//The Falls - S1/Ep1/25 words - 2 min 呈献[呈獻] cheng2 xian4 to present respectfully 隔天[隔天] ge2 tian1 the next day; on alternate days 上课[上課] shang4 ke4 to go to class; to attend class; to go to teach a class 提前[提前] ti2 qian2 to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance 催[催] cui1 to urge; to press; to prompt; to rush sb; to hasten sth; to expedite 年级[年級] nian2 ji2 grade; year (in school, college etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 提早[提早] ti2 zao3 ahead of schedule; sooner than planned; to bring forward (to an earlier time) 分钟[分鐘] fen1 zhong1 minute 困难[困難] kun4 nan5 difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation 载[載] zai4 to carry; to convey; to load; to hold; to fill up; and; also; as well as; simultaneously 好过[好過] hao3 guo4 to have an easy time; (feel) well 一大早[一大早] yi1 da4 zao3 at dawn; at first light; first thing in the morning 待会儿[待會兒] dai1 hui4 r5 in a moment; later; also pr. [dai1 hui3 r5] or [dai1 hui5 r5] 节[節] jie2 festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:個|个[ge4] 课[課] ke4 subject; course; CL:門|门[men2]; class; lesson; CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]; to levy; tax; form of divination 考[考] kao3 to check; to verify; to test; to examine; to take an exam; to take an entrance exam for; deceased father 英文[英文] Ying1 wen2 English (language) 单词[單詞] dan1 ci2 word; CL:個|个[ge4] 镜头[鏡頭] jing4 tou2 camera lens; camera shot (in a movie etc); scene 刘[劉] Liu2 surname Liu 海[海] hai3 ocean; sea; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]; great number of people or things; (dialect) numerous 拨[撥] bo1 to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch 哦[哦] o5 sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy; may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of 两边[兩邊] liang3 bian5 either side; both sides 喷[噴] pen1 to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt //The Falls - S1/Ep1/50 words - 3 min 酒精[酒精] jiu3 jing1 alcohol; ethanol CH3CH2OH; ethyl alcohol; also written 乙醇; grain alcohol 刘海[劉海] liu2 hai3 bangs; fringe (hair) 主题[主題] zhu3 ti2 theme; subject 暂时[暫時] zan4 shi2 temporary; provisional; for the time being 实施[實施] shi2 shi1 to implement; to carry out 薪资[薪資] xin1 zi1 salary 调整[調整] tiao2 zheng3 to adjust; adjustment; revision; CL:個|个[ge4] 作业[作業] zuo4 ye4 school assignment; homework; work; task; operation; CL:個|个[ge4]; to operate 邮件[郵件] you2 jian4 mail; post; email 减薪[減薪] jian3 xin1 to cut wages 减[減] jian3 to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish 公司[公司] gong1 si1 (business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated; CL:家[jia1] 品[品] pin3 article; commodity; product; goods; kind; grade; rank; character; disposition; nature; temperament; variety; to taste sth; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up; fret (on a guitar or lute) 文[文] wen2 language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) classifier for coins; Kangxi radical 67 同样[同樣] tong2 yang4 same; equal; equivalent 讯息[訊息] xun4 xi1 information; news; message; text message or SMS 凯撒[凱撒] Kai3 sa1 Caesar or Kaiser (name) 出生[出生] chu1 sheng1 to be born 没落[沒落] mo4 luo4 to decline; to wane 贵族[貴族] gui4 zu2 lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman; aristocrat; aristocracy 历史[歷史] li4 shi3 history; CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4] 地位[地位] di4 wei4 position; status; place; CL:個|个[ge4] 罗马帝国[羅馬帝國] Luo2 ma3 Di4 guo2 Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD) 奠基者[奠基者] dian4 ji1 zhe3 founder; pioneer 公元前[公元前] gong1 yuan2 qian2 BCE (before the Common Era); BC (before Christ) //The Falls - S1/Ep1/75 words - 4 min 击败[擊敗] ji1 bai4 to defeat; to beat 庞培[龐培] Pang2 pei2 Pompeium, Roman town in Bay of Naples destroyed by eruption of Vesuvius in 79; Pompey (Roman general) 罗马[羅馬] Luo2 ma3 Rome, capital of Italy 布鲁图斯[布魯圖斯] Bu4 lu3 tu2 si1 Brutus (name); Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician who conspired against Julius Caesar; Lucius Junius Brutus (6th c. BC), founder of the Roman Republic 策划[策劃] ce4 hua4 to plot; to scheme; to bring about; to engineer; planning; producer; planner 刺杀[刺殺] ci4 sha1 to assassinate; (military) to fight with a bayonet; (baseball) to put out (a baserunner) 行动[行動] xing2 dong4 operation; action; CL:個|个[ge4]; to move about; mobile 刀[刀] dao1 knife; blade; single-edged sword; cutlass; CL:把[ba3]; (slang) dollar (loanword); classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper); classifier for knife cuts or stabs 主任[主任] zhu3 ren4 director; head; CL:個|个[ge4] 您好[您好] nin2 hao3 hello (polite) 老师[老師] lao3 shi1 teacher; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 学生[學生] xue2 sheng5 student; schoolchild 业绩[業績] ye4 ji4 achievement; accomplishment; (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc); results 成长率[成長率] cheng2 zhang3 lu:4 growth rate 去年[去年] qu4 nian2 last year 相比[相比] xiang1 bi3 to compare 的确[的確] di2 que4 really; indeed 预期[預期] yu4 qi1 to expect; to anticipate 在座[在座] zai4 zuo4 to be present 带头[帶頭] dai4 tou2 to take the lead; to be the first; to set an example 示范[示範] shi4 fan4 to demonstrate; to show how to do sth; demonstration; a model example 共[共] gong4 common; general; to share; together; total; altogether; abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party 克[克] ke4 to be able to; to subdue; to restrain; to overcome; gram; Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares 艰[艱] jian1 difficult; hard; hardship 规定[規定] gui1 ding4 provision; to fix; to set; to formulate; to stipulate; to provide; regulation; rule; CL:個|个[ge4] //The Falls - S1/Ep1/100 words - 7 min 标[標] biao1 mark; sign; label; to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc; to bear (a brand name, registration number etc); prize; award; bid; target; quota; (old) the topmost branches of a tree; visible symptom; classifier for military units 减少[減少] jian3 shao3 to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower 波[波] bo1 wave; ripple; storm; surge 携手[攜手] xie2 shou3 hand in hand; to join hands; to collaborate 手机[手機] shou3 ji1 cell phone; mobile phone; CL:部[bu4],支[zhi1] 开会[開會] kai1 hui4 to hold a meeting; to attend a meeting 班[班] ban1 team; class; squad; work shift; ranking; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for groups 确诊[確診] que4 zhen3 to make a definite diagnosis 医院[醫院] yi1 yuan4 hospital; CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4] 班上[班上] ban1 shang4 (in the) class 同学[同學] tong2 xue2 to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 淑[淑] shu1 warm and virtuous; (used in given names); Taiwan pr. [shu2] 英[英] ying1 hero; outstanding; excellent; (literary) flower; blossom 罗[羅] luo2 gauze; to collect; to gather; to catch; to sift 筛检[篩檢] shai1 jian3 screening (medicine) 陈[陳] chen2 to lay out; to exhibit; to display; to narrate; to state; to explain; to tell; old; stale 居家[居家] ju1 jia1 to live at home; to stay at home; home (schooling etc); in-home (care etc); household (repairs etc); living (environment etc) 隔离[隔離] ge2 li2 to separate; to isolate 上班[上班] shang4 ban1 to go to work; to be on duty; to start work; to go to the office 干嘛[幹嘛] gan4 ma2 what are you doing?; whatever for?; why on earth? 