep09/150 words - 32 min 记忆[記憶] ji4 yi4 to remember; to recall; memory; CL:個|个[ge4] 识别[識別] shi2 bie2 to distinguish; to discern 太太[太太] tai4 tai5 married woman; Mrs.; Madam; wife; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 天黑[天黑] tian1 hei1 to get dark; dusk 近日[近日] jin4 ri4 in the past few days; recently; in the last few days 市[市] shi4 market; city; CL:個|个[ge4] 猥亵[猥褻] wei3 xie4 obscene; indecent; to molest 家政[家政] jia1 zheng4 housekeeping 案件[案件] an4 jian4 case; instance; CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3] 不法分子[不法分子] bu4 fa3 fen4 zi3 lawbreakers; offenders 受害人[受害人] shou4 hai4 ren2 victim 跑腿[跑腿] pao3 tui3 to run errands 调查[調查] diao4 cha2 investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 广大[廣大] guang3 da4 (of an area) vast or extensive; large-scale; widespread; (of people) numerous 市民[市民] shi4 min2 city resident 人身[人身] ren2 shen1 person; personal; human body 财产[財產] cai2 chan3 property; assets; estate; CL:筆|笔[bi3] 临[臨] lin2 to face; to overlook; to arrive; to be (just) about to; just before 偷懒[偷懶] tou1 lan3 to goof off; to be lazy 拨打[撥打] bo1 da3 to call; to dial 用户[用戶] yong4 hu4 user; consumer; subscriber; customer 暂时[暫時] zan4 shi2 temporary; provisional; for the time being 接通[接通] jie1 tong1 to connect; to put through 稍后[稍後] shao1 hou4 in a little while; in a moment; later on 拨[撥] bo1 to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep09/175 words - 37 min 磊[磊] lei3 lumpy; rock pile; uneven; fig. sincere; open and honest 嘻哈[嘻哈] xi1 ha1 hip-hop (music genre) (loanword) 地面[地面] di4 mian4 floor; ground; surface 未[未] wei4 not yet; did not; have not; not; 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep; ancient Chinese compass point: 210° 床单[床單] chuang2 dan1 bed sheet; CL:條|条[tiao2],件[jian4],張|张[zhang1],床[chuang2] 真诚[真誠] zhen1 cheng2 true; sincere; genuine 歉意[歉意] qian4 yi4 apology; regret 扫把[掃把] sao4 ba3 broom 下车[下車] xia4 che1 to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc) 停车[停車] ting2 che1 to pull up (stop one's vehicle); to park; (of a machine) to stop working; to stall 前提[前提] qian2 ti2 premise; precondition; prerequisite 万一[萬一] wan4 yi1 just in case; if by any chance; contingency 不见得[不見得] bu4 jian4 de5 not necessarily; not likely 摄取[攝取] she4 qu3 to absorb (nutrients etc); to assimilate; intake; to take a photograph of (a scene) 大量[大量] da4 liang4 great amount; large quantity; bulk; numerous; generous; magnanimous 钙质[鈣質] gai4 zhi4 calcium; calcium material (such as bone) 反[反] fan3 contrary; in reverse; inside out or upside down; to reverse; to return; to oppose; opposite; against; anti-; to rebel; to use analogy; instead; abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system 有机[有機] you3 ji1 organic 物质[物質] wu4 zhi4 matter; substance; material; materialistic; CL:個|个[ge4] 比例[比例] bi3 li4 proportion; scale 平衡[平衡] ping2 heng2 balance; equilibrium 伤口[傷口] shang1 kou3 wound; cut 愈合[愈合] yu4 he2 to heal; to fuse 油腻[油膩] you2 ni4 grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food); fatty; greasy and dirty; a slippery character 口感[口感] kou3 gan3 taste; texture (of food); how food feels in the mouth //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep09/188 words - 41 min 品质[品質] pin3 zhi4 character; intrinsic quality (of a person); quality (of a product or service, or as in "quality of life", "air quality" etc) 多余[多餘] duo1 yu2 superfluous; unnecessary; surplus 地铁[地鐵] di4 tie3 subway; metro 笨[笨] ben4 stupid; foolish; silly; slow-witted; clumsy 高峰期[高峰期] gao1 feng1 qi1 peak period; rush hour 点名[點名] dian3 ming2 roll call; to mention sb by name; (to call or praise or criticize sb) by name 协调[協調] xie2 tiao2 to coordinate; to harmonize; to fit together; to match (colors etc); harmonious; concerted 无意[無意] wu2 yi4 inadvertent; accidental; to have no intention of (doing sth) 即使[即使] ji2 shi3 even if; even though 估计[估計] gu1 ji4 to estimate; to reckon; CL:個|个[ge4]; (coll.) to suppose 像样[像樣] xiang4 yang4 presentable; decent; up to par 心意[心意] xin1 yi4 regard; kindly feelings; intention 果汁[果汁] guo3 zhi1 fruit juice //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep10/25 words - 10 min 土木[土木] tu3 mu4 building; construction; civil engineering 老半天[老半天] lao3 ban4 tian1 (coll.) a long time 金融[金融] jin1 rong2 banking; finance; financial 起码[起碼] qi3 ma3 at the minimum; at the very least 专长[專長] zhuan1 chang2 specialty; special knowledge or ability 爱好[愛好] ai4 hao4 to like; to take pleasure in; keen on; fond of; interest; hobby; appetite for; CL:個|个[ge4] 就业[就業] jiu4 ye4 to get a job; employment 热门[熱門] re4 men2 popular; hot; in vogue 互联网[互聯網] Hu4 lian2 wang3 Internet 机械师[機械師] ji1 xie4 shi1 mechanic; engineer; machinist; machine operator; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 师范[師範] shi1 fan4 teacher-training; pedagogical; normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University) 轮[輪] lun2 wheel; disk; ring; steamship; to take turns; to rotate; by turn; classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn 争[爭] zheng1 to strive for; to vie for; to argue or debate; deficient or lacking (dialect); how or what (literary) 攒[攢] zan3 to collect; to hoard; to accumulate; to save 多管闲事[多管閒事] duo1 guan3 xian2 shi4 meddling in other people's business 只怕[只怕] zhi3 pa4 I'm afraid that...; perhaps; maybe; very likely 奶奶[奶奶] nai3 nai5 (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother); (respectful) mistress of the house; CL:位[wei4]; (coll.) boobies; breasts 吵醒[吵醒] chao3 xing3 to wake sb up with a noise 沙发[沙發] sha1 fa1 sofa (loanword); CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zhang1]; (Internet slang) the first reply or replier to a forum post 吃不下[吃不下] chi1 bu5 xia4 not feel like eating; be unable to eat any more 小菜[小菜] xiao3 cai4 appetizer; small side dish; easy job; piece of cake; see also 小菜一碟[xiao3 cai4 yi1 die2] 创可贴[創可貼] chuang1 ke3 tie1 band-aid; sticking plaster 公关[公關] gong1 guan1 public relations 打压[打壓] da3 ya1 to suppress; to beat down 据[據] ju4 according to; to act in accordance with; to depend on; to seize; to occupy //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep10/50 words - 14 min 闯[闖] chuang3 to rush; to charge; to dash; to break through; to temper oneself (through battling hardships) 民宅[民宅] min2 zhai2 house; people's homes 诬陷[誣陷] wu1 xian4 to entrap; to frame; to plant false evidence against sb 性骚扰[性騷擾] xing4 sao1 rao3 sexual harassment 划[划] hua2 to row; to paddle; profitable; worth (the effort); it pays (to do sth) 曝[曝] pu4 to air; to sun 截[截] jie2 to cut off (a length); to stop; to intercept; section; chunk; length 底细[底細] di3 xi4 inside information; the ins and outs of the matter; how things stand; what's up 守住[守住] shou3 zhu5 to hold on to; to defend; to keep; to guard 内鬼[內鬼] nei4 gui3 mole; spy; rat; traitor 严肃[嚴肅] yan2 su4 solemn; grave; serious; earnest; severe 之一[之一] zhi1 yi1 one of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent etc) 核对[核對] he2 dui4 to check; to verify; to audit; to examine 表[表] biao3 exterior surface; family relationship via females; to show (one's opinion); a model; a table (listing information); a form; a meter (measuring sth) 灰[灰] hui1 ash; dust; lime; gray; discouraged; dejected 报表[報表] bao4 biao3 forms for reporting statistics; report forms 不定[不定] bu4 ding4 indefinite; indeterminate; (botany) adventitious 因[因] yin1 cause; reason; because 责[責] ze2 duty; responsibility; to reproach; to blame 声誉[聲譽] sheng1 yu4 reputation; fame 牵扯[牽扯] qian1 che3 to involve; to implicate; to be interrelated 到期日[到期日] dao4 qi1 ri4 closing date (of contract); maturity (of an investment bond) 压[壓] ya1 to press; to push down; to keep under (control); pressure 董事会[董事會] dong3 shi4 hui4 board of directors 发起[發起] fa1 qi3 to originate; to initiate; to launch (an attack, an initiative etc); to start; to propose sth (for the first time) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep10/75 words - 21 min 表决[表決] biao3 jue2 to decide by vote; to vote 拖[拖] tuo1 to drag; to tow; to trail; to hang down; to mop (the floor); to delay; to drag on 止[止] zhi3 to stop; to prohibit; until; only 损[損] sun3 to decrease; to lose; to damage; to harm; (coll.) to speak sarcastically; to deride; caustic; mean; one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷨) 全票[全票] quan2 piao4 full-priced ticket; by unanimous vote 进退[進退] jin4 tui4 to advance or retreat; knowing when to come and when to leave; a sense of propriety 收尾[收尾] shou1 wei3 to wind up; to bring to an end; to finish 抓紧时间[抓緊時間] zhua1 jin3 shi2 jian1 to snatch time; to rush; to hurry (up); to seize the moment 锦[錦] jin3 brocade; embroidered work; bright 旗[旗] qi2 banner; flag; (in Qing times) Manchu (cf. 八旗[Ba1 qi2]); administrative subdivision in inner Mongolia equivalent to 縣|县[xian4] county; CL:面[mian4] 原本[原本] yuan2 ben3 originally; original 偶尔[偶爾] ou3 er3 occasionally; once in a while; sometimes 家务[家務] jia1 wu4 household duties; housework 训练[訓練] xun4 lian4 to train; to drill; training; CL:個|个[ge4] 渐渐[漸漸] jian4 jian4 gradually 增多[增多] zeng1 duo1 to increase; to grow in number 教练[教練] jiao4 lian4 instructor; sports coach; trainer; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 残奥会[殘奧會] Can2 Ao4 hui4 Paralympic Games 功劳[功勞] gong1 lao2 contribution; meritorious service; credit 窃取[竊取] qie4 qu3 to steal; to seize 喜[喜] xi3 to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad 大声[大聲] da4 sheng1 loud voice; in a loud voice; loudly 圆[圓] yuan2 circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the moon) full; unit of Chinese currency (yuan); tactful; to make consistent and whole (the narrative of a dream or a lie) 谎[謊] huang3 lies; to lie 听见[聽見] ting1 jian4 to hear //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep10/100 words - 25 min 弄错[弄錯] nong4 cuo4 to err; to get sth wrong; to miscalculate; to misunderstand 版本[版本] ban3 ben3 version; edition; release 方[方] fang1 square; power or involution (math.); upright; honest; fair and square; direction; side; party (to a contract, dispute etc); place; method; prescription (medicine); just when; only or just; classifier for square things; abbr. for square or cubic meter 打印[打印] da3 yin4 to print; to seal; to stamp 装订[裝訂] zhuang1 ding4 bookbinding; to bind (books etc) 会议室[會議室] hui4 yi4 shi4 meeting room; conference room 酬劳[酬勞] chou2 lao2 reward 账[賬] zhang4 account; bill; debt; CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3] 狂[狂] kuang2 mad; wild; violent 魔[魔] mo2 devil; magic 审阅[審閱] shen3 yue4 to review or peruse 企[企] qi3 to plan a project; to stand on tiptoe; Taiwan pr. [qi4]; abbr. for 企業|企业[qi3 ye4] 划[劃] hua4 to delimit; to transfer; to assign; to plan; to draw (a line); stroke of a Chinese character 差错[差錯] cha1 cuo4 mistake; slip-up; fault; error (in data transmission); accident; mishap 设[設] she4 to set up; to arrange; to establish; to found; to display 局[局] ju2 office; situation; classifier for games: match, set, round etc 贪心[貪心] tan1 xin1 greedy 信用卡[信用卡] xin4 yong4 ka3 credit card 刷爆[刷爆] shua1 bao4 to max out (a credit card) 多大[多大] duo1 da4 how big; how much; how old etc 身后[身後] shen1 hou4 posthumous; one's social background; behind the body 小动作[小動作] xiao3 dong4 zuo4 bad habit (e.g. nose-picking); petty maneuver; dirty trick; gamesmanship 奏效[奏效] zou4 xiao4 to show results; effective 品尝[品嘗] pin3 chang2 to taste a small amount; to sample 欢[歡] huan1 joyous; happy; pleased //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep10/125 words - 30 min 本台[本臺] ben3 tai2 this radio station 获悉[獲悉] huo4 xi1 to learn of sth; to find out; to get news 总监[總監] zong3 jian1 head; director (of an organizational unit); (police) commissioner; inspector-general; rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration 任职期间[任職期間] ren4 zhi2 qi1 jian1 term of office; while holding a post 活该[活該] huo2 gai1 (coll.) serve sb right; deservedly; ought; should 职务[職務] zhi2 wu4 post; position; job; duties 第三方[第三方] di4 san1 fang1 third party 徇私舞弊[徇私舞弊] xun4 si1 wu3 bi4 to abuse one's position for personal gain (idiom) 解聘[解聘] jie3 pin4 to dismiss an employee; to sack 保留[保留] bao3 liu2 to keep; to retain; to have reservations (about sth); to hold back (from saying sth); to put aside for later 追究[追究] zhui1 jiu1 to investigate; to look into 法律责任[法律責任] fa3 lu:4 ze2 ren4 legal responsibility; liability 权利[權利] quan2 li4 power; right; privilege 材料[材料] cai2 liao4 material; data; makings; stuff; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] 合作方[合作方] he2 zuo4 fang1 (business) partner 大一[大一] da4 yi1 first-year university student 扬眉[揚眉] yang2 mei2 to raise eyebrows 吐气[吐氣] tu3 qi4 to exhale; to blow off steam; (phonetics) aspirated 复职[復職] fu4 zhi2 to resume a post 施舍[施捨] shi1 she3 to give in charity; to give alms (to the poor) 骚扰[騷擾] sao1 rao3 to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass 心胸[心胸] xin1 xiong1 breadth of mind 宽广[寬廣] kuan1 guang3 wide; broad; extensive; vast 善解人意[善解人意] shan4 jie3 ren2 yi4 to be good at understanding others (idiom) 自私[自私] zi4 si1 selfish; selfishness //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep10/150 words - 34 min 尊敬[尊敬] zun1 jing4 to respect; to revere 着呢[著呢] zhe5 ne5 comes at the end of the sentence to indicate a strong degree; quite; rather 打包[打包] da3 bao1 to wrap; to pack; to put leftovers in a doggy bag for take-out; to package (computing) 住家[住家] zhu4 jia1 residence; household; to reside 出色[出色] chu1 se4 remarkable; outstanding 找上门[找上門] zhao3 shang4 men2 to come to sb's door; to call on sb 顾虑[顧慮] gu4 lu:4 misgivings; apprehensions 说了算[說了算] shuo1 le5 suan4 to have the final say; to be the one in charge 甲方[甲方] jia3 fang1 first party (law); see also 乙方[yi3 fang1] 难搞[難搞] nan2 gao3 hard to deal with; hard to get along with 堆[堆] dui1 to pile up; to heap up; a mass; pile; heap; stack; large amount 思考[思考] si1 kao3 to reflect on; to ponder over 致富[致富] zhi4 fu4 to become rich 富[富] fu4 rich; abundant; wealthy 全集[全集] quan2 ji2 omnibus; complete works (of a writer or artist) 激励[激勵] ji1 li4 to encourage; to urge; motivation; incentive 钻研[鑽研] zuan1 yan2 to study meticulously; to delve into 传给[傳給] chuan2 gei3 to pass on to; to transfer to; to hand on to; to pass to (in football etc) 行李[行李] xing2 li5 luggage; CL:件[jian4] 出差[出差] chu1 chai1 to go on an official or business trip 大都[大都] da4 du1 for the most part; on the whole; metropolitan 远门[遠門] yuan3 men2 (to go to) distant parts; faraway; a distant relative 闪[閃] shan3 to dodge; to duck out of the way; to beat it; shaken (by a fall); to sprain; to pull a muscle; lightning; spark; a flash; to flash (across one's mind); to leave behind; (Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine 腰[腰] yao1 waist; lower back; pocket; middle; loins 记不住[記不住] ji4 bu5 zhu4 can't remember //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep10/163 words - 40 min 火急[火急] huo3 ji2 extremely urgent 燎[燎] liao2 to burn; to set afire 揽[攬] lan3 to monopolize; to seize; to take into one's arms; to embrace; to fasten (with a rope etc); to take on (responsibility etc); to canvass 考上[考上] kao3 shang4 to pass a university entrance exam 经济[經濟] jing1 ji4 economy; economic 北京[北京] Bei3 jing1 Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China; Peking; PRC government 天气[天氣] tian1 qi4 weather 分给[分給] fen1 gei3 to divide (and give to others) 大不了[大不了] da4 bu4 liao3 at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming 火车站[火車站] huo3 che1 zhan4 train station 啰嗦[囉嗦] luo1 suo5 long-winded; wordy; troublesome; pesky; also pr. [luo1 suo1] 充电宝[充電寶] chong1 dian4 bao3 portable charger; mobile power pack 请多关照[請多關照] qing3 duo1 guan1 zhao4 please treat me kindly (conventional greeting on first meeting) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/25 words - 5 min 鞋子[鞋子] xie2 zi5 shoe 安置[安置] an1 zhi4 to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for; to get into bed; placement 卧室[臥室] wo4 shi4 bedroom; CL:間|间[jian1] 口水[口水] kou3 shui3 saliva 行李箱[行李箱] xing2 li5 xiang1 suitcase; baggage compartment; overhead bin; (car) trunk; boot 明确[明確] ming2 que4 clear-cut; definite; explicit; to clarify; to specify; to make definite 内容[內容] nei4 rong2 content; substance; details; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 约法[約法] yue1 fa3 temporary law; provisional constitution 章[章] zhang1 chapter; section; clause; movement (of symphony); seal; badge; regulation; order 严苛[嚴苛] yan2 ke1 severe; harsh 约法三章[約法三章] yue1 fa3 san1 zhang1 to agree on three laws (idiom); three-point covenant; (fig.) preliminary agreement; basic rules 涵盖[涵蓋] han2 gai4 to cover; to comprise; to include 全身[全身] quan2 shen1 whole body; em (typography) 液[液] ye4 liquid; fluid; Taiwan pr. [yi4] 蒸汽[蒸汽] zheng1 qi4 steam 拖把[拖把] tuo1 ba3 mop 杀菌[殺菌] sha1 jun1 to kill germs; to disinfect; to sterilize 洗手池[洗手池] xi3 shou3 chi2 bathroom sink; wash basin 防[防] fang2 to protect; to defend; to guard against; to prevent 尘[塵] chen2 dust; dirt; earth 浅[淺] qian3 shallow; light (color) 高温[高溫] gao1 wen1 high temperature 表格[表格] biao3 ge2 form; table; CL:張|张[zhang1],份[fen4] 签到[簽到] qian1 dao4 to register; to sign in 记录[記錄] ji4 lu4 to record; record (written account); note-taker; record (in sports etc); CL:個|个[ge4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/50 words - 7 min 台面[檯面] tai2 mian4 tabletop; countertop; (fig.) public view; plain sight; (gambling) stake 椅子[椅子] yi3 zi5 chair; CL:把[ba3],套[tao4] 柜子[櫃子] gui4 zi5 cupboard; cabinet 隐藏[隱藏] yin3 cang2 to hide; to conceal; to mask; to shelter; to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden); to hide oneself; to lie low; to nestle; hidden; implicit; private; covert; recessed (lighting) 角落[角落] jiao3 luo4 nook; corner 包括[包括] bao1 kuo4 to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of 底下[底下] di3 xia5 the location below sth; afterwards 顶棚[頂棚] ding3 peng2 ceiling; awning (under ceiling) 积[積] ji1 to amass; to accumulate; to store; measured quantity (such as area of volume); product (the result of multiplication); to integrate (math.); to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.); old; long-standing 规范[規範] gui1 fan4 norm; standard; specification; regulation; rule; within the rules; to fix rules; to regulate; to specify 大小[大小] da4 xiao3 dimension; magnitude; size; measurement; large and small; at any rate; adults and children; consideration of seniority 大致[大致] da4 zhi4 more or less; roughly; approximately 情绪[情緒] qing2 xu4 mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:種|种[zhong3] 高压[高壓] gao1 ya1 high pressure; high-handed 解放[解放] jie3 fang4 to liberate; to emancipate; liberation; refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949; CL:次[ci4] 基本上[基本上] ji1 ben3 shang5 basically; on the whole 情场[情場] qing2 chang3 affairs of the heart; mutual relationship 高手[高手] gao1 shou3 expert; past master; dab hand 围[圍] wei2 to encircle; to surround; all around; to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl) 案例[案例] an4 li4 case (law); CL:個|个[ge4] 想想看[想想看] xiang3 xiang3 kan4 to think about it 砰砰[砰砰] peng1 peng1 (onom.) slam 羞涩[羞澀] xiu1 se4 shy; bashful 兴奋[興奮] xing1 fen4 excited; excitement; (physiology) excitation 出击[出擊] chu1 ji1 to sally; to attack //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/75 words - 13 min 何不[何不] he2 bu4 why not?; why not do (sth)? 