请假[請假] qing3 jia4 to request leave of absence 凉[涼] liang2 cool; cold 期间[期間] qi1 jian1 period of time; time; time period; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 万一[萬一] wan4 yi1 just in case; if by any chance; contingency 传染[傳染] chuan2 ran3 to infect; contagious //The Falls - S1/Ep1/125 words - 10 min 贱人[賤人] jian4 ren2 slut; cheap person 餐点[餐點] can1 dian3 food; dish; meal 敲门[敲門] qiao1 men2 to knock on a door 敲[敲] qiao1 to hit; to strike; to tap; to rap; to knock; to rip sb off; to overcharge 看书[看書] kan4 shu1 to read; to study 耳机[耳機] er3 ji1 headphones; earphones; telephone receiver 短信[短信] duan3 xin4 text message; SMS 伺候[伺候] ci4 hou4 to serve; to wait upon 饭店[飯店] fan4 dian4 restaurant; hotel; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] 多嘴[多嘴] duo1 zui3 talkative; to speak out of turn; to blab; to shoot one's mouth off; rumors fly 生病[生病] sheng1 bing4 to fall ill 医生[醫生] yi1 sheng1 doctor; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 事实上[事實上] shi4 shi2 shang4 in fact; in reality; actually; as a matter of fact; de facto; ipso facto 惊人[驚人] jing1 ren2 astonishing 速度[速度] su4 du4 speed; rate; velocity; (music) tempo; CL:個|个[ge4] 信任[信任] xin4 ren4 to trust; to have confidence in 欧洲[歐洲] Ou1 zhou1 Europe; abbr. for 歐羅巴洲|欧罗巴洲[Ou1 luo2 ba1 Zhou1] 基本[基本] ji1 ben3 basic; fundamental; main; elementary 公[公] gong1 public; collectively owned; common; international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar); make public; fair; just; Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]; honorable (gentlemen); father-in-law; male (animal) 卫[衛] wei4 to guard; to protect; to defend; abbr. for 衛生|卫生, hygiene; health; abbr. for 衛生間|卫生间, toilet 体系[體系] ti3 xi4 system; setup; CL:個|个[ge4] 医疗[醫療] yi1 liao2 medical treatment 不至于[不至於] bu4 zhi4 yu2 unlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as 崩盘[崩盤] beng1 pan2 (finance) to crash; to collapse; crash 显然[顯然] xian3 ran2 clear; evident; obvious(ly) //The Falls - S1/Ep1/150 words - 15 min 蓝色[藍色] lan2 se4 blue (color) 防水[防水] fang2 shui3 waterproof 布[布] bu4 cloth; to declare; to announce; to spread; to make known 快要[快要] kuai4 yao4 almost; nearly; almost all 受不了[受不了] shou4 bu4 liao3 unbearable; unable to endure; can't stand 闷[悶] men4 bored; depressed; melancholy; sealed; airtight; tightly closed 打电话[打電話] da3 dian4 hua4 to make a telephone call 礼拜[禮拜] li3 bai4 week; religious service; worship; CL:個|个[ge4] 里[里] li3 li, ancient measure of length, approx. 500 m; neighborhood; ancient administrative unit of 25 families; (Tw) borough, administrative unit between the township 鎮|镇[zhen4] and neighborhood 鄰|邻[lin2] levels 客厅[客廳] ke4 ting1 drawing room (room for arriving guests); living room; CL:間|间[jian1] 眼神[眼神] yan3 shen2 expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect) 字条[字條] zi4 tiao2 brief note 门口[門口] men2 kou3 doorway; gate; CL:個|个[ge4] 煮[煮] zhu3 to cook; to boil 咖[咖] ka1 coffee; class; grade 喱[喱] li2 grain weight 吃完[吃完] chi1 wan2 to finish eating 汤匙[湯匙] tang1 chi2 soup spoon; tablespoon; CL:把[ba3] 盘子[盤子] pan2 zi5 tray; plate; dish; CL:個|个[ge4] 刮[刮] gua1 to scrape; to blow; to shave; to plunder; to extort 结婚[結婚] jie2 hun1 to marry; to get married; CL:次[ci4] 分开[分開] fen1 kai1 to separate; to part 这阵子[這陣子] zhe4 zhen4 zi5 now; at present; at this juncture 三民[三民] San1 min2 Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan 派出所[派出所] pai4 chu1 suo3 local police station //The Falls - S1/Ep1/175 words - 19 min 警察[警察] jing3 cha2 police; police officer; CL:個|个[ge4] 振兴[振興] zhen4 xing1 to revive; to revitalize; to invigorate; to re-energize 急诊室[急診室] ji2 zhen3 shi4 emergency room 健[健] jian4 healthy; to invigorate; to strengthen; to be good at; to be strong in 保[保] bao3 to defend; to protect; to keep; to guarantee; to ensure; civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old) 卡[卡] ka3 to stop; to block; (computing) (coll.) slow; (loanword) card; CL:張|张[zhang1],片[pian4]; truck (from "car"); calorie (abbr. for 卡路里[ka3 lu4 li3]); cassette 匆匆[匆匆] cong1 cong1 hurriedly 防疫[防疫] fang2 yi4 disease prevention; protection against epidemic 急诊[急診] ji2 zhen3 emergency call; emergency (medical) treatment 计程车[計程車] ji4 cheng2 che1 (Tw) taxi; cab 用来[用來] yong4 lai2 to be used for 阿姨[阿姨] a1 yi2 maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child); CL:個|个[ge4] 心理[心理] xin1 li3 mental; psychological 桥[橋] qiao2 bridge; CL:座[zuo4] 情绪[情緒] qing2 xu4 mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:種|种[zhong3] 蛮[蠻] man2 barbarian; bullying; very; quite; rough; reckless 激动[激動] ji1 dong4 to move emotionally; to stir up (emotions); to excite 报[報] bao4 to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; recompense; revenge; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] 警[警] jing3 to alert; to warn; police 贴[貼] tie1 to stick; to paste; to post (e.g. on a blog); to keep close to; to fit snugly; to subsidize; allowance (e.g. money for food or housing); sticker; classifier for sticking plaster: strip 警告[警告] jing3 gao4 to warn; to admonish 肺炎[肺炎] fei4 yan2 pneumonia; inflammation of the lungs 几次[幾次] ji3 ci4 several times 洗澡[洗澡] xi3 zao3 to bathe; to take a shower 几乎[幾乎] ji1 hu1 almost; nearly; practically //The Falls - S1/Ep1/200 words - 26 min 奇[奇] qi2 strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually 介意[介意] jie4 yi4 to care about; to take offense; to mind 参观[參觀] can1 guan1 to look around; to tour; to visit 常常[常常] chang2 chang2 frequently; often 早餐[早餐] zao3 can1 breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 用力[用力] yong4 li4 to exert oneself physically 奇文[奇文] qi2 wen2 remarkable work; peculiar writing 弟弟[弟弟] di4 di5 younger brother; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 弗兰克[弗蘭克] Fu2 lan2 ke4 Frank (name) 国[國] guo2 country; nation; state; national; CL:個|个[ge4] 离婚[離婚] li2 hun1 to divorce; divorced from (one's spouse) 压力[壓力] ya1 li4 pressure 导致[導致] dao3 zhi4 to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about 精神[精神] jing1 shen2 spirit; mind; consciousness; thought; mental; psychological; essence; gist; CL:個|个[ge4] 崩溃[崩潰] beng1 kui4 to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart 建议[建議] jian4 yi4 to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation; CL:個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3] 住院[住院] zhu4 yuan4 to be in hospital; to be hospitalized 观察[觀察] guan1 cha2 to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation; view; perspective; CL:個|个[ge4] 按时[按時] an4 shi2 on time; before deadline; on schedule 爸[爸] ba4 father; dad; pa; papa 薪水[薪水] xin1 shui3 salary; wage 薪[薪] xin1 fuel; salary 便当[便當] bian4 dang1 convenient; handy; easy; bento (a meal in a partitioned box); lunchbox 特[特] te4 special; unique; distinguished; especially; unusual; very; abbr. for 特克斯[te4 ke4 si1], tex 餐[餐] can1 meal; to eat; classifier for meals //The Falls - S1/Ep1/225 words - 29 min 鳕鱼[鱈魚] xue3 yu2 cod 挂号信[掛號信] gua4 hao4 xin4 registered letter 寄[寄] ji4 to send; to mail; to entrust; to depend on; to attach oneself to; to live (in a house); to lodge; foster (son etc) 管理[管理] guan3 li3 to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration; CL:個|个[ge4] 伯伯[伯伯] bo2 bo5 father's elder brother; uncle 大楼[大樓] da4 lou2 building (a relatively large, multi-storey one); CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4] 拉皮[拉皮] la1 pi2 to have a facelift; facelift 工程[工程] gong1 cheng2 engineering; an engineering project; project; undertaking; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 户[戶] hu4 a household; door; family 负担[負擔] fu4 dan1 burden; to bear a burden 前天[前天] qian2 tian1 the day before yesterday 解除[解除] jie3 chu2 to remove; to sack; to get rid of; to relieve (sb of their duties); to free; to lift (an embargo); to rescind (an agreement) 贞[貞] zhen1 chaste 惊喜[驚喜] jing1 xi3 nice surprise; to be pleasantly surprised 门铃[門鈴] men2 ling2 doorbell 拜拜[拜拜] bai2 bai2 (loanword) bye-bye; also pr. [bai1 bai1] etc; (coll.) to part ways (with sb); (fig.) to have nothing further to do (with sb or sth) 闲聊[閑聊] xian2 liao2 to chat; idle gossip 闲[閒] xian2 