异性[異性] yi4 xing4 the opposite sex; of the opposite sex; heterosexual; different in nature 交谈[交談] jiao1 tan2 to discuss; to converse; chat; discussion 不带[不帶] bu4 dai4 not to have; without; un- 随身[隨身] sui2 shen1 to (carry) on one's person; to (take) with one 携带[攜帶] xie2 dai4 to carry (on one's person); to support (old); Taiwan pr. [xi1 dai4] 之内[之內] zhi1 nei4 inside; within 听不见[聽不見] ting1 bu5 jian4 not be able to hear 提示音[提示音] ti2 shi4 yin1 beep 眼神[眼神] yan3 shen2 expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect) 交流[交流] jiao1 liu2 to exchange; exchange; communication; interaction; to have social contact (with sb) 久久[久久] jiu3 jiu3 for a very long time 凝视[凝視] ning2 shi4 to gaze at; to fix one's eyes on 紧盯[緊盯] jin3 ding1 to gaze; to stare fixedly 即刻[即刻] ji2 ke4 immediately; instant; instantly 桌[桌] zhuo1 table; desk; classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc 扔掉[扔掉] reng1 diao4 to throw away; to throw out 默默[默默] mo4 mo4 in silence; not speaking 套餐[套餐] tao4 can1 set meal; product or service package (e.g. for a cell phone subscription) 纸巾[紙巾] zhi3 jin1 paper towel; napkin; facial tissue; CL:張|张[zhang1],包[bao1] 端[端] duan1 end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth level with both hands; to carry; regular 可乐[可樂] ke3 le4 amusing; entertaining; (loanword) cola 开场[開場] kai1 chang3 to begin; to open; to start; beginning of an event 神秘[神秘] shen2 mi4 mysterious; mystery 高中[高中] gao1 zhong1 senior high school; abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学[gao1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/100 words - 19 min 电影[電影] dian4 ying3 movie; film; CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3] 单方面[單方面] dan1 fang1 mian4 unilateral 追求[追求] zhui1 qiu2 to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek after; to woo 难不成[難不成] nan2 bu4 cheng2 Is it possible that ... ? 凉快[涼快] liang2 kuai5 nice and cold; pleasantly cool 秋裤[秋褲] qiu1 ku4 long underwear pants 嗓子[嗓子] sang3 zi5 throat; voice; CL:把[ba3] 咳[咳] ke2 cough 犹豫[猶豫] you2 yu4 to hesitate 超市[超市] chao1 shi4 supermarket; abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场; CL:家[jia1] 看着办[看著辦] kan4 zhe5 ban4 to do as one sees fit; to play it by ear (according to the circumstances) 买好[買好] mai3 hao3 to ingratiate oneself 睡衣[睡衣] shui4 yi1 night clothes; pajamas 知名[知名] zhi1 ming2 well-known; famous 设计师[設計師] she4 ji4 shi1 designer; architect 套装[套裝] tao4 zhuang1 outfit or suit (of clothes); set of coordinated items; kit 划算[划算] hua2 suan4 to calculate; to weigh (pros and cons); to view as profitable; worthwhile; value for money; cost-effective 色[色] se4 color; CL:種|种[zhong3]; look; appearance; sex 老婆[老婆] lao3 po2 (coll.) wife 粉色[粉色] fen3 se4 pink; white; erotic; beautiful woman; powdered (with make-up) 拖鞋[拖鞋] tuo1 xie2 slippers; sandals; flip-flops; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] 绊脚[絆腳] ban4 jiao3 to stumble over sth 洗衣机[洗衣機] xi3 yi1 ji1 washer; washing machine; CL:臺|台[tai2] 深色[深色] shen1 se4 dark; dark colored 浅色[淺色] qian3 se4 light color //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/125 words - 22 min 毛巾[毛巾] mao2 jin1 towel; CL:條|条[tiao2] 分开[分開] fen1 kai1 to separate; to part 功效[功效] gong1 xiao4 efficacy 碱度[鹼度] jian3 du4 alkalinity 洗衣[洗衣] xi3 yi1 laundry 标注[標注] biao1 zhu4 to mark out; to tag; to put a sign on sth explaining or calling attention to; to annotate (e.g. a character with its pinyin) 烘干机[烘乾機] hong1 gan1 ji1 clothes dryer 乳胶[乳膠] ru3 jiao1 latex 海绵[海綿] hai3 mian2 sponge (zoology); sponge (piece of absorbent material, either natural or made from plastic etc); foam rubber 以及[以及] yi3 ji2 as well as; too; and 橡胶[橡膠] xiang4 jiao1 rubber; caoutchouc 衣物[衣物] yi1 wu4 clothing; clothing and other personal items 褶皱[褶皺] zhe3 zhou4 fold; crease; wrinkle; geological fold 晒干[曬乾] shai4 gan1 to dry in the sun 肉眼[肉眼] rou4 yan3 naked eye; layman's eyes 污染[污染] wu1 ran3 pollution; contamination; CL:個|个[ge4] 颗粒[顆粒] ke1 li4 kernel; granule; granulated (sugar, chemical product) 附着[附著] fu4 zhuo2 to adhere; attachment 准确[準確] zhun3 que4 accurate; exact; precise 不愧[不愧] bu4 kui4 to be worthy of; to deserve to be called; to prove oneself to be 彩蛋[彩蛋] cai3 dan4 painted eggshell; Easter egg; (media) Easter egg (hidden feature in software or a movie etc); post-credits scene 流泪[流淚] liu2 lei4 to shed tears 路灯[路燈] lu4 deng1 street lamp; street light 逛逛[逛逛] guang4 guang5 to roam around; to have a stroll 坑[坑] keng1 hole; pit; tunnel; to defraud //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/150 words - 31 min 感人[感人] gan3 ren2 touching; moving 感动[感動] gan3 dong4 to move (sb); to touch (sb emotionally); moving 好听[好聽] hao3 ting1 pleasant to hear 主角[主角] zhu3 jue2 leading role; lead 理智[理智] li3 zhi4 reason; intellect; rationality; rational 明知[明知] ming2 zhi1 to be fully aware of; to know perfectly well 汇报[匯報] hui4 bao4 to report; to give an account of; to collect information and report back 非得[非得] fei1 dei3 (followed by a verb phrase, then – optionally – 不可, or 不行 etc) must 免疫力[免疫力] mian3 yi4 li4 immunity 浴巾[浴巾] yu4 jin1 bath towel; CL:條|条[tiao2] 以下[以下] yi3 xia4 that level or lower; that amount or less; the following 碱性[鹼性] jian3 xing4 alkaline 洗涤剂[洗滌劑] xi3 di2 ji4 cleaning agent; detergent 太阳[太陽] tai4 yang5 sun; CL:個|个[ge4]; abbr. for 太陽穴|太阳穴[tai4 yang2 xue2] 乱说[亂說] luan4 shuo1 to talk drivel; to make irresponsible remarks 彻[徹] che4 thorough; penetrating; to pervade; to pass through 底[底] di3 background; bottom; base; end (of the month, year etc); remnants; (math.) radix; base 过火[過火] guo4 huo3 to go too far (in word or deed); over the top 叠[疊] die2 to fold; to fold over in layers; to furl; to layer; to pile up; to repeat; to duplicate 寄[寄] ji4 to send; to mail; to entrust; to depend on; to attach oneself to; to live (in a house); to lodge; foster (son etc) 在线[在線] zai4 xian4 online 好不容易[好不容易] hao3 bu4 rong2 yi4 with great difficulty; very difficult 埋头[埋頭] mai2 tou2 to immerse oneself in; engrossed in sth; to lower the head (e.g. to avoid rain); countersunk (of screws, rivets etc) 转转[轉轉] zhuan4 zhuan5 to stroll 闺女[閨女] gui1 nu:3 maiden; unmarried woman; daughter //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/175 words - 34 min 冷暖[冷暖] leng3 nuan3 lit. daily changes of temperature; fig. well-being; sb's comfort, health, prosperity etc 对流[對流] dui4 liu2 convection 华北平原[華北平原] Hua2 bei3 Ping2 yuan2 North China Plain 大部分[大部分] da4 bu4 fen5 in large part; the greater part; the majority 地区[地區] di4 qu1 local; regional; district (not necessarily formal administrative unit); region; area; as suffix to city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture-level city or county level city); CL:個|个[ge4] 气温[氣溫] qi4 wen1 air temperature; CL:個|个[ge4] 伴有[伴有] ban4 you3 to be accompanied by 降雨[降雨] jiang4 yu3 precipitation; rainfall 北京市[北京市] Bei3 jing1 Shi4 Beijing; capital of People's Republic of China; one of the four municipalities 直轄市|直辖市[zhi2 xia2 shi4] 暴雨[暴雨] bao4 yu3 torrential rain; rainstorm; CL:場|场[chang2],陣|阵[zhen4] 雷电[雷電] lei2 dian4 thunder and lightning 多个[多個] duo1 ge5 many; multiple; multi- (faceted, ethnic etc) 县[縣] xian4 county 及[及] ji2 and; to reach; up to; in time for 预警[預警] yu4 jing3 warning; early warning 气象局[氣象局] qi4 xiang4 ju2 weather bureau; meteorological office 防护[防護] fang2 hu4 to defend; to protect 尽量[儘量] jin3 liang4 as much as possible; to the greatest extent 外出[外出] wai4 chu1 to go out; to go away (on a trip etc) 刚巧[剛巧] gang1 qiao3 by chance; by coincidence; by good luck 运气[運氣] yun4 qi5 luck (good or bad) 跳槽[跳槽] tiao4 cao2 to change jobs; job-hopping 高效[高效] gao1 xiao4 efficient; highly effective 具有[具有] ju4 you3 to have; to possess 回头[回頭] hui2 tou2 to turn round; to turn one's head; later; by and by //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/200 words - 38 min 自愿[自願] zi4 yuan4 voluntary 一阵[一陣] yi1 zhen4 a burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time) 好转[好轉] hao3 zhuan3 to improve; to take a turn for the better; improvement 着想[著想] zhuo2 xiang3 to give thought (to others); to consider (other people's needs); also pr. [zhao2 xiang3] 磨合[磨合] mo2 he2 to break in; to wear in 一共[一共] yi1 gong4 altogether 答对[答對] da2 dui4 (usually used in the negative) to answer or reply to sb's question 澡[澡] zao3 bath 扣分[扣分] kou4 fen1 to deduct marks (when grading school work); to have marks deducted; penalty points; to lose points for a penalty or error 间接[間接] jian4 jie1 indirect 引发[引發] yin3 fa1 to lead to; to trigger; to initiate; to cause; to evoke (emotions) 强迫症[強迫症] qiang3 po4 zheng4 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) 失眠[失眠] shi1 mian2 to suffer from insomnia 胸[胸] xiong1 chest; bosom; heart; mind; thorax 闷[悶] men4 bored; depressed; melancholy; sealed; airtight; tightly closed 急需[急需] ji2 xu1 to urgently need; urgent need 偷偷[偷偷] tou1 tou1 stealthily; secretly; covertly; furtively; on the sly 一遍[一遍] yi1 bian4 one time (all the way through); once through 治愈[治癒] zhi4 yu4 to cure 排斥[排斥] pai2 chi4 to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to repel 讳疾忌医[諱疾忌醫] hui4 ji2 ji4 yi1 hiding a sickness for fear of treatment (idiom); fig. concealing a fault to avoid criticism; to keep one's shortcomings secret; to refuse to listen to advice 宁愿[寧願] ning4 yuan4 would rather; better 风险[風險] feng1 xian3 risk; hazard 礼拜[禮拜] li3 bai4 week; religious service; worship; CL:個|个[ge4] 所谓[所謂] suo3 wei4 so-called; what is called //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep11/201 words - 38 min 医[醫] yi1 medical; medicine; doctor; to cure; to treat //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep12/25 words - 11 min 脱敏[脫敏] tuo1 min3 to desensitize; to remove an allergic susceptibility 超过[超過] chao1 guo4 to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip 洗手液[洗手液] xi3 shou3 ye4 liquid hand soap 冲[沖] chong1 (of water) to dash against; to mix with water; to infuse; to rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to clash; to collide with 练习[練習] lian4 xi2 to practice; exercise; drill; practice; CL:個|个[ge4] 日常[日常] ri4 chang2 daily; everyday 裁判[裁判] cai2 pan4 judgment; to referee; umpire; judge; referee; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 乐意[樂意] le4 yi4 to be willing to do sth; to be ready to do sth; to be happy to do sth; content; satisfied 奉陪[奉陪] feng4 pei2 (honorific) to accompany; to keep sb company 说明[說明] shuo1 ming2 to explain; to illustrate; to indicate; to show; to prove; explanation; directions; caption; CL:個|个[ge4] 开饭[開飯] kai1 fan4 to serve a meal 突破[突破] tu1 po4 to break through; to make a breakthrough; to surmount or break the back of (a task etc); (of ball sports) to break through a defense 强迫[強迫] qiang3 po4 to compel; to force 大锅[大鍋] da4 guo1 a big wok; cauldron 喝掉[喝掉] he1 diao4 to drink up; to finish (a drink) 升[升] sheng1 to ascend; to rise to the rank of; to promote; to hoist; liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3] 赠送[贈送] zeng4 song4 to present as a gift 有利[有利] you3 li4 advantageous; to have advantages; favorable 人群[人群] ren2 qun2 crowd 女士[女士] nu:3 shi4 lady; madam; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]; Miss; Ms 护手霜[護手霜] hu4 shou3 shuang1 hand cream; hand lotion 牌子[牌子] pai2 zi5 sign; trademark; brand 欧[歐] ou1 (used for transliteration); old variant of 謳|讴[ou1] 东方[東方] dong1 fang1 east 肌肤[肌膚] ji1 fu1 skin; flesh; fig. close physical relationship //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep12/50 words - 15 min 特点[特點] te4 dian3 characteristic (feature); trait; feature; CL:個|个[ge4] 膜[膜] mo2 membrane; film 提取[提取] ti2 qu3 to withdraw (money); to collect (left luggage); to extract; to refine 养颜[養顏] yang3 yan2 to nourish one's skin; to maintain a youthful appearance 精粹[精粹] jing1 cui4 succinct; pure and concise 白皙[白皙] bai2 xi1 fair; white; blonde 嫩[嫩] nen4 tender; soft; delicate; light (color); inexperienced; unskilled 早晚[早晚] zao3 wan3 morning and evening; sooner or later 涂[塗] tu2 to apply (paint etc); to smear; to daub; to blot out; to scribble; to scrawl; (literary) mud; street 定期[定期] ding4 qi1 at set dates; at regular intervals; periodic; limited to a fixed period of time; fixed term 歇[歇] xie1 to rest; to take a break; to stop; to halt; (dialect) to sleep; a moment; a short while 一路顺风[一路順風] yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1 to have a pleasant journey (idiom) 东城[東城] Dong1 cheng2 Dongcheng district of central Beijing 汉堡[漢堡] han4 bao3 hamburger (loanword) 淘米[淘米] tao2 mi3 to rinse rice 顺时针[順時針] shun4 shi2 zhen1 clockwise 自行[自行] zi4 xing2 voluntary; autonomous; by oneself; self- 克扣[剋扣] ke4 kou4 to dock; to deduct; to embezzle 不宜[不宜] bu4 yi2 not suitable; inadvisable; inappropriate 顺手[順手] shun4 shou3 easily; without trouble; while one is at it; in passing; handy 电动[電動] dian4 dong4 electric-powered; (Tw) video game 环保[環保] huan2 bao3 environmental protection; environmentally friendly; abbr. for 環境保護|环境保护[huan2 jing4 bao3 hu4] 旋转[旋轉] xuan2 zhuan3 to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl 表明[表明] biao3 ming2 to make clear; to make known; to state clearly; to indicate; known 勇敢[勇敢] yong3 gan3 brave; courageous //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep12/75 words - 24 min 好用[好用] hao3 yong4 useful; serviceable; effective; handy; easy to use 导购[導購] dao3 gou4 shopper's guide; shop assistant; sales staff 肤[膚] fu1 skin 美容[美容] mei3 rong2 to improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery); to make oneself more attractive; to beautify 推车[推車] tui1 che1 cart; trolley; to push a cart 牙刷[牙刷] ya2 shua1 toothbrush; CL:把[ba3] 合用[合用] he2 yong4 to share; to use in common; suitable; fit for purpose; useable 请客[請客] qing3 ke4 to give a dinner party; to entertain guests; to invite to dinner 名义[名義] ming2 yi4 name; titular; nominal; in name; ostensible purpose 虚伪[虛偽] xu1 wei3 false; hypocritical; artificial; sham 怨[怨] yuan4 to blame; to complain 推倒[推倒] tui1 dao3 to push over; to overthrow 醋[醋] cu4 vinegar; jealousy (in love rivalry) 溜[溜] liu1 to slip away; to escape in stealth; to skate 安心[安心] an1 xin1 at ease; to feel relieved; to set one's mind at rest; to keep one's mind on sth 往常[往常] wang3 chang2 habitually (in the past); as one used to do formerly; as it used to be 撵[攆] nian3 to expel; to oust; (dialect) to chase after; to try to catch up with 敷衍[敷衍] fu1 yan3 to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch; to do sth half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by 两把刷子[兩把刷子] liang3 ba3 shua1 zi5 ability; skill 都护[都護] du1 hu4 (old) highest administrative post in border areas; governor of a march 辞[辭] ci2 to resign; to dismiss; to decline; to take leave; ballad (archaic poetic genre); variant of 詞|词[ci2] 做完[做完] zuo4 wan2 to finish; to complete the task 卡片[卡片] ka3 pian4 card 自知之明[自知之明] zi4 zhi1 zhi1 ming2 knowing oneself (idiom); self-knowledge 抢占[搶佔] qiang3 zhan4 to seize (the strategic high ground) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep12/98 words - 36 min 先机[先機] xian1 ji1 key moment; decisive opportunity 涉及[涉及] she4 ji2 to involve; to touch upon (a topic) 隐私[隱私] yin3 si1 secrets; private business; privacy 生怕[生怕] sheng1 pa4 to fear; afraid; extremely nervous; for fear that; to avoid; so as not to 小朋友[小朋友] xiao3 peng2 you3 child; CL:個|个[ge4] 曲子[曲子] qu3 zi5 poem for singing; tune; music; CL:支[zhi1] 弹[彈] dan4 crossball; bullet; shot; shell; ball 弹[彈] tan2 to pluck (a string); to play (a string instrument); to spring or leap; to shoot (e.g. with a catapult); (of cotton) to fluff or tease; to flick; to flip; to accuse; to impeach; elastic (of materials) 联[聯] lian2 to ally; to unite; to join; (poetry) antithetical couplet 不理[不理] bu4 li3 to refuse to acknowledge; to pay no attention to; to take no notice of; to ignore 小打小闹[小打小鬧] xiao3 da3 xiao3 nao4 small-scale 安全感[安全感] an1 quan2 gan3 sense of security 靠得住[靠得住] kao4 de5 zhu4 reliable; trustworthy 乐观[樂觀] le4 guan1 optimistic; hopeful 咪咪[咪咪] mi1 mi1 oboe-like musical instrument used in folk music of Gansu, Qinghai etc; (onom.) meow; kitty kitty!; Mimi (Western name); tits (i.e. slang for breasts) 骄傲[驕傲] jiao1 ao4 pride; arrogance; conceited; proud of sth 绝不[絕不] jue2 bu4 in no way; not in the least; absolutely not 周遭[周遭] zhou1 zao1 surrounding; nearby 冷清[冷清] leng3 qing1 cold and cheerless; fig. lonely; unfrequented 答复[答覆] da2 fu4 