variant of 閑|闲, idle; unoccupied; leisure; free time 偶尔[偶爾] ou3 er3 occasionally; once in a while; sometimes 互相[互相] hu4 xiang1 each other; mutually; mutual 好意[好意] hao3 yi4 good intention; kindness 下雨[下雨] xia4 yu3 to rain 硬[硬] ying4 hard; stiff; strong; firm; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person) 淋[淋] lin2 to sprinkle; to drip; to pour; to drench 吃药[吃藥] chi1 yao4 to take medicine //The Falls - S1/Ep1/250 words - 34 min 睡衣[睡衣] shui4 yi1 night clothes; pajamas 刷牙[刷牙] shua1 ya2 to brush one's teeth 洗脸[洗臉] xi3 lian3 to wash your face 睡着[睡著] shui4 zhao2 to fall asleep 需[需] xu1 to require; to need; to want; necessity; need 产品[產品] chan3 pin3 goods; merchandise; product; CL:個|个[ge4] 品相[品相] pin3 xiang4 condition; physical appearance (of a museum piece, item of food produced by a chef, postage stamp etc) 锁[鎖] suo3 to lock up; to lock; lock; CL:把[ba3] 电脑[電腦] dian4 nao3 computer; CL:臺|台[tai2] 路易斯[路易斯] Lu4 yi4 si1 Louis or Lewis (name) 隔壁[隔壁] ge2 bi4 next door; neighbor 位子[位子] wei4 zi5 place; seat 连动[連動] lian2 dong4 to link; to peg (currency); gang (gears); continuously; serial verb construction 吓坏[嚇壞] xia4 huai4 to be terrified; to terrify sb 键盘[鍵盤] jian4 pan2 keyboard 拼写[拼寫] pin1 xie3 to spell 设定[設定] she4 ding4 to set; to set up; to install; setting; preferences 封[封] feng1 to confer; to grant; to bestow a title; to seal; classifier for sealed objects, esp. letters 降[降] jiang4 to drop; to fall; to come down; to descend 降[降] xiang2 to surrender; to capitulate; to subdue; to tame 下班[下班] xia4 ban1 to finish work; to get off work 接到[接到] jie1 dao4 to receive (letter etc) 车子[車子] che1 zi5 car or other vehicle (bicycle, truck etc) 匆忙[匆忙] cong1 mang2 hasty; hurried 停车场[停車場] ting2 che1 chang3 parking lot; car park 柱子[柱子] zhu4 zi5 pillar; CL:根[gen1] //The Falls - S1/Ep1/275 words - 35 min 大学[大學] da4 xue2 university; college; CL:所[suo3] 入学[入學] ru4 xue2 to enter a school or college; to go to school for the first time as a child 指定[指定] zhi3 ding4 to appoint; to assign; to indicate clearly and with certainty; designated 科目[科目] ke1 mu4 subject 考试[考試] kao3 shi4 to take an exam; exam; CL:次[ci4] 甄[甄] zhen1 to distinguish; to evaluate 推甄[推甄] tui1 zhen1 to recommend a student for admission to a higher-level school; to put a student on the recommendation track (one of several ways of gaining admission to a higher-level school in Taiwan); abbr. for 推薦甄選|推荐甄选 学测[學測] Xue2 ce4 abbr. for 大學學科能力測驗|大学学科能力测验[Da4 xue2 Xue2 ke1 Neng2 li4 Ce4 yan4] 成绩[成績] cheng2 ji4 achievement; performance records; grades; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 讨论[討論] tao3 lun4 to discuss; to talk over; CL:個|个[ge4] 管理员[管理員] guan3 li3 yuan2 manager; administrator 贷款[貸款] dai4 kuan3 a loan; CL:筆|笔[bi3]; to provide a loan (e.g. bank); to raise a loan (from e.g. a bank) 缴[繳] jiao3 to hand in; to hand over; to seize 单[單] dan1 bill; list; form; single; only; sole; odd number; CL:個|个[ge4] 秃子[禿子] tu1 zi5 bald-headed person; baldy 筋[筋] jin1 muscle; tendon; veins visible under the skin; sth resembling tendons or veins (e.g. fiber in a vegetable) 敌意[敵意] di2 yi4 enmity; hostility 南美[南美] Nan2 Mei3 South America 基金[基金] ji1 jin1 fund 阵子[陣子] zhen4 zi5 period of time 价钱[價錢] jia4 qian5 price 耽误[耽誤] dan1 wu5 to delay; to hold up; to waste time; to interfere with 房贷[房貸] fang2 dai4 home loan 涨[漲] zhang4 to swell; to distend 倍[倍] bei4 (two, three etc) -fold; times (multiplier); double; to increase or multiply //The Falls - S1/Ep1/300 words - 39 min 翻过[翻過] fan1 guo4 to turn over; to transform 外币[外幣] wai4 bi4 foreign currency 存折[存摺] cun2 zhe2 passbook; bankbook 衣柜[衣櫃] yi1 gui4 wardrobe; armoire; CL:個|个[ge4] 黄金[黃金] huang2 jin1 gold; golden (opportunity); prime (time) 出国[出國] chu1 guo2 to go abroad; to leave the country; emigration 读书[讀書] du2 shu1 to read a book; to study; to attend school 贱[賤] jian4 inexpensive; lowly 梦见[夢見] meng4 jian4 to dream about (sth or sb); to see in a dream 栋[棟] dong4 classifier for houses or buildings; ridgepole (old) 外围[外圍] wai4 wei2 surrounding 护[護] hu4 to protect 栏[欄] lan2 fence; railing; hurdle; column or box (of text or other data) 安静[安靜] an1 jing4 quiet; peaceful; calm 往来[往來] wang3 lai2 dealings; contacts; to go back and forth 听见[聽見] ting1 jian4 to hear 笑声[笑聲] xiao4 sheng1 laughter 接着[接著] jie1 zhe5 to catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn 学会[學會] xue2 hui4 to learn; to master; institute; learned society; (scholarly) association 走路[走路] zou3 lu4 to walk; to go on foot 另[另] ling4 other; another; separate; separately 一头[一頭] yi1 tou2 one head; a head full of sth; one end (of a stick); one side; headlong; directly; rapidly; simultaneously 阳台[陽台] yang2 tai2 variant of 陽臺|阳台[yang2 tai2] 摇[搖] yao2 to shake; to rock; to row; to crank 摇晃[搖晃] yao2 huang4 to rock; to shake; to sway //The Falls - S1/Ep1/325 words - 44 min 晃[晃] huang3 to dazzle; to flash past 晃[晃] huang4 to sway; to shake; to wander about 尖叫[尖叫] jian1 jiao4 to screech; to shriek 摔[摔] shuai1 to throw down; to fall; to drop and break 楼[樓] lou2 house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor; CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4] 方向[方向] fang1 xiang4 direction; orientation; path to follow; CL:個|个[ge4] 冲[沖] chong1 (of water) to dash against; to mix with water; to infuse; to rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to clash; to collide with 边缘[邊緣] bian1 yuan2 edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline 急刹车[急剎車] ji2 sha1 che1 emergency braking 回头[回頭] hui2 tou2 to turn round; to turn one's head; later; by and by 刹[剎] sha1 to brake 不住[不住] bu4 zhu4 repeatedly; continuously; constantly; unable to (resist, conceal etc) 直[直] zhi2 straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters 醒来[醒來] xing3 lai2 to waken 不问[不問] bu4 wen4 to pay no attention to; to disregard; to ignore; to let go unpunished; to let off 赖床[賴床] lai4 chuang2 to have a lie-in; to dawdle in bed 上学[上學] shang4 xue2 to go to school; to attend school 司机[司機] si1 ji1 chauffeur; driver; CL:個|个[ge4] 大哥[大哥] da4 ge1 eldest brother; big brother (polite address for a man of about the same age as oneself); gang leader; boss 靠边[靠邊] kao4 bian1 to keep to the side; to pull over; move aside! 停车[停車] ting2 che1 to pull up (stop one's vehicle); to park; (of a machine) to stop working; to stall 恶梦[惡夢] e4 meng4 nightmare 前头[前頭] qian2 tou5 in front; at the head; ahead; above 不快[不快] bu4 kuai4 unhappy; in low spirits; (of a knife) not sharp 入迷[入迷] ru4 mi2 to be fascinated; to be enchanted 被动[被動] bei4 dong4 passive //The Falls - S1/Ep1/350 words - 45 min 形态[形態] xing2 tai4 shape; form; pattern; morphology 全然[全然] quan2 ran2 completely 母亲[母親] mu3 qin1 mother; also pr. [mu3 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 深情[深情] shen1 qing2 deep emotion; deep feeling; deep love 原则[原則] yuan2 ze2 principle; doctrine; CL:個|个[ge4] 形容[形容] xing2 rong2 to describe; description; appearance; look 词[詞] ci2 word; statement; speech; lyrics; CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]; a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2]; CL:首[shou3] 指[指] zhi3 finger; to point at or to; to indicate or refer to; to depend on; to count on; (of hair) to stand on end 深爱[深愛] shen1 ai4 to love dearly 仑[崙] lun2 Kunlun (Karakorum) mountain range in Xinjiang 区[區] qu1 area; region; district; small; distinguish; CL:個|个[ge4] 呼叫[呼叫] hu1 jiao4 to shout; to yell; (telecommunications) to call 目前[目前] mu4 qian2 at the present time; currently 局限[侷限] ju2 xian4 variant of 局限[ju2 xian4] 火势[火勢] huo3 shi4 intensity of a fire; lively; flourishing 失火[失火] shi1 huo3 to catch fire; on fire; fire (alarm) 着火[著火] zhao2 huo3 to