to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email header) 真实[真實] zhen1 shi2 true; real 想方设法[想方設法] xiang3 fang1 she4 fa3 to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means; to try this, that and the other 适得其反[適得其反] shi4 de2 qi2 fan3 to produce the opposite of the desired result 瓷[瓷] ci2 chinaware; porcelain; china //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep13/25 words - 11 min 纠缠不清[糾纏不清] jiu1 chan2 bu4 qing1 hopelessly muddled; impossible to unravel 专一[專一] zhuan1 yi1 single-minded; concentrated 海王[海王] Hai3 wang2 Poseidon, Greek god of the sea; Neptune, Roman god of the sea; Aquaman, DC comic book superhero 海[海] hai3 ocean; sea; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]; great number of people or things; (dialect) numerous 喘[喘] chuan3 to gasp; to pant; asthma 不可思议[不可思議] bu4 ke3 si1 yi4 inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable; unfathomable 一周[一周] yi1 zhou1 one week; all the way around; a whole cycle 早日[早日] zao3 ri4 soon; shortly; on a day quite soon; promptly 恢复[恢復] hui1 fu4 to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to rehabilitate 做梦[做夢] zuo4 meng4 to dream; to have a dream; fig. illusion; fantasy; pipe dream 手感[手感] shou3 gan3 the feel (of sth touched with the hand); (textiles) handle 棉被[棉被] mian2 bei4 comforter; quilt; CL:條|条[tiao2],面[mian4] 牙膏[牙膏] ya2 gao1 toothpaste; CL:管[guan3] 刷牙[刷牙] shua1 ya2 to brush one's teeth 牙齿[牙齒] ya2 chi3 tooth; dental; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 呈[呈] cheng2 to present to a superior; memorial; petition; to present (a certain appearance); to assume (a shape); to be (a certain color) 角[角] jiao3 angle; corner; horn; horn-shaped; unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan, or 10 cents (a dime); CL:個|个[ge4] 角[角] jue2 role (theater); to compete; ancient three legged wine vessel; third note of pentatonic scale 门牙[門牙] men2 ya2 incisor 左右[左右] zuo3 you4 left and right; nearby; approximately; attendant; to control; to influence 漱口[漱口] shu4 kou3 to rinse one's mouth; to gargle 操作[操作] cao1 zuo4 to work; to operate; to manipulate 看不清[看不清] kan4 bu5 qing1 not able to see clearly 内心[內心] nei4 xin1 heart; innermost being; (math.) incenter 测谎仪[測謊儀] ce4 huang3 yi2 lie detector; polygraph 连夜[連夜] lian2 ye4 that very night; through the night; for several nights in a row //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep13/50 words - 14 min 简易[簡易] jian3 yi4 simple and easy; simplistic; simplicity 版[版] ban3 a register; block of printing; edition; version; page 拷问[拷問] kao3 wen4 to question via torture 打呼[打呼] da3 hu1 to snore 流[流] liu2 to flow; to disseminate; to circulate or spread; to move or drift; to degenerate; to banish or send into exile; stream of water or sth resembling one; class, rate or grade 薯片[薯片] shu3 pian4 fried potato chips 地上[地上] di4 shang5 on the ground; on the floor 照样[照樣] zhao4 yang4 as before; (same) as usual; in the same manner; still; nevertheless 走出[走出] zou3 chu1 to leave (a room etc); to go out through (a door etc) 阴影[陰影] yin1 ying3 (lit. and fig.) shadow 确切[確切] que4 qie4 definite; exact; precise 单相思[單相思] dan1 xiang1 si1 one-sided lovesickness; unrequited longing 平凡[平凡] ping2 fan2 commonplace; ordinary; mediocre 粗鲁[粗魯] cu1 lu3 coarse; crude (in one's manner); boorish 傻笑[傻笑] sha3 xiao4 to giggle; to laugh foolishly; to smirk; to simper 发亮[發亮] fa1 liang4 to shine; shiny 狼吞虎咽[狼吞虎嚥] lang2 tun1 hu3 yan4 to wolf down one's food (idiom); to devour ravenously; to gorge oneself 处处[處處] chu4 chu4 everywhere; in all respects 逃学[逃學] tao2 xue2 to play truant; to cut classes 收集[收集] shou1 ji2 to gather; to collect 回收[回收] hui2 shou1 to recycle; to reclaim; to retrieve; to recover; to recall (a defective product) 废品[廢品] fei4 pin3 production rejects; seconds; scrap; discarded material 老奶奶[老奶奶] lao3 nai3 nai5 (coll.) father's father's mother; paternal great-grandmother; respectful form of address for an old woman 阳光[陽光] yang2 guang1 sunshine; CL:線|线[xian4]; transparent (open to public scrutiny) 一堆[一堆] yi1 dui1 pile //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep13/75 words - 18 min 坚定[堅定] jian1 ding4 firm; steady; staunch; resolute 回报[回報] hui2 bao4 (in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation; to report back; to reciprocate 尊重[尊重] zun1 zhong4 to esteem; to respect; to honor; to value; eminent; serious; proper 甘愿[甘願] gan1 yuan4 willingly 南溪[南溪] Nan2 xi1 Nanxi county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan 调研[調研] diao4 yan2 to investigate and research; research; investigation 湿巾[濕巾] shi1 jin1 wet wipe; towelette 口罩[口罩] kou3 zhao4 mask (surgical etc) 免[免] mian3 to excuse sb; to exempt; to remove or dismiss from office; to avoid; to avert; to escape; to be prohibited 诊疗[診療] zhen3 liao2 diagnosis and treatment 应对[應對] ying4 dui4 response; to answer; to reply 陌生[陌生] mo4 sheng1 strange; unfamiliar 打仗[打仗] da3 zhang4 to fight a battle; to go to war 罢了[罷了] ba4 le5 a modal particle indicating (that's all, only, nothing much) 奢侈[奢侈] she1 chi3 luxurious; extravagant 治好[治好] zhi4 hao3 to cure 甜蜜[甜蜜] tian2 mi4 sweet; happy 技巧[技巧] ji4 qiao3 skill; technique 一对[一對] yi1 dui4 couple; pair 起床[起床] qi3 chuang2 to get out of bed; to get up 扑[撲] pu1 to throw oneself at; to pounce on; to devote one's energies; to flap; to flutter; to dab; to pat; to bend over 怀里[懷裡] huai2 li3 embrace; bosom 索[索] suo3 to search; to demand; to ask; to exact; large rope; isolated 害羞[害羞] hai4 xiu1 shy; embarrassed; bashful 刮[刮] gua1 to scrape; to blow; to shave; to plunder; to extort //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep13/100 words - 23 min 笔记[筆記] bi3 ji4 to take down (in writing); notes; a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches; CL:本[ben3] 拜读[拜讀] bai4 du2 (polite) to read (sth) 博主[博主] bo2 zhu3 blogger 颜值[顏值] yan2 zhi2 attractiveness index (rating of how good-looking sb is) 身材[身材] shen1 cai2 stature; build (height and weight); figure 不在乎[不在乎] bu4 zai4 hu5 not to care 正直[正直] zheng4 zhi2 upright; upstanding; honest 携手[攜手] xie2 shou3 hand in hand; to join hands; to collaborate 木头[木頭] mu4 tou5 slow-witted; blockhead; log (of wood, timber etc); CL:塊|块[kuai4],根[gen1] 半小时[半小時] ban4 xiao3 shi2 half hour 接到[接到] jie1 dao4 to receive (letter etc) 报案[報案] bao4 an4 to report a case to the authorities 顺眼[順眼] shun4 yan3 pleasing to the eye; nice to look at 所知[所知] suo3 zhi1 known; what one knows 打架[打架] da3 jia4 to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows; CL:場|场[chang2] 斗殴[鬥毆] dou4 ou1 to fight; to brawl; a scuffle; a punch-up 刑事[刑事] xing2 shi4 criminal; penal 慎重[慎重] shen4 zhong4 cautious; careful; prudent 过节[過節] guo4 jie2 to celebrate a festival; after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over) 拳[拳] quan2 fist; boxing 不得不[不得不] bu4 de2 bu4 have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can't help it; can't avoid 拘留[拘留] ju1 liu2 to detain (a prisoner); to keep sb in custody 批评[批評] pi1 ping2 to criticize; criticism; CL:個|个[ge4] 教育[教育] jiao4 yu4 to educate; to teach; education 不通[不通] bu4 tong1 to be obstructed; to be blocked up; to be impassable; to make no sense; to be illogical //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep13/125 words - 29 min 播放[播放] bo1 fang4 to broadcast; to transmit 古典音乐[古典音樂] gu3 dian3 yin1 yue4 classical music 气氛[氣氛] qi4 fen1 atmosphere; mood 单曲[單曲] dan1 qu3 single (recording industry) 循环[循環] xun2 huan2 to cycle; to circulate; circle; loop 音[音] yin1 sound; noise; note (of musical scale); tone; news; syllable; reading (phonetic value of a character) 转换[轉換] zhuan3 huan4 to change; to switch; to convert; to transform 换气[換氣] huan4 qi4 to take a breath (in swimming); to ventilate 有种[有種] you3 zhong3 to have guts; to have courage; to be brave 上气不接下气[上氣不接下氣] shang4 qi4 bu4 jie1 xia4 qi4 not enough breath (idiom); to gasp for breath 尾音[尾音] wei3 yin1 final sound of a syllable; rhyme (e.g. in European languages) 碎屑[碎屑] sui4 xie4 fragments; particles 滴[滴] di1 a drop; to drip 油[油] you2 oil; fat; grease; petroleum; to apply tung oil, paint or varnish; oily; greasy; glib; cunning 天上[天上] tian1 shang4 celestial; heavenly 飞机[飛機] fei1 ji1 airplane; CL:架[jia4] 刀叉[刀叉] dao1 cha1 knife and fork; CL:副[fu4] 盘子[盤子] pan2 zi5 tray; plate; dish; CL:個|个[ge4] 决心[決心] jue2 xin1 determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind; CL:個|个[ge4] 暴殄天物[暴殄天物] bao4 tian3 tian1 wu4 to waste natural resources recklessly; not to know how to use things sparingly 盐[鹽] yan2 salt; CL:粒[li4] 香精[香精] xiang1 jing1 seasoning; condiment; flavoring; dressing; essences 蔬菜[蔬菜] shu1 cai4 vegetables; CL:種|种[zhong3] 新鲜[新鮮] xin1 xian1 fresh (experience, food etc); freshness; novel; uncommon 过后[過後] guo4 hou4 after the event //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep13/150 words - 33 min 好玩[好玩] hao3 wan2 amusing; fun; interesting 早茶[早茶] zao3 cha2 morning tea 回程[回程] hui2 cheng2 return trip 疲劳[疲勞] pi2 lao2 fatigue; wearily; weariness; weary 驾驶[駕駛] jia4 shi3 to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive 就近[就近] jiu4 jin4 nearby; in a close neighborhood 酒店[酒店] jiu3 dian4 wine shop; pub (public house); hotel; restaurant; (Tw) hostess club 尽早[儘早] jin3 zao3 as early as possible 有备无患[有備無患] you3 bei4 wu2 huan4 Preparedness averts peril.; to be prepared, just in case (idiom) 房[房] fang2 house; room; CL:間|间[jian1]; branch of an extended family; classifier for family members (or concubines) 进度[進度] jin4 du4 pace; tempo; degree of progress (on project); work schedule 欢迎光临[歡迎光臨] huan1 ying2 guang1 lin2 welcome 过敏[過敏] guo4 min3 oversensitive; allergic; allergy 客房[客房] ke4 fang2 guest room 氯[氯] lu:4 chlorine (chemistry) 含量[含量] han2 liang4 content; quantity contained 将就[將就] jiang1 jiu5 to accept (a bit reluctantly); to put up with 需求[需求] xu1 qiu2 requirement; to require; (economics) demand 睡着[睡著] shui4 zhao2 to fall asleep 国家[國家] guo2 jia1 country; nation; state; CL:個|个[ge4] 五星级[五星級] wu3 xing1 ji2 five-star (hotel) 符合[符合] fu2 he2 in keeping with; in accordance with; tallying with; in line with; to agree with; to accord with; to conform to; to correspond with; to manage; to handle 办理[辦理] ban4 li3 to handle; to transact; to conduct 退款[退款] tui4 kuan3 to refund; refund 符合标准[符合標準] fu2 he2 biao1 zhun3 to comply with a standard; standards-compliant //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep13/160 words - 35 min 浴室[浴室] yu4 shi4 bathroom (room used for bathing); CL:間|间[jian1] 香薰[香薰] xiang1 xun1 aromatherapy 寝具[寢具] qin3 ju4 bedding 备[備] bei4 to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip 留宿[留宿] liu2 su4 to put up a guest; to stay overnight 睡眠[睡眠] shui4 mian2 sleep; to sleep; (computing) to enter sleep mode 派上用场[派上用場] pai4 shang4 yong4 chang3 to put to good use; to come in handy 闭[閉] bi4 to close; to stop up; to shut; to obstruct 听力[聽力] ting1 li4 hearing; listening ability 干嘛[幹嘛] gan4 ma2 what are you doing?; whatever for?; why on earth? //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep14/25 words - 8 min 恐怖片[恐怖片] kong3 bu4 pian4 horror movie; CL:部[bu4] 打呼噜[打呼嚕] da3 hu1 lu5 to snore 磨牙[磨牙] mo2 ya2 to grind one's teeth (during sleep); pointless arguing; (coll.) molar 队[隊] dui4 squadron; team; group; CL:個|个[ge4] 美味[美味] mei3 wei4 delicious; delicious food; delicacy 备用[備用] bei4 yong4 reserve; spare; alternate; backup 不单[不單] bu4 dan1 not the only; not merely; not simply 海洋[海洋] hai3 yang2 ocean; CL:個|个[ge4] 馆[館] guan3 building; shop; term for certain service establishments; embassy or consulate; schoolroom (old); CL:家[jia1] 鱼[魚] yu2 fish; CL:條|条[tiao2],尾[wei3] 鲨鱼[鯊魚] sha1 yu2 shark 小黄[小黃] xiao3 huang2 (coll.) taxicab (Tw) 拍照[拍照] pai1 zhao4 to take a picture 表情[表情] biao3 qing2 (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression 老旧[老舊] lao3 jiu4 outmoded; old-fashioned 摄像头[攝像頭] she4 xiang4 tou2 webcam; surveillance camera 光线[光線] guang1 xian4 light ray; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]; light; illumination; lighting (for a photograph) 摄影[攝影] she4 ying3 to take a photograph; photography; to shoot (a movie) 抱有[抱有] bao4 you3 have; possess 帅哥[帥哥] shuai4 ge1 handsome guy; lady-killer; handsome (form of address) 工作人员[工作人員] gong1 zuo4 ren2 yuan2 staff member 游客[遊客] you2 ke4 traveler; tourist; (online gaming) guest player 靠近[靠近] kao4 jin4 near; to approach 情侣装[情侶裝] qing2 lu:3 zhuang1 matching outfit for couples 姿势[姿勢] zi1 shi4 posture; position //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep14/50 words - 16 min 鱿鱼[魷魚] you2 yu2 squid 海蜇[海蜇] hai3 zhe2 Rhopilema esculenta, an edible jellyfish 水母[水母] shui3 mu3 jellyfish; medusa 牧[牧] mu4 to herd; to breed livestock; to govern (old); government official (old) 共生[共生] gong4 sheng1 symbiosis 捕食[捕食] bu3 shi2 to prey on; to catch and feed on; to hunt for food 触手[觸手] chu4 shou3 tentacle 有毒[有毒] you3 du2 poisonous 素[素] su4 raw silk; white; plain, unadorned; vegetarian (food); essence; nature; element; constituent; usually; always; ever 伙伴[伙伴] huo3 ban4 partner; companion; comrade 避开[避開] bi4 kai1 to avoid; to evade; to keep away from 它们[它們] ta1 men5 they (for inanimate objects) 多么[多麼] duo1 me5 how (wonderful etc); what (a great idea etc); however (difficult it may be etc); (in interrogative sentences) how (much etc); to what extent 生物[生物] sheng1 wu4 organism; living creature; life form; biological; CL:個|个[ge4] 总能[總能] zong3 neng2 total energy 无比[無比] wu2 bi3 incomparable; matchless 另一半[另一半] ling4 yi1 ban4 other half; fig. spouse; one's better half 贤人[賢人] xian2 ren2 great person of the past; venerable forebear; the great and the good 派出所[派出所] pai4 chu1 suo3 local police station 对眼[對眼] dui4 yan3 to squint; to one's liking 坦白[坦白] tan3 bai2 honest; forthcoming; to confess 小儿科[小兒科] xiao3 er2 ke1 pediatrics; pediatric (department); sth of little importance; trifle; a child's play; (slang) childish; petty; stingy 把戏[把戲] ba3 xi4 acrobatics; jugglery; cheap trick; game 包包[包包] bao1 bao1 bag or purse etc; small bump or pimple; hillock 教养[教養] jiao4 yang3 to train; to educate; to bring up; to nurture; education; culture; upbringing; early conditioning //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep14/75 words - 21 min 看不懂[看不懂] kan4 bu5 dong3 unable to make sense of what one is looking at 加快[加快] jia1 kuai4 to accelerate; to speed up 乘胜追击[乘勝追擊] cheng2 sheng4 zhui1 ji1 to follow up a victory and press home the attack; to pursue retreating enemy 物理[物理] wu4 li3 physics; physical 游乐园[遊樂園] you2 le4 yuan2 theme park 处心积虑[處心積慮] chu3 xin1 ji1 lu:4 to plot actively (idiom); scheming; calculating 波及[波及] bo1 ji2 to spread to; to involve; to affect 听不懂[聽不懂] ting1 bu5 dong3 unable to make sense of what one is hearing 验伤[驗傷] yan4 shang1 to examine a wound or injury (typically for forensic purposes) 录像[錄像] lu4 xiang4 to videotape; to videorecord; video recording; CL:盤|盘[pan2] 打的[打的] da3 di1 (coll.) to take a taxi; to go by taxi 包庇[包庇] bao1 bi4 to shield; to harbor; to cover up 下属[下屬] xia4 shu3 subordinate; underling 目击[目擊] mu4 ji1 to see with one's own eyes; to witness 证人[證人] zheng4 ren2 witness 案底[案底] an4 di3 criminal record 出面[出面] chu1 mian4 to appear personally; to step in; to step forth; to show up 作证[作證] zuo4 zheng4 to bear witness; to testify 情面[情面] qing2 mian4 feelings and sensibilities; sentiment and face; sensitivity to other's feelings 睁[睜] zheng1 to open (one's eyes) 变本加厉[變本加厲] bian4 ben3 jia1 li4 lit. change to more severe (idiom); to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming); to aggravate; to intensify 挑战[挑戰] tiao3 zhan4 to challenge; challenge 底线[底線] di3 xian4 to underline; bottom line; base line (in sports); baseline; minimum; spy; plant 张罗[張羅] zhang1 luo5 to take care of; to raise money; to attend to (guests, customers etc) 做主[做主] zuo4 zhu3 see 作主[zuo4 zhu3] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep14/100 words - 30 min 不三不四[不三不四] bu4 san1 bu4 si4 dubious; shady; neither one thing nor the other; neither fish nor fowl; nondescript 怎么着[怎麼著] zen3 me5 zhao1 what?; how?; how about?; whatever; also pr. [zen3 me5 zhe5] 交往[交往] jiao1 wang3 to associate (with); to have contact (with); to hang out (with); to date; (interpersonal) relationship; association; contact 年代[年代] nian2 dai4 a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties); age; era; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 后尘[後塵] hou4 chen2 lit. trailing dust; fig. sb's footsteps; course in life 污点[污點] wu1 dian3 stain; taint 相爱[相愛] xiang1 ai4 to love each other 拆散[拆散] chai1 san4 to break up (a marriage, family etc) 所愿[所願] suo3 yuan4 wished-for; desired 并不[並不] bing4 bu4 not at all; emphatically not 楚[楚] chu3 distinct; clear; orderly; pain; suffering; deciduous bush used in Chinese medicine (genus Vitex); punishment cane (old) 沸沸扬扬[沸沸揚揚] fei4 fei4 yang2 yang2 bubbling and gurgling; hubbubing; abuzz 征得[征得] zheng1 de2 to obtain (permission etc) 传出[傳出] chuan2 chu1 to transmit outwards; to disseminate; efferent (nerve) 脸面[臉面] lian3 mian4 face 做错[做錯] zuo4 cuo4 to make an error 放任[放任] fang4 ren4 to ignore; to let alone; to indulge 光彩[光彩] guang1 cai3 luster; splendor; radiance; brilliance 揪[揪] jiu1 to seize; to clutch; to grab firmly and pull 长进[長進] zhang3 jin4 to make progress; progress 天下[天下] tian1 xia4 land under heaven; the whole world; the whole of China; realm; rule 崴[崴] wei1 high, lofty; precipitous 大惊小怪[大驚小怪] da4 jing1 xiao3 guai4 to make a fuss about nothing (idiom) 守[守] shou3 to guard; to defend; to keep watch; to abide by the law; to observe (rules or ritual); nearby; adjoining 到处[到處] dao4 chu4 everywhere //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep14/125 words - 37 min 有序[有序] you3 xu4 regular; orderly; successive; in order 不再[不再] bu4 zai4 no more; no longer 不得已[不得已] bu4 de2 yi3 to act against one's will; to have no alternative but to; to have to; to have no choice; must 无论如何[無論如何] wu2 lun4 ru2 he2 whatever the case; in any event; no matter what; by all possible means 添麻烦[添麻煩] tian1 ma2 fan5 to cause trouble for sb; to inconvenience 会计[會計] kuai4 ji4 accountant; accountancy; accounting 较[較] jiao4 to compare; to dispute; compared to; (before adj.) relatively; comparatively; rather; also pr. [jiao3] 出身[出身] chu1 shen1 to be born of; to come from; family background; class origin 搞不懂[搞不懂] gao3 bu5 dong3 unable to make sense of (sth) 一旦[一旦] yi1 dan4 in case (sth happens); if; once (sth happens, then...); when; in a short time; in one day 脾气[脾氣] pi2 qi5 character; temperament; disposition; bad temper; CL:個|个[ge4] 憋[憋] bie1 to choke; to stifle; to restrain; to hold back; to hold in (urine); to hold (one's breath) 坦诚[坦誠] tan3 cheng2 candid; frank; plain dealing 博弈[博弈] bo2 yi4 games (such as chess, dice etc); gambling; contest 闷闷不乐[悶悶不樂] men4 men4 bu4 le4 depressed; sulky; moody; unhappy 知识[知識] zhi1 shi5 knowledge; CL:門|门[men2]; intellectual 总归[總歸] zong3 gui1 eventually; after all; anyhow 勇往直前[勇往直前] yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2 to advance bravely 杆[桿] gan3 stick; pole; lever; classifier for long objects such as guns 司令[司令] si1 ling4 commanding officer 尚可[尚可] shang4 ke3 not bad; satisfactory 总和[總和] zong3 he2 sum 寄予厚望[寄予厚望] ji4 yu3 hou4 wang4 to place high hopes 强度[強度] qiang2 du4 strength; intensity; CL:個|个[ge4] 心结[心結] xin1 jie2 a matter that gnaws at one's mind; preoccupation; sore point; rancor //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep14/144 words - 40 min 秘籍[秘籍] mi4 ji2 rare book; cheat code (video games) 上网[上網] shang4 wang3 to go online; to connect to the Internet; (of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet; (tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net 有效[有效] you3 xiao4 effective; in effect; valid 创意[創意] chuang4 yi4 creative; creativity 吃闭门羹[吃閉門羹] chi1 bi4 men2 geng1 to be refused entrance (idiom); to find the door closed 慢慢来[慢慢來] man4 man4 lai2 take your time; take it easy 硬撑[硬撐] ying4 cheng1 to make oneself do sth in spite of adversity, pain etc 宣布[宣布] xuan1 bu4 to declare; to announce; to proclaim 资金[資金] zi1 jin1 funds; funding; capital 承接[承接] cheng2 jie1 to receive; to accept; to carry on 回笼[回籠] hui2 long2 to steam again; to rewarm food in a bamboo steamer; to withdraw currency from circulation 不可或缺[不可或缺] bu4 ke3 huo4 que1 necessary; must have 本着[本著] ben3 zhe5 based on...; in conformance with..; taking as one's main principle 结合[結合] jie2 he2 to combine; to link; to integrate; binding; CL:次[ci4] 组建[組建] zu3 jian4 to organize; to set up; to establish 新人[新人] xin1 ren2 newcomer; fresh talent; newlywed, esp. new bride; bride and groom 带领[帶領] dai4 ling3 to guide; to lead 搭档[搭檔] da1 dang4 to cooperate; partner 坚守[堅守] jian1 shou3 to hold fast to; to stick to //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep15/25 words - 15 min 公开[公開] gong1 kai1 public; to publish; to make public 转变[轉變] zhuan3 bian4 to change; to transform; shift; transformation; CL:個|个[ge4] 奖励[獎勵] jiang3 li4 to reward; reward (as encouragement) 炖[燉] dun4 to stew 海带[海帶] hai3 dai4 kelp 猪蹄[豬蹄] zhu1 ti2 pig trotters 盅[盅] zhong1 handleless cup; goblet 迹象[跡象] ji4 xiang4 mark; indication; sign; indicator 看热闹[看熱鬧] kan4 re4 nao5 to enjoy watching a bustling scene; to go where the crowds are 接纳[接納] jie1 na4 to admit (to membership) 胎[胎] tai1 fetus; litter; tire; abbr. of 輪胎|轮胎 玩具[玩具] wan2 ju4 plaything; toy 卡住[卡住] ka3 zhu4 to jam; to choke; to clutch; also pr. [qia3 zhu4] 委托人[委托人] wei3 tuo1 ren2 (law) client; trustor 故弄玄虚[故弄玄虛] gu4 nong4 xuan2 xu1 deliberately mystifying; to make sth unnecessarily complicated 朋友圈[朋友圈] Peng2 you5 quan1 Moments (social networking function of smartphone app WeChat 微信[Wei1 xin4]) 前年[前年] qian2 nian2 the year before last 不服[不服] bu4 fu2 not to accept sth; to want to have sth overruled or changed; to refuse to obey or comply; to refuse to accept as final; to remain unconvinced by; not to give in to 口福[口福] kou3 fu2 happy knack for chancing upon fine food 改天[改天] gai3 tian1 another day; some other time; to find another day (for appointment etc); to take a rain check 拎[拎] lin1 to lift; to carry in one's hand; Taiwan pr. [ling1] 稀奇[稀奇] xi1 qi2 rare; strange 楼上[樓上] lou2 shang4 upstairs 偏见[偏見] pian1 jian4 prejudice 转给[轉給] zhuan3 gei3 to pass on to //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep15/50 words - 21 min 有眉目[有眉目] you3 mei2 mu4 to begin to take shape; to be about to materialize 体会[體會] ti3 hui4 to know from experience; to learn through experience; to realize; understanding; experience 母亲[母親] mu3 qin1 mother; also pr. [mu3 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 角度[角度] jiao3 du4 angle; point of view 老公[老公] lao3 gong1 (coll.) husband 埋怨[埋怨] man2 yuan4 to complain; to grumble (about); to reproach; to blame 乱花钱[亂花錢] luan4 hua1 qian2 to spend money recklessly; to squander 看一看[看一看] kan4 yi1 kan4 to have a look 量身定制[量身定製] liang2 shen1 ding4 zhi4 tailor-made 规划[規劃] gui1 hua4 to plan (how to do sth); planning; plan; program 指望[指望] zhi3 wang4 to hope for sth; to count on; hope 门口[門口] men2 kou3 doorway; gate; CL:個|个[ge4] 松手[鬆手] song1 shou3 to relinquish one's grip; to let go 胡闹[胡鬧] hu2 nao4 to act willfully and make a scene; to make trouble 不在意[不在意] bu4 zai4 yi4 to pay no attention to; not to mind 不停[不停] bu4 ting2 incessant 试探[試探] shi4 tan4 to sound out; to probe; to feel out; to try out 隐患[隱患] yin3 huan4 a danger concealed within sth; hidden damage; misfortune not visible from the surface 类似[類似] lei4 si4 similar; analogous 为主[為主] wei2 zhu3 to rely mainly on; to attach most importance to 所剩无几[所剩無幾] suo3 sheng4 wu2 ji3 there is not much left 第一步[第一步] di4 yi1 bu4 step one; first step 家庭成员[家庭成員] jia1 ting2 cheng2 yuan2 family member 尤其[尤其] you2 qi2 especially; particularly 投入[投入] tou2 ru4 to throw into; to put into; to throw oneself into; to participate in; to invest in; absorbed; engrossed //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep15/75 words - 31 min 追剧[追劇] zhui1 ju4 to watch a TV series etc regularly; to binge-watch 爱美[愛美] ai4 mei3 love of beauty; wishing to appear beautiful; to set store by one's appearance 让步[讓步] rang4 bu4 to concede; to give in; to yield; a concession; (linguistics) concessive 比起[比起] bi3 qi3 compared with 微博[微博] wei1 bo2 microblogging; microblog 一炮打响[一炮打響] yi1 pao4 da3 xiang3 to win instant success (idiom); to start off successfully 走路[走路] zou3 lu4 to walk; to go on foot 老老[老老] lao3 lao5 maternal grandmother; same as 姥姥 大方[大方] da4 fang5 generous; magnanimous; stylish; in good taste; easy-mannered; natural and relaxed 外人[外人] wai4 ren2 outsider; foreigner; stranger 进步[進步] jin4 bu4 progress; improvement; to improve; to progress; CL:個|个[ge4] 榜样[榜樣] bang3 yang4 example; model; CL:個|个[ge4] 好不[好不] hao3 bu4 not at all ...; how very ... 抛弃[拋棄] pao1 qi4 to abandon; to discard; to renounce; to dump (sb) 奢[奢] she1 extravagant 俭[儉] jian3 frugal; thrifty; needy 肌肉[肌肉] ji1 rou4 muscle; flesh 黑粉[黑粉] hei1 fen3 (slang) anti-fan 防身[防身] fang2 shen1 self-protection; to defend oneself 术[術] shu4 method; technique 扰乱[擾亂] rao3 luan4 to disturb; to perturb; to harass 军[軍] jun1 army; military; arms; CL:個|个[ge4] 娃娃[娃娃] wa2 wa5 baby; small child; doll 对准[對準] dui4 zhun3 to aim at; to target; to point at; to be directed at; registration; alignment (mechanical engineering) 绳子[繩子] sheng2 zi5 cord; string; rope; CL:條|条[tiao2] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep15/100 words - 36 min 向前[向前] xiang4 qian2 forward; onward 延伸[延伸] yan2 shen1 to extend; to spread 按钮[按鈕] an4 niu3 push button 闭合[閉合] bi4 he2 to close by coming together (like the lips of a wound, the doors of an elevator, the walls of a channel); to close by connecting in a loop (like a circuit); closed-loop 剪[剪] jian3 scissors; shears; clippers; CL:把[ba3]; to cut with scissors; to trim; to wipe out or exterminate 绳[繩] sheng2 rope; CL:根[gen1] 强项[強項] qiang2 xiang4 key strength; strong suit; specialty 示范[示範] shi4 fan4 to demonstrate; to show how to do sth; demonstration; a model example 真格[真格] zhen1 ge2 true; real 做工[做工] zuo4 gong1 to work with one's hands; manual work; workmanship 粗[粗] cu1 coarse; rough; thick (for cylindrical objects); unfinished; vulgar; rude; crude 录音[錄音] lu4 yin1 to record (sound); sound recording; CL:個|个[ge4] 木[木] mu4 tree; wood; coffin; wooden; simple; numb; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 模糊[模糊] mo2 hu5 vague; indistinct; fuzzy 共同[共同] gong4 tong2 common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative 删掉[刪掉] shan1 diao4 to delete 男友[男友] nan2 you3 boyfriend 爆棚[爆棚] bao4 peng2 full to bursting 用力[用力] yong4 li4 to exert oneself physically 过山车[過山車] guo4 shan1 che1 roller coaster 跳楼[跳樓] tiao4 lou2 to jump from a building (to kill oneself); fig. to sell at a large discount (in advertising) 学会[學會] xue2 hui4 to learn; to master; institute; learned society; (scholarly) association 真棒[真棒] zhen1 bang4 super!; really great; wonderful 享受[享受] xiang3 shou4 to enjoy; to live it up; pleasure; CL:種|种[zhong3] 大自然[大自然] da4 zi4 ran2 nature (the natural world) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep15/125 words - 39 min 痨[癆] lao2 tuberculosis 第一时间[第一時間] di4 yi1 shi2 jian1 in the first moments (of sth happening); immediately (after an event); first thing 寡[寡] gua3 few; scant; widowed 语[語] yu3 dialect; language; speech 社交[社交] she4 jiao1 interaction; social contact 恐惧症[恐懼症] kong3 ju4 zheng4 phobia 专心[專心] zhuan1 xin1 to concentrate; absorption; concentration; engrossed 程序[程序] cheng2 xu4 procedures; sequence; order; computer program 成就[成就] cheng2 jiu4 accomplishment; success; achievement; CL:個|个[ge4]; to achieve (a result); to create; to bring about 个性[個性] ge4 xing4 individuality; personality 只好[只好] zhi3 hao3 without any better option; to have to; to be forced to 出席[出席] chu1 xi2 to attend; to participate; present 场合[場合] chang3 he2 situation; occasion; context; setting; location; venue 白天[白天] bai2 tian1 daytime; during the day; day; CL:個|个[ge4] 总算[總算] zong3 suan4 at long last; finally; on the whole 质朴[質樸] zhi4 pu3 simple; plain; unadorned; unaffected; unsophisticated; rustic; earthy 才华[才華] cai2 hua2 talent; CL:份[fen4] 看样子[看樣子] kan4 yang4 zi5 it seems; it looks as if 高富帅[高富帥] gao1 fu4 shuai4 "Mr Perfect" (i.e. tall, rich and handsome) (Internet slang) 眼前[眼前] yan3 qian2 before one's eyes; now; at present 脱单[脫單] tuo1 dan1 to find oneself a partner 户[戶] hu4 a household; door; family 母[母] mu3 mother; elderly female relative; origin; source; (of animals) female 官宣[官宣] guan1 xuan1 official announcement (neologism c. 2018) 同行[同行] tong2 hang2 person of the same profession; of the same trade, occupation or industry //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep15/128 words - 39 min 中环[中環] Zhong1 huan2 Central, Hong Kong Island 堡[堡] bao3 an earthwork; castle; position of defense; stronghold; used in place names, often as phonetic bao for "burg" or "bad" 碰见[碰見] peng4 jian4 to run into; to meet (unexpectedly); to bump into //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep16/25 words - 7 min 朔[朔] shuo4 beginning; first day of lunar month; north 钓[釣] diao4 to fish with a hook and bait 牵[牽] qian1 to lead along; to pull (an animal on a tether); (bound form) to involve; to draw in 着手[著手] zhuo2 shou3 to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out 解围[解圍] jie3 wei2 to lift a siege; to help sb out of trouble or embarrassment 餐桌[餐桌] can1 zhuo1 dining table; dinner table 理想[理想] li3 xiang3 an ideal; a dream; ideal; perfect 型[型] xing2 mold; type; style; model 稳重[穩重] wen3 zhong4 steady; earnest; staid 事先[事先] shi4 xian1 in advance; before the event; beforehand; prior 绅士[紳士] shen1 shi4 gentleman 满脸[滿臉] man3 lian3 across one's whole face 电灯泡[電燈泡] dian4 deng1 pao4 light bulb; (slang) unwanted third guest 到家[到家] dao4 jia1 perfect; excellent; brought to the utmost degree 丫头[丫頭] ya1 tou5 girl; servant girl; (used deprecatingly, but sometimes also as a term of endearment) 散[散] san3 scattered; loose; to come loose; to fall apart; leisurely; powdered medicine 散[散] san4 to scatter; to break up (a meeting etc); to disperse; to disseminate; to dispel; (coll.) to sack 动静[動靜] dong4 jing4 (detectable) movement; (sign of) activity; movement and stillness 料[料] liao4 material; stuff; grain; feed; to expect; to anticipate; to guess 难保[難保] nan2 bao3 hard to say; can't guarantee; difficult to protect; difficult to preserve 究竟[究竟] jiu1 jing4 to go to the bottom of a matter; after all; when all is said and done; (in an interrogative sentence) finally; outcome; result 兜[兜] dou1 pocket; bag; to wrap up or hold in a bag; to move in a circle; to canvas or solicit; to take responsibility for; to disclose in detail; combat armor (old) 眼看[眼看] yan3 kan4 soon; in a moment; to look on as sth happens 郎才女貌[郎才女貌] lang2 cai2 nu:3 mao4 talented man and beautiful woman; ideal couple 看上[看上] kan4 shang4 to look upon; to take a fancy to; to fall for 震惊[震驚] zhen4 jing1 to shock; to astonish //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep16/50 words - 11 min 愿[願] yuan4 to hope; to wish; to desire; hoped-for; ready; willing 无所谓[無所謂] wu2 suo3 wei4 to be indifferent; not to matter; cannot be said to be 来讲[來講] lai2 jiang3 as to; considering; for 源[源] yuan2 root; source; origin 艺人[藝人] yi4 ren2 performing artist; actor 一言一行[一言一行] yi1 yan2 yi1 xing2 every word and action (idiom) 声明[聲明] sheng1 ming2 to state; to declare; statement; declaration; CL:項|项[xiang4],份[fen4] 利害关系[利害關係] li4 hai4 guan1 xi5 stake; vital interest; concern 上升[上昇] shang4 sheng1 to rise; to go up; to ascend 取而代之[取而代之] qu3 er2 dai4 zhi1 to substitute for sb; to remove and replace 不顾[不顧] bu4 gu4 in spite of; regardless of 任由[任由] ren4 you2 to let (sb do sth); to allow; regardless of 暂停[暫停] zan4 ting2 to suspend; time-out (e.g. in sports); stoppage; pause (media player) 规章[規章] gui1 zhang1 rule; regulation 制度[制度] zhi4 du4 system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc); institution; CL:個|个[ge4] 解约[解約] jie3 yue1 to terminate an agreement; to cancel a contract 康[康] kang1 healthy; peaceful; abundant 轻狂[輕狂] qing1 kuang2 frivolous 糊涂[糊塗] hu2 tu5 muddled; silly; confused 天真[天真] tian1 zhen1 naive; innocent; artless 毁[毀] hui3 to destroy; to damage; to ruin; to defame; to slander 邮箱[郵箱] you2 xiang1 mailbox; post office box; email; email inbox 反响[反響] fan3 xiang3 repercussions; reaction; echo 增加[增加] zeng1 jia1 to raise; to increase 王牌[王牌] wang2 pai2 trump card //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep16/75 words - 15 min 武断[武斷] wu3 duan4 arbitrary; subjective; dogmatic 落伍[落伍] luo4 wu3 to fall behind the ranks; to be outdated 有时[有時] you3 shi2 sometimes; now and then 死守[死守] si3 shou3 to defend one's property to the death; to cling obstinately to old habits; die-hard 无用[無用] wu2 yong4 useless; worthless 人情味[人情味] ren2 qing2 wei4 human warmth; friendliness; human touch 精准[精準] jing1 zhun3 accurate; exact; precise; precision 缺一不可[缺一不可] que1 yi1 bu4 ke3 not a single one is dispensable; can't do without either 矛盾[矛盾] mao2 dun4 contradiction; CL:個|个[ge4]; conflicting views; contradictory 互相[互相] hu4 xiang1 each other; mutually; mutual 辅助[輔助] fu3 zhu4 to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary; subsidiary 忙不过来[忙不過來] mang2 bu4 guo4 lai2 to have more work than one can deal with; to have one's hands full 设立[設立] she4 li4 to set up; to establish 组长[組長] zu3 zhang3 group leader 干劲[幹勁] gan4 jin4 enthusiasm for doing sth 立[立] li4 to stand; to set up; to establish; to lay down; to draw up; at once; immediately 功[功] gong1 meritorious deed or service; achievement; result; service; accomplishment; work (physics) 举[舉] ju3 to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect; act; move; deed 避[避] bi4 to avoid; to shun; to flee; to escape; to keep away from; to leave; to hide from 潜力[潛力] qian2 li4 potential; capacity 严[嚴] yan2 tight (closely sealed); stern; strict; rigorous; severe; father 爱上[愛上] ai4 shang4 to fall in love with; to be in love with 报恩[報恩] bao4 en1 to pay a debt of gratitude; to repay a kindness 消失[消失] xiao1 shi1 to disappear; to fade away 仓促[倉促] cang1 cu4 all of a sudden; hurriedly //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep16/100 words - 24 min 得知[得知] de2 zhi1 to find out; to know; to learn about 神奇[神奇] shen2 qi2 magical; mystical; miraculous 绝望[絕望] jue2 wang4 to despair; to give up all hope; desperate; desperation 不住[不住] bu4 zhu4 repeatedly; continuously; constantly; unable to (resist, conceal etc) 主管[主管] zhu3 guan3 in charge; responsible for; person in charge; manager 看重[看重] kan4 zhong4 to regard as important; to care about 而言[而言] er2 yan2 with regard to (preceding phrase) 墓地[墓地] mu4 di4 cemetery; graveyard 和好[和好] he2 hao3 to become reconciled; on good terms with each other 降临[降臨] jiang4 lin2 to descend; to arrive; to come 全世界[全世界] quan2 shi4 jie4 worldwide; entire world 敲[敲] qiao1 to hit; to strike; to tap; to rap; to knock; to rip sb off; to overcharge 里边[裡邊] li3 bian5 inside 订[訂] ding4 to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper etc); to order 吞并[吞併] tun1 bing4 to annex 野心[野心] ye3 xin1 ambition; wild schemes; careerism 尺子[尺子] chi3 zi5 rule; ruler (measuring instrument); CL:把[ba3] 百姓[百姓] bai3 xing4 common people 系[系] xi4 system; department; faculty 溅[濺] jian4 to splash 本市[本市] ben3 shi4 this city; our city 著名[著名] zhu4 ming2 famous; noted; well-known; celebrated 牛油[牛油] niu2 you2 butter 上瘾[上癮] shang4 yin3 to get into a habit; to become addicted 芝麻[芝麻] zhi1 ma5 sesame (seed) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep16/125 words - 30 min 勺[勺] shao2 spoon; ladle; CL:把[ba3]; abbr. for 公勺[gong1 shao2], centiliter (unit of volume) 芹菜[芹菜] qin2 cai4 celery (Apium graveolens) 辣椒[辣椒] la4 jiao1 hot pepper; chili 