ignite; to burn 生命[生命] sheng1 ming4 life (as the characteristic of living beings); living being; creature; CL:個|个[ge4],條|条[tiao2] 征象[徵象] zheng1 xiang4 sign; symptom 稳定[穩定] wen3 ding4 steady; stable; stability; to stabilize; to pacify 右手[右手] you4 shou3 right hand; right-hand side 轻微[輕微] qing1 wei1 slight; light; trivial; to a small extent 灼伤[灼傷] zhuo2 shang1 a burn (tissue damage from heat, chemicals etc); to burn (the skin etc); (fig.) (of anger, jealousy etc) to hurt (sb) 进一步[進一步] jin4 yi1 bu4 one step further; to move forward a step; further onwards 身心[身心] shen1 xin1 body and mind; mental and physical //The Falls - S1/Ep1/375 words - 49 min 方面[方面] fang1 mian4 respect; aspect; field; side; CL:個|个[ge4] 上个月[上個月] shang4 ge4 yue4 last month 就诊[就診] jiu4 zhen3 to see a doctor; to seek medical advice 疫情[疫情] yi4 qing2 epidemic situation 科[科] ke1 branch of study; administrative section; division; field; branch; stage directions; family (taxonomy); rules; laws; to mete out (punishment); to levy (taxes etc); to fine sb; CL:個|个[ge4] 玲[玲] ling2 (onom.) ting-a-ling (in compounds such as 玎玲 or 玲瓏|玲珑); tinkling of gem-pendants 扫[掃] sao3 to sweep 扫[掃] sao4 broom 电[電] dian4 electric; electricity; electrical 电梯[電梯] dian4 ti1 elevator; escalator; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4] 鞋[鞋] xie2 shoe; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] 柜[櫃] gui4 cupboard; cabinet; wardrobe 碍[礙] ai4 to hinder; to obstruct; to block 观[觀] guan1 to look at; to watch; to observe; to behold; to advise; concept; point of view; outlook 瞻[瞻] zhan1 to gaze; to view 难看[難看] nan2 kan4 ugly; unsightly 离职[離職] li2 zhi2 to retire; to leave office; to quit a job 手续[手續] shou3 xu4 procedure; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]; formalities 职[職] zhi2 office; duty 巷子[巷子] xiang4 zi5 alley 邻居[鄰居] lin2 ju1 neighbor; next door; CL:個|个[ge4] 药店[藥店] yao4 dian4 pharmacy 排[排] pai2 a row; a line; to set in order; to arrange; to line up; to eliminate; to drain; to push open; platoon; raft; classifier for lines, rows etc 长队[長隊] chang2 dui4 line (i.e. of people waiting); queue 民众[民眾] min2 zhong4 populace; masses; the people 口罩[口罩] kou3 zhao4 mask (surgical etc) //The Falls - S1/Ep1/400 words - 52 min 排队[排隊] pai2 dui4 to line up 要钱[要錢] yao4 qian2 to charge; to demand payment 十几[十幾] shi2 ji3 more than ten; a dozen or more 念[念] nian4 to read; to study (a subject); to attend (a school); to read aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20) 打扫[打掃] da3 sao3 to clean; to sweep 中午[中午] zhong1 wu3 noon; midday; CL:個|个[ge4] 部门[部門] bu4 men2 department; branch; section; division; CL:個|个[ge4] 主管[主管] zhu3 guan3 in charge; responsible for; person in charge; manager 感到[感到] gan3 dao4 to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect 遗憾[遺憾] yi2 han4 regret; to regret; to be sorry that 同事[同事] tong2 shi4 colleague; co-worker; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 放学[放學] fang4 xue2 to dismiss students at the end of the school day 开车[開車] kai1 che1 to drive a car 车位[車位] che1 wei4 parking spot; unloading point; garage place; stand for taxi 保险[保險] bao3 xian3 insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to; CL:份[fen4] 杆[桿] gan3 stick; pole; lever; classifier for long objects such as guns 柜台[櫃檯] gui4 tai2 sales counter; front desk; bar; (of markets, medicines etc) OTC (over-the-counter) 旁[旁] pang2 beside; one side; other; side; self; the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic 接待[接待] jie1 dai4 to receive (a visitor); to admit (allow sb to enter) 报警[報警] bao4 jing3 to sound an alarm; to report sth to the police 服务[服務] fu2 wu4 to serve; service; CL:項|项[xiang4] 心意[心意] xin1 yi4 regard; kindly feelings; intention 笔[筆] bi3 pen; pencil; writing brush; to write or compose; the strokes of Chinese characters; classifier for sums of money, deals; CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1] 汇[匯] hui4 to remit; to converge (of rivers); to exchange 账户[賬戶] zhang4 hu4 bank account; online account //The Falls - S1/Ep1/425 words - 58 min 依据[依據] yi1 ju4 according to; basis; foundation 月薪[月薪] yue4 xin1 monthly income (in kind) 现金[現金] xian4 jin1 cash 汇入[匯入] hui4 ru4 to flow into; to converge (of river); (computing) to import (data) 地上[地上] di4 shang5 on the ground; on the floor 晾[晾] liang4 to dry in the air; (fig.) to cold-shoulder 到处[到處] dao4 chu4 everywhere 拖[拖] tuo1 to drag; to tow; to trail; to hang down; to mop (the floor); to delay; to drag on 领[領] ling3 neck; collar; to lead; to receive; classifier for clothes, mats, screens etc 紧急[緊急] jin3 ji2 urgent; emergency 发病[發病] fa1 bing4 onset; outbreak (of a disease) 以来[以來] yi3 lai2 since (a previous event) 状况[狀況] zhuang4 kuang4 condition; state; situation; CL:個|个[ge4] 病情[病情] bing4 qing2 state of an illness; patient's condition 改善[改善] gai3 shan4 to make better; to improve; CL:個|个[ge4] 药物[藥物] yao4 wu4 medicaments; pharmaceuticals; medication; medicine; drug 治疗[治療] zhi4 liao2 to treat (an illness); medical treatment; therapy 恶化[惡化] e4 hua4 to worsen 获得[獲得] huo4 de2 to obtain; to receive; to get 产生[產生] chan3 sheng1 to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield 理解[理解] li3 jie3 to comprehend; to understand; comprehension; understanding 否定[否定] fou3 ding4 to negate; to deny; to reject; negative (answer); negation 角度[角度] jiao3 du4 angle; point of view 国外[國外] guo2 wai4 abroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign 美术馆[美術館] mei3 shu4 guan3 art gallery //The Falls - S1/Ep1/450 words - 59 min 幅[幅] fu2 width; roll; classifier for textiles or pictures 实际[實際] shi2 ji4 reality; practice; practical; realistic; real; actual 原作[原作] yuan2 zuo4 original works; original text; original author 精致[精緻] jing1 zhi4 delicate; fine; exquisite; refined 粉[粉] fen3 powder; cosmetic face powder; food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour; whitewash; white; pink 彩[彩] cai3 (bright) color; variety; applause; applaud; lottery prize 夕阳[夕陽] xi1 yang2 sunset; the setting sun 光线[光線] guang1 xian4 light ray; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]; light; illumination; lighting (for a photograph) 远处[遠處] yuan3 chu4 distant place 山脉[山脈] shan1 mai4 mountain range; CL:條|条[tiao2] 骑师[騎師] qi2 shi1 jockey; horse rider; horseman; equestrian 穿着[穿著] chuan1 zhuo2 attire; clothes; dress 缤纷[繽紛] bin1 fen1 vast and various; rich and diverse 颜色[顏色] yan2 se4 color; countenance; appearance; facial expression; pigment; dyestuff 褪[褪] tui4 to take off (clothes); to shed feathers; (of color) to fade; to discolor 剩[剩] sheng4 to remain; to be left; to have as remainder 世纪[世紀] shi4 ji4 century; CL:個|个[ge4] 法国[法國] Fa3 guo2 France; French 画家[畫家] hua4 jia1 painter; CL:個|个[ge4] 赛马[賽馬] sai4 ma3 horse race; horse racing 着重[著重] zhuo2 zhong4 to put emphasis on; to stress 冲刺[衝刺] chong1 ci4 to sprint; to spurt; to dash; big effort 美感[美感] mei3 gan3 sense of beauty; aesthetic perception 德[德] de2 virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind 时代[時代] shi2 dai4 age; era; epoch; period (in one's life); CL:個|个[ge4] //The Falls - S1/Ep1/475 words - 62 min 伟大[偉大] wei3 da4 huge; great; grand; worthy of the greatest admiration; important (contribution etc) 之一[之一] zhi1 yi1 one of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent etc) 飘[飄] piao1 to float 阵雨[陣雨] zhen4 yu3 shower 点点[點點] dian3 dian3 point; speck 洒[灑] sa3 to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed 落[落] luo4 to fall or drop; (of the sun) to set; (of a tide) to go out; to lower; to decline or sink; to lag or fall behind; to fall onto; to rest with; to get or receive; to write down; whereabouts; settlement 寻觅[尋覓] xun2 mi4 to look for 雨伞[雨傘] yu3 san3 umbrella; CL:把[ba3] 背影[背影] bei4 ying3 rear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object) 唉[唉] ai1 interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!); to sigh 游戏[遊戲] you2 xi4 game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play 朦胧[朦朧] meng2 long2 hazy 横[橫] heng2 horizontal; across; crosswise; horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters); to place (sth) flat (on a surface); to cross (a river, etc); in a jumble; chaotic; (in fixed expressions) harsh and unreasonable; violent 泪[淚] lei4 tears 街头[街頭] jie1 tou2 street 伫立[佇立] zhu4 li4 to stand for a long time 心中[心中] xin1 zhong1 central point; in one's thoughts; in one's heart 是否[是否] shi4 fou3 whether (or not); if; is or isn't 再次[再次] zai4 ci4 one more time; again; one more; once again 骑马[騎馬] qi2 ma3 to ride a horse 一下子[一下子] yi1 xia4 zi5 in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden 没法[沒法] mei2 fa3 at a loss; unable to do anything about it; to have no choice 意会[意會] yi4 hui4 to sense; to grasp intuitively 山谷[山谷] shan1 gu3 valley; ravine //The Falls - S1/Ep1/500 words - 64 min 瞄准[瞄準] miao2 zhun3 to take aim at; to target 复健[復健] fu4 jian4 rehabilitation; recuperate 一部分[一部分] yi1 bu4 fen5 portion; part of; subset 神经病[神經病] shen2 jing1 bing4 mental disorder; neuropathy; (derog.) mental case 白痴[白痴] bai2 chi1 idiocy; idiot 话说回来[話說回來] hua4 shuo1 hui2 lai5 returning to our main topic,...; that said,...; again,...; in this connection; in passing; nevertheless,...; anyhow 投[投] tou2 to cast; to send; to throw oneself (into the river etc); to seek refuge; to place oneself into the hands of 球[球] qiu2 ball; sphere; globe; CL:個|个[ge4]; ball game; match; CL:場|场[chang3] 出院[出院] chu1 yuan4 to leave hospital; to be discharged from hospital 唱歌[唱歌] chang4 ge1 to sing a song 想念[想念] xiang3 nian4 to miss; to remember with longing; to long to see again 晚安[晚安] wan3 an1 Good night!; Good evening! 轮到[輪到] lun2 dao4 to be (sb's or sth's) turn 红线[紅線] hong2 xian4 red line 桶[桶] tong3 bucket; (trash) can; barrel (of oil etc); CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 加油[加油] jia1 you2 to add oil; to top up with gas; to refuel; to accelerate; to step on the gas; (fig.) to make an extra effort; to cheer sb on 妈的[媽的] ma1 de5 see 他媽的|他妈的[ta1 ma1 de5] 银行[銀行] yin2 hang2 bank; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] 身份证[身份證] shen1 fen4 zheng4 identity card; ID 妹妹[妹妹] mei4 mei5 younger sister; young woman; CL:個|个[ge4] 今年[今年] jin1 nian2 this year 几岁[幾歲] ji3 sui4 how old are you? (familiar, or to a child) 未[未] wei4 not yet; did not; have not; not; 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep; ancient Chinese compass point: 210° 法律[法律] fa3 lu:4 law; CL:條|条[tiao2], 套[tao4], 個|个[ge4] 未成[未成] wei4 cheng2 minor (i.e. person under 18); incomplete; unachieved; failed; abortive //The Falls - S1/Ep1/525 words - 68 min 除非[除非] chu2 fei1 only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only when; only in the case that; unless 亲自[親自] qin1 zi4 personally; in person; oneself 拜托[拜託] bai4 tuo1 to request sb to do sth; please! 款[款] kuan3 section; paragraph; funds; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]; classifier for versions or models (of a product) 拍卖[拍賣] pai1 mai4 to auction; auction sale; to sell at a reduced price 律师[律師] lu:4 shi1 lawyer 法院[法院] fa3 yuan4 court of law; court 监护[監護] jian1 hu4 to act as a guardian 辅助[輔助] fu3 zhu4 to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary; subsidiary 宣告[宣告] xuan1 gao4 to declare; to proclaim 陪同[陪同] pei2 tong2 to accompany 财务[財務] cai2 wu4 financial affairs 听不懂[聽不懂] ting1 bu5 dong3 unable to make sense of what one is hearing 学期[學期] xue2 qi1 term; semester; CL:個|个[ge4] 家门[家門] jia1 men2 house door; family clan 卫兵[衛兵] wei4 bing1 guard; bodyguard 监视[監視] jian1 shi4 to monitor; to keep a close watch over; surveillance 巡逻[巡邏] xun2 luo2 to patrol (police, army or navy) 蛋壳[蛋殼] dan4 ke2 eggshell 剥[剝] bo1 to peel; to skin; to flay; to shuck 蛋[蛋] dan4 egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2]; oval-shaped thing 磕磕巴巴[磕磕巴巴] ke1 ke1 ba1 ba1 stammering; stuttering; not speaking fluently 桌[桌] zhuo1 table; desk; classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc 弄到[弄到] nong4 dao4 to get hold of; to obtain; to secure; to come by 房子[房子] fang2 zi5 house; building (single- or two-story); apartment; room; CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],套[tao4],間|间[jian1] //The Falls - S1/Ep1/550 words - 73 min 卖掉[賣掉] mai4 diao4 to sell off; to get rid of in a sale 付[付] fu4 to pay; to hand over to; classifier for pairs or sets of things 加上[加上] jia1 shang4 plus; to put in; to add; to add on; to add into; in addition; on top of that 包括[包括] bao1 kuo4 to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of 整修[整修] zheng3 xiu1 to repair; to refurbish; to renovate; to refit; to mend; to rebuild 下个月[下個月] xia4 ge4 yue4 next month 乱说[亂說] luan4 shuo1 to talk drivel; to make irresponsible remarks 影子[影子] ying3 zi5 shadow; reflection; (fig.) hint; indication; influence; CL:個|个[ge4] 照片[照片] zhao4 pian4 photograph; picture; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4],幅[fu2] 唱片[唱片] chang4 pian4 gramophone record; LP; music CD; musical album; CL:張|张[zhang1] 迟早[遲早] chi2 zao3 sooner or later 散步[散步] san4 bu4 to take a walk; to go for a walk 烦恼[煩惱] fan2 nao3 to be worried; to be distressed; worries 一阵子[一陣子] yi1 zhen4 zi5 a while; a spell; a short time; a burst 卖场[賣場] mai4 chang3 market; store; mall (usually specializing in a particular product category such as furniture) 公告[公告] gong1 gao4 post; announcement 招聘[招聘] zhao1 pin4 to invite applications for a job; to recruit 员工[員工] yuan2 gong1 staff; personnel; employee 坏处[壞處] huai4 chu5 harm; troubles; CL:個|个[ge4] 收入[收入] shou1 ru4 to take in; income; revenue; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] 着急[著急] zhao2 ji2 to worry; to feel anxious; Taiwan pr. [zhao1 ji2] 经验[經驗] jing1 yan4 experience; to experience 学校[學校] xue2 xiao4 school; CL:所[suo3] 毕业[畢業] bi4 ye4 graduation; to graduate; to finish school 短暂[短暫] duan3 zan4 of short duration; brief; momentary //The Falls - S1/Ep1/575 words - 75 min 停下来[停下來] ting2 xia4 lai2 to stop 基本上[基本上] ji1 ben3 shang5 basically; on the whole 应征[應徵] ying4 zheng1 to apply (for a job); to reply to a job advertisement 有趣[有趣] you3 qu4 interesting; fascinating; amusing 谈话[談話] tan2 hua4 talk; conversation; CL:次[ci4] 适应[適應] shi4 ying4 to adapt; to fit; to suit 意见[意見] yi4 jian4 idea; opinion; suggestion; objection; complaint; CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tiao2] 几年[幾年] ji3 nian2 a few years; several years; how many years 过世[過世] guo4 shi4 to die; to pass away 私事[私事] si1 shi4 personal matters 牛奶[牛奶] niu2 nai3 cow's milk; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 到货[到貨] dao4 huo4 (of packages or shipments) to arrive 大约[大約] da4 yue1 approximately; probably 货[貨] huo4 goods; money; commodity; CL:個|个[ge4] 开店[開店] kai1 dian4 to open shop 温度[溫度] wen1 du4 temperature; CL:個|个[ge4] 卷帘[捲簾] juan3 lian2 roller shutter; a blind 窗帘[窗簾] chuang1 lian2 window curtains 嗯[嗯] en5 interjection indicating approval, appreciation or agreement 内外[內外] nei4 wai4 inside and outside; domestic and foreign; approximately; about 节能[節能] jie2 neng2 to save energy; energy-saving 防[防] fang2 to protect; to defend; to guard against; to prevent 虫[蟲] chong2 lower form of animal life, including insects, insect larvae, worms and similar creatures; CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1]; person with a particular undesirable characteristic 灯[燈] deng1 lamp; light; lantern; CL:盞|盏[zhan3] 度[度] du4 