小意思[小意思] xiao3 yi4 si5 small token; mere trifle (used of one's gifts) 开动[開動] kai1 dong4 to start; to set in motion; to move; to march; to dig in (eating); to tuck in (eating) 毛肚[毛肚] mao2 du3 tripe (gastronomy) 说到[說到] shuo1 dao4 to talk about; to mention; (preposition) as for 松懈[鬆懈] song1 xie4 to relax; to relax efforts; to slack off; to take it easy; complacent; undisciplined 堵[堵] du3 to block up (a road, pipe etc); to stop up (a hole); (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress; wall (literary); (classifier for walls) 汗水[汗水] han4 shui3 sweat; perspiration 掌声[掌聲] zhang3 sheng1 applause; CL:陣|阵[zhen4] 融入[融入] rong2 ru4 to blend into; to integrate; to assimilate; to merge 扩大[擴大] kuo4 da4 to expand; to enlarge; to broaden one's scope 提拔[提拔] ti2 ba2 to promote to a higher job; to select for promotion 赵[趙] zhao4 to surpass (old) 有目共睹[有目共睹] you3 mu4 gong4 du3 anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to all; sth speaks for itself; is there for all to see 担任[擔任] dan1 ren4 to hold a governmental office or post; to assume office of; to take charge of; to serve as 信心[信心] xin4 xin1 confidence; faith (in sb or sth); CL:個|个[ge4] 满满[滿滿] man3 man3 full; closely packed 包养[包養] bao1 yang3 to provide for; to keep (a mistress) 期望[期望] qi1 wang4 to have expectations; to earnestly hope; expectation; hope 小提琴[小提琴] xiao3 ti2 qin2 fiddle; violin 友[友] you3 friend 轻[輕] qing1 light; easy; gentle; soft; reckless; unimportant; frivolous; small in number; unstressed; neutral; to disparage 升职[升職] sheng1 zhi2 to get promoted (at work etc); promotion //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep16/150 words - 36 min 破费[破費] po4 fei4 to spend (money or time) 蒙[蒙] meng2 to cover; ignorant; to suffer (misfortune); to receive (a favor); to cheat 慢用[慢用] man4 yong4 same as 慢慢吃[man4 man4 chi1] 见招拆招[見招拆招] jian1 zhao1 chai1 zhao1 to counter every move; to be full of tricks 炫耀[炫耀] xuan4 yao4 dazzling; to show off; to flaunt 面[麵] mian4 flour; noodles; (of food) soft (not crunchy); (slang) (of a person) ineffectual; spineless 食欲[食慾] shi2 yu4 appetite 虾[蝦] xia1 shrimp; prawn 几岁[幾歲] ji3 sui4 how old are you? (familiar, or to a child) 物归原主[物歸原主] wu4 gui1 yuan2 zhu3 to return something to its rightful owner 扒[扒] ba1 to peel; to skin; to tear; to pull down; to cling to (sth on which one is climbing); to dig 网红[網紅] wang3 hong2 Internet celebrity 腿脚[腿腳] tui3 jiao3 legs and feet; ability to walk; strides 转接[轉接] zhuan3 jie1 switch; connection; to put through (to telephone extension) 一致[一致] yi1 zhi4 unanimous; identical (views or opinions) 系统[系統] xi4 tong3 system; CL:個|个[ge4] 老人[老人] lao3 ren2 old man or woman; the elderly; one's aged parents or grandparents 记性[記性] ji4 xing5 memory (ability to retain information) 条条框框[條條框框] tiao2 tiao2 kuang4 kuang4 fixed framework (idiom); restriction of social conventions and taboos (usually derogatory); regulations and restrictions 擦屁股[擦屁股] ca1 pi4 gu5 (lit.) to wipe one’s ass; (coll.) to clear up sb else's mess 移交[移交] yi2 jiao1 to transfer; to hand over 问责[問責] wen4 ze2 to hold accountable; to blame; to censure; to apportion blame 没精打采[沒精打采] mei2 jing1 da3 cai3 listless; dispirited; washed out; also written 沒精打彩|没精打彩 责怪[責怪] ze2 guai4 to blame; to rebuke 维护[維護] wei2 hu4 to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep16/175 words - 40 min 信服[信服] xin4 fu2 to have faith in; to believe in; to have confidence in; to respect 恩[恩] en1 favor; grace; kindness 威[威] wei1 power; might; prestige 施[施] shi1 to grant; to give; to bestow; to act; to carry out 诚心[誠心] cheng2 xin1 sincerity 请教[請教] qing3 jiao4 to ask for guidance; to consult 推进[推進] tui1 jin4 to impel; to carry forward; to push on; to advance; to drive forward 拿不准[拿不准] na2 bu4 zhun3 in doubt; unsure of sth; unable to decide; indecisive 不离不弃[不離不棄] bu4 li2 bu4 qi4 to stand by (sb) (idiom); steadfast loyalty 资历[資歷] zi1 li4 qualifications; experience; seniority 前辈[前輩] qian2 bei4 senior; older generation; precursor 指点[指點] zhi3 dian3 to point out; to indicate; to give directions; to show how (to do sth); to censure; to pick at 婆婆[婆婆] po2 po5 husband's mother; mother-in-law; grandma 两难[兩難] liang3 nan2 dilemma; quandary; to face a difficult choice 媳妇[媳婦] xi2 fu4 daughter-in-law; wife (of a younger man); young married woman; young woman 婆媳[婆媳] po2 xi2 mother-in-law and daughter-in-law 一方面[一方面] yi1 fang1 mian4 on the one hand 另一方面[另一方面] ling4 yi1 fang1 mian4 on the other hand; another aspect 采用[採用] cai3 yong4 to adopt; to employ; to use 儿媳妇[兒媳婦] er2 xi2 fu5 daughter-in-law 威信[威信] wei1 xin4 prestige; reputation; trust; credit with the people 这时[這時] zhe4 shi2 at this time; at this moment 老到[老到] lao3 dao5 experienced and careful 心直口快[心直口快] xin1 zhi2 kou3 kuai4 frank and outspoken (idiom); straight speaking; to say what one thinks 倔[倔] jue2 crabby; tough //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep16/176 words - 40 min 对着干[對著幹] dui4 zhe5 gan4 to adopt confrontational posture; to meet head-on; to compete //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep17/25 words - 8 min 沙子[沙子] sha1 zi5 sand; grit; CL:粒[li4],把[ba3] 演示[演示] yan3 shi4 to demonstrate; to show; presentation; demonstration 变化[變化] bian4 hua4 change; variation; to change; to vary; CL:個|个[ge4] 好险[好險] hao3 xian3 to have a close call; to have a narrow escape 当上[當上] dang1 shang5 to take up duty as; to assume a position; to assume; to take on (an office) 建立[建立] jian4 li4 to establish; to set up; to found 身高[身高] shen1 gao1 (a person's) height 适时[適時] shi4 shi2 timely; apt to the occasion; in due course 释放[釋放] shi4 fang4 to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge 压制[壓制] ya1 zhi4 to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle 面带[面帶] mian4 dai4 to wear (on one's face) 绯闻[緋聞] fei1 wen2 sex scandal 花痴[花痴] hua1 chi1 to be smitten with sb; love-struck fool; starry-eyed infatuation 轻易[輕易] qing1 yi4 easily; lightly; rashly 公布[公佈] gong1 bu4 to announce; to make public; to publish 普普通通[普普通通] pu3 pu3 tong1 tong1 ordinary; mediocre; nothing special 瓜[瓜] gua1 melon; gourd; squash 学识[學識] xue2 shi2 erudition; scholarly knowledge 样貌[樣貌] yang4 mao4 appearance; manifestation 背景[背景] bei4 jing3 background; backdrop; context; (fig.) powerful backer; CL:種|种[zhong3] 匹配[匹配] pi3 pei4 to mate or marry; to match; matching; compatible 一句话[一句話] yi1 ju4 hua4 in a word; in short 干粮[乾糧] gan1 liang2 rations (to take on expedition) 晴天霹雳[晴天霹靂] qing2 tian1 pi1 li4 thunder from a clear sky (idiom); a bolt from the blue 僵[僵] jiang1 rigid; deadlock; stiff (corpse) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep17/50 words - 11 min 死局[死局] si3 ju2 hopeless situation; deadlock 前段时间[前段時間] qian2 duan4 shi2 jian1 recently 生龙活虎[生龍活虎] sheng1 long2 huo2 hu3 lit. lively dragon and animated tiger (idiom); fig. vigorous and lively 将军[將軍] jiang1 jun1 general; high-ranking military officer; to check or checkmate; fig. to embarrass; to challenge; to put sb on the spot 儿女[兒女] er2 nu:3 children; sons and daughters 福气[福氣] fu2 qi5 good fortune; a blessing 孝顺[孝順] xiao4 shun4 filial; dutiful; devoted to one's parents (and grandparents etc); to show filial piety towards (an older family member); filial piety 想见[想見] xiang3 jian4 to infer; to gather 遛弯儿[遛彎兒] liu4 wan1 r5 erhua variant of 遛彎|遛弯[liu4 wan1] 幸会[幸會] xing4 hui4 nice to meet you 教导[教導] jiao4 dao3 to instruct; to teach; guidance; teaching 有方[有方] you3 fang1 to do things right; to use the correct method 门当户对[門當戶對] men2 dang1 hu4 dui4 the families are well-matched in terms of social status (idiom); (of a prospective marriage partner) an appropriate match 名声[名聲] ming2 sheng1 reputation 爱慕[愛慕] ai4 mu4 to adore; to admire 虚荣[虛榮] xu1 rong2 vanity 损害[損害] sun3 hai4 harm; to damage; to impair 名誉[名譽] ming2 yu4 fame; reputation; honor; honorary; emeritus (of retired professor) 最先[最先] zui4 xian1 (the) very first 采取[採取] cai3 qu3 to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action); to take 打招呼[打招呼] da3 zhao1 hu5 to greet sb by word or action; to give prior notice 街坊[街坊] jie1 fang1 neighborhood; neighbor 管教[管教] guan3 jiao4 to discipline; to teach; to guarantee 不可理喻[不可理喻] bu4 ke3 li3 yu4 to be impervious to reason (idiom); unreasonable 下棋[下棋] xia4 qi2 to play chess //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep17/75 words - 22 min 唱歌[唱歌] chang4 ge1 to sing a song 胸闷[胸悶] xiong1 men1 chest pain; chest distress 头晕[頭暈] tou2 yun1 dizzy 退烧药[退燒藥] tui4 shao1 yao4 antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide) 没药[沒藥] mo4 yao4 myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) 大火[大火] da4 huo3 conflagration; large fire; CL:場|场[chang2] 歌曲[歌曲] ge1 qu3 song 表演[表演] biao3 yan3 play; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to demonstrate; CL:場|场[chang3] 学院[學院] xue2 yuan4 college; educational institute; school; faculty; CL:所[suo3] 酥[酥] su1 flaky pastry; crunchy; limp; soft; silky 迎新[迎新] ying2 xin1 to see in the New Year; to welcome new guests; by extension, to receive new students 晚会[晚會] wan3 hui4 evening party; CL:個|个[ge4] 轴[軸] zhou2 axis; axle; spool (for thread); roller (for scrolls); classifier for calligraphy rolls etc 礼堂[禮堂] li3 tang2 assembly hall; auditorium; CL:座[zuo4],處|处[chu4] 彩排[彩排] cai3 pai2 dress rehearsal 合[合] he2 to close; to join; to fit; to be equal to; whole; together; round (in battle); conjunction (astronomy); 1st note of pentatonic scale; old variant of 盒[he2] 影[影] ying3 picture; image; film; movie; photograph; reflection; shadow; trace 困[睏] kun4 sleepy; tired 电视剧[電視劇] dian4 shi4 ju4 TV play; soap opera; CL:部[bu4] 蜡烛[蠟燭] la4 zhu2 candle; CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1] 有的是[有的是] you3 de5 shi4 have plenty of; there's no lack of 夏天[夏天] xia4 tian1 summer; CL:個|个[ge4] 缠[纏] chan2 to wind around; to wrap round; to coil; tangle; to involve; to bother; to annoy 毛线[毛線] mao2 xian4 knitting wool; wool yarn 秋天[秋天] qiu1 tian1 autumn; CL:個|个[ge4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep17/100 words - 28 min 冬天[冬天] dong1 tian1 winter; CL:個|个[ge4] 小声[小聲] xiao3 sheng1 in a low voice; (speak) in whispers 说来话长[說來話長] shuo1 lai2 hua4 chang2 start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly 秘[秘] mi4 secret; secretary 拿走[拿走] na2 zou3 to take away 无故[無故] wu2 gu4 without cause or reason 旷工[曠工] kuang4 gong1 to skip work; absence without leave 半点[半點] ban4 dian3 the least bit 眼巴巴[眼巴巴] yan3 ba1 ba1 waiting anxiously; impatient 有理[有理] you3 li3 reasonable; justified; right; (math.) rational 胡搅蛮缠[胡攪蠻纏] hu2 jiao3 man2 chan2 to pester endlessly (idiom); an annoying troublemaker 污辱[污辱] wu1 ru3 to humiliate; to insult; to tarnish; to sully 稀罕[稀罕] xi1 han5 rare; uncommon; rarity; to value as a rarity; to cherish; Taiwan pr. [xi1 han3] 指指点点[指指點點] zhi3 zhi3 dian3 dian3 to gesticulate; to point out; to point the finger of blame 容忍[容忍] rong2 ren3 to put up with; to tolerate 气头上[氣頭上] qi4 tou2 shang4 in a fit of anger (idiom); in a temper 老人家[老人家] lao3 ren2 jia1 polite term for old woman or man 贸然[貿然] mao4 ran2 rashly; hastily; without careful consideration 膏药[膏藥] gao1 yao5 herbal plaster applied to a wound 想开[想開] xiang3 kai1 to get over (a shock, bereavement etc); to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things; to accept the situation and move on 舍得[捨得] she3 de5 to be willing to part with sth 纯粹[純粹] chun2 cui4 pure; unadulterated; purely; completely 狠[狠] hen3 ruthless; fierce; ferocious; determined; to harden (one's heart); old variant of 很[hen3] 氏[氏] shi4 clan name; maiden name 不惜[不惜] bu4 xi1 not stint; not spare; not hesitate (to do sth); not scruple (to do sth) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep17/125 words - 39 min 代价[代價] dai4 jia4 price; cost; consideration (in share dealing) 制定[制定] zhi4 ding4 to draw up; to formulate 公有[公有] gong1 you3 publicly owned; communal; held in common 紧绷[緊繃] jin3 beng1 to stretch taut; (of muscles etc) taut; strained; tense 喷[噴] pen1 to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt 特价[特價] te4 jia4 special price 抠[摳] kou1 to dig out; to pick out (with one's fingers); to carve; to cut; to study meticulously; to lift one's clothes; stingy; miserly 印象[印象] yin4 xiang4 impression 节俭[節儉] jie2 jian3 frugal; economical 破洞[破洞] po4 dong4 a hole 挤[擠] ji3 to crowd in; to cram in; to force others aside; to press; to squeeze; to find (time in one's busy schedule) 扁[扁] bian3 flat; (coll.) to beat (sb) up; old variant of 匾[bian3] 坐车[坐車] zuo4 che1 to take the car, bus, train etc 冒昧[冒昧] mao4 mei4 bold; presumptuous; to take the liberty of 肇事[肇事] zhao4 shi4 to cause an accident; to be responsible for an incident; to provoke a disturbance 减轻[減輕] jian3 qing1 to lighten; to ease; to alleviate 刑期[刑期] xing2 qi1 prison term 研制[研製] yan2 zhi4 to manufacture; to develop 小卖部[小賣部] xiao3 mai4 bu4 kiosk; snack counter; retail department or section inside a larger business 大街[大街] da4 jie1 street; main street; CL:條|条[tiao2] 带回[帶回] dai4 hui2 to bring back 远离[遠離] yuan3 li2 to be far from; to keep away from 秒[秒] miao3 second (unit of time); arc second (angular measurement unit); (coll.) instantly 重来[重來] chong2 lai2 to start over; to do sth all over again 不顾一切[不顧一切] bu4 gu4 yi1 qie4 reckless; regardless of everything //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep17/126 words - 41 min 老爸[老爸] lao3 ba4 father; dad //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep18/25 words - 8 min 案[案] an4 (legal) case; incident; record; file; table 幕后[幕後] mu4 hou4 behind the scenes 浮出[浮出] fu2 chu1 to emerge 水面[水面] shui3 mian4 water surface 涉案[涉案] she4 an4 (of a perpetrator, victim, weapon, sum of money etc) to be involved in the case 解雇[解僱] jie3 gu4 to fire; to sack; to dismiss; to terminate employment 闹翻[鬧翻] nao4 fan1 to have a falling out; to have a big argument 报复[報復] bao4 fu4 to make reprisals; to retaliate; revenge; retaliation 对付[對付] dui4 fu5 to handle; to deal with; to cope; to get by with 记恨[記恨] ji4 hen4 to bear grudges 依然[依然] yi1 ran2 still; as before 棋局[棋局] qi2 ju2 state of play in a game of chess; (old) chessboard 救场[救場] jiu4 chang3 to save the show (for instance by stepping in for an absent actor) 出马[出馬] chu1 ma3 to set out (on a campaign); to stand for election; to throw one's cap in the ring 遛[遛] liu4 to stroll; to walk (an animal) 透[透] tou4 to penetrate; to pass through; thoroughly; completely; transparent; to appear; to show 透风[透風] tou4 feng1 to let air pass through; to ventilate 窗户[窗戶] chuang1 hu5 window; CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4] 一时间[一時間] yi1 shi2 jian1 for a moment; momentarily 爽约[爽約] shuang3 yue1 to miss an appointment 交友[交友] jiao1 you3 to make friends 不慎[不慎] bu4 shen4 incautious; inattentive 推断[推斷] tui1 duan4 to infer; to deduce; to predict; to extrapolate 概率[概率] gai4 lu:4 probability (math.) 将要[將要] jiang1 yao4 will; shall; to be going to //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep18/50 words - 20 min 坚强[堅強] jian1 qiang2 staunch; strong 往前[往前] wang3 qian2 to move forwards 恶作剧[惡作劇] e4 zuo4 ju4 mischief; mischievous; practical joke; prank 食堂[食堂] shi2 tang2 dining hall; CL:個|个[ge4],間|间[jian1] 排练[排練] pai2 lian4 to rehearse; rehearsal 迎[迎] ying2 to welcome; to meet; to face; to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties) 新会[新會] Xin1 hui4 Xinhui county and district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong 上课[上課] shang4 ke4 to go to class; to attend class; to go to teach a class 假如[假如] jia3 ru2 if 度日如年[度日如年] du4 ri4 ru2 nian2 a day drags past like a year (idiom); time hangs heavy; time crawls when one is wretched 矫情[矯情] jiao3 qing2 affected; unnatural; pretentious 分数[分數] fen1 shu4 (exam) grade; mark; score; fraction 瘦[瘦] shou4 thin; to lose weight; (of clothing) tight; (of meat) lean; (of land) unproductive 通情达理[通情達理] tong1 qing2 da2 li3 fair and reasonable (idiom); sensible; standing to reason 一部分[一部分] yi1 bu4 fen5 portion; part of; subset 铃声[鈴聲] ling2 sheng1 ring; ringtone; bell stroke; tintinnabulation 午安[午安] wu3 an1 Good afternoon!; Hello (daytime greeting) 睡午觉[睡午覺] shui4 wu3 jiao4 to have a nap 被子[被子] bei4 zi5 quilt; CL:床[chuang2] 不用谢[不用謝] bu4 yong4 xie4 You're welcome; Don't mention it 眼泪[眼淚] yan3 lei4 tears; crying; CL:滴[di1] 杂物[雜物] za2 wu4 junk; items of no value; various bits and bobs 折[折] zhe2 to break; to fracture; to snap; to suffer loss; to bend; to twist; to turn; to change direction; convinced; to convert into (currency); discount; rebate; tenth (in price); classifier for theatrical scenes; to fold; accounts book 异地恋[異地戀] yi4 di4 lian4 long-distance romance; long-distance relationship 罐[罐] guan4 can; jar; pot //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep18/75 words - 27 min 星星[星星] xing1 xing5 star in the sky 许愿[許願] xu3 yuan4 to make a wish; to make a vow; to promise a reward 灵[靈] ling2 quick; alert; efficacious; effective; to come true; spirit; departed soul; coffin 专人[專人] zhuan1 ren2 specialist; person appointed for specific task 桌面[桌面] zhuo1 mian4 desktop; tabletop 许[許] xu3 to allow; to permit; to promise; to praise; somewhat; perhaps 愿望[願望] yuan4 wang4 desire; wish 成真[成真] cheng2 zhen1 to come true 疗程[療程] liao2 cheng2 course of treatment 复发[復發] fu4 fa1 to recur (of a disease); to reappear; to relapse (into a former bad state) 早日康复[早日康復] zao3 ri4 kang1 fu4 Get well soon!; to recover health quickly 上心[上心] shang4 xin1 carefully; meticulously; to set one's heart on sth 直到现在[直到現在] zhi2 dao4 xian4 zai4 even now; until now; right up to the present 闹腾[鬧騰] nao4 teng5 to disturb; to create confusion; to make a din 自作主张[自作主張] zi4 zuo4 zhu3 zhang1 to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom); to act on one's own initiative 棉袄[棉襖] mian2 ao3 cotton-padded jacket 啃老[啃老] ken3 lao3 (coll.) to live with and depend on one's parents even upon reaching adulthood 枕头[枕頭] zhen3 