to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit; extent; degree of intensity; degree (angles, temperature etc); kilowatt-hour; classifier for events and occurrences //The Falls - S1/Ep1/600 words - 76 min 牌价[牌價] pai2 jia4 list price 蚵仔煎[蚵仔煎] e2 zi3 jian1 oyster omelette (Taiwanese, POJ pr. [ô-á-chian]) 外卖[外賣] wai4 mai4 to go; take out (relates to food bought at a restaurant) 生意[生意] sheng1 yi4 life force; vitality 俗[俗] su2 custom; convention; popular; common; coarse; vulgar; secular 话说[話說] hua4 shuo1 It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative); to discuss; to recount 忙碌[忙碌] mang2 lu4 busy; bustling 摊[攤] tan1 to spread out; vendor's stand 肢体[肢體] zhi1 ti3 limb; limbs and trunk; body 语言[語言] yu3 yan2 language; CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3] 印证[印證] yin4 zheng4 to seal; to confirm; to corroborate; to verify 一句话[一句話] yi1 ju4 hua4 in a word; in short 解封[解封] jie3 feng1 to lift a ban 放风[放風] fang4 feng1 to allow in fresh air; to allow a prisoner out for exercise; to give out information 彰[彰] zhang1 clear; conspicuous; manifest 化[化] hua4 to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform; abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2] 鹿港[鹿港] Lu4 gang3 Lukang town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan 老街[老街] Lao3 jie1 Lao Cai, Vietnam; Laokai or Laukkai, Burma (Myanmar) 拥挤[擁擠] yong1 ji3 crowded; to throng; congestion 爆发[爆發] bao4 fa1 to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out 旱[旱] han4 drought 再度[再度] zai4 du4 once more; once again; one more time 逢[逢] feng2 to meet by chance; to come across; (of a calendar event) to come along; (of an event) to fall on (a particular day); to fawn upon 甘[甘] gan1 sweet; willing 霖[霖] lin2 continued rain //The Falls - S1/Ep1/625 words - 82 min 平常[平常] ping2 chang2 ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily 聊天[聊天] liao2 tian1 to chat; to gossip 私底下[私底下] si1 di3 xia5 privately; secretly; confidentially 认得[認得] ren4 de5 to recognize; to remember sth (or sb) on seeing it; to know 姐[姐] jie3 older sister 逛逛[逛逛] guang4 guang5 to roam around; to have a stroll 电话[電話] dian4 hua4 telephone; CL:部[bu4]; phone call; CL:通[tong1]; phone number 留给[留給] liu2 gei3 to set aside for 画廊[畫廊] hua4 lang2 gallery 预警[預警] yu4 jing3 warning; early warning 男生[男生] nan2 sheng1 schoolboy; male student; boy; guy (young adult male) 温柔[溫柔] wen1 rou2 gentle and soft; tender 情话[情話] qing2 hua4 terms of endearment; words of love 绵绵[綿綿] mian2 mian2 continuous; uninterrupted 赶走[趕走] gan3 zou3 to drive out; to turn back 白天[白天] bai2 tian1 daytime; during the day; day; CL:個|个[ge4] 来得[來得] lai2 de5 to emerge (from a comparison); to come out as; to be competent or equal to 思念[思念] si1 nian4 to think of; to long for; to miss 饼干[餅乾] bing3 gan1 biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] 盒[盒] he2 small box; case 研究[研究] yan2 jiu1 research; a study; CL:項|项[xiang4]; to research; to look into 客人[客人] ke4 ren2 visitor; guest; customer; client; CL:位[wei4] 结账[結賬] jie2 zhang4 to pay the bill; to settle accounts; also written 結帳|结帐 哎[哎] ai1 hey!; (interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation) 呐[吶] na5 sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊[ne5 a5] or variant of 哪[na5]) //The Falls - S1/Ep1/650 words - 86 min 偷工减料[偷工減料] tou1 gong1 jian3 liao4 to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom); jerry-building; sloppy work 老头[老頭] lao3 tou2 old fellow; old man; father; husband 表演[表演] biao3 yan3 play; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to demonstrate; CL:場|场[chang3] 忍[忍] ren3 to bear; to endure; to tolerate; to restrain oneself 帮手[幫手] bang1 shou3 helper; assistant 踹[踹] chuai4 to kick; to trample; to tread on 元[元] yuan2 currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan); first; original; primary; fundamental; constituent; part; era (of a reign); meta- (prefix); (math.) argument; variable; (Tw) (geology) eon 哪儿[哪兒] na3 r5 where?; wherever; anywhere 嘿[嘿] hei1 hey 拦[攔] lan2 to block sb's path; to obstruct; to flag down (a taxi) 拖拖拉拉[拖拖拉拉] tuo1 tuo1 la1 la1 to procrastinate 拆[拆] chai1 to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open 阳光[陽光] yang2 guang1 sunshine; CL:線|线[xian4]; transparent (open to public scrutiny) 中介[中介] zhong1 jie4 to act as intermediary; to link; intermediate; inter-; agency; agent 星期[星期] xing1 qi1 week; CL:個|个[ge4]; day of the week; Sunday 培养[培養] pei2 yang3 to cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology) 主动[主動] zhu3 dong4 to take the initiative; to do sth of one's own accord; spontaneous; active; opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]; drive (of gears and shafts etc) 吃亏[吃虧] chi1 kui1 to suffer losses; to come to grief; to lose out; to get the worst of it; to be at a disadvantage; unfortunately 星期六[星期六] Xing1 qi1 liu4 Saturday 荣幸[榮幸] rong2 xing4 honored (to have the privilege of ...) 过房[過房] guo4 fang2 to adopt; to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative) 仲[仲] zhong4 second month of a season; middle; intermediate; second amongst brothers 经济[經濟] jing1 ji4 economy; economic 房价[房價] fang2 jia4 house price; cost of housing 扣[扣] kou4 to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; to smash, spike or dunk (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); (fig.) to tag a label on sb; (Tw) (loanword) code //The Falls - S1/Ep1/675 words - 88 min 税[稅] shui4 taxes; duties 便宜[便宜] pian2 yi5 cheap; inexpensive; small advantages; to let sb off lightly 定[定] ding4 to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order 存[存] cun2 to exist; to deposit; to store; to keep; to survive 利息[利息] li4 xi1 interest (on a loan); CL:筆|笔[bi3] 将近[將近] jiang1 jin4 almost; nearly; close to 租[租] zu1 to hire; to rent; to charter; to rent out; to lease out; rent; land tax 房租[房租] fang2 zu1 rent for a room or house 生活费[生活費] sheng1 huo2 fei4 cost of living; living expenses; alimony 房仲[房仲] fang2 zhong4 real estate agent (Tw) 出租[出租] chu1 zu1 to rent 买方[買方] mai3 fang1 buyer (in contracts) 卖方[賣方] mai4 fang1 seller (in contracts) 出席[出席] chu1 xi2 to attend; to participate; present 签约[簽約] qian1 yue1 to sign a contract or agreement 房屋[房屋] fang2 wu1 house; building; CL:所[suo3],套[tao4] 总价[總價] zong3 jia4 total price 代书[代書] dai4 shu1 to write for sb else; a lawyer who writes legal documents for his clients 应[應] ying1 to agree (to do sth); should; ought to; must; (legal) shall 应[應] ying4 to answer; to respond; to comply with; to deal or cope with 税款[稅款] shui4 kuan3 tax payments 总共[總共] zong3 gong4 altogether; in sum; in all; in total 应得[應得] ying1 de2 to deserve 火灾[火災] huo3 zai1 fire (that burns buildings etc) 屋[屋] wu1 house; room; CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4] 现有[現有] xian4 you3 currently existing; currently available //The Falls - S1/Ep1/700 words - 90 min 家具[家具] jia1 ju4 furniture; CL:件[jian4],套[tao4] 作为[作為] zuo4 wei2 one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be 补偿[補償] bu3 chang2 to compensate; to make up 晓得[曉得] xiao3 de5 to know 经理[經理] jing1 li3 manager; director; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 赵[趙] zhao4 to surpass (old) 明智[明智] ming2 zhi4 sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious 大姐[大姐] da4 jie3 big sister; elder sister; older sister (also polite term of address for a girl or woman slightly older than the speaker) 福气[福氣] fu2 qi5 good fortune; a blessing 杨[楊] yang2 poplar 转角[轉角] zhuan3 jiao3 bend in a street; corner; to turn a corner 帆[帆] fan1 sail; Taiwan pr. [fan2], except 帆布[fan1 bu4] canvas 修好[修好] xiu1 hao3 to repair (sth broken); to restore (sth damaged); to establish friendly relations with; (literary) to do meritorious deeds 沾[沾] zhan1 to moisten; to be infected by; to receive benefit or advantage through a contact; to touch 喜气[喜氣] xi3 qi4 hilarity; cheerful atmosphere 签[簽] qian1 to sign one's name; visa; variant of 籤|签[qian1] 合同[合同] he2 tong5 (business) contract; CL:個|个[ge4] 代[代] dai4 to substitute; to act on behalf of others; to replace; generation; dynasty; age; period; (historical) era; (geological) eon 盖章[蓋章] gai4 zhang1 to affix a seal; to stamp (a document); to sign off on sth 称呼[稱呼] cheng1 hu5 to call; to address as; appellation 大嫂[大嫂] da4 sao3 older brother's wife; sister-in-law; elder sister (respectful appellation for an older married woman) 坪[坪] ping2 a plain; ping, unit of area equal to approx. 3.3058 square meters (used in Japan and Taiwan) 合[合] he2 to close; to join; to fit; to be equal to; whole; together; round (in battle); conjunction (astronomy); 1st note of pentatonic scale; old variant of 盒[he2] 平方米[平方米] ping2 fang1 mi3 square meter 不少[不少] bu4 shao3 many; a lot; not few //The Falls - S1/Ep1/725 words - 93 min 合理[合理] he2 li3 rational; reasonable; fair 低[低] di1 low; beneath; to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; to incline 询问[詢問] xun2 wen4 to inquire 价格[價格] jia4 ge2 price; CL:個|个[ge4] 半夜[半夜] ban4 ye4 midnight; in the middle of the night 高利贷[高利貸] gao1 li4 dai4 loan shark; high-interest loan; usury 冒[冒] mao4 to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth); to brave; to face; reckless; to falsely adopt (sb's identity etc); to feign; (literary) to cover 追杀[追殺] zhui1 sha1 to chase to kill 太太[太太] tai4 tai5 married woman; Mrs.; Madam; wife; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 贪心[貪心] tan1 xin1 greedy 之内[之內] zhi1 nei4 inside; within 成交[成交] cheng2 jiao1 to complete a contract; to reach a deal 搬家[搬家] ban1 jia1 to move house; removal 现[現] xian4 to appear; present; now; existing; current 主要[主要] zhu3 yao4 main; principal; major; primary 那儿[那兒] na4 r5 there 回忆[回憶] hui2 yi4 to recall; memories; CL:個|个[ge4] 当着[當著] dang1 zhe5 in front of; in the presence of 烂[爛] lan4 soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly; crappy; bad 说服[說服] shuo1 fu2 to persuade; to convince; to talk sb over; Taiwan pr. [shui4 fu2] 不再[不再] bu4 zai4 no more; no longer 复杂[複雜] fu4 za2 complicated; complex 无奈[無奈] wu2 nai4 helpless; without choice; for lack of better option; grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbr. for 無可奈何|无可奈何[wu2 ke3 nai4 he2] 狗屁[狗屁] gou3 pi4 bullshit; nonsense 承受[承受] cheng2 shou4 to bear; to support; to inherit //The Falls - S1/Ep1/750 words - 98 min 婚姻[婚姻] hun1 yin1 matrimony; wedding; marriage; CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次[ci4] 谎言[謊言] huang3 yan2 lie 保重[保重] bao3 zhong4 to take care of oneself 眼光[眼光] yan3 guang1 gaze; insight; foresight; vision; way of looking at things 类型[類型] lei4 xing2 type; category; genre; form; style 小孩子[小孩子] xiao3 hai2 zi5 child 西装[西裝] xi1 zhuang1 suit; Western-style clothes; CL:套[tao4] 梳[梳] shu1 a comb; to comb 大油[大油] da4 you2 lard 捧[捧] peng3 to clasp; to cup the hands; to hold up with both hands; to offer (esp. in cupped hands); to praise; to flatter 束[束] shu4 to bind; bunch; bundle; classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc; to control 午餐[午餐] wu3 can1 lunch; luncheon; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 自理[自理] zi4 li3 to take care of oneself; to provide for oneself 老婆[老婆] lao3 po2 (coll.) wife 一家[一家] yi1 jia1 the whole family; the same family; the family ... (when preceded by a family name); group 牛排馆[牛排館] niu2 pai2 guan3 steakhouse 气氛[氣氛] qi4 fen1 atmosphere; mood 音响[音響] yin1 xiang3 sound; acoustics; audio; hi-fi system; stereo sound system; abbr. for 組合音響|组合音响[zu3 he2 yin1 xiang3] 投资[投資] tou2 zi1 investment; to invest 音质[音質] yin1 zhi4 tone; sound quality; timbre 世[世] shi4 life; age; generation; era; world; lifetime; epoch; descendant; noble 懂事[懂事] dong3 shi4 sensible; thoughtful; intelligent 外商[外商] wai4 shang1 foreign businessman 辞退[辭退] ci2 tui4 to dismiss; to discharge; to fire 查出[查出] cha2 chu1 to find out; to discover //The Falls - S1/Ep1/775 words - 102 min 思[思] si1 to think; to consider 觉[覺] jiao4 a nap; a sleep; CL:場|场[chang2] 觉[覺] jue2 to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware 失调[失調] shi1 tiao2 imbalance; to become dysfunctional; to lack proper care (after an illness etc) 有关[有關] you3 guan1 to have sth to do with; to relate to; related to; to concern; concerning 腕[腕] wan4 wrist; (squid, starfish etc) arm 晚餐[晚餐] wan3 can1 evening meal; dinner; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 锅子[鍋子] guo1 zi5 see 鍋|锅[guo1]; see 涮鍋子|涮锅子[shuan4 guo1 zi5]; bowl (of a smoking pipe etc) 前夫[前夫] qian2 fu1 former husband 谎[謊] huang3 lies; to lie 勉强[勉強] mian3 qiang3 to do with difficulty; to force sb to do sth; reluctant; barely enough 难堪[難堪] nan2 kan1 hard to take; embarrassed 大小[大小] da4 xiao3 dimension; magnitude; size; measurement; large and small; at any rate; adults and children; consideration of seniority 早起[早起] zao3 qi3 to get up early 嘘[噓] xu1 to exhale slowly; to hiss; hush! 小声[小聲] xiao3 sheng1 in a low voice; (speak) in whispers 电视[電視] dian4 shi4 television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4] 蛇[蛇] she2 snake; serpent; CL:條|条[tiao2] 落地[落地] luo4 di4 to fall to the ground; to be set on the ground; to reach to the ground; to be born; (of a plane) to land 窗[窗] chuang1 shutter; window; CL:扇[shan4] 钻[鑽] zuan1 to drill; to bore; to get into; to make one's way into; to enter (a hole); to thread one's way through; to study intensively; to dig into; to curry favor for personal gain 钻[鑽] zuan4 an auger; diamond 那时候[那時候] na4 shi2 hou5 at that time 晚点[晚點] wan3 dian3 (of trains etc) late; delayed; behind schedule; light dinner 消防队[消防隊] xiao1 fang2 dui4 fire brigade; fire department 尽量[盡量] jin4 liang4 as much as possible; to the greatest extent 消防车[消防車] xiao1 fang2 che1 fire engine; fire truck //The Falls - S1/Ep1/800 words - 107 min 何况[何況] he2 kuang4 let alone; to say nothing of; besides; what's more 住户[住戶] zhu4 hu4 household; inhabitant; householder 长官[長官] zhang3 guan1 senior official; senior officer; commanding officer; CL:位[wei4]; sir (term of address for senior officer) 搭[搭] da1 to put up; to build (scaffolding); to hang (clothes on a pole); to connect; to join; to arrange in pairs; to match; to add; to throw in (resources); to take (boat, train); variant of 褡[da1] 脚手架[腳手架] jiao3 shou3 jia4 scaffolding 顺着[順著] shun4 zhe5 to follow; following; along 鹰架[鷹架] ying1 jia4 scaffolding 爬[爬] pa2 to crawl; to climb; to get up or sit up 只好[只好] zhi3 hao3 without any better option; to have to; to be forced to 室内[室內] shi4 nei4 indoor 堵[堵] du3 to block up (a road, pipe etc); to stop up (a hole); (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress; wall (literary); (classifier for walls) 挪[挪] nuo2 to shift; to move 路边[路邊] lu4 bian1 curb; roadside; wayside 赶得及[趕得及] gan3 de2 ji2 there is still time (to do sth); to be able to do sth in time; to be able to make it 倒车[倒車] dao4 che1 to reverse (a vehicle); to drive backwards 驾照[駕照] jia4 zhao4 driver's license 忙不过来[忙不過來] mang2 bu4 guo4 lai2 to have more work than one can deal with; to have one's hands full 今[今] jin1 today; modern; present; current; this; now 明[明] ming2 bright; opposite: dark 暗[an4]; (of meaning) clear; to understand; next; public or open; wise; generic term for a sacrifice to the gods 带上[帶上] dai4 shang4 to take along with one 叔叔[叔叔] shu1 shu5 father's younger brother; uncle; Taiwan pr. [shu2 shu5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 他人[他人] ta1 ren2 another; sb else; other