tou5 pillow 三次[三次] san1 ci4 third; three times; (math.) degree three, cubic (equation) 公主[公主] gong1 zhu3 princess 凯文[凱文] Kai3 wen2 Kevin (person name) 吩咐[吩咐] fen1 fu4 to tell; to instruct; to command 百万[百萬] bai3 wan4 million; millions 汇款[匯款] hui4 kuan3 to remit money; remittance 转入[轉入] zhuan3 ru4 change over to; shift to; switch to //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep18/100 words - 32 min 晓[曉] xiao3 dawn; daybreak; to know; to let sb know; to make explicit 伟[偉] wei3 big; large; great 户头[戶頭] hu4 tou2 bank account; CL:個|个[ge4] 随后[隨後] sui2 hou4 soon after 取走[取走] qu3 zou3 to remove; to take away 判[判] pan4 to judge; to sentence; to discriminate; to discern; obviously (different) 入狱[入獄] ru4 yu4 to go to jail; to be sent to prison 接连[接連] jie1 lian2 on end; in a row; in succession 金额[金額] jin1 e2 sum of money; monetary value 固定[固定] gu4 ding4 to fix; to fasten; to set rigidly in place; fixed; set; regular 不明[不明] bu4 ming2 not clear; unknown; to fail to understand 雇主[雇主] gu4 zhu3 employer 发给[發給] fa1 gei3 to issue; to grant; to distribute 麻[麻] ma2 generic name for hemp, flax etc; hemp or flax fiber for textile materials; sesame; CL:縷|缕[lu:3]; (of materials) rough or coarse; pocked; pitted; to have pins and needles or tingling; to feel numb 阶段[階段] jie1 duan4 stage; section; phase; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 考核[考核] kao3 he2 to examine; to check up on; to assess; to review; appraisal; review; evaluation 装满[裝滿] zhuang1 man3 to fill up 异地[異地] yi4 di4 different place; abroad 恋人[戀人] lian4 ren2 lover; sweetheart 花店[花店] hua1 dian4 flower shop 束[束] shu4 to bind; bunch; bundle; classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc; to control 速[速] su4 fast; rapid; quick; velocity 接口[接口] jie1 kou3 interface; port; connector 千兆[千兆] qian1 zhao4 giga- 路由器[路由器] lu4 you2 qi4 router (computing) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep18/125 words - 36 min 快速[快速] kuai4 su4 fast; high-speed; rapid 蠢[蠢] chun3 stupid; sluggish; clumsy; to wiggle (of worms); to move in a disorderly fashion 诚意[誠意] cheng2 yi4 sincerity; good faith 宽带[寬帶] kuan1 dai4 broadband 认出[認出] ren4 chu1 recognition; to recognize 做脸[做臉] zuo4 lian3 to win honor; to put on a stern face; to have a facial (beauty treatment) 古董[古董] gu3 dong3 curio; antique 开朗[開朗] kai1 lang3 spacious and well-lit; open and clear; (of character) optimistic; cheerful; carefree 亲近[親近] qin1 jin4 intimate; to get close to 硬是[硬是] ying4 shi4 just; simply; stubbornly; really 拆开[拆開] chai1 kai1 to dismantle; to disassemble; to open up (sth sealed); to unpick 怀孕[懷孕] huai2 yun4 pregnant; to have conceived; gestation; pregnancy 执意[執意] zhi2 yi4 to be determined to; to insist on 生下[生下] sheng1 xia4 to give birth to 宠[寵] chong3 to love; to pamper; to spoil; to favor 溺[溺] ni4 to drown; to indulge; addicted to; to spoil (a child) 恰恰[恰恰] qia4 qia4 exactly; just; precisely 相反[相反] xiang1 fan3 opposite; contrary 期末考[期末考] qi1 mo4 kao3 final exam 试卷[試卷] shi4 juan4 examination paper; test paper; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] 延续[延續] yan2 xu4 to continue; to go on; to last 优良[優良] you1 liang2 fine; good; first-rate 基因[基因] ji1 yin1 gene (loanword) 寄予[寄予] ji4 yu3 to place (hope, importance etc) on; to express; to show; to give 厚望[厚望] hou4 wang4 great hopes; great expectations //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep18/150 words - 39 min 任性[任性] ren4 xing4 willful; headstrong; unruly 妄为[妄為] wang4 wei2 to take rash action 认可[認可] ren4 ke3 to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK 以致于[以致於] yi3 zhi4 yu2 so that; to the point that 病态[病態] bing4 tai4 morbid or abnormal state 地步[地步] di4 bu4 stage; degree (to which a situation has evolved); situation; leeway 敌人[敵人] di2 ren2 enemy; CL:個|个[ge4] 抚养[撫養] fu3 yang3 to foster; to bring up; to raise 勇气[勇氣] yong3 qi4 courage; valor 包容[包容] bao1 rong2 to pardon; to forgive; to show tolerance; to contain; to hold; inclusive 佩服[佩服] pei4 fu2 to admire 爷[爺] ye2 grandpa; old gentleman 孙[孫] sun1 grandson; descendant 相册[相冊] xiang4 ce4 photo album 学生[學生] xue2 sheng5 student; schoolchild 飞行[飛行] fei1 xing2 (of planes etc) to fly; flying; flight; aviation 学员[學員] xue2 yuan2 student; member of an institution of learning; officer cadet 合格证[合格證] he2 ge2 zheng4 certificate of conformity 入股[入股] ru4 gu3 to invest 印[印] yin4 to print; to mark; to engrave; a seal; a print; a stamp; a mark; a trace; image 表彰[表彰] biao3 zhang1 to honor; to commend; to cite (in dispatches) 样[樣] yang4 manner; pattern; way; appearance; shape; classifier: kind, type 独到[獨到] du2 dao4 original 试试看[試試看] shi4 shi4 kan4 to give it a try 未婚妻[未婚妻] wei4 hun1 qi1 fiancée //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep18/152 words - 39 min 手指[手指] shou3 zhi3 finger; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 尺寸[尺寸] chi3 cun5 size; dimension; measurement //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep19/25 words - 7 min 恒[恆] heng2 permanent; constant; fixed; usual; ordinary; rule (old); one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷟) 得寸进尺[得寸進尺] de2 cun4 jin4 chi3 lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains; give him an inch, and he'll want a mile 顶包[頂包] ding3 bao1 to serve as forced labor; to take the rap for sb 内情[內情] nei4 qing2 inside story; inside information 逍遥[逍遙] xiao1 yao2 free and unfettered 快活[快活] kuai4 huo5 happy; cheerful 了事[了事] liao3 shi4 to dispose of a matter; to be done with it 仗势欺人[仗勢欺人] zhang4 shi4 qi1 ren2 to take advantage of one's position to bully people (idiom); to kick people around 从中[從中] cong2 zhong1 from within; therefrom 思路[思路] si1 lu4 train of thought; thinking; reason; reasoning 化解[化解] hua4 jie3 to dissolve; to resolve (contradictions); to dispel (doubts); to iron out (difficulties); to defuse (conflicts); to neutralize (fears) 冒[冒] mao4 to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth); to brave; to face; reckless; to falsely adopt (sb's identity etc); to feign; (literary) to cover 监狱[監獄] jian1 yu4 prison 落魄[落魄] luo4 po4 down and out; in dire straits; unrestrained; unconventional; also pr. [luo4 tuo4] 项链[項鏈] xiang4 lian4 necklace; CL:條|条[tiao2] 时尚[時尚] shi2 shang4 fashion; fad; fashionable 大气[大氣] da4 qi4 atmosphere (surrounding the earth); imposing; impressive; stylish 订金[訂金] ding4 jin1 an initial payment; earnest money; deposit 兼职[兼職] jian1 zhi2 to hold concurrent posts; concurrent job; moonlighting 用钱[用錢] yong4 qian5 variant of 佣錢|佣钱[yong4 qian5] 逞能[逞能] cheng3 neng2 to show off one's ability; to boast one's merits 懒人[懶人] lan3 ren2 lazy person 裸机[裸機] luo3 ji1 hardware-only device; computer without operating system or other software installed; mobile phone or pager without network subscription 思维[思維] si1 wei2 (line of) thought; thinking 定价[定價] ding4 jia4 to set a price; to fix a price //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep19/50 words - 11 min 几年[幾年] ji3 nian2 a few years; several years; how many years 保修[保修] bao3 xiu1 to promise to keep sth in good repair; guarantee; warranty 配套[配套] pei4 tao4 to form a complete set; compatible; matching; complementary 配件[配件] pei4 jian4 component; part; fitting; accessory; replacement part 心里有数[心裡有數] xin1 li3 you3 shu4 to know the score (idiom); to be well aware of the situation 咖啡机[咖啡機] ka1 fei1 ji1 coffee machine; coffee maker 不值[不值] bu4 zhi2 not worth 发明家[發明家] fa1 ming2 jia1 inventor 升值[昇值] sheng1 zhi2 to rise in value; to appreciate 智慧[智慧] zhi4 hui4 wisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence 涨价[漲價] zhang3 jia4 to appreciate (in value); to increase in price 方向[方向] fang1 xiang4 direction; orientation; path to follow; CL:個|个[ge4] 第五[第五] di4 wu3 fifth 稿[稿] gao3 manuscript; draft; stalk of grain 上帝[上帝] Shang4 di4 God 尽量[盡量] jin4 liang4 as much as possible; to the greatest extent 宿舍[宿舍] su4 she4 dormitory; dorm room; living quarters; hostel; CL:間|间[jian1] 小猫[小貓] xiao3 mao1 kitten 展[展] zhan3 to spread out; to open up; to exhibit; to put into effect; to postpone; to prolong; exhibition 下雪[下雪] xia4 xue3 to snow 雪[雪] xue3 snow; snowfall; CL:場|场[chang2]; to have the appearance of snow; to wipe away, off or out; to clean 融化[融化] rong2 hua4 to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse 潮[潮] chao2 tide; current; damp; moist; humid 毛衣[毛衣] mao2 yi1 (wool) sweater; CL:件[jian4] 求婚[求婚] qiu2 hun1 to propose marriage //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep19/75 words - 23 min 周[周] zhou1 to make a circuit; to circle; circle; circumference; lap; cycle; complete; all; all over; thorough; to help financially 鸡皮疙瘩[雞皮疙瘩] ji1 pi2 ge1 da5 goose pimples; goose bumps 季节[季節] ji4 jie2 time; season; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 打雪仗[打雪仗] da3 xue3 zhang4 to have a snowball fight 烤[烤] kao3 to roast; to bake; to broil 棉花[棉花] mian2 hua5 cotton 糖[糖] tang2 sugar; sweets; candy; CL:顆|颗[ke1],塊|块[kuai4] 红薯[紅薯] hong2 shu3 sweet potato 信号[信號] xin4 hao4 signal 翻旧账[翻舊賬] fan1 jiu4 zhang4 to turn over old accounts; fig. to revive old quarrels; to reopen old wounds 真身[真身] zhen1 shen1 the real body (of Buddha or a God); true effigy 拆[拆] chai1 to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open 纪念[紀念] ji4 nian4 to commemorate; to remember; CL:個|个[ge4] 改正[改正] gai3 zheng4 to correct; to amend; to put right; correction; CL:個|个[ge4] 难题[難題] nan2 ti2 difficult problem 灵感[靈感] ling2 gan3 inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor 腻歪[膩歪] ni4 wai5 (of a couple) to be sweet to each other; lovey-dovey; variant of 膩味|腻味[ni4 wei5] 架子[架子] jia4 zi5 shelf; frame; stand; framework; airs; arrogance 娶[娶] qu3 to take a wife; to marry (a woman) 征求[徵求] zheng1 qiu2 to solicit; to seek; to request (opinions, feedback etc); to petition 结婚[結婚] jie2 hun1 to marry; to get married; CL:次[ci4] 奶粉[奶粉] nai3 fen3 powdered milk 银行卡[銀行卡] yin2 hang2 ka3 bank card; ATM card 在外[在外] zai4 wai4 outer; excluded 在内[在內] zai4 nei4 (included) in it; among them //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep19/100 words - 26 min 归[歸] gui1 to return; to go back to; to give back to; (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by; to belong to; to gather together; (used between two identical verbs) despite; to marry (of a woman) (old); division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor 仪式[儀式] yi2 shi4 ceremony 场地[場地] chang3 di4 space; site; place; sports pitch 区分[區分] qu1 fen1 to differentiate; to draw a distinction; to divide into categories 分为[分為] fen1 wei2 to divide sth into (parts); to subdivide 类[類] lei4 kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble 装潢[裝潢] zhuang1 huang2 to mount (a picture); to dress; to adorn; decoration; packaging 美学[美學] mei3 xue2 aesthetics 文稿[文稿] wen2 gao3 manuscript; article (in newspaper); draft 策划[策劃] ce4 hua4 to plot; to scheme; to bring about; to engineer; planning; producer; planner 快闪[快閃] kuai4 shan3 to depart as quick as a flash; flash mob 舞蹈[舞蹈] wu3 dao3 dance (performance art); dancing 热气球[熱氣球] re4 qi4 qiu2 hot air balloon 总之[總之] zong3 zhi1 in a word; in short; in brief 平常[平常] ping2 chang2 ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily 定情[定情] ding4 qing2 to exchange love tokens or vows; to pledge one's love; to get engaged 信物[信物] xin4 wu4 keepsake; token 番[番] fan1 foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian; classifier for occurrences (of an event, action or speech utterance); classifier for iterations: times, -fold (as in twofold etc); classifier for situations: kind, sort 依我看[依我看] yi1 wo3 kan4 in my opinion 朝夕[朝夕] zhao1 xi1 morning and night; all the time 礼服[禮服] li3 fu2 ceremonial robe; formal attire (dinner suit, evening gown etc) 吊牌[吊牌] diao4 pai2 tag 摘[摘] zhai1 to take; to borrow; to pick (flowers, fruit etc); to pluck; to select; to remove; to take off (glasses, hat etc) 箱[箱] xiang1 box; trunk; chest 收下[收下] shou1 xia4 to accept; to receive //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep19/125 words - 32 min 片面[片面] pian4 mian4 unilateral; one-sided 环境卫生[環境衛生] huan2 jing4 wei4 sheng1 environmental sanitation; abbr. to 環衛|环卫[huan2 wei4] 过关[過關] guo4 guan1 to cross a barrier; to get through (an ordeal); to pass (a test); to reach (a standard) 举办[舉辦] ju3 ban4 to conduct; to hold 酒会[酒會] jiu3 hui4 drinking party; wine reception 脏乱[髒亂] zang1 luan4 dirty and disordered; in a mess 布置[佈置] bu4 zhi4 to put in order; to arrange; to decorate; to fix up; to deploy 甜点[甜點] tian2 dian3 dessert 顶级[頂級] ding3 ji2 top-notch; first-rate 甜品[甜品] tian2 pin3 dessert 经理[經理] jing1 li3 manager; director; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 整体[整體] zheng3 ti3 whole entity; entire body; synthesis; as a whole (situation, construction, team etc); global; macrocosm; integral; holistic; whole 步骤[步驟] bu4 zhou4 procedure; step 按照[按照] an4 zhao4 according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of 节点[節點] jie2 dian3 node 跟进[跟進] gen1 jin4 to follow; to follow up 老头儿[老頭兒] lao3 tou2 r5 see 老頭子|老头子[lao3 tou2 zi5] 苛刻[苛刻] ke1 ke4 harsh; severe; demanding 蹲[蹲] dun1 to crouch; to squat; to stay (somewhere) 撞死[撞死] zhuang4 si3 to knock down and kill sb with a car; to run over sb; to run sb down 耐心[耐心] nai4 xin1 to be patient; patience 害死[害死] hai4 si3 to kill; to cause death; to do sb to death 健康状况[健康狀況] jian4 kang1 zhuang4 kuang4 health status 午睡[午睡] wu3 shui4 to take a nap; siesta 梦见[夢見] meng4 jian4 to dream about (sth or sb); to see in a dream //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep19/136 words - 37 min 贵宾[貴賓] gui4 bin1 honored guest; distinguished guest; VIP 券[券] quan4 bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half); contract; deed (i.e. title deeds); ticket; voucher; certificate 筹备[籌備] chou2 bei4 preparations; to get ready for sth 一阵子[一陣子] yi1 zhen4 zi5 a while; a spell; a short time; a burst 环节[環節] huan2 jie2 (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc); (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process), etc 隆重[隆重] long2 zhong4 grand; prosperous; ceremonious; solemn 高档[高檔] gao1 dang4 superior quality; high grade; top grade 流行[流行] liu2 xing2 (of a contagious disease etc) to spread; to propagate; (of a style of clothing, song etc) popular; fashionable 紫色[紫色] zi3 se4 purple; violet (color) 紫[紫] zi3 purple; violet 头绳[頭繩] tou2 sheng2 string to tie hair //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep20/25 words - 11 min 泪水[淚水] lei4 shui3 teardrop; tears 逆境[逆境] ni4 jing4 adversity; predicament 不知不觉[不知不覺] bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2 unconsciously; unwittingly 银河系[銀河系] Yin2 he2 xi4 Milky Way Galaxy; the galaxy (our galaxy) 签订[簽訂] qian1 ding4 to agree to and sign (a treaty etc) 终身[終身] zhong1 shen1 lifelong; all one's life; marriage 条约[條約] tiao2 yue1 treaty; pact; CL:個|个[ge4] 夫妻[夫妻] fu1 qi1 husband and wife; married couple 仇人[仇人] chou2 ren2 foe; one's personal enemy 真相[真相] zhen1 xiang4 the truth about sth; the actual facts 从头到尾[從頭到尾] cong2 tou2 dao4 wei3 from start to finish; from head to tail; the whole (thing) 证据[證據] zheng4 ju4 evidence; proof; testimony 顶罪[頂罪] ding3 zui4 to take the blame for sb else; to compensate for one's crime; to get charges dropped (by paying money etc) 封口费[封口費] feng1 kou3 fei4 hush money 闭口不谈[閉口不談] bi4 kou3 bu4 tan2 to refuse to say anything about (idiom); to remain tight-lipped; to avoid mentioning 纯洁[純潔] chun2 jie2 pure; clean and honest; to purify 臭钱[臭錢] chou4 qian2 dirty money 颠倒黑白[顛倒黑白] dian1 dao3 hei1 bai2 lit. to invert black and white (idiom); to distort the truth deliberately; to misrepresent the facts; to invert right and wrong 妈的[媽的] ma1 de5 see 他媽的|他妈的[ta1 ma1 de5] 瓜葛[瓜葛] gua1 ge2 intertwined (as melon and vine plants); interconnected; association (of two things) 凶手[兇手] xiong1 shou3 murderer; assassin 水落石出[水落石出] shui3 luo4 shi2 chu1 as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); the truth comes to light 定论[定論] ding4 lun4 final conclusion; accepted argument 或许[或許] huo4 xu3 perhaps; maybe 慌慌张张[慌慌張張] huang1 huang1 zhang1 zhang1 helter-skelter //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep20/50 words - 22 min 拦车[攔車] lan2 che1 to thumb a lift; to hitchhike 毁掉[毀掉] hui3 diao4 to destroy 心安理得[心安理得] xin1 an1 li3 de2 to have a clear conscience; to have no qualms about sth 冷血[冷血] leng3 xue4 cold-blood; cold-blooded (animal) 协助[協助] xie2 zhu4 to provide assistance; to aid 散心[散心] san4 xin1 to drive away cares; to relieve boredom 弥补[彌補] mi2 bu3 to complement; to make up for a deficiency 外孙[外孫] wai4 sun1 daughter's son; grandson; descendant via the female line 丢下[丟下] diu1 xia4 to abandon 血[血] xue4 blood; colloquial pr. [xie3]; CL:滴[di1],片[pian4] 全家[全家] quan2 jia1 whole family 旅行[旅行] lu:3 xing2 to travel; journey; trip; CL:趟[tang4],次[ci4],個|个[ge4] 写完[寫完] xie3 wan2 to finish writing 美式[美式] Mei3 shi4 American style 心不在焉[心不在焉] xin1 bu4 zai4 yan1 absent-minded; preoccupied; inattentive; with one's thoughts wandering 口渴[口渴] kou3 ke3 thirsty 好受[好受] hao3 shou4 feeling better; to be more at ease 自食其力[自食其力] zi4 shi2 qi2 li4 lit. to eat off one's own strength (idiom); fig. to stand on one's own feet; to earn one's own living 山[山] shan1 mountain; hill; anything that resembles a mountain; CL:座[zuo4]; bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons; gable 跌跌撞撞[跌跌撞撞] die1 die5 zhuang4 zhuang4 to stagger along 高端[高端] gao1 duan1 high-end 笔挺[筆挺] bi3 ting3 (standing) very straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright; well-ironed; trim 磨损[磨損] mo2 sun3 wear and tear; abrasion 浓缩[濃縮] nong2 suo1 to concentrate (a liquid); concentration; espresso coffee; abbr. for 意式濃縮咖啡|意式浓缩咖啡 被迫[被迫] bei4 po4 to be compelled; to be forced //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep20/75 words - 32 min 沉浸[沉浸] chen2 jin4 to soak; to permeate; to immerse 店主[店主] dian4 zhu3 shop owner 打理[打理] da3 li3 to take care of; to sort out; to manage; to put in order 租[租] zu1 to hire; to rent; to charter; to rent out; to lease out; rent; land tax 进货[進貨] jin4 huo4 to acquire stock; to replenish stock 仓库[倉庫] cang1 ku4 depot; storehouse; warehouse 存量[存量] cun2 liang4 reserves 零[零] ling2 zero; nought; zero sign; fractional; fragmentary; odd (of numbers); (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one); fraction; (in mathematics) remainder (after division); extra; to wither and fall; to wither 零碎[零碎] ling2 sui4 scattered and fragmentary; scraps; odds and ends 甚至于[甚至於] shen4 zhi4 yu2 so much (that); even (to the extent that) 分离[分離] fen1 li2 to separate 万物[萬物] wan4 wu4 all living things 皆[皆] jie1 all; each and every; in all cases 裂痕[裂痕] lie4 hen2 crack; gap; split 光照[光照] guang1 zhao4 illumination 体谅[體諒] ti3 liang4 to empathize; to allow (for sth); to show understanding; to appreciate 男子汉[男子漢] nan2 zi3 han4 man (i.e. manly, masculine) 咱俩[咱倆] zan2 lia3 the two of us 起早贪黑[起早貪黑] qi3 zao3 tan1 hei1 to be industrious, rising early and going to bed late 嫂子[嫂子] sao3 zi5 (coll.) older brother's wife; sister-in-law; CL:個|个[ge4] 坏事[壞事] huai4 shi4 bad thing; misdeed; to ruin things 从头[從頭] cong2 tou2 anew; from the start 清高[清高] qing1 gao1 noble and virtuous; aloof from politics and material pursuits 出气[出氣] chu1 qi4 to give vent to anger 还手[還手] huan2 shou3 to hit back; to retaliate //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep20/91 words - 41 min 重温[重溫] chong2 wen1 to learn sth over again; to review; to brush up; to revive (memories, friendship etc) 往死里[往死裡] wang3 si3 li3 (coll.) (to beat etc) to death 保镖[保鏢] bao3 biao1 bodyguard 无关[無關] wu2 guan1 unrelated; having nothing to do (with sth else) 住手[住手] zhu4 shou3 to desist; to stop; to stay one's hand 正中[正中] zheng4 zhong1 middle; center; right in the middle or center; nub 怀[懷] huai2 bosom; heart; mind; to think of; to harbor in one's mind; to conceive (a child) 绝[絕] jue2 to cut short; extinct; to disappear; to vanish; absolutely; by no means 乘虚而入[乘虛而入] cheng2 xu1 er2 ru4 to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom); to take advantage of a lapse 对得起[對得起] dui4 de5 qi3 not to let sb down; to treat sb fairly; be worthy of 积极[積極] ji1 ji2 active; energetic; vigorous; positive (outlook); proactive 藏人[藏人] Zang4 ren2 Tibetan (person) 木马[木馬] mu4 ma3 wooden horse; rocking horse; vaulting horse (gymnastics); trojan horse (computing) 幼[幼] you4 young 幼稚[幼稚] you4 zhi4 young; childish; puerile 邮件[郵件] you2 jian4 mail; post; email //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep21/25 words - 10 min 憔悴[憔悴] qiao2 cui4 wan and sallow; thin and pallid; haggard; (of plants) withered 困扰[困擾] kun4 rao3 to perplex; to disturb; to cause complications 彼此[彼此] bi3 ci3 each other; one another 温暖[溫暖] wen1 nuan3 warm 梦想[夢想] meng4 xiang3 (fig.) to dream of; dream 支离破碎[支離破碎] zhi1 li2 po4 sui4 scattered and smashed (idiom) 伤心[傷心] shang1 xin1 to grieve; to be broken-hearted; to feel deeply hurt 升级[升級] sheng1 ji2 to escalate (in intensity); to go up by one grade; to be promoted; to upgrade (computing) 踏实[踏實] ta1 shi5 firmly-based; steady; steadfast; to have peace of mind; free from anxiety; Taiwan pr. [ta4 shi2] 出力[出力] chu1 li4 to exert oneself 下半年[下半年] xia4 ban4 nian2 second half of the year 保重[保重] bao3 zhong4 to take care of oneself 存档[存檔] cun2 dang4 to file; to save a file (computer); saved data (for a video game etc) 甩[甩] shuai3 to throw; to fling; to swing; to leave behind; to throw off; to dump (sb) 巴掌[巴掌] ba1 zhang3 palm of the hand; classifier: slap 微笑[微笑] wei1 xiao4 smile; CL:個|个[ge4],絲|丝[si1]; to smile 西边[西邊] xi1 bian1 west; west side; western part; to the west of 图书馆[圖書館] tu2 shu1 guan3 library; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] 不着[不著] bu4 zhao2 no need; need not 仿佛[彷彿] fang3 fu2 to seem; as if; alike; similar 拌嘴[拌嘴] ban4 zui3 to bicker; to squabble; to quarrel 白发[白髮] bai2 fa4 white or gray hair; CL:根[gen1] 爬上[爬上] pa2 shang4 to climb up 鬓角[鬢角] bin4 jiao3 sideburns; temples; hair on the temples 包子[包子] bao1 zi5 steamed stuffed bun; CL:個|个[ge4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep21/50 words - 14 min 谈话[談話] tan2 hua4 talk; conversation; CL:次[ci4] 嗜[嗜] shi4 addicted to; fond of; stem corresponding to -phil or -phile 头疼[頭疼] tou2 teng2 headache 药物[藥物] yao4 wu4 medicaments; pharmaceuticals; medication; medicine; drug 副作用[副作用] fu4 zuo4 yong4 side effect 吃药[吃藥] chi1 yao4 to take medicine 递减[遞減] di4 jian3 progressively decreasing; gradually falling; in descending order 减[減] jian3 to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish 黄色[黃色] huang2 se4 yellow (color); pornographic 药片[藥片] yao4 pian4 a (medicine) pill or tablet; CL:片[pian4] 绿色[綠色] lu:4 se4 green 椭圆形[橢圓形] tuo3 yuan2 xing2 oval 红色[紅色] hong2 se4 red (color); revolutionary 三角形[三角形] san1 jiao3 xing2 triangle 圆形[圓形] yuan2 xing2 round; circular 服用[服用] fu2 yong4 to take (medicine) 冲浪[衝浪] chong1 lang4 to surf; surfing 顺序[順序] shun4 xu4 sequence; order 前任[前任] qian2 ren4 predecessor; ex-; former; ex (spouse etc) 往来[往來] wang3 lai2 dealings; contacts; to go back and forth 分手[分手] fen1 shou3 to part company; to split up; to break up 例会[例會] li4 hui4 regular meeting 疲惫[疲憊] pi2 bei4 beaten; exhausted; tired 解铃还需系铃人[解鈴還需繫鈴人] jie3 ling2 hai2 xu1 xi4 ling2 ren2 variant of 解鈴還須繫鈴人|解铃还须系铃人[jie3 ling2 hai2 xu1 xi4 ling2 ren2] 作息[作息] zuo4 xi1 to work and rest //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep21/75 words - 17 min 记录员[記錄員] ji4 lu4 yuan2 recorder 夜里[夜裡] ye4 li5 during the night; at night; nighttime 入睡[入睡] ru4 shui4 to fall asleep 台[臺] tai2 platform; stage; terrace; stand; support; station; broadcasting station; classifier for vehicles or machines 连续[連續] lian2 xu4 continuous; in a row; serial; consecutive 运作[運作] yun4 zuo4 to operate; operations; workings; activities (usu. of an organization); thread (computing) 死机[死機] si3 ji1 to crash (of a computer) 待机[待機] dai4 ji1 to wait for an opportunity; (electronic devices) standby 损耗[損耗] sun3 hao4 wear and tear 寿命[壽命] shou4 ming4 life span; life expectancy; lifetime (of a machine) 运行[運行] yun4 xing2 to move along one's course (of celestial bodies etc); (fig.) to function; to be in operation; (of a train service etc) to operate; to run; (of a computer) to run 关闭[關閉] guan1 bi4 to close; to shut 停止[停止] ting2 zhi3 to stop; to halt; to cease 响应[響應] xiang3 ying4 to respond to; answer; CL:個|个[ge4] 肖[肖] xiao4 similar; resembling; to resemble; to be like 院长[院長] yuan4 zhang3 the head of an institution whose name ends in 院[yuan4]; chair of a board; president of a university; department head; dean; premier of the Republic of China; CL:個|个[ge4] 孙媳妇[孫媳婦] sun1 xi2 fu5 son's son's wife; grandson's wife 养老院[養老院] yang3 lao3 yuan4 nursing home 转手[轉手] zhuan3 shou3 to pass on; to resell; to change hands 转院[轉院] zhuan3 yuan4 to transfer (a patient) to a different hospital; to transfer to hospital (e.g. a prisoner) 月月[月月] yue4 yue4 every month 参考[參考] can1 kao3 consultation; reference; to consult; to refer 转去[轉去] zhuan4 qu4 to return; to go back 城市[城市] cheng2 shi4 city; town; CL:座[zuo4] 郊区[郊區] jiao1 qu1 suburban district; outskirts; suburbs; CL:個|个[ge4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep21/100 words - 31 min 岂[豈] qi3 how? (emphatic question) 老爷爷[老爺爺] lao3 ye2 ye5 (coll.) father's father's father; paternal great-grandfather 窗帘[窗簾] chuang1 lian2 window curtains 盆[盆] pen2 basin; flower pot; unit of volume equal to 12 斗[dou3] and 8 升[sheng1], approx 128 liters; CL:個|个[ge4] 晒太阳[曬太陽] shai4 tai4 yang2 to be in the sun (getting warm or sunbathing etc); to put sth in the sun (e.g. to dry it) 浇水[澆水] jiao1 shui3 to water (plants etc) 取[取] qu3 to take; to get; to choose; to fetch 投身[投身] tou2 shen1 to throw oneself into sth 自找[自找] zi4 zhao3 to suffer as a consequence of one's own actions; you asked for it; to bring it on oneself (sth unpleasant) 治病[治病] zhi4 bing4 to treat an illness 众[眾] zhong4 many; numerous; crowd; multitude 运营[運營] yun4 ying2 to be in operation; to do business; (of train, bus etc) to be in service; operation; service 风口浪尖[風口浪尖] feng1 kou3 lang4 jian1 where the wind and the waves are the fiercest; at the heart of the struggle 非要[非要] fei1 yao4 to want absolutely; to insist on (doing something) 开口[開口] kai1 kou3 to open one's mouth; to start to talk 前脚[前腳] qian2 jiao3 one moment ..., (the next ...); leading foot (in walking) 媒体[媒體] mei2 ti3 media, esp. news media 后脚[後腳] hou4 jiao3 (one moment ...,) the next ...; trailing foot (in walking) 险[險] xian3 danger; dangerous; rugged 冒险[冒險] mao4 xian3 to take risks; to take chances; foray; adventure 检[檢] jian3 to check; to examine; to inspect; to exercise restraint 厅[廳] ting1 (reception) hall; living room; office; provincial government department 不见不散[不見不散] bu4 jian4 bu4 san4 lit. Even if we don't see each other, don't give up and leave (idiom); fig. Be sure to wait!; See you there! 呼吸[呼吸] hu1 xi1 to breathe 晃[晃] huang3 to dazzle; to flash past 晃[晃] huang4 to sway; to shake; to wander about //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep21/125 words - 34 min 医师[醫師] yi1 shi1 doctor 指示[指示] zhi3 shi4 to point out; to indicate; to instruct; directives; instructions; CL:個|个[ge4] 服药[服藥] fu2 yao4 to take medicine 下周[下週] xia4 zhou1 next week 样品[樣品] yang4 pin3 sample; specimen 上任[上任] shang4 ren4 to take office; previous (incumbent); predecessor 召集[召集] zhao4 ji2 to convene; to gather 指标[指標] zhi3 biao1 (production) target; quota; index; indicator; sign; signpost; (computing) pointer 投产[投產] tou2 chan3 to put into production; to put into operation 季度[季度] ji4 du4 quarter of a year; season (sports) 处于[處於] chu3 yu2 to be in (some state, position, or condition) 中游[中游] zhong1 you2 the middle stretches of a river; middle level; middle echelon; midstream 重重[重重] chong2 chong2 layer upon layer; one after another 入不敷出[入不敷出] ru4 bu4 fu1 chu1 income does not cover expenditure; unable to make ends meet 关门[關門] guan1 men2 to close a door; to lock a door; (of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently) 仅[僅] jin3 barely; only; merely 十几[十幾] shi2 ji3 more than ten; a dozen or more 尽管[儘管] jin3 guan3 despite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating 在行[在行] zai4 hang2 to be adept at sth; to be an expert in a trade or profession 打造[打造] da3 zao4 to create; to build; to develop; to forge (of metal) 入住[入住] ru4 zhu4 to check in (at a hotel etc) 率[率] lu:4 rate; frequency 率[率] shuai4 to lead; to command; rash; hasty; frank; straightforward; generally; usually 爷爷[爺爺] ye2 ye5 (coll.) father's father; paternal grandfather; CL:個|个[ge4] 听得见[聽得見] ting1 de2 jian4 audible 欢喜[歡喜] huan1 xi3 happy; joyous; delighted; to like; to be fond of //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep21/150 words - 38 min 橘子[橘子] ju2 zi5 tangerine; CL:個|个[ge4],瓣[ban4] 孙女[孫女] sun1 nu:3 son's daughter; granddaughter 雕[雕] diao1 to carve; to engrave; shrewd; bird of prey 下山[下山] xia4 shan1 (of the sun) to set 抢劫[搶劫] qiang3 jie2 to rob; looting 小伙子[小伙子] xiao3 huo3 zi5 young man; young guy; lad; youngster; CL:個|个[ge4] 受欢迎[受歡迎] shou4 huan1 ying2 popular; well-received 笑话[笑話] xiao4 hua4 joke; jest; CL:個|个[ge4]; to laugh at; to mock 冷场[冷場] leng3 chang3 stage wait; (fig.) awkward silence 好笑[好笑] hao3 xiao4 laughable; funny; ridiculous 起劲[起勁] qi3 jin4 vigorously; energetically; enthusiastically 神情[神情] shen2 qing2 look; expression 热闹[熱鬧] re4 nao5 bustling with noise and excitement; lively 陪伴[陪伴] pei2 ban4 to accompany 孩子们[孩子們] hai2 zi5 men5 children 除非[除非] chu2 fei1 only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only when; only in the case that; unless 房租[房租] fang2 zu1 rent for a room or house 房子[房子] fang2 zi5 house; building (single- or two-story); apartment; room; CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],套[tao4],間|间[jian1] 填补[填補] tian2 bu3 to fill a gap; to fill in a blank (on a form); to overcome a deficiency 天方夜谭[天方夜譚] tian1 fang1 ye4 tan2 fantasy story 事故[事故] shi4 gu4 accident; CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3],次[ci4] 上线[上線] shang4 xian4 to go online; to put sth online 否决[否決] fou3 jue2 to veto; to overrule 部下[部下] bu4 xia4 troops under one's command; subordinate 提出[提出] ti2 chu1 to raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to post (on a website); to withdraw (cash) //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep21/172 words - 42 min 可行[可行] ke3 xing2 feasible 漂泊[漂泊] piao1 bo2 to drift (in the tide); to rove; to lead a wandering existence; drifter; wanderer 差异[差異] cha1 yi4 difference; discrepancy 预想[預想] yu4 xiang3 to anticipate; to expect 执行[執行] zhi2 xing2 to implement; to carry out; to execute; to run 筛选[篩選] shai1 xuan3 to filter 轮班[輪班] lun2 ban1 shift working 机制[機制] ji1 zhi4 mechanism 反馈[反饋] fan3 kui4 to send back information; feedback 投标[投標] tou2 biao1 to bid; to make a tender 子女[子女] zi3 nu:3 children; sons and daughters 医疗[醫療] yi1 liao2 medical treatment 水平[水平] shui3 ping2 level (of achievement etc); standard; horizontal 护理[護理] hu4 li3 to nurse; to tend and protect 诊治[診治] zhen3 zhi4 to diagnose and treat 养老[養老] yang3 lao3 to provide for the elderly (family members); to enjoy a life in retirement 热气腾腾[熱氣騰騰] re4 qi4 teng2 teng2 piping hot 饭菜[飯菜] fan4 cai4 food 设施[設施] she4 shi1 facilities; installation 齐全[齊全] qi2 quan2 complete; comprehensive 唯独[唯獨] wei2 du2 only; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except; unique 家具[家具] jia1 ju4 furniture; CL:件[jian4],套[tao4] //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep22/25 words - 12 min 蛋白质[蛋白質] dan4 bai2 zhi4 protein 哑铃[啞鈴] ya3 ling2 dumbbell (weight) 减肥[減肥] jian3 fei2 to lose weight 节食[節食] jie2 shi2 to save food; to go on a diet 适当[適當] shi4 dang4 suitable; appropriate 拎包[拎包] lin1 bao1 handbag or shopping bag (dialect) 不成[不成] bu4 cheng2 won't do; unable to; (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be? 新意[新意] xin1 yi4 new idea 从前[從前] cong2 qian2 previously; formerly; once upon a time 奢求[奢求] she1 qiu2 to make extravagant demands; an unreasonable request 回忆[回憶] hui2 yi4 to recall; memories; CL:個|个[ge4] 原地[原地] yuan2 di4 (in) the original place; the place where one currently is; place of origin; local (product) 院[院] yuan4 courtyard; institution; CL:個|个[ge4] 缺乏[缺乏] que1 fa2 to lack; to be short of; lack; shortage 绳之以法[繩之以法] sheng2 zhi1 yi3 fa3 to punish according to the law; to bring to justice 压迫[壓迫] ya1 po4 to oppress; to repress; to constrict; oppression; stress (physics) 战胜[戰勝] zhan4 sheng4 to prevail over; to defeat; to surmount 豁出去[豁出去] huo1 chu5 qu5 to throw caution to the wind; to press one's luck; to go for broke 查出[查出] cha2 chu1 to find out; to discover 限制[限制] xian4 zhi4 to restrict; to limit; to confine; restriction; limit; CL:個|个[ge4] 威胁[威脅] wei1 xie2 to threaten; to menace 勒索[勒索] le4 suo3 to blackmail; to extort 老爷子[老爺子] lao3 ye2 zi5 my (you etc) old father; polite appellation for an elderly male 秘[祕] mi4 variant of 秘[mi4] 合计[合計] he2 ji4 to add up the total; to figure what sth amounts to; to consider //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep22/50 words - 19 min 偏[偏] pian1 to lean; to slant; oblique; prejudiced; to deviate from average; to stray from the intended line; stubbornly; contrary to expectations; left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical 喝茶[喝茶] he1 cha2 (fig.) to have a meeting with state security agents (to be warned to behave "responsibly") 获奖[獲獎] huo4 jiang3 to win an award 名单[名單] ming2 dan1 list of names 没戏[沒戲] mei2 xi4 (coll.) not a chance; no way; hopeless 阳新[陽新] Yang2 xin1 Yangxin county in Huangshi 黃石|黄石[Huang2 shi2], Hubei 一等奖[一等獎] yi1 deng3 jiang3 first prize 得奖[得獎] de2 jiang3 to win a prize 年年[年年] nian2 nian2 year after year; yearly; every year; annually 务实[務實] wu4 shi2 pragmatic; dealing with concrete issues 虚头[虛頭] xu1 tou2 to play tricks; to deceive 巴[巴] ba1 to long for; to wish; to cling to; to stick to; sth that sticks; close to; next to; spread open; informal abbr. for bus 巴士[ba1 shi4]; bar (unit of pressure); nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴[wei3 ba5], tail 市里[市里] shi4 li3 li (Chinese unit of length equal to 500 meters) 当做[當做] dang4 zuo4 to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as 试点[試點] shi4 dian3 test point; to carry out trial; pilot scheme 公益[公益] gong1 yi4 public good; public welfare 蹿[躥] cuan1 to leap up; (coll.) to gush out; to spurt out 利索[利索] li4 suo5 nimble 辫子[辮子] bian4 zi5 plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle; CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2] 肩膀[肩膀] jian1 bang3 shoulder 馒头[饅頭] man2 tou5 steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; CL:個|个[ge4] 头顶[頭頂] tou2 ding3 top of the head 费力[費力] fei4 li4 to expend a great deal of effort 院子[院子] yuan4 zi5 courtyard; garden; yard; patio; CL:個|个[ge4]; (old) servant 相互[相互] xiang1 hu4 each other; mutual //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep22/75 words - 27 min 针线[針線] zhen1 xian4 needle and thread; needlework 家乡[家鄉] jia1 xiang1 hometown; native place; CL:個|个[ge4] 打拼[打拼] da3 pin1 to work hard; to try to make a living 关爱[關愛] guan1 ai4 to show concern and care for 对外[對外] dui4 wai4 external; foreign; pertaining to external or foreign (affairs) 宣传[宣傳] xuan1 chuan2 to disseminate; to give publicity to; propaganda; CL:個|个[ge4] 可比[可比] ke3 bi3 comparable 合租[合租] he2 zu1 to rent jointly with other people; co-renting 翘尾巴[翹尾巴] qiao4 wei3 ba5 to be cocky 摸鱼[摸魚] mo1 yu2 to catch fish; (fig.) to loaf on the job; to be slack; to take it easy 大获全胜[大獲全勝] da4 huo4 quan2 sheng4 to seize total victory (idiom); an overwhelming victory; to win by a landslide (in election) 悄无声息[悄無聲息] qiao3 wu2 sheng1 xi1 quietly; noiselessly 慰藉[慰藉] wei4 jie4 to console; to comfort; consolation 