people 个性[個性] ge4 xing4 individuality; personality 竟[竟] jing4 unexpectedly; actually; to go so far as to; indeed 在乎[在乎] zai4 hu5 to care about; equivalent of 在於|在于[zai4 yu2] //The Falls - S1/Ep1/825 words - 111 min 提供[提供] ti2 gong1 to offer; to supply; to provide; to furnish 精子[精子] jing1 zi3 sperm; spermatozoon 难听[難聽] nan2 ting1 unpleasant to hear; coarse; vulgar; offensive; shameful 凶[兇] xiong1 terrible; fearful 负[負] fu4 to bear; to carry (on one's back); to turn one's back on; to be defeated; negative (math. etc) 小学[小學] xiao3 xue2 elementary school; primary school; CL:個|个[ge4] 儿童乐园[兒童樂園] er2 tong2 le4 yuan2 children's play area 园区[園區] yuan2 qu1 site developed for a group of related enterprises; (industrial or technology) park 正要[正要] zheng4 yao4 to be just about to; to be on the point of 关门[關門] guan1 men2 to close a door; to lock a door; (of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently) 麦当劳[麥當勞] Mai4 dang1 lao2 MacDonald or McDonald (name); McDonald's (fast food company) 熊猫[熊貓] xiong2 mao1 panda; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 耳朵[耳朵] er3 duo5 ear; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]; handle (on a cup) 轰隆[轟隆] hong1 long1 (onom.) rumbling; rolling 隆[隆] long2 grand; intense; prosperous; to swell; to bulge 嘈杂[嘈雜] cao2 za2 noisy; clamorous 机器[機器] ji1 qi4 machine; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4],個|个[ge4] 走掉[走掉] zou3 diao4 to leave 持续[持續] chi2 xu4 to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation 烦躁[煩躁] fan2 zao4 jittery; twitchy; fidgety 摔打[摔打] shuai1 da5 to knock; to grasp sth in the hand and beat it; to toughen oneself up 瀑布[瀑布] pu4 bu4 waterfall 想象[想象] xiang3 xiang4 to imagine; to fancy; CL:個|个[ge4] 河水[河水] he2 shui3 river water 溪流[溪流] xi1 liu2 stream //The Falls - S1/Ep1/850 words - 120 min 原本[原本] yuan2 ben3 originally; original 年度[年度] nian2 du4 year (e.g. school year, fiscal year); annual 半年[半年] ban4 nian2 half a year 公立[公立] gong1 li4 public (e.g. school, hospital) 科系[科系] ke1 xi4 department 优先[優先] you1 xian1 to have priority; to take precedence 台北[台北] Tai2 bei3 Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan 省[省] sheng3 to save; to economize; to do without; to omit; to leave out; province; (archaic) central government department 省[省] xing3 to inspect; to examine; to be aware; to pay a visit (to one's parents or elders) 兼职[兼職] jian1 zhi2 to hold concurrent posts; concurrent job; moonlighting 读[讀] du2 to read; to study; reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1] 海鲜[海鮮] hai3 xian1 seafood 煎饼[煎餅] jian1 bing3 jianbing, a savory Chinese crêpe; pancake; CL:張|张[zhang1] 慢用[慢用] man4 yong4 same as 慢慢吃[man4 man4 chi1] 发展[發展] fa1 zhan3 development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand 礼拜六[禮拜六] Li3 bai4 liu4 Saturday 烤肉[烤肉] kao3 rou4 barbecue (lit. roast meat) 傍晚[傍晚] bang4 wan3 in the evening; when night falls; towards evening; at night fall; at dusk 悠游卡[悠遊卡] You1 you2 Ka3 EasyCard, smartcard used for payment on public transport and at other businesses such as convenience stores in Taipei and surrounding areas 钱包[錢包] qian2 bao1 purse; wallet 口袋[口袋] kou3 dai4 pocket; bag; sack; CL:個|个[ge4] 包包[包包] bao1 bao1 bag or purse etc; small bump or pimple; hillock 校[校] jiao4 to proofread; to check; to compare 校[校] xiao4 school; military officer; CL:所[suo3] 悠[悠] you1 long or drawn out; remote in time or space; leisurely; to swing; pensive; worried 游[遊] you2 to walk; to tour; to roam; to travel 暴涨[暴漲] bao4 zhang3 to increase sharply; to rise dramatically //The Falls - S1/Ep1/875 words - 121 min 冲走[沖走] chong1 zou3 to flush away 现场[現場] xian4 chang3 the scene (of a crime, accident etc); (on) the spot; (at) the site 媒体[媒體] mei2 ti3 media, esp. news media 电视台[電視臺] dian4 shi4 tai2 television station; CL:個|个[ge4] 记者[記者] ji4 zhe3 reporter; journalist; CL:個|个[ge4] 混乱[混亂] hun4 luan4 confusion; chaos; disorder 联络[聯絡] lian2 luo4 to get in touch with; to contact; to stay in contact (with); liaison; (math.) connection 家长[家長] jia1 zhang3 head of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child 师生[師生] shi1 sheng1 teachers and students 溪[溪] xi1 creek; rivulet 心地[心地] xin1 di4 character 酿成[釀成] niang4 cheng2 to form gradually; to lead to 挽回[挽回] wan3 hui2 to retrieve; to redeem 悲剧[悲劇] bei1 ju4 tragedy; CL:齣|出[chu1] 水坝[水壩] shui3 ba4 dam; dike 泄洪[洩洪] xie4 hong2 to release flood water; flood discharge 公共[公共] gong1 gong4 public; common; communal 不止一次[不止一次] bu4 zhi3 yi1 ci4 many times; on more than one occasion 许多[許多] xu3 duo1 many; a lot of; much 人命[人命] ren2 ming4 human life; CL:條|条[tiao2] 人为[人為] ren2 wei2 artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort 疏失[疏失] shu1 shi1 to make a (careless) mistake; oversight 机械[機械] ji1 xie4 machine; machinery; mechanical; (old) cunning; scheming 故障[故障] gu4 zhang4 malfunction; breakdown; defect; shortcoming; fault; failure; impediment; error; bug (in software) 来自[來自] lai2 zi4 to come from (a place); From: (in email header) //The Falls - S1/Ep1/900 words - 122 min 追踪[追蹤] zhui1 zong1 to follow a trail; to trace; to pursue 报道[報道] bao4 dao4 to report (news); report; CL:篇[pian1],份[fen4] 掌握[掌握] zhang3 wo4 to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency 最新[最新] zui4 xin1 latest; newest 搜[搜] sou1 to search 队员[隊員] dui4 yuan2 team member 部分[部分] bu4 fen5 part; share; section; piece; CL:個|个[ge4] 遗体[遺體] yi2 ti3 remains (of a dead person) 毫无[毫無] hao2 wu2 not in the least; to completely lack 救难[救難] jiu4 nan2 to rescue; rescue (operation, workers) 人员[人員] ren2 yuan2 staff; crew; personnel; CL:個|个[ge4] 溺水[溺水] ni4 shui3 to drown 女子[女子] nu:3 zi3 woman; female 火速[火速] huo3 su4 at top speed; at a tremendous lick 岸上[岸上] an4 shang4 ashore; on the riverbank 急救[急救] ji2 jiu4 first aid; emergency treatment 救护[救護] jiu4 hu4 to rescue; to administer first aid 员[員] yuan2 person; employee; member 担架[擔架] dan1 jia4 stretcher; litter; bier 不断[不斷] bu4 duan4 unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant 肺[肺] fei4 lung; CL:個|个[ge4] 复苏[復甦] fu4 su1 to recover (health, economic); to resuscitate; anabiosis 救护车[救護車] jiu4 hu4 che1 ambulance; CL:輛|辆[liang4] 搜救[搜救] sou1 jiu4 search and rescue 涌入[湧入] yong3 ru4 to come pouring in; influx //The Falls - S1/Ep1/921 words - 128 min 一个个[一個個] yi1 ge4 ge4 each and every one 橡皮[橡皮] xiang4 pi2 rubber; an eraser; CL:塊|块[kuai4] 艇[艇] ting3 vessel; small ship 天黑[天黑] tian1 hei1 to get dark; dusk 尽快[儘快] jin3 kuai4 as quickly as possible; as soon as possible; with all speed 上岸[上岸] shang4 an4 to go ashore; to climb ashore 大规模[大規模] da4 gui1 mo2 large scale; extensive; wide scale; broad scale 事件[事件] shi4 jian4 event; happening; incident; CL:個|个[ge4] 高中[高中] gao1 zhong1 senior high school; abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学[gao1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] 不料[不料] bu4 liao4 unexpectedly; to one's surprise 上游[上游] shang4 you2 upper reaches (of a river); upper level; upper echelon; upstream 困[困] kun4 to trap; to surround; hard-pressed; stranded; destitute 戏[戲] xi4 trick; drama; play; show; CL:齣|出[chu1],場|场[chang3],臺|台[tai2] 根据[根據] gen1 ju4 according to; based on; basis; foundation; CL:個|个[ge4] 传回[傳回] chuan2 hui2 to send back 画面[畫面] hua4 mian4 scene; tableau; picture; image; screen (displayed by a computer); (motion picture) frame; field of view 似乎[似乎] si4 hu1 apparently; to seem; to appear; as if; seemingly 字幕[字幕] zi4 mu4 caption; subtitle 翻译[翻譯] fan1 yi4 to translate; to interpret; translator; interpreter; translation; interpretation; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 严[嚴] yan2 tight (closely sealed); stern; strict; rigorous; severe; father 欣[欣] xin1 happy