功臣[功臣] gong1 chen2 minister who has given outstanding service 慰问[慰問] wei4 wen4 to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc 台上[臺上] tai2 shang4 on stage 简[簡] jian3 simple; uncomplicated; letter; to choose; to select; bamboo strips used for writing (old) 单一[單一] dan1 yi1 single; only; sole 一方[一方] yi1 fang1 a party (in a contract or legal case); one side; area; region 可言[可言] ke3 yan2 it may be said 完完全全[完完全全] wan2 wan2 quan2 quan2 completely 犀[犀] xi1 rhinoceros; sharp 德性[德性] de2 xing4 moral integrity 花言巧语[花言巧語] hua1 yan2 qiao3 yu3 graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric 一五一十[一五一十] yi1 wu3 yi1 shi2 lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full detail //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep22/100 words - 34 min 旗号[旗號] qi2 hao4 military banner; flag signal; (fig.) banner (i.e. false pretenses) 动听[動聽] dong4 ting1 pleasant to listen to 淡忘[淡忘] dan4 wang4 to be forgotten; to fade from memory 无数[無數] wu2 shu4 countless; numberless; innumerable 告诫[告誡] gao4 jie4 to warn; to admonish 忘掉[忘掉] wang4 diao4 to forget 刻[刻] ke4 quarter (hour); moment; to carve; to engrave; to cut; oppressive; classifier for short time intervals 即便[即便] ji2 bian4 even if; even though; right away; immediately 笑容[笑容] xiao4 rong2 smile; smiling expression; CL:副[fu4] 每当[每當] mei3 dang1 whenever; every time; on every 抚恤[撫卹] fu3 xu4 (of an organization that has a duty of care) to give financial support to relatives of sb who has died or suffered serious injury 阔绰[闊綽] kuo4 chuo4 ostentatious; extravagant; liberal with money 自首[自首] zi4 shou3 to give oneself up; to surrender (to the authorities) 赌博[賭博] du3 bo2 to gamble 厚[厚] hou4 thick; deep or profound; kind; generous; rich or strong in flavor; to favor; to stress 脸皮[臉皮] lian3 pi2 face; cheek 打听[打聽] da3 ting5 to ask about; to make some inquiries; to ask around 构成[構成] gou4 cheng2 to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up; to configure (computing) 诈骗[詐騙] zha4 pian4 to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail 搞不好[搞不好] gao3 bu5 hao3 (coll.) maybe; perhaps 坐牢[坐牢] zuo4 lao2 to be imprisoned 一错再错[一錯再錯] yi1 cuo4 zai4 cuo4 to repeat errors; to continue blundering; to make continuous mistakes 透过[透過] tou4 guo4 to pass through; to penetrate; by means of; via 妻子[妻子] qi1 zi5 wife; CL:個|个[ge4] 嗝[嗝] ge2 hiccup; belch //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep22/125 words - 41 min 满嘴[滿嘴] man3 zui3 a full mouth of (sth physical); to have the mouth exclusively filled with (a certain language, lies, promises, etc) 第二天[第二天] di4 er4 tian1 next day; the morrow 介入[介入] jie4 ru4 to intervene; to get involved 口供[口供] kou3 gong4 oral confession (as opposed to 筆供|笔供[bi3 gong4]); statement; deposition 逆行[逆行] ni4 xing2 to go the wrong way; to go against one-way traffic regulation 判刑[判刑] pan4 xing2 to sentence (to prison etc) 来源[來源] lai2 yuan2 source (of information etc); origin 母子[母子] mu3 zi3 mother and child; parent and subsidiary (companies); principal and interest 借此[藉此] jie4 ci3 using this as a pretext; thereby 敲诈[敲詐] qiao1 zha4 to rip off; to extort (money); extortion; blackmail 过量[過量] guo4 liang4 excess; overdose 大意[大意] da4 yi5 careless 强调[強調] qiang2 diao4 to emphasize (a statement); to stress 尾[尾] wei3 tail; remainder; remnant; extremity; sixth of the 28 constellations; classifier for fish 来龙去脉[來龍去脈] lai2 long2 qu4 mai4 the rise and fall of the terrain (idiom); (fig.) the whole sequence of events; causes and effects 对不住[對不住] dui4 bu5 zhu4 to let sb down; to be unfair; I'm sorry; pardon me (formal) 反倒[反倒] fan3 dao4 but on the contrary; but expectedly 治标不治本[治標不治本] zhi4 biao1 bu4 zhi4 ben3 to treat the symptoms but not the root cause 归根结底[歸根結底] gui1 gen1 jie2 di3 in the final analysis; ultimately 断层[斷層] duan4 ceng2 fault (geology); CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]; (fig.) gap; rupture (in the transmission of some skill); (tomography) cross-sectional 醒来[醒來] xing3 lai2 to waken 晕厥[暈厥] yun1 jue2 to faint 低血压[低血壓] di1 xue4 ya1 low blood pressure 引起[引起] yin3 qi3 to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse 短暂[短暫] duan3 zan4 of short duration; brief; momentary //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep22/142 words - 42 min 大脑[大腦] da4 nao3 brain; cerebrum 供血[供血] gong1 xue4 to donate blood 心病[心病] xin1 bing4 anxiety; sore point; secret worry; mental disorder; heart disease (medicine) 创伤[創傷] chuang1 shang1 wound; injury; trauma 应激[應激] ying4 ji1 stress; abbr. for 應激反應|应激反应[ying4 ji1 fan3 ying4] 自我[自我] zi4 wo3 self-; ego (psychology) 防御[防禦] fang2 yu4 defense; to defend 敬仰[敬仰] jing4 yang3 to revere; highly esteemed 内心深处[內心深處] nei4 xin1 shen1 chu4 deep in one's heart 渴望[渴望] ke3 wang4 to thirst for; to long for 心中[心中] xin1 zhong1 central point; in one's thoughts; in one's heart 达成[達成] da2 cheng2 to reach (an agreement); to accomplish 柔弱[柔弱] rou2 ruo4 weak; delicate 解开[解開] jie3 kai1 to untie; to undo; to solve (a mystery) 环[環] huan2 ring; hoop; loop; (chain) link; classifier for scores in archery etc; to surround; to encircle; to hem in 重建[重建] chong2 jian4 to rebuild; to reestablish; reconstruction; rebuilding 老头[老頭] lao3 tou2 old fellow; old man; father; husband //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep23/25 words - 12 min 我去[我去] wo3 qu4 (slang) dang!; shoot! 独当一面[獨當一面] du2 dang1 yi1 mian4 to assume personal responsibility (idiom); to take charge of a section 隔阂[隔閡] ge2 he2 misunderstanding; estrangement; (language etc) barrier 可人[可人] ke3 ren2 pleasant; agreeable; a person after one's heart (charming person); a gifted person 误解[誤解] wu4 jie3 to misunderstand; to misread; misunderstanding 同辈[同輩] tong2 bei4 of the same generation; person of the same generation; peer 佼佼者[佼佼者] jiao3 jiao3 zhe3 well-known figure; excellent (person, company etc) 始[始] shi3 to begin; to start; then; only then 花瓶[花瓶] hua1 ping2 flower vase; fig. just a pretty face; CL:對|对[dui4] 插[插] cha1 to insert; stick in; pierce; to take part in; to interfere; to interpose 帮倒忙[幫倒忙] bang1 dao4 mang2 to be more of a hindrance than a help 国外[國外] guo2 wai4 abroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign 爸妈[爸媽] ba4 ma1 dad and mom 剥夺[剝奪] bo1 duo2 to deprive; to expropriate; to strip (sb of his property) 乐趣[樂趣] le4 qu4 delight; pleasure; joy 拥抱[擁抱] yong1 bao4 to embrace; to hug 普通人[普通人] pu3 tong1 ren2 ordinary person; private citizen; people; the person in the street 瞬间[瞬間] shun4 jian1 in an instant; in a flash 走近[走近] zou3 jin4 to approach; to draw near to 完整[完整] wan2 zheng3 complete; intact 下厨[下廚] xia4 chu2 to go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal); to cook 清淡[清淡] qing1 dan4 light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored); insipid; slack (sales) 兔子[兔子] tu4 zi5 hare; rabbit; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 重油[重油] zhong4 you2 (petrochemistry) heavy oil; fuel oil 大道理[大道理] da4 dao4 li5 major principle; general truth; sermon (reproof); bombastic talk //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep23/50 words - 21 min 寡淡[寡淡] gua3 dan4 insipid; bland; indifferent 苦瓜[苦瓜] ku3 gua1 bitter melon (bitter gourd, balsam pear, balsam apple, leprosy gourd, bitter cucumber) 秋葵[秋葵] qiu1 kui2 okra (Hibiscus esculentus); lady's fingers 汁[汁] zhi1 juice 食补[食補] shi2 bu3 tonic food (food considered to be particularly healthful); to eat such foods 好过[好過] hao3 guo4 to have an easy time; (feel) well 药补[藥補] yao4 bu3 medicinal dietary supplement that helps build up one's health 降[降] jiang4 to drop; to fall; to come down; to descend 降[降] xiang2 to surrender; to capitulate; to subdue; to tame 血压[血壓] xue4 ya1 blood pressure 血糖[血糖] xue4 tang2 blood sugar 血脂[血脂] xue4 zhi1 blood lipid 三位一体[三位一體] San1 wei4 Yi1 ti3 Holy Trinity; trinity 可好[可好] ke3 hao3 good or not?; luckily; fortuitously 个数[個數] ge4 shu4 number of items or individuals 为人[為人] wei2 ren2 to conduct oneself; behavior; conduct; personal character 出头[出頭] chu1 tou2 to get out of a predicament; to stick out; to take the initiative; remaining odd fraction after a division; a little more than 白菜[白菜] bai2 cai4 Chinese cabbage; pak choi; CL:棵[ke1], 個|个[ge4] 英语[英語] Ying1 yu3 English (language) 国内[國內] guo2 nei4 domestic; internal (to a country); civil 认准[認準] ren4 zhun3 to identify clearly; to make sure of; to believe firmly 缺失[缺失] que1 shi1 deficiency; shortcoming; hiatus 心愿[心願] xin1 yuan4 cherished desire; dream; craving; wish; aspiration 寿面[壽麵] shou4 mian4 birthday noodles (for longevity) 小瞧[小瞧] xiao3 qiao2 (coll.) to look down on; to underestimate 深刻[深刻] shen1 ke4 profound; deep; deep-going //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep23/75 words - 30 min 随手[隨手] sui2 shou3 conveniently; without extra trouble; while doing it; in passing 一晃[一晃] yi1 huang3 (of passing time) in an instant; (of a sight) in a flash 复读[複讀] fu4 du2 (of an audio device) to repeat a recorded phrase (e.g. for language learning) 过时[過時] guo4 shi2 old-fashioned; out of date; to be later than the time stipulated or agreed upon 每年[每年] mei3 nian2 every year; each year; yearly 向来[向來] xiang4 lai2 always (previously) 概念[概念] gai4 nian4 concept; idea; CL:個|个[ge4] 占[占] zhan4 to take possession of; to occupy; to take up 寿星[壽星] shou4 xing1 god of longevity; elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated 今[今] jin1 today; modern; present; current; this; now 往后[往後] wang3 hou4 from now on; in the future; time to come 表扬[表揚] biao3 yang2 to praise; to commend 吝啬[吝嗇] lin4 se4 stingy; mean; miserly 惜[惜] xi1 to cherish; to begrudge; to pity; Taiwan pr. [xi2] 爱面子[愛面子] ai4 mian4 zi5 to like to look good in the eyes of others; sensitive about how one is regarded by others; proud 肉麻[肉麻] rou4 ma2 sickening; corny; sappy; maudlin; fulsome (of praise) 看破[看破] kan4 po4 to see through; disillusioned with; to reject (the world of mortals) 说破[說破] shuo1 po4 to lay bare (actual facts, secrets etc); to reveal 愣[愣] leng4 to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; blank; (coll.) unexpectedly; rash; rashly 中标[中標] zhong4 biao1 to win a tender; successful bidder 唐突[唐突] tang2 tu1 to be rude; to treat irreverently 立场[立場] li4 chang3 position; standpoint; CL:個|个[ge4] 白白[白白] bai2 bai2 in vain; to no purpose; for nothing; white 所在[所在] suo3 zai4 place; location; (after a noun) place where it is located 下回[下回] xia4 hui2 next chapter; next time //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep23/100 words - 37 min 系[繫] xi4 to connect; to arrest; to worry 考官[考官] kao3 guan1 an examiner; an official conducting an exam 嬉皮笑脸[嬉皮笑臉] xi1 pi2 xiao4 lian3 all smiles; smiling mischievously or ingratiatingly 报考[報考] bao4 kao3 to enter oneself for an examination 高质量[高質量] gao1 zhi4 liang4 high quality 优势[優勢] you1 shi4 superiority; dominance; advantage 天分[天分] tian1 fen4 natural gift; talent 足够[足夠] zu2 gou4 enough; sufficient 艰难[艱難] jian1 nan2 difficult; hard; challenging 坚持下去[堅持下去] jian1 chi2 xia4 qu4 to press on 回国[回國] hui2 guo2 to return to one's home country 土地[土地] tu3 di4 land; soil; territory; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] 上等[上等] shang4 deng3 highest quality; top-notch 只顾[只顧] zhi3 gu4 solely preoccupied (with one thing); engrossed; focusing (on sth); to look after only one aspect 马[馬] ma3 horse; CL:匹[pi3]; horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess; knight in Western chess 周年[週年] zhou1 nian2 anniversary; annual 骑马[騎馬] qi2 ma3 to ride a horse 抵赖[抵賴] di3 lai4 to refuse to admit (what one has done); to disavow; to renege 男士[男士] nan2 shi4 man; gentleman 当红[當紅] dang1 hong2 currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc) 监督[監督] jian1 du1 to control; to supervise; to inspect 爷们儿[爺們兒] ye2 men5 r5 erhua variant of 爺們|爷们[ye2 men5] 担当[擔當] dan1 dang1 to take upon oneself; to assume 名花有主[名花有主] ming2 hua1 you3 zhu3 the girl is already taken (idiom) 发誓[發誓] fa1 shi4 to vow; to pledge; to swear //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep23/105 words - 39 min 光明正大[光明正大] guang1 ming2 zheng4 da4 (of a person) honorable; not devious; (of a behavior) fair and aboveboard; without tricks; openly; (of a situation) out in the open 不声不响[不聲不響] bu4 sheng1 bu4 xiang3 wordless and silent (idiom); without speaking; taciturn 清静[清靜] qing1 jing4 quiet; peaceful and quiet 沏[沏] qi1 to steep (tea) 壶[壺] hu2 pot; classifier for bottled liquid //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep24/25 words - 13 min 疼爱[疼愛] teng2 ai4 to love dearly 守护[守護] shou3 hu4 to guard; to protect 说到做到[說到做到] shuo1 dao4 zuo4 dao4 to be as good as one's word (idiom); to keep one's promise 剥[剝] bo1 to peel; to skin; to flay; to shuck 大门[大門] da4 men2 entrance; door; gate; large and influential family 敞开[敞開] chang3 kai1 to open wide; unrestrictedly 正是[正是] zheng4 shi4 (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as 学期[學期] xue2 qi1 term; semester; CL:個|个[ge4] 想通[想通] xiang3 tong1 to figure out; to realize; to become convinced; to come round (to an idea); to get over it 留学[留學] liu2 xue2 to study abroad 婚[婚] hun1 to marry; marriage; wedding; to take a wife 小屁孩[小屁孩] xiao3 pi4 hai2 wimpy kid; brat 适婚[適婚] shi4 hun1 of marriageable age; nubile 年龄[年齡] nian2 ling2 (a person's) age; CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4] 保准[保准] bao3 zhun3 to guarantee; reliable; for sure 明摆着[明擺著] ming2 bai3 zhe5 evident; clear; undoubted 踢[踢] ti1 to kick; to play (e.g. soccer); (slang) butch (in a lesbian relationship) 托付[托付] tuo1 fu4 to entrust 厚道[厚道] hou4 dao5 kind and honest; generous; sincere 乐[樂] le4 happy; cheerful; to laugh 乐[樂] yue4 music 偷看[偷看] tou1 kan4 to peep; to peek; to steal a glance 睁开[睜開] zheng1 kai1 to open (one's eyes) 九[九] jiu3 nine; 9 引路[引路] yin3 lu4 to guide; to show the way 走过[走過] zou3 guo4 to walk past; to pass by //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep24/50 words - 28 min 度过[度過] du4 guo4 to pass; to spend (time); to survive; to get through 时光[時光] shi2 guang1 time; era; period of time 容[容] rong2 to hold; to contain; to allow; to tolerate; appearance; look; countenance 盆栽[盆栽] pen2 zai1 growing plants in pots; Japanese: bonsai 坐镇[坐鎮] zuo4 zhen4 (of a commanding officer) to keep watch; to oversee 镇[鎮] zhen4 to press down; to calm; to subdue; to suppress; to guard; garrison; small town; to cool or chill (food or drinks) 事业心[事業心] shi4 ye4 xin1 devotion to one's work; professional ambition 冷落[冷落] leng3 luo4 desolate; unfrequented; to treat sb coldly; to snub; to cold shoulder 以防万一[以防萬一] yi3 fang2 wan4 yi1 to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case; prepared for any eventualities 没收[沒收] mo4 shou1 to confiscate; to seize 起见[起見] qi3 jian4 motive; purpose; (sth) being the motive or purpose 大事[大事] da4 shi4 major event; major political event (war or change of regime); major social event (wedding or funeral); (do sth) in a big way; CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1] 刻骨铭心[刻骨銘心] ke4 gu3 ming2 xin1 lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom); fig. etched in one's memory; unforgettable 忘怀[忘懷] wang4 huai2 to forget 骨感[骨感] gu3 gan3 bony; skinny 曲线[曲線] qu1 xian4 curve; curved line; indirect; in a roundabout way 关子[關子] guan1 zi5 climax (in a story) 粒[粒] li4 grain; granule; classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc) 持续[持續] chi2 xu4 to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation 筋[筋] jin1 muscle; tendon; veins visible under the skin; sth resembling tendons or veins (e.g. fiber in a vegetable) 领会[領會] ling3 hui4 to understand; to comprehend; to grasp 绷着脸[繃著臉] beng3 zhe5 lian3 to have a taut face; to pull a long face; to look displeased 下意识[下意識] xia4 yi4 shi2 subconscious mind 饶[饒] rao2 rich; abundant; exuberant; to add for free; to throw in as bonus; to spare; to forgive; despite; although 美国[美國] Mei3 guo2 United States; USA; US //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep24/75 words - 37 min 缝[縫] feng2 to sew; to stitch 缝[縫] feng4 seam; crack; narrow slit; CL:道[dao4] 孤独[孤獨] gu1 du2 lonely; solitary 终老[終老] zhong1 lao3 to spend one's last years 退货[退貨] tui4 huo4 to return merchandise; to withdraw a product 堂堂[堂堂] tang2 tang2 grand; magnificent; stately; majestic appearance 一路平安[一路平安] yi1 lu4 ping2 an1 to have a pleasant journey; Bon voyage! 大千世界[大千世界] da4 qian1 shi4 jie4 great wide world; marvelously diverse world; (Buddhism) cosmos (abbr. for 三千大千世界[san1 qian1 da4 qian1 shi4 jie4]) 茫茫[茫茫] mang2 mang2 boundless; vast and obscure 人海[人海] ren2 hai3 a multitude; a sea of people 旅途[旅途] lu:3 tu2 journey; trip 十字路口[十字路口] shi2 zi4 lu4 kou3 crossroads; intersection 信号灯[信號燈] xin4 hao4 deng1 signal light; car indicator 指引[指引] zhi3 yin3 to guide; to show; to point (the way); directions; guidance; guidelines 应当[應當] ying1 dang1 should; ought to 强求[強求] qiang3 qiu2 to insist on; to demand; to impose 绽放[綻放] zhan4 fang4 to blossom 命运[命運] ming4 yun4 fate; destiny; CL:個|个[ge4] 耳朵[耳朵] er3 duo5 ear; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]; handle (on a cup) 高安[高安] Gao1 an1 Gao'an county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi 证书[證書] zheng4 shu1 credentials; certificate 意想不到[意想不到] yi4 xiang3 bu4 dao4 unexpected; previously unimagined 桥[橋] qiao2 bridge; CL:座[zuo4] 着地[著地] zhao2 di4 to land; to touch the ground; also pr. [zhuo2 di4] 向阳[向陽] xiang4 yang2 facing the sun; exposed to the sun 跨[跨] kua4 to step across; to stride over; to straddle; to span //Use For My Talent - S1/Ep24/82 words - 39 min 跨越[跨越] kua4 yue4 to step across; step over 无所不能[無所不能] wu2 suo3 bu4 neng2 omnipotent 生命[生命] sheng1 ming4 life (as the characteristic of living beings); living being; creature; CL:個|个[ge4],條|条[tiao2] 护着[護著] hu4 zhe5 to protect; to guard; to shield 富贵[富貴] fu4 gui4 riches and honor 贫穷[貧窮] pin2 qiong2 poor; impoverished 疾病[疾病] ji2 bing4 